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Doctor Who: The Gathering
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review to come at

Part 1 was a muddle, except for the Tegan/Doctor parts.

Part 2 relied too heavily on fixing the earlier story. BUT for all that, the Tegan Doctor parts are fantastic and what lift this above the standard fare.
Doctor Who - Series 11 (New Season 11)
Doctor Who - Series 11 (New Season 11)
2018 | Sci-Fi
The characters (0 more)
The writing is shocking (0 more)
Not fussed
I love doctor who but this season has been terrible, I feel sorry for the actors really. The problem is the writers, the story lines are shockingly bad, they are so bad that my daughter who is obsessed with doctor who refuses to watch it after she saw the 1st episode, it devastated her at how bad it was. It really doesn't feel like you are watching doctor who anymore.
Doctor Who: Touched by an Angel
Doctor Who: Touched by an Angel
Jonathan Morris | 2011 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Builds on the way the Angel's were first used In Blink, great story (0 more)
Brilliant Doctor Who book
Doctor Who (1996)
Doctor Who (1996)
1996 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
6.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good but not brilliant
While its still doctor who, as a fan myself i think the fact it is ouerly set in america is quite a let down and the fact that overall paul mcgann was techipnically the longest running doctor but has barely had 3 hours pf actual screen time is the biggest let down, the stpey isnt all that amazing but for doctor who fans it is a mist see.Will

Kevin Phillipson (9961 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Feedback

Mar 31, 2020  
I added an item Sunday night and now it's disaepped Vincent and the doctor

Imogen SB (4507 KP) Mar 31, 2020

Hi Kevin, this is because that is an episode of Doctor Who - currently, on Smashbomb we have the option to add the overall TV Show (i.e. Doctor Who) and/or the Seasons (i.e. Doctor Who - Series 3) - but unfortunately not the individual episodes. I think you added 'Vincent and the Doctor' as a whole TV Show in itself - but a way around this would be writing a review for the season this episode was shown in, and segmenting the review into different sections per episodes (if you wanted to review them all individually)! Hope this helps :)


Kevin Phillipson (9961 KP) Mar 31, 2020

I understand that but sometimes it's better to make of this before it's taken off

Doctor Who: Engines of War
Doctor Who: Engines of War
George Mann | 2023 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The War Doctor.

A previously unknown incarnation of the Time Lord known only as The Doctor, as portrayed by John Hurt in the Dr Who 50th anniversary special 'the Day of the Doctor' in 2013 during Matt Smith's tenure as The Doctor (and with David Tennant also reprising his role as the same character).

The War Doctor refers to the fact that *this* incarnation participated in the Time War, a fundamental part of the backstory of Nu-Who, between the Daleks and the Time Lords.

Its also open to interpretation whether the Engines of War of the title here are those Daleks, or the various TARDIS's used by the Time Lords during this story, which itself is largely split into 3 segments: part 1 on the planet Moldox (which the Daleks have conquered, and where the Doctor meets his new companion for this story), part 2 on Gallifrey (the home of the Time Lords), and part 3 in the space above Moldox, in the Tantalus Eye.

The result is something that is generally light-weight enough: solid if not spectacular. But, then again, that could probably apply to just about every extended universe tie in there is!
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Seeing Doctor Strange again after Endgame was strangely (No pun intended) cathartic. It was really good to see a movie again that was such an interesting and unique experience. Doctor Strange is like the Inception of the MCU. A good and interesting film.
Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks: 4th Doctor Novelisation
Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks: 4th Doctor Novelisation
Terrance Dicks | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The doctor (2 more)
Remember watching as a child so when i came to reading the novelisation it took me right back to my childhood an excellent novel start to finish terrance dicks as managed to flesh out the doctor and his companions and davros comes out the same. the perfect dalek novel
Doctor Who: The Movie (1996)
Doctor Who: The Movie (1996)
1996 | Adventure, Sci-Fi
6.8 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The 8th Doctor is a very good, great actor, no stunts other wise a good start. (0 more)

Sammy Sharp (0 KP) rated The Good Doctor in TV

Sep 22, 2018  
The Good Doctor
The Good Doctor
2017 | Drama
Acting (1 more)
Absolutely love the good doctor and watched all of season 1 over 3 nights