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Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Horror
With the recent influx of the walking dead at your local multiplex, it would be easy to dismiss the British film “Shaun of the Dead” as just another cheap zombie film. While few will mistake “Shaun” as a landmark in cinematic history, but despite its flaws, there are a few funny moments on the film.
The film attempts to mix horror and comedy and largely but works best if viewed as a comedic satire of the genre. Shaun, (Simon Pegg), (who also helped write the film), is a working class stiff who toils away his time in an London district selling electronics by day and squiring the love of his life Liz (Kate Ashfield), to the local pub much to her dismay as the monotony of the situation and Shaun’s obscene slacker friend Ed (Nick Frost), have worn on her last nerve.
Despite getting an ultimatum from Liz to take her to someplace other than the pub, Shaun becomes distracted and fails to secure a table elsewhere, causing Liz to storm out and send Shaun into a spiral as he begins to question his place in life and suspect that there is much more that he should be doing.
As if this was not enough of a burden for Shaun to endure, the local population seems to be acting oddly as reports of mayhem and carnage are starting to arise and the streets start to fill with Zombies. At first Shaun and Ed are oblivious to the changes around them as they continue their daily routines without noticing the blood stains, bodies and walking dead in the neighborhood, that is until one decided to attack.
Shaun and Ed soon get a nasty dose of reality and Shaun eventually decides that he must get his mother and Liz to safety, so armed with his Cricket bat, he takes on the grisly horde of undead against overwhelming odds.
While the film does have some good comedic moments, it drags horribly for the last 20 minutes as only a funny but albeit brief segment involving a zombie attack to a Queen classic is the only respite in the monotone that the film crawls to. The biggest problem is that the film seems to run out of material about 40 minutes in and the makers of the film try to stretch the film using standards from past zombie films. We have the desperate stand in a surrounded building, the improvised weapons, the infighting between survivors, and the classic bearing of the soul when it seems darkest.
I do admire the creative element that the creators of the film came up with especially with the obvious budget restrictions they were under. That being said, the film is not worthy of the praise that is being heaped upon it. Yes, it shows promise for the cast, and yes it is a nice twist on the tired zombie genre, but any momentum that was gained in the early portion of the film is quickly destroyed by the sputtering plot that crawls its way to the finish with a ho-hum climax that will disappoint any in the audience who still care.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Wives in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
The Wives
The Wives
Tarryn Fisher | 2020 | Thriller
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thursday and her husband, Seth, have a slightly different marriage. Seth, you see, has two other wives. Thursday therefore typically only sees Seth one day a week. But she agrees to the arrangement because she loves him, deeply and unconditionally. But then something happens and she starts to see some cracks in their marriage. It causes her to doubt their union--and to seek out his other wives. And once she does, nothing will ever be the same.

"He comes over on Thursday of every week. That's my day, I'm Thursday."

Oh man guys, this is a fun one. If you're able to suspend a little disbelief, you will greatly enjoy this thriller. From the moment I picked up this book, I was pretty much captivated by Thursday's story. There's so much to wonder about. Why on earth would she share her husband with two other women? What on earth is her husband's deal--and, seriously, what is the draw of this guy? What are the two other women like; why would they sign on to this arrangement? And, this is a thriller... is some shoe waiting to drop somewhere?

"Imagining what the future holds proves difficult when factoring in two other women who share your husband."

I can promise that, for the most part, you will not be disappointed. This is a wild ride. It's completely engaging, surprising, and for the most part, totally unpredictable. I wasn't 100% sure about the ending--things came on a little fast and it didn't feel fully resolved--but overall, this was a really enthralling and different read. It's fascinating and bizarre and cringe-worthy and amazingly enjoyable. 4+ stars.

"I shouldn't wonder, but I do. How does a man love so many women? A different woman every other day."

Merissa (11950 KP) rated Cupcakes & Christmas in Books

Nov 27, 2020 (Updated Aug 14, 2023)  
Cupcakes & Christmas
Cupcakes & Christmas
RJ Scott | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
CUPCAKES & CHRISTMAS is a sweet, seasonal romance that actually takes place for the most part in October. Stick with me, it does make sense, I promise.

Justin and Brody are both chefs and have been asked to take part in a charity show that is featuring six season's winners. Justin won season one and although he still bakes, most of his time now is being an 'influencer'. He has imposter syndrome and doesn't think he'll be able to stay past week one. Oh, and he also had a crush on Brody when he watched season four. Brody is, as you may have guessed, the winner from season four. He has had his self-confidence severely knocked by his ex-husband and doesn't feel like he should be there, even though he desperately wants to win. Oh, and he had a crush on Justin from season one!

These two connect in an adorably sweet and awkward way. I loved how Justin stood up for himself against Erin. Both of them need to find themselves and they both help the other with that. Along with the aid of a magical snowman called Jeremy!

The pace is fast but both our guys know what they want. There are flies in the ointment but nothing is going to come in between Brody and Justin. I have never watched GBBO or been to Banff but this book made me want to do both.

A book guaranteed to give you the warm fuzzies in time for the Yuletide season, CUPCAKES & CHRISTMAS is a story I definitely recommend.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 27, 2020
Mindhunter - Season 1
Mindhunter - Season 1
2017 | Crime
The Content (1 more)
The Concept
The Characters (0 more)
Slow Yet Twisted
I had a friend recommend this show to me and I thought, alright I'm constantly attempting to figure out why people's minds work the way they do, this could be interesting. Let me tell you right off the bat, push through that first episode, I promise you it gets more interesting. The first episode is a disaster, there's too much shoved in there (one second Ford is an active agent, then suddenly he's teaching, straight after he's at college, then he's working in the BSU) it was dull at best and dead confusing at worst. While the content is interesting, the characters and the relationships are odd and strained. Ford comes across like an actual serial killer (especially when he does that creepy wide-eyed stare *shivers*), he's socially awkward, his mannerisms feel stunted and strange and overall he is not a likeable character. I like to feel connected in some way to the characters I'm watching and at this stage Ed is more relatable than Ford (which is terrifying because - actual murderer there ?). The girlfriend is even worse, they both feel just - forced (and what's with the weirdly placed sex scenes?! They don't add anything to the story at all!) There's oddly placed scenes which are weird and don't make sense (Carr and the tuna/invisible cat - why - just why was that in there? It wasn't necessary and what was the point of that? Was it supposed to be creepy? Unsettling? Because for me it was just random and pointless). Tench is the only consistant, interesting character (who, bless him, smokes waaaay too much). Overall the show is slow, which admittedly can be a good thing, especially because at first they see so much resistance to the idea that people aren't always just 'born bad', but it never really picks up speed (like you're kind of expecting it to). The last episode is very odd, Ford becomes confusing and erratic, which is a complete 360 from his dead-eyed emotionally inept character in the first episodes. Is he having a breakdown? Is he realising he shares traits with the violent killers he's interviewing? The ending didn't make sense to me at all. I give the show an 8 for content because it is super fascinating, and appropriately disturbing but character wise it's definitely a 5, you just never really 'connect' with anyone. That being said, I will watch the next season, because it's still an interesting show, though it will be at the bottom of my 'to watch' list.
The Boondock Saints (1999)
The Boondock Saints (1999)
1999 | Action, Comedy, Drama
8.6 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The action, the Irish guys (0 more)
B is for Bad A**
Contains spoilers, click to show
This entertaining action film opens with aerial views of Boston and narration of the Lord's Prayer on St. Patty's Day. Soon, we are introduced to two Irish brothers, Connor and Murphy MacManus. The terrible twosome work in a meat-packing plant: in their spare time, they slaughter evildoers. What could be better? With their black shirts, black blazers, and blue jeans, the brothers seem like Mormon missionaries gone horribly wrong.

Connor and Murphy (played by Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus), fall into the
profession of murdering bad guys quite by accident. Initially, the fact that they killed a Russian crime lord, and his associate, after a bar fight seems a coincidental act of self-defense. They are hailed, at first, as heroes. They somehow continue to avoid prosecution, though from the beginning they are being pursued by FBI agent Paul Smecker. They start targeting the crime lords on purpose, and they eventually end up being hunted by a more ominous figure, the legendary hitman Il Duce.

Willem Dafoe gets an A for awesome in my book for his performance as FBI agent Paul Smecker. Smecker is a homosexual, and he is not apologetic about it. In fact, he draws attention to his orientation in many scenes. Particularly memorable is the moment where he corrects an officer’s use of the word “symbology” by hissing a pronounced s: “ssssymbolism.” Later in the film, Dafoe even gets the opportunity to use his feminine wiles by dressing in drag, a visual experience which I promise is as disconcerting as it sounds.

The presentation of Smecker’s crime scene explanations was particularly impressive. The crime scene was shown first, and the events that created it unfolded in retrospect as Smecker described the scene. Enhanced by the intensity of the score, Dafoe offered a memorable narration of an epic shootout, during which he resembles an insane conductor.

The writing in this film was great, with witty one-liners throughout to break the tension. There were several moments in the film where one wonders if the brothers’ success is due to dumb luck or divinity. The MacManus twins certainly seem to believe that their cause is a righteous one.

I must also acknowledge the score, by Jeff Danna, which beautifully compliments the opening sequence and the rest of the film. The score even includes a variation of a hymn, infused with a beat you can dance to.

I love a good revenge film, and this is one for the ages. To sum up my complex feelings about the vigilante-style justice in this film, I must end with a quote by Connor MacManus: "I'm strangely comfortable with it."
Death Stranding
Death Stranding
2019 | Action
I just finished Death Stranding and it was quite the incredible journey for me. I have been a long time fan of Kojima's work so I was intrigued by this game. So many people have made the jokes about Sam being a glorified postman, but the game is so much more than that. Once the game started going, I got hooked into the story and was fascinated by the connections Sam made with each person during his arduous deliveries and how he connected them to each other. Seeing how people connect and witnessing how those bonds drew them together created a powerful and beautiful story.
 One game mechanic I absolutely enjoyed was the fact that there is a multiplayer, but it's not multiplayer in the way you think. You never actually see the other players and they never see you. What you do see is what is left behind to help you on your journey and you can leave behind things to help other players. You can build roads, bridges, ziplines, or leave ladders and climbing ropes on steep cliffs to help others on their journey. There is also a shared locker function which allows you and other players to donate weapons and items for use on your travels. Again, it is a way we as people connect to each other from all over the world. You can also give likes to the helpful things people leave behind.
 Exploring the open world of Death Stranding is an adventure in itself with treacherous terrain, dangerous people trying to attack you,(known as mules) and scary ghost like monsters (known as beached things or BTS) it makes you take your time planning out your routes and how you want to get out of those situations. The performances by everyone in the game is fantastic. There are raw emotional moments in parts of the story that moved me to tears. There are beautiful moments that gave me cause to smile as well and I had such a wonderful time with this game. Death Stranding is more than just a delivery game. It is a story about the strength of our connections, bonds, and a promise of hope.