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Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)
Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Fantasy
Totally bogus
I really wanted to like this film. I love the original two but the thought of another sequel so many years later just didn’t sit right, and I’m afraid after watching this I’m really not convinced.

There are a lot of good things about this though. It’s good to see Bill and Ted back and to see Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter back together, and this gives it a rather nostalgic and nice feeling. The film also has a good message and the whole thing is just heartwarming and enjoyable fun. By far the best thing about this film though is William Sadler returning as Death, and I also quite warmed to Dennis who was very much on the border of being cringey, at times,but these two are the only ones that made me laugh the entire film.

And now the bad. I hated the daughters, they were just either very dull or ridiculously cringey and I just found them being (smarter) carbon copies of their fathers a little bit obvious and predictable. I also feel like Bill and Ted themselves have been pushed to one side in this to make room for the daughters, and this is meant to be a Bill and Ted film! The daughters journey was just repeating the same story from the originals too. I don’t understand either why the future versions of Bill and Ted were so horrible, and the song at the end was rather a letdown as well.

I’m probably being very harsh but I really don’t think this film should have been made. If you want to watch a Bill and Ted film, watch the first two.
Alien: Covenant (2017)
Alien: Covenant (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Design (0 more)
Pacing issues (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Covanant colony mission is interrupted and discover a distress signal coming from a nearby planet. Liking the look of it more than going back into a dangerous hyper sleep, they go down to check it out. Down there they discover an alien species completely destroyed by causes unknown. The traditional saga formula insues: someone gets infected, the aliens reek havoc and the humans appear to have won.
Here we seem to have another reboot, posing as a sequel/ prequel, in that the format is very much like the first Alien film, back in 79'. Following a distress signal, lending on a planet, issues with a storm, evil company synthetic, alien inhabits host and ends up back on the ship, takes them.out one by one, juat wjen you think it is over, its not, Alien is blown out into space, heroine survives.
All making sence as it is Mr Scott back at the helm.

That is not this one does not have it's own flare, this film takes place after Prometheus, but before it's 79'older brother, so we see more of the creation and evolution of the Xenomorph (big happies for lovers of that horror puppy) and it keeps you fence throughout, like the originals.
There are some odd pacing issues with some parts, though it feels more like a bit of condensed editing to cut the film down (though what is with the flute scene?!?!?!)
Aliens (the Cameron 86' sequel) is one of my all time favourite films, and as a fan of the series, I did enjoy watching this film, but do hope for something truly compelling in the next instalment.

Butch Vig recommended track Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones in Leave Home by Ramones in Music (curated)

Leave Home by Ramones
Leave Home by Ramones
1977 | Rock
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones

(0 Ratings)


"This was the first Ramones song I heard. I was nineteen or twenty years old and I’d read about them in New Yorker Magazine and alternative music magazines like Village Voice and Trouser Press. They were getting all this press but they weren’t getting any radio play in Wisconsin, so you had to wait until it came into the record store to hear it and I was smitten the first time I heard ‘Blitzkrieg Bop.’ I bought their record and it just floored me in its simplicity, two minutes or a minute and thirty renditions of songs that were verse, chorus, verse, chorus, chorus, end of song. The songs were super precise and cut down to the bare bone, they were pop songs and had a very crude simplicity to the recordings. I think I went through three vinyl copies of their first record. I’d get up in the morning and play it twice before I’d go to the university and then I’d come back at night and just blast it non-stop. We’d have these punk rock party nights just listening to The Ramones album and ‘Blitzkrieg Bop’ always set the tone for me, it’s an incredible song. We’d bring all our friends over, get kegs of beer, clear all the furniture out of our living room and jump up and down and slam-dance. The first Ramones record is the greatest punk rock record of all time, it inspired The Sex Pistols, it inspired everybody. A thousand punk rock bands were formed after they saw The Ramones, they were the first true originals to do that and I’m still a huge Ramones fan."

Life, the Universe and Everything
Life, the Universe and Everything
Douglas Adams | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Originally there were the two series of the radio show which Adams rewrote and reorganised into two books. And for a long time that was it, that was all there was of the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Then one day I was in a bookshop when there it was: A new Hitch Hiker's book by Douglas Adams, black cover with an old-fashioned ring pull on the cover (the ones that detached from the can to cause maximum environmental damage).

Having essentially completed what appeared to be the story arc in the first two books, what was going to be next for our heroes? Arthur and Ford were last seen stranded on prehistoric Earth and Zaphod and Trillian were missing after teleporting from Hotblack Desiato's stunt ship. Would this be a tired and cynical cash in, retreading old ground but failing to capture the magic of the originals?

Needless to say, Adams didn't disappoint, creating a plot around an alien race creating a weapon capable of destroying the universe, and it is up to Arthur, Ford, Zaphod and Trillian to save the day, along with Slartibartfast who had to be co-opted in to make the plot work since the other four would far rather have been at a party getting drunk (or in Arthur's case drinking some proper tea).

Yet more footnotes and extracts from 'The Book' ensue with Adams' imagination creating a number of new comic inventions - Agrajag, how to fly, Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged. All of it moves with pace and brio as if the characters are enjoying the freedom of a new book, even if there is a universe to save and only one party.