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Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
2008 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
For fans of the “Star Wars” saga, the notion of the Clone Wars has intrigued fans ever since it was first mentioned in 1977. Unfortunately fans had to wait until the Prequel Trilogy almost two decades later to lift the lid on the events of the war that changed the mythical galaxy far, far away.

There have been video games, books, and comics that dealt with some of the events, but since the film series focused on the start and end of the war, many believed that much of what transpired would remain a mystery.

Thankfully, creator George Lucas and a talented team of digital artists has set to the task of filling in the missing pieces in the form of a animated series which is scheduled to debut in the Fall.

The new series gets a cinematic boost with the theatrical release of “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”, which is a welcome treat to fans of the series. The film opens with the news that the son of gangster Jabba the Hutt has been kidnapped, and Obi Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker are tasked with rescuing the captured infant.

The Separatist forces under the leadership of Count Dooku, have restricted many of the main Hyperspace routes in the galaxy, and the Hutts control key routes that the Republic will need for troop deployments. The Jedi hope by rescuing Jabba’s son, they can secure a treaty with the Jabba which will allow them greater access to Hutt space and will keep the Hutts from supporting Dooku and his minions.

Unfortunately, Anakin and Obi Wan have their hands full leading a squad of Clone Troopers against a massive droid army as they attempt to hold out until reinforcements can arrive. After an impressive battle sequence, help finally arrives as does an unexpected surprise in the form of a young Jedi Padawan named Ahsoka.

Ahsoka informs Anakin that she has been assigned by Yoda to be his Padawan learner, and despite his misgivings, Anakin takes the talented yet young and naïve learner under his care.

Unknown to the Jedi, a larger and more sinister plot is underway and Dooku and his assassin Asaj Ventress are orchestrating a very deadly plan that will leave the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance.

The film is a grand adventure and contains much of the ingredients that made the live action series a true juggernaut in cinema history. The film deftly mixes action, adventure, and humor with a story that is entertaining with solid pacing.

Matt Lanter does a satisfactory job of voicing Anakin and the cast does a great job of voicing the CGI recreations of the beloved characters.

The CGI effects are top rate and unlike the last films in the series never overshadow the characters and the story. The sound effects were equally impressive from the distinctive sound of the lightsabers and blasters, to the sound of the war machines, I soon found myself forgetting it was a cartoon, and instead saw only the Star Wars that I have loved since I first saw the original as a small boy.

While some may say that the film is little more than a glorified television Pilot, I prefer to look at it as a very welcome return to the big screen of the greatest Sci Fi series ever made.
The Magic Christian (1969)
The Magic Christian (1969)
1969 | Classics, Comedy
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Laborious satire proves that no matter how good your cast is, it can't save a film with a lousy script. Subversive multi-millionaire Guy Grand (Sellers) and his adopted son (Ringo) embark on a series of lavish practical jokes to demonstrate the venality of western society. Basically a series of too-contrived-to-be-funny sketches clumsily making fun of the sacred cows of British society in particular.

Some people (Paul Merton for one) would have you suggest that The Magic Christian has a reputation as a bad movie because it ridicules things the establishment holds dear (the boat race, high art, grouse shooting, etc). This is not true: it has a reputation as a bad movie because it is a bad movie, clumsy, smug, and not nearly as insightful as it seems to think it is. The main reason for watching is the cast list, which is eye-opening, although how well the various cameoing stars emerge tends to be in inverse proportion to the size of their role. One of those films that proves the swinging sixties weren't all that great.
The Ostin Scholar (Isle of Ostin #3)
The Ostin Scholar (Isle of Ostin #3)
Michelle Dare | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE OSTIN SCHOLAR is the third book in the Isle of Ostin and really does need to be read as a series.

We met Presley in Arbor and Zeke's story and, in just one short scene, he made my heart ache with what he has to contend with. Now we get to see exactly what he's up against, and the Kade family dynamics. And when I say Kade family, I don't include Roland because he's not part of them and certainly doesn't deserve to be!

Lazlo and Presley are so cute as a couple. Lazlo definitely has the Ostin protective streak over Presley, but also over his son, Everest, and Lina, his best friend and mother to their son. We see Roland up close and personal in this one, making him even more horrible and conniving.

I am loving this series, almost as much as I love the 'theme' of the castle. The story arc moves along nicely with each story, but you don't miss out on any of the relationship-building between the main pair. Or, as in this case, the relationships between a long-lost uncle and nephews.

Definitely recommended by me and bring on The Ostin Rebel as I really want Roland to meet his grisly end. An ornament for one of the boats does sound good... 😁

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 6, 2023