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Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
2017 | Fantasy, Musical, Romance
I was personally really excited to watch the live action Beauty and the Beast. It was my favorite Disney movie growing up, and I'm a huge Emma Watson fan, so I figured nothing could go wrong. I ended up not being overly impressed. There were some good things about it, of course. The CGI was impressive, the music was excellent, and everyone other than Emma Watson were extremely talented singers.

That is where my first complaint comes into play. In my opinion, the Disney Princess shouldn't be the least talented person in the film. Her voice was very clearly edited and it sounded bad. Along with that, I feel like Emma Watson made some other mistakes that took away from the movie. I'm aware that she was involved in making costume decision for her role, and I think she made a huge mistake. Frankly, Belle's dress was a disappointment to me, and many of the other things she wore were unimpressive as well in comparison to the elegant gowns worn by everyone else.

The added backstory for Belle also seemed forced and unnecessary to me. It was underdeveloped and didn't really need to be there.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Colorado Kid in Books

May 30, 2020  
The Colorado Kid
The Colorado Kid
Stephen King | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
6.9 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
A weak story
Anyone who has read my other book reviews knows I'm a huge Stephen King fan. He's my favourite author, so it really pains me to say that this is probably the weakest book of his I've ever read (and I've read most of them!).

This is a short story that's been published separately, and I think this is the first mistake. It isnt a strong enough story to support being published on it's own. And the story itself is a massive problem. It's well written with some decent characters, but the story is barely there. There's some intrigue but sadly the ending of the story is very lacking. I know it isnt a horror and is meant to be a true crime style novel, but I was hoping for something similar to Joyland which was rather good. And sadly this is nothing like it.

This isnt awful, as it's well written enough to keep you reading but it's in no way a shining example of King's usual standard.
Honestly, I can't believe I read the whole thing. Here's the premise of the first story: Girl gets turned into vamp. Has sex. Has some more sex. A tiny bit of plot. Even kinkier sex. Sex, sex, sex. And more sex than plot throughout the remainder of the story. Honestly the redundancy got really boring. Now, I knew this was erotica (or Erotic Romance as it says on the spine) going into this, but I had read that there was a good plot in there too. I would think even erotica would have at least equal plot with the sex, if not slightly more. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, this is the only book in this genre I've read. And seeing as it does say it's also a romance, I would expect some feelings and emotions behind all the rutting sex in almost every possible sexual situation known to man (and wolf), but no, there's nothing there. The second story is slightly better in the love territory, but the plot is a complete disaster. While I didn't care for Tori in the first story, I hated her here. What a *bleep*! And if there's nothing I despise more, it's a Mary Sue; every guy wants her, she's this perfect creature, et cetera, et cetera, excuse me while I throw up. And it's carrying it too far that everyone hates Sarel and she has to suffer that much because she made a big mistake, but geez, deal with it! She knows she was stupid and wrong, and Eli forgave her. Bunch of hypocrites.

So it sounds like I totally hated the book, not so. The ideas are solid and in between sex scenes in the first story, it was well-written. So overall, not the worst thing I've read, but far, far from the best. I do have another in the series sitting here that I'll give a try, although I think it might be my last one by this author, unless she goes strictly romance.

Kristina (502 KP) rated Be the Girl in Books

Dec 7, 2020  
Be the Girl
Be the Girl
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
The meaning behind this story is an important one, it's just unfortunate that it didn't hit very hard until the last 100 pages or less. I continued to read because I knew something big was coming, something shocking and interesting, and I was right: the whole time, I assumed Aria had attempted suicide and was trying to forget her past, so it was definitely a surprise to discover she was escaping from a mistake she made that actually led to a former student committing suicide. The first 85% of the story I wasn't bored, necessarily, just waiting expectantly for "more". But, boy, that last percentage really packed a punch. It goes to show how bullying can go wrong, how there are literally life and death consequences to such actions. It also highlights some of the differences in those with autism, which is nice, because I feel like that topic is shied away from by many. I love K. A. Tucker and I hate to say that, while the moral of the story was an important one, 'Be the Girl' wasn't one of my favorites.