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Ducklady (1174 KP) rated Cats (2019) in Movies

Jan 15, 2020 (Updated Jan 15, 2020)  
Cats (2019)
Cats (2019)
2019 | Musical
I have never seen cats before in the theatre, so I thought a film would be a good gateway to knowing a bit more about it. I was so wrong. From the opening scene I was instantly confused. I had no idea what the word Jellicle meant and they just kept repeating it. The scene where they were talking about their names didn't make any sense. They kept saying they had 3 names when they only mentioned 2? Hmm..
The CGI was incredibly off-putting and a few times in the background the cats looked like creepy demons, nightmarish.
The repetition in the songs really grated. The scenes didn't flow well and I felt like I was watching 1 big scene that didn't connect.
The shunned glam cat confused me so much as I couldn't work out why everyone hated her, seemed super forced.
The Jellicle ball seemed to consist of a whole bunch of performing cats competing to...die? And possibly be reborn?
Either way, don't watch this non-sensical, plot-lacking disaster.
The Exorcist
The Exorcist
2012 | Play
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Show Rating
amazing! I recommend to everyone visiting London! (0 more)
Fantastically terrifying!
I truly love a horror. Whether that is a book, movie or even a play as I found out after watching The Exorcist. It is so much more intriguing than the film! So very close in plot, nothing much is changed from the 'true' story it is based upon. But the sounds that echo throughout the theatre, draw you in and everyone disappears, leaving only yourself and the cast. The girl that plays Regan is so believable! She could have been possessed for real and I would have believed it! And unlike the film, I actually jumped! The lighting is crazy and the bass literally bounces your seat so you really feel it!!

What I also loved was how clever the stage setting was! It was all one set. Nothing moved or changed. It looked like a dollhouse and the only thing they did was switch the light on the room they were in. So clever and very effective!!! If you're ever in London, go see it!!!!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Downton Abbey (2019) in Movies

Sep 28, 2019 (Updated Sep 28, 2019)  
Downton Abbey (2019)
Downton Abbey (2019)
2019 | Drama, History
Big-screen version of the popular costume soap feels like a long episode of a TV costume soap that's ended up in a movie theatre by accident (there's a shock). Daily life at Downton is thrown into uproar by the royal visit; this is mainly just a pretext to hang various low-stakes storylines onto, none of which are especially gripping.

The heritage view of the country is pervasive and unquestioned; the plot mostly concerns a bunch of people utterly determined to be as servile and deferent as they can, no matter the obstacles in their way. You either accept this is normal behaviour and buy into the film's picture-book idea of English life, or you don't, in which case this is not the film for you. Fine performers get very little to do; not much happens overall, to be honest. But if you watched the TV show and have affection for these characters I expect there will be much here you will enjoy. To me it just seemed like a load of under-powered smug monarchist piffle.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
I didn't think my face could smile for 2 hours and 41 minutes straight!
Guess what? I ventured out on my day off and went to the theatre for the first time in 2019! (I'm such a loser!)

There are so many QT fans out there and probably just as many who think his films are trashy and pointless. As a true film fan, I can't not love not only his unique approach to film-making, but also his appreciation for the art of film and the constant homages he pays to film of year's past.

The first thing to talk about is the film's perfect tone and look of 1969. The costumes, hairstyles and music of the period was right on, but even more than that was the art direction and cinematography. Almost every scene has a vintage movie poster, retro theatre marquee or period television pram playing in the background. This helps you immerse yourself in this cinematic landscape almost immediately.

Can I also say the movie had opening credits! (Bring them back please !?!)

Basically, a Hollywood television/B movie actor and his personal stuntman navigate their Hollywood lifestyles in 1969 amidst the Playboy Mansion and the Charles Manson cult. The roller coaster goes from movie sets to retro Hollywood and everywhere in between. We also meet Sharon Tate. She loves her world of budding stardom and basks in the opportunity to be famous.

QT takes his usual liberties with historical facts, but can't say too much more than that here. If you are used to this in his other films like Inglorious Basterds, it won't bother you here either. He always seems to manage to make every actor look great and brings the best out of them and this film is no exception. Even actors with smaller roles like Al Pacino, Dakota Fanning and Luke Perry shine in their limited screen time.

As usual, his score was playing constantly throughout the film and complemented the situations remarkably well. I am sure I will be downloading some of them for myself later on.

QT has talked about retiring which would be a shame. I have pretty much loved everything he has ever done so losing a truly one of a kind cinematic voice such as his at such a young age would be truly heartbreaking.

Show all 8 comments.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Jan 9, 2020

I really wish I liked it as much as you do!


Ryan Olson (1 KP) Jun 25, 2020

One of my favorite movies of 2019. It gets even better on repeated viewings

Toy Story 4 (2019)
Toy Story 4 (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi
A Touching And Winning Triumph
Toy Story 4 was a heartwarming story filled with exciting plot twists, lots of laughs, and even a few heart wrenching moments. The movie is easy to follow while still being very exciting. Made by Disney Pixar they uphold their hold on wholesome, funny, and exciting entertainment. I’ll admit I was a bit skeptical at first as this was the fourth movie in the saga and I was convinced that there wasn’t much for the writers to go off on since the 3rd movie comes to such a happy conclusion. I am happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised! I walked into the theatre feeling a little unsure, to being moved to tears by the conclusion of the film, and then leaving the theatre feeling like a small part of my childhood was complete since I was raised on this Disney/Disney-Pixar movies!

The original cast is back at it again with Tom Hanks voicing Woody and Tim Allen as Buzz Lightyear. This of course only added to the charm of the movie as I can’t imagine anyone better. It was also awesome to have the Voice actors from Toy Story 3 back and In the movie. I was also very pleased to have Bo Peep back in the saga! One of the best things about the film is the new lovable characters. One of my absolute favorites was Forky voiced by Tony Hale. Forky is a toy that was made by bonnie while she was feeling lonely at kindergarten orientation, Forky is made out of craft supplies (pipe cleaners, googly eyes, etc.) and a spork.

Forky doesn’t want to be Bonnie’s toy at first and is constantly trying to go be in the trash because that is where he feels like he belongs. Woody dedicates himself to keeping forky available to Bonnie because she has become attached to him. Finally, Woody is able to help forky to see why his role in Bonnie’s life is important.

There are plenty of other lovable characters and a wonderful plot. It was a charming movie that I would recommend to all ages! I was very pleased with the movie and would happily go see it again in a heartbeat! I would proudly give the movie 5 stars, It was brilliantly done.

MissCagey (2652 KP) rated Trauma in TV

Feb 17, 2018  
2018 | Thriller
6.5 (13 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
So disappointed with this series. It could have been and should have been so much better., the premise was a great one.The two lead actors are well respected but were let down by bad ideas. John Sim's character can apparently "read" people better than "Lie to me's" Tim Roth. He then turns into some kind of psychopath in order to find the truth. I can understand a parent's need to want the truth but to go that far, I don't think so. He manages to firstly access the operating theatre, then get a job at the hospital and then enter a closed meeting all with ease. Then he hoodwinks the daughter and wife of the doctor to gain access to their house. The daughter apparently just stays upstairs whilst the mother is at knife-point downstairs, the mother does not back off even though he is brandishing a knife and then at the end the daughter is more angry with her father, cause of his lies, rather than the knife-wielding maniac that's just threatened them all? Just made me frustrated and annoyed. Grrr
Sworn Sword (The Bloody Aftermath of 1066, #1)
Sworn Sword (The Bloody Aftermath of 1066, #1)
James Aitcheson | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
About a month or so ago, I was in my local Waterstones when I spotted two books both set around the time of the Norman Invasion but telling the tale but different angles: <i>Hereward</i> and this. Humming ang haaing, I eventually decided on <i>Hereward</i> and then, later, came across this novel for sale in Tesco's picking it up there.

Of the two books, I have to say - and despite a title that sounds like a bad b-movie ('"Sworn Sword: 1066: The Aftermath!" coming soon to a theatre near you!') - this is the better. Told in first person prose, this novel is from the point of view of a Norman Knight (whereas <i>Hereward</i> was from that of an Anglo-Saxon), and reminded me very much of one of the better Bernard Cornwell books in that the history covered (albeit slighlty fictionalised to fit the demands of the story) is just as interesting as the actual plot.

The first in a series of books set in the same period, I think I will be picking up more of these!

Sarah (7798 KP) created a post

Mar 22, 2019  
Last night, I went to see Les Miserables at the Palace Theatre in Manchester. Unlike most people I know, I've never seen Les Mis on stage before and wasn't a particularly big fan of the film either, however I have to admit that after seeing it last night, I think I'm now a convert.

The stage production values, the sets and the costumes were very impressive. They managed to seamlessly coordinate a large screen with huge physical sets and the transition between the scenes was impressively smooth. The cast too were brilliant. There was nobody I recognised but they all had fantastic voices and put on a great performance.

My issue with the film was that is was overly long and drawn out and just didn't appeal, but the same can't be said for the show. Ths version was on for 3 hours plus a 15 min interval, which for me was just long enough. There's something about the music in this that makes it very rousing and entertaining and I wasn't bored, not even for a minute. It's a highly entertaining and almost emotional show, and would definitely recommend seeing it if you like musicals. It doesn't tour very often either so catch it while you can!

I'd give it an impressive 9/10

Andy K (10821 KP) Mar 22, 2019

Sounds awesome Sarah!


David McK (3245 KP) rated Assassin's Creed (2016) in Movies

Jun 9, 2019 (Updated Jan 18, 2020)  
Assassin&#039;s Creed (2016)
Assassin's Creed (2016)
2016 | Action
5.8 (33 Ratings)
Movie Rating
What. On. Earth.

Another (IMO) failed attempt to bring a video game - in this case, Ubisofts long-running Assassin's Creeds series - to the big screen.

For those not in the know (anyone?), those games sees the player taking the part of a character reliving the memories of one of their ancestors through a device known as the animus, with a whole alt-past mysticism behind it all, and with a centuries-long war between the Templars (the bad guys, in all bit one game) and the Assassin's bubbling along in the background.

And, right there's, is why I think most of these video-game-to-movies adaptations fail: in the game, you're (as the player) are an active participant whereas in the movie theatre you're passive.

It probably also doesn't help that the film seems largely based on one of the more universally-disliked portions of the source material (i.e. the present day parts, which have more or less been completely dropped in the games that came out after this film) rather than the more-interesting past! On the plus side, however, at least they went for a new period of history to visit instead of something already covered by the games.
The Illumination Of Ursula Flight
The Illumination Of Ursula Flight
Anna-Marie Crowhurst | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A bit of feminism in post Puritan England!
Ursula Flight's story takes us from her birth during the time of Charles II, all through her early years and her life as a married woman. She comes from an affluent family, is taught to read, write, speak classic and modern languages, and she loves the idea of writing plays and the theatre (although she has never been). She marries at a very young age, just after her beloved father dies, and her husband couldn't be more different to her own father and family. He is dull, Puritanical (in the true sense of the word), ugly and controlling. Ursula wants more from her life than sewing and bible study (which she shouldn't be reading either - it's not the done thing for a woman to be able to read). And she sets about getting it after she arrives in London.
I loved this book: a bit of feminism set in the latter half of the 1600s. Ursula grabs hold of life and makes it what she wants (partly it's thrust upon her, but she makes the best of it). It's very funny in places and also incredibly moving. A really well-rounded, excellent book, frankly!