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The Wrong Missy (2020)
The Wrong Missy (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Romance
5.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Annoyingly awesome
Contains spoilers, click to show
OK so I know it's the whole point of the movie, but the first missy Tim meets is scratch your eyes out annoying and quite frankly I would have climbed through the window to escape her too, as much as she was annoying though I did find her funny. The second missy which he meets at the airport seems perfect for him, neither of them drink, they both have the same bag and read the same book. They exchange numbers and are soon texting each other. To me though it was obvious throughout their texting that he was texting the first missy,especially when she asks for an explicit photo! How did he not realise?? Anyway he invites her along to his work retreat for the weekend, and it's when she turns up on his flight that he then realised he text the wrong missy. Obviously given the title of the movie that's hardly a surprise but he knew he was in for a shocker of a weekend. The movie is full of laughs throughout, and I love that you get to see that even though missy is crazy she is also human. If you love happy madison movies, you won't be disappointed.
Spies in Disguise (2019)
Spies in Disguise (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Animation
Slick and energetic but has the exact same plot as at least 80% of all the children's animated movies from the last 40 years (and not even a good version of it, I'll forget most of this by the end of the week, tops). This isn't even an hour/45 but it feels like a century when you know all (and I do mean *all*) the beats it's going to take, verbatim. Try to picture š˜‹š˜¦š˜“š˜±š˜Ŗš˜¤š˜¢š˜£š˜­š˜¦ š˜”š˜¦ without the charm or visual imagination. Will Smith plays himself yet again, shocker - and Holland is relegated to the irritating 'soft boi sidekick' role and everyone learns life lessons about how violence is never the answer. Are you fucking kidding me with this shit lmfao. Actually half watchable when it leans into its surreal kinetic energy, has a few laughs - otherwise hardly tries enough to be awful but it's still quite smug. I also loathe these crushingly uninspired character/set designs, and there's a lot more anus and crotch jokes than I was initially expecting. If this were a bit more experimental it'd at least be a curio, but there's almost nothing to it.
Shocker (1989)
Shocker (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Mitch Pileggi (1 more)
Peter Berg
Shock Till You Drop
Shocker- is a underrated wes craven film. Its a really good movie. It mixes sci-fi, horror, comedy, shock and terror all into one. I mean its really shocking, so shocking i might get shocked. Okay enough with the pawns.

The Plot: After being captured for a series of gruesome murders, Horace Pinker (Mitch Pileggi), a television repairman, faces execution by the electric chair -- but a deal with the devil allows him to come back as electricity. Once he changes into his new form, Pinker goes after the detective that brought him down, Lt. Don Parker (Michael Murphy), as well as Parker's adopted son, Jonathan (Peter Berg). However, Jonathan's mysterious connection to Pinker through
dreams might help track the killer's moves.

According to Craven, the film was severely cut for an "R" rating. It took around thirteen submissions to the Motion Picture Association of America to receive an "R" instead of an "X". Some scenes that were cut included Pinker spitting out fingers that he bit off of a prison guard, a longer and more graphic electrocution of Pinker, and a longer scene of a possessed coach stabbing his own hand. Despite fan interest, an uncut version has never been released.

Its a shocking entertaining movie.
The Cotton Club (1984)
The Cotton Club (1984)
1984 | Drama, Musical
Richard Gere has made a lot of forgettable movies
Really. Seriously. If you think about it. The guy has been acting since the early 70s and he is mostly remembered for Chicago and Pretty Woman. Honorable mentions maybe to Officer and a Gentleman, Primal Fear or American Gigolo.

Director Francis Ford Coppola I'm sure was hoping to recreate the magic of the 1920s/1930s jazz club gangster era as he did with The Godfather in this film and it just didn't work. It seemed I just didn't care about the characters nearly as much and the case just wasn't up to it. Any time you have James Remar is your main bad guy in a film you are in trouble.

The highlight of the film for me was all the great jazz music, large vaudeville song and dance numbers and great tap dancing scenes with the great Gregory Hines. It was cool to see a very young "Larry" Fishburne and lots of other people you know from other movies, but it just wasn't enough. Nicolas Cage overacting (I know what a shocker) and over the top violence just to have over the top violence.

You won't find the caliber of Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert Duvall or James Caan here.

I really wanted to love this film as it has been on my "to watch" list for a long time; however, I was ultimately disappointed.

The Waiting Room
The Waiting Room
Emily Bleeker | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great story, clever and keeps you on your toes! (0 more)
Super Twister Turny!
Somebody get my Chiropractor on the line! I think I have whiplash from all the twists and turns! What a ride!

Emily Bleeker can consistently weave a story like nobody's business and The Waiting Room is no exception!
Just when you think you have it all figured out - WHAM! Whiplash. I cannot even explain my love for her writing, and the way she crafts these incredibly suspenseful stories. Knocked this one out of the park. Totally out of the park and past the parking lot, and across the highway... It's so hard to give any synopsis of the story without spoiling too much. It's just that good. There were about 4-5 scenarios I had going on i my head as to the direction this was going, and I was wrong about them all!

Just after children's book illustrator Veronica Shelton's daughter is born, tragedy strikes. Her loving, smart, funny, doting-father husband is killed and her entire life falls apart So, so badly. It's so bad that grieving Veronica can't even TOUCH her own baby daughter. She thinks she's a terrible mother, is now having her own mother taking over most of her child's duties, and is clinging onto hope she can somehow get over this through a new therapist, and very carefully, slow, tiny baby steps. But then strange things start to happen - a break-in, weird figures in her book illustrations, and then - the unthinkable. Her daughter goes missing.

Incompetent police seem to turn the tables on her and she begins to feel like a suspect. Targeted because of her fragile mental state since losing her beloved husband. Veronica decides she's going to finally be the mother that Sophie deserves, and go out and find her daughter on her own. With some strange new friends and the shreds of motherly instinct that remain inside her - she sets off to do just that.

....and cue the whiplash. Just when you think you've got it figured out. Nope, try again. That person's a good guy? Sorry - not the case! Everything going to be OK? Um... hahaaaaa! Nice try. And that ending.. PHEW! Shocker after insanely clever shocker!

Now, I like to think I'm not totally dim, and can be fairly clever at figuring things out. But Emily Bleeker is SO good at making you feel so silly for even thinking you had ANY idea what was going on. She's definitely one of my favorite authors and I was totally thinking about sending her my chiropractor bill, but it just didn't seem fair seeing as how fun the ride was :)

Ross (3282 KP) rated Life (2017) in Movies

Dec 27, 2017 (Updated Dec 27, 2017)  
Life (2017)
Life (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
The twist ending and the implications (0 more)
Everything before that (0 more)
This film doesn't do anything new, before you start watching it you know you've seen in a number of times. Team in space pick up a sample from Mars hoping to find proof of life on it. There then follows a number of ridiculous character acts and decisions that in no way feel realistic, believable or plausible. Experts in space just would not do any one of those things, let alone a chain of such stupid decisions that lead inevitably to disaster.
This film seemed to want to focus on the science early on and there was a lot of gobbledigook meant to make us realise that the actions of humans would be the cause of any alien unpleasantness. From there on its a case of the alien working its way through the crew one by one.
The alien itself was slightly different to your usual in the beginning, a blob of jelly with tentacles and feelers, but quickly just became a naughty octopus.
The ending, while not exactly a shocker, was a brave decision and one that rescued the film somewhat.
Overall, I have no idea why the decent cast signed up to this film, other than the money spent on zero-gravity replication there seems to have been nothing to attract them to it. I would expect to see this at 2am on the Sy-Fy channel, not one of the big hitting Christmas films on Sky Movies.
Filled with colorful characters and excellent life lessons VeggieTales Every Day with God: 365 Daily Devos is a great addition to our daily routine. Since I have 2 boys (aged 2 and 4), I got the devotional book for boys...Shocker, I know. All the characters on the pages are the guys from VeggieTales, Bob, Larry, Junior, Larry Boy, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt etc. Each page is labeled as Day 1, 2, 3...Instead of the dates. The devotion for the day is only one page, which is perfect for my active boys who don't like to sit still for very long. The devo starts with a title such as "It's Good to Have Good Friends" and "Jesus Loves You!" a coinciding scripture is next, the version varies depending on the verse. There are about 16 different versions of the bible used in this devotional. There is a 2-3 paragraph devo, followed by a "Thought of the Day" and "Pray Today" prayer. There are also several verses for memorization in the back of the book. The language is easy to understand and the lessons are great. From learning about spiritual gifts, God's love being real, and God's honesty, giving God your worries, being willing to forgive. There is something new every day for your kids to learn. The boys love this book and I even see my 4 year old "reading" it on his own. My 2 year old is a little young for it, but I believe this book is great for establishing the habit of daily devotions for both of the boys.
I received a free copy of VeggieTales Every Day with God: 365 Daily Devos for Boys through FlyBy Promotions in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Consequences (Consequences, #1)
Consequences (Consequences, #1)
Aleatha Romig | 2011 | Erotica, Romance
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
My main thought when I finished Consequences: WTF?!?
At the beginning, I was a little weary of continuing to read it. I initially hoped Aleatha planned to introduce some knight-in-shining-armor to save Claire from the monster that is Anthony. When I got far enough to realize that wasn't happening, I actually debated whether or not I should keep reading or come to a stop. It was a bit depressing and I hated (still do) Anthony with a passion. I didn't understand what the storyline could do for me. Luckily, I'm stubborn and I refused to quit reading. I'm really glad I did, because Consequences was totally worth reading all the way through. Despite a kind of lengthy, boring middle, the rest kept me intrigued and, sometimes, disgusted. Throughout the whole book, I kept saying, "I should stop reading. I'm definitely not reading the rest of this series." Of course, I did keep reading, and I definitely WANT to read the rest of this series. The ending was a complete shocker and I'm more than ready to figure out what happens in the second book.
That all being said, I've rated Consequences a 3, because there's not a 1/2 star option and I feel like 4 stars might be too much. I mainly rated it a 3 1/2, instead of a 4, because the book had my feelings stretched out beyond my normal limit. Normally, this would be a good thing, but some of the content is what officially determined my final rating. Despite only giving it a 3 1/2, I am very interested in finishing this series!
Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Deep Blue Sea (1999)
1999 | Action, Drama, Horror
Deep Blue Sea will always have a special place in my heart. At the time of its release, I was eight years old and itā€™s one of the few horror movies (if you can call it that) that I was allowed to watch. With that said, itā€™s a guilty pleasure and finding it on Netflix the other night was pretty amazing.

They say the path to Hell is paved with good intentions and Deep Blue Sea reminds us exactly how such proverbs can come true. Dr. Susan McAlesterā€™s unhealthy obsession with finding a cure for Alzheimerā€™s guides her to costly extremes ā€“ and no price is too high in her book. Itā€™s a classic example of sacrificing the few to aid the many, and it is, admittedly, a little overdone.

That said, this movie has some pretty awesome, if dated, death scenes ā€“ which I wonā€™t go into detail about in case you havenā€™t seen it. What I can say is that this is actually a movie where Samuel L. Jackson doesnā€™t say ā€œmotherfucking.ā€ (Feel free to correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but I donā€™t recall hearing it at all, which was a shocker.)

Naturally, Deep Blue Sea isnā€™t something thatā€™s breathtakingly amazing. Itā€™s got its moments though, and it is a fun jaunt through what goes wrong when you mess with things you donā€™t know about. Seriously, itā€™s worth a watch for some of its silly little comedic moments, at that. Pretty solid three out of five.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Spider-Man's first solo outing within the MCU is a frequently charming and grounded affair.
As the overarching narrative of this behemoth franchise becomes increasingly cosmic and out there, entries like Homecoming are a welcome change of pace.

Tom Holland is a picture perfect, high school era Peter Parker. There's a lot to love about the Spider-Man movies that have come before, but it's nice to see the focus being on his school years properly. He's a young kid, completely out of his depth juggling his civilian life with fighting, years away from the seasoned hero he eventually becomes. He struggles with friendships and relationships like an awkward teenager does whilst constantly craving more in life and aiming for bigger and better things. It's incredibly relatable in that sense.
The world-building surrounding all this is subtle too. The main villain is Vulture, a veteran Spidey rogue, and played by a genuinely intimidating Michael Keaton. His Vulture is equal parts bad-guy and sympathetic every-day-guy, trying to find his way in a post-Avengers world.
The story also finds time to sneak in a few more classic Marvel villains such as Shocker, Tinkerer, Prowler and Scorpion, and it's executed in a way that's not at all overwhelming.
Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) and Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) provide the concrete connections to the wider MCU without ever distracting from the main plot, and the rest of the stellar cast are rounded out by the likes of Marisa Tomei, Zendaya, and Jacob Batalon (as one of the most likable characters to ever grace this franchise FYI)
The set pieces are littered here and there throughout a fairly dialogue heavy screenplay, but they're all pretty solid, the ferry scene being a highlight.

All in all, Spider-Man: Homecoming is an incredibly enjoyable Marvel film, whilst being a touching story about growing up. It's fun, it's exciting, and it's pretty damn wholesome.