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Jackaby (Jackaby, #1)
Jackaby (Jackaby, #1)
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't remember why this book was recommended to me, but it's been languishing in my library stack for at least a couple of months now. I finally got around to reading it - and it's delightful! There are three more books and a novella in this series, and the author has apparently started another fantasy series.

Jackaby is told from the viewpoint of Abigail Rook, an English miss who ran away from home in search of adventure. The book opens on her arrival in America, by way of the Ukraine and Germany. The only work she can find in this new town is as an assistant to Jackaby, a distinctly odd character who claims to see things no one else can. Abigail, however, begins to believe him, and accompanies him to a murder scene, where she spots mundane details that he had overlooked. With Jackaby spotting supernatural things that no one else can, and Abigail taking note of more mundane details that Jackaby misses, the two make a formidable team.

Jackaby, of course, has that infuriating habit of not telling Abigail all the things he knows, which leads to her not mentioning useful details because she didn't know they were useful. I'm hopeful, now that she's earned his trust, that in future books they will communicate better and work together more seamlessly.

The worldbuilding here seems to take "America as a melting pot" into the supernatural world as well, with creatures from various cultures migrating with their humans to America. Jackaby has a rather improbable knowledge of this huge variety of creatures, as well as a library to look up more obscure facts that aren't already in his labyrinth of a mind.

I liked that Abigail wasn't portrayed as stupid; she's a bit ignorant of the supernatural world, but she didn't know it existed until Jackaby, and she's learning quickly. She also can't see it like he can, so she of course misses some things that he thinks are obvious. He could be a little better about remembering that not everyone can see the supernatural, though.

The cover mentions that it's Dr. Who meets Sherlock, and that's a very apt description. Jackaby is VERY Dr. Who like, with the bustling energy and quick mind that comes off as arrogant but is more...oblivious, really. Abigail fills the companion role, along with a certain policeman that I'm hoping shows up in the following books as well. I will have to track those down and find out!You can find all my reviews at