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Doors:  Field of Blood
Doors: Field of Blood
Markus Heitz | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Finally at an end
This the third and final book in this set (though they aren't to be read in any specific order) was consistent with the first two books. The beginning, shared, quarter sets up an intriguing tale of a group of disparate experts tasked with rescuing the missing daughter of a rich businessman, who has disappeared after going through a mysterious door.
This book sees the group enter a door that takes them to an alternate version of middle-ages France/Germany and the reign of the Frankian empire. As with the World War II element of the second book, this was more or less a passing interest to the book rather than a key element of the story.
The group have found themselves in a version of history where women rule the empire and generally take positions of power, and a building conspiracy among men seeks to reverse this and look to change this in the history books. For me, this was the most interesting aspect of the book, and one that could be plausible. Sadly, I couldn't see past some modern day people apparently conversing comfortably with people from the 9th century without issue, and there being no attempt to address this at all.
Meanwhile in the real world, we learn more about the doors, their use and the mysterious agency controlling them. We learn more in this one book than the other two put together, and between the three we now have a good amount of knowledge about these portals. Some aspects of their use don't add up though, as with any sort of time travel/portal notion.
The book ends fairly abruptly with a long voyage which is skipped over in a very 'sod it, that's the word count reached, wrap it up' style.
Overall, I was very disappointed with these books. While I liked having to piece together things from each book and start to get a feel for the world, I felt so much of it fell short. As with the other two books, it offered so much promise but fell flat.
Immortal in Death (In Death, #3)
J.D. Robb | 1996
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

A Romance Reader's Reviews

I read the first two books in this series quite a while ago now and the only thing I remember is Eve and Roarke's relationship progressing quite quickly.

This has taken me a long time to finish and I think that's due to its length. I'm not the biggest fan of long books and the fact the writing in the kindle app for PC is so tiny tells me it's a long one. I've been reading it in spurts between other books but as the investigation into Pandora's death got going I decided to just concentrate on this one and finally get it finished.

So Pandora is a successful model, loved the world over for her style and flair but also loathed for being vicious and cruel. When she's murdered and the prime suspect is Mavis, Eve's long time friend, Eve is determined to help solve the mystery and get her friend off the charge of murder and find the real killer.

I loved the twists and turns in this. I, like Eve, thought that they'd found the killers at about the 66% mark but then like how did they go about proving it? And then it turns out it wasn't those people?! I was like, WHAT?!

Of course, this one also contains Eve and Roarke's wedding and the stuff that leads up to it, including dress shopping, hen and stag nights and picking flowers. Admittedly, we don't get the wedding in this as such, just Eve getting dressed and walking out to make her promise to Roarke.

Although I didn't enjoy this as much as previous books, I think that was down to me not being in the mood for a mystery/crime/romantic suspense book as well as it's long length. Nevertheless I will be reading more books in the series at a later date.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Falcon and the Winter Soldier in TV

Apr 24, 2021 (Updated Jul 16, 2021)  
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
2021 | Action, Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
On the surface, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier starts off in a familiar fashion. The first couple of episodes feel like a (welcome) return to the earlier days of the MCU, but as the story develops, it just blossoms into so much more.
The narrative mainly focuses on the two titular Avengers taking on a revolutionary group, hell bent on returning to a post snap world. It deals head first with the fallout of Thanos' devastating blow in Infinity War, and the subsequent return of the 3.5 billion people who re-materialised after Endgame, and the issues that came with them. It's good to see that Marvel Studios aren't avoiding these complicated plot points that could have potentially just been swept under the rug.
The series also develops the John Walker/U.S. Agent comic story. Its well realised and Wyatt Russell is fantastic in the role. Daniel Brühl returns as Baron Zemo after an underwhelming narrative in Civil War, and unexpectedly is plain hilarious (and finally in full costume, even if it is for one scene).
As well as all this, fans of the comics are treated to a plethora of potential future stories - The introduction of Madripoor marks the first proper acknowledgement of X-Men material. Lesser known comic characters such as Isiah Bradley, Madame Hydra, Battlestar, Batroc, and Ayo are given screentime. There's even some carrots dangled for a potential Young Avengers adaption with the appearance of Eli Bradley/Patriot (and with Kate Bishop incoming, surely this is a thing)
Perhaps most importantly, TFATWS doesn't shy away from tackling race issues, touching upon real world events, and developing them into the plot. This spills over into the future of Captain America, and what the shield represents to the black community. There are some truly powerful moments of dialogue, especially between Isiah and Sam. It's all handled respectfully, and brings new depth the MCU, as they stride into a more diverse future.

With this series, and the preceding WandaVision, this new phase for the MCU is off to an incredibly strong start, and I'm so excited to see where they take it. Between Falcon rightfully taking the reigns as Captain America, the upcoming Shang Chi movie finally adapting the martial arts corner of Marvel for the MCU, and the tantalising promise of the multiverse, it's a good time to be a Marvel fan.
The Madonnas of Leningrad
Debra Dean | 2006
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For the most part, this book bored me and even though it was short, I had a hard time picking it up to read many times. I feel like the author was trying to cram too much into such a short book and I can't quite see the whole point of it. To go back and forth between the two time periods didn't allow for much substance in either era and the only thing that connected them was one person, which for some odd reason, didn't work for me. Every time it went back to present day, I was jolted from the book and wished the Ms. Dean had stuck to the past era, as the present one detracted from it. Being as it was, I felt I never really knew anyone in the book, the characters were one-dimensional and had the book been longer, that might have been remedied. I don't think the author did a very good job of interconnecting the stories, oftentimes it was boring, and the end was abrupt and a let down. I did think that when the author was describing the artwork and Hermitage, that was when she excelled, and at times, it was quite lovely. However, THE MADONNAS OF LENINGRAD, most likely won't leave a lasting impression.

A little note on the artwork, I noticed a mistake, I know that there is no such thing as Belgium Delft. My mom has a collection that started with her mom. I grew up with it, so I know a little about it. I also did some research and Belgium was once part of the Netherlands but that wouldn't make it Belgium Delft. Now, whether Belgium now has their own kind of Delft-like pottery, I wouldn't know. This detail has made me a little weary about the author's descriptions and history on other pieces of art in this book, which is unfortunate. As I said before, the descriptions of the artwork are exceptional. With that, the author shows promise with this debut, and hope that in the future, she won't try for too much. I'm sure others will like this better than I did and not be as critical. :)

Becs (244 KP) rated Warm Transfer in Books

Aug 27, 2018  
Warm Transfer
Warm Transfer
Laura Holtz | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The cover. (2 more)
Laura Holtz's writing.
Well-developed backgrounds and characters.
Victor = arse. (0 more)
A story of courage, potential, finding joy, and one woman's journey to rediscovering herself.
I received a copy from Smith Publicity for read and review. The following review is my honest opinion of Warm Transfer by Laura Holtz.

Okay, this cover is just awesome. Yes, I judge a book by its cover all the time and when I got this, I was like "Yea, this is an awesome cover!" Then I read the synopsis and was a little put off by it. But as I read it, and continued to read it, I was just blown away by the story, the plot, the characters, the emotions that you could feel through Laura Holtz's writing, how her writing also brought memories back from my mother's most recent marriage to my step-father. It was defiantly a roller-coaster of a ride, and I sure as heck enjoyed it.

Victor is an arse and I just want him to die. (I promise I'm not a psycho - I just absolutely hate this character with a burning rage that can only be put out with the blood oozing out of his skull. - Wow, okay Becca. Calm down.) Tamsen is a very relatable MC and her journey brought many different emotions out of me as I read this breathtakingly great novel! I loved how the main and semi-main characters were developed tremendously well. I mean, I could just relate to each and every one of them. Laura, you're the bomb diggity! What a well-versed writer.
Whew... what a way to end a series. But that is what I love about Susan May Warren's books. They engage you fully, from your thoughts down to your actions. You can be consumed by her writing.
    As this series comes to a close, Susan May Warren chooses to awash us in a battery of action-packed pages, faith-filled moments, and the promise of a second chance. I have personally been looking forward to Ham’s story from day one; I mean who wouldn’t be curious about a guy willing to go over a cliff for his friend? Well, Susan May Warren leads us on a merry chase to learn Ham’s story and she introduced us to Ham’s Wife and Daughter as well. The characters were well done, I loved their interactions with each other and the somewhat over the top action on every page. While this story was not how I picture Ham’s story taking us it was interesting and a conclusion for the ages. I am truly sad to see this series end, but I am looking forward to the next book Susan May Warren writes.
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the action-packed moments, the theme of second chances, and for making me want more! I do wish that there had been less going on in the story and that we could have seen more of the main story. But overall, it was good, just left me with more questions!
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Wicked Night (A Warrior's Promise #1)
Wicked Night (A Warrior's Promise #1)
Evi Rhodes | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wicked Night is the first book in The Warrior's Promise series and we meet Gwen, who is half vampire. Although she comes from a wealthy family, she is not the usual spoilt little rich girl. Wicked is in line to be the next King and has agreed to take Gwen as his charge as a favour to her father (who we don't get to meet in this book.)

Gwen is a good character for the most part. She doesn't allow unnecessary miscommunication to blow out of proportion (too much) but she is a hot-head and allows her anger to run away with her at times. Wicked wants Gwen but doesn't want to act on it, which means he is stupid until he sorts it out!

This is a long book which is good because it allows you to delve into the characters' lives. However, I would say there are parts where this book could be tightened up. Some parts seem repetitive and, for saying it is a long book, Gwen hasn't even gone through her change when the book finishes. It will be interesting to see if things 'speed up' a bit in the next book without losing any of the quality.

This storyline did remind me of the Black Dagger Brotherhood which is not a bad thing, just an observation. All in all, this was a very enjoyable book and I can't wait to see what happens next.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Fire Born (The Guardian Series Book 1)
Fire Born (The Guardian Series Book 1)
Rayanne Haines | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fire Born (The Guardian #1) by Rayanne Haines
Fire Born is the first book in The Guardian series, and we start off with Alex. She is just a normal girl, living a normal life - so of course you know that everything is about to explode into the unknown for her! And it does, but it brings with it a dragon Guardian, who is incredibly sexy! Collum is very old, and has his own opinions on how things should be. Alex throws numerous spanners in the works simply because she has her own opinions, and won't change them 'just because'.

This is an intricate story, guaranteed to keep your interest as you learn, along with Alex, just exactly how her life is about to change. The characters are all three-dimensional and have their own quirks. Mar is a fantastic character and I can't wait to read more about her. Alex and Collum have a HFN ending, with a promise from Collum. (Why can't I read his name without thinking of Golum instead?!?!?)

For a first book, there is enough world-building to satisfy, elemental thrills all the way through, and sexiness by the dozen. A very good start to a series, and I look forward to continuing with the story.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!