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Al Reinert recommended Sid and Nancy (1986) in Movies (curated)

Sid and Nancy (1986)
Sid and Nancy (1986)
1986 | Drama, Musical
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I was at the last Sex Pistols show (in San Antonio) and lived for months at the Chelsea Hotel, so this was nearly my story."

New York Dolls by New York Dolls
New York Dolls by New York Dolls
1973 | Punk
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Album Rating
Rolling Stone's 215th greatest album of all time
Hugely influential punk-before-punk album. It really shuts down the argument that the Sex Pistols were the first punk band, as so many other bands like the NY Dolls were away ahead.
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
1977 | Punk
8.9 (15 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I'd been listening to Kiss's Alive! a lot. Great three-chord rock - Strutter and Firehouse and all of that - and then somebody turned me on to The Pistols. Kiss were a great introduction into The Pistols. I'm the last of eight kids, and really wanted something of my own. No one in my family knew who the Sex Pistols were, so they became mine. I was too young to know what some of it meant, but it really had an impact. And it led me on to my next record."

Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
1977 | Punk
8.9 (15 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I have an argument with people who say that the punk scene changed their lives. Nearly everyone I speak to says that the Clash were the most exciting and the most important group of the era. But without the Sex Pistols there wouldn't have been any Clash: end of story. And people claim that Chris Spedding played on the album [as uncredited session musician], but really it was Steve Jones, and he is one of the great rock & roll guitarists. And Lydon was streets ahead of everyone else. The Clash made great pop records and the Sex Pistols were a great punk group. And for me this is year zero, you can go back to the Stooges if you like but if you were a kid waiting for someone to kick against bands that I have listed like Genesis, then the Sex Pistols were it. They lit the touch paper. It's a cliché but it's true."

Sid and Nancy (1986)
Sid and Nancy (1986)
1986 | Drama, Musical
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Gary Oldman must rank as one of or—in my opinion—the most talented actor of his generation. Here, as per normal, he is intoxicating, as Sid Vicious, the “bass player” for the Sex Pistols. England in the ’80s. Drugs. Music. Fashion and baked beans. What’s not to love? Blink and you will miss Shane MacGowan from the Pogues, and Courtney Love."


Darren Fisher (2447 KP) rated MTV Rocks - Pop Punk Vs The World by Various Artists in Music

Jul 11, 2022 (Updated Jul 11, 2022)  
MTV Rocks - Pop Punk Vs The World by Various Artists
MTV Rocks - Pop Punk Vs The World by Various Artists
2018 | Alternative, Punk, Rock
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Album Rating
Nothing (0 more)
All of it (0 more)
Maybe it's my age but not one single track on this compilation is punk. Not even by todays standards is this at all punk. MTV Pop Punk? Jeez... do MTV even show music videos anymore? No doubt there is a market for this kind of rubbish and to a certain demographic the 'kids' will lap it up. Me though? Definitely not. Give me The Clash, Sex Pistols, Buzzcocks etc any old day!
The Modern Lovers by The Modern Lovers
The Modern Lovers by The Modern Lovers
1976 | Punk, Rock
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Album Rating
Rolling Stone's 382nd greatest album of all time
Brilliant proto-punk album, being at times like a punk version of The Doors, at other times more sombre and melancholy. The mix of these marks this album out apart from other similar albums of the time. I only recognised Roadrunner (because of the disastrous Sex Pistols cover on The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle and listened to MIA's cover just the day before!), but really enjoyed the album. Around halfway through I suddenly recognised Jonathan Richman's voice as being the singer throughout There's Something About Mary.
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
1977 | Punk
8.9 (15 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was only nine years old in 1976 so I wasn't down the front at the 100 Club, I was still watching Doctor Who. Like everything in those days it probably filtered through slowly to Haywards Heath Market. It was the first record I bought. It was shockingly brilliant, and is one of those records that if you played it in 200 years time it would still sound like that. I think that they perfectly defined their own genre. They were the ultimate punk band. The other so-called punk bands to me sound like a parody of the Sex Pistols. It's a lot to do with John Lydon, he's a huge hero of mine. I was going to have a PiL record in here but I thought you can't have two records by the same person. I saw PiL play recently, and it's the first time I've ever done this, but I went to John Lydon's dressing room door to thank him for everything, but he was asleep. To have created the Sex Pistols was an amazing thing in itself, and then to go and create a new band that was just as groundbreaking in such a different way was unbelievable. John Lennon didn't do that. Jim Morrison didn't do that."

Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
1977 | Punk
8.9 (15 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Punk rock changed my life. In 1976 in grim old England – grey days, Thatcherism, strikes, power cuts, unemployment through the roof – it was pretty bad out there. There are similarities to now, I suppose. I was a little kid and I would get up to go to school and it would be freezing as we didn’t have any power. I wondered what was going on. You needed something in life to shake things up and this punk rock movement seemed to come out of nowhere. There was glam rock which was fading by 1975, Bowie had changed identity again and then – bang – in came the Sex Pistols. It wasn’t just them – there were all these bands, The Clash, The Buzzcocks, Siouxsie And The Banshees, The Damned. But, I chose the Sex Pistols’ album as I do think they were leading the race. They had Malcolm [McLaren] and Vivienne [Westwood] who were behind the scenes helping paint the picture – two of the greatest creative people of that time period. They had the most extraordinary image. The Pistols were so stylish. Everyone says it is anti-style but actually it was complete high fashion; their first show was at Central Saint Martins for God’s sake. The whole thing, to me, was incredibly stylish which of course I loved having grown up with glam rock. There was something about punk – it really did upset your parents. All kids need something at some stage that is theirs and doesn’t belong to their parents. Every generation needs to rebel and punk rock really was that. It tore up the rule book. Before that were all these technical bands like Pink Floyd, Yes and Genesis – some of which are amazing – but at the time was all too complicated. Emerson, Lake And Palmer had too many notes. Punk rock just had a few chords and it was raw and you could feel the nerves. That’s the first time I realised that maybe I could be in a band. I remember going with John Taylor to Birmingham Barbarella’s to see a punk band – maybe Generation X – and I was stood watching the guitarist play and I knew all of the chords. I went home and got my guitar out and played the chords. I could play the song. That was an epiphany – I realised I could do it. I could never have done anything like that to a Genesis track. I’ve chosen the Sex Pistols album as I think it is the most significant one but I would say I almost chose The Scream by Siouxsie And The Banshees because it is a brilliant record – so enigmatic and different – and I played it so much. Siouxsie was so unique. In fact punk bands were unique, even if they had the same energy. I loved the Buzzcocks’ Spiral Scratch EP and then the album, which Malcolm Garrett designed and went on to do all of our stuff for the first five years. We got him because of Buzzcocks."

Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols by The Sex Pistols
1977 | Punk
8.9 (15 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was a weekend punk. It has got to be in the top ten best albums ever. It's one of those records that your parents would hate so you loved it. The whole rebel thing was the main thing. 'Pretty Vacant', when I first heard that I thought bloody hell... Again, my best friend, he was into The Sex Pistols before I was, and this was one of the first bands that he switched me over to, I thought "Yeah, they're pretty good". [laughs] We weren't early punks or anything, we weren't on the crest of it. We were in Basildon, Essex, so we were two years too late. I could never make a record like that, I wouldn't know where to start, so I have admiration for people who can do that kind of stuff"
