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JT (287 KP) rated Sinister (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Sinister (2012)
Sinister (2012)
2012 | Horror
7.1 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Has the found footage genre been done to death? Some would very much say it has, yet they keep on churning the films out. One thing to note with many of these is the budget, films like Paranormal Activity and Insidious were made for a pittance yet generated millions at the box office.

This is the same for Sinister, made for $3m it grossed almost $80m and was one of the surprise hits of last year, of course films like this are not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, but I love a good scare now and again and here I wasn’t disappointed.

Ethan Hawke is the clear standout in this one, here he plays true crime writer Ellison Oswalt who is looking for his next big thing to thrust him into the limelight. He and his family move into a house which he tells them is only a few doors down from a gruesome murder of a family who were all hung from a tree in their back garden.

When he finds a box in his attic containing reels of super 8 film and a camera he soon discovers more grisly murders and that somehow they are all linked to each other. Add to that a mysterious figure who appears in all the films and you have a character who goes a little stir crazy in trying to uncover the truth.

His family are desperate to leave, not happy with the current surroundings they are thrown into even more turmoil when its revealed that the house Oswalt said was two doors down is actually the house they are living in at the moment, don’t you just hate when that happens?

Director Scott Derrickson builds solid amounts of tension throughout, most disturbing are the super 8 films that show a number of families being killed off (you’ll never look at a lawn mower in the same light again). But then you have the same old horror cliché’s slipping back into it, things going bump in the night which leave you waiting for that revealing moment which comes with a consistent bang.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that this might not actually be classed as found footage, certainly not in the same vein as maybe Paranormal Activity or The Blair Witch Project. We’re not viewing anything from the point of view that the characters in this are dead….yet, and the resulting film is their story. But it is ‘found footage’, in that Oswalt has uncovered these films in his attic.

What makes Sinister that bit more unnerving is the somber mood, lighting and camera angles. Not quite giving us the full picture we have to let our imagination stay a few steps ahead of us. The musical score then connects everything together to give us a real horror treat.

Hawke gives a solid performance, he’s a man very much on the edge and that fame is the answer to his future. He’ll succeed at whatever the cost, and the cost is ultimately a big one. The end reveal some might have seen coming a mile off, personally I wasn’t expecting it so it was a good finish to a film that had rattled the nerves a few times.

Produced by the same team that brought us Paranormal Activity and Insidious, it’s a low budget success that shows big budget horrors how it should be done.
Rocketman (2019)
Rocketman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Acting (1 more)
Musical numbers
Contains spoilers, click to show
The movie starts with Elton in an AA meeting, he is asked about his childhood and we're thrown in a toe tapping number of the bitch is back and I'm instantly aware that the movie is going to be a musical biopic. As a big fan of musicals I'm instantly drawn in.
It is obvious from the start that regi was talented from a young age. As he gets older he pursues his musical career and eventually Elton John is born. I'm not a great fan of Elton John so it came as no surprise that he was so much into drinks and drugs, however knowing his onstage personality was all an act to hide his problems was a bit of a shock and it just goes to show you never know what goes on behind closed doors even in the life of a celebrity.
The whole movie had its ups and downs, with a few emotional moments such as Elton trying to kill himself and singing with his younger self whilst drowning. But there was also parts where I wanted to smack him.
The movie was an interesting watch and because of the musical aspect I found it very entertaining, I do feel without this aspect though it may not have been as good.
Run, Run, Run by The Velvet Underground
Run, Run, Run by The Velvet Underground
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was 16 or 17. I'd just started doing Art A Level at school, and this whole world suddenly just opened up. For ages, I'd been playing the flute, playing the saxophone and skateboarding. That was it really and then all of a sudden, I hit that age. My friend Adrian had a ridiculous record collection. He started making tapes for us, me and another friend of mine, and he introduced us to all that stuff: The Doors, The Velvet Underground, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix. I was getting really into art and really into poetry. I discovered Picasso, Matisse, Magritte at the same time. I also discovered surrealism and surrealist poetry, literally in the same couple of years. It was like an explosion in my head. 
'Run Run Run' was just brilliant because it was so chaotic. I'd been into music for a while - I was really into The Police and various bits - but this was just so different. I just loved how nihilistic it was. Really dirty. Luckily my partner's a massive Velvet Underground fan as well, so we stick it on quite often, even now. I still get the same feeling from it when I listen to it now that I did that very first time. I still get that electric charge of energy from it."

    Car Parking Game 3D

    Car Parking Game 3D


    (0 Ratings) Rate It


    This game is no walk in the park. It’s a super fun, high-speed, precision game of skill! Awesome...

18 Essential Songs by Janis Joplin
18 Essential Songs by Janis Joplin
1995 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Mercedes Benz by Janis Joplin

(0 Ratings)


"My Mum played me Janis Joplin for the first time one night when I was 14 or 15 and I was just ‘This is a woman?! Oh my god! What?! I didn’t know that a woman could sound like this!’ That was quite life changing and it totally changed my perception of what you had to be as a female singer. It was such a breath of fresh air, because I’d listened to so much pop and this was my first experience of a woman singing in a completely different way. It broke boundaries for me and it opened different doors, because I was suddenly ‘Oh, you don’t have to just be this one thing.’ “I guess that ‘Mercedes Benz’ was more of a ditty and it wasn’t the perfectly constructed song. I think it’s just really playful; music is really playful and singing can just be funny and downplayed, but this song is also raw, it’s so fucking raw and gritty."
