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Michael Stuhlbarg recommended Reds (1981) in Movies (curated)

Reds (1981)
Reds (1981)
1981 | Classics, Drama, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"That’s a masterpiece that always moves me, every time I see it. I love epic films, I love epic theatre — bold, big stories, with intricate character work, but truth, you know? At the base of it all, something true. Whether it’s a raging spirit or style to the hilt."

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Action packed (0 more)
While not one of my favorite in the Marvel world, totally worth seeing in the theatre. Spent so much time on the verge of tears during this movie, only to have it end with a 'what the hell just happened?!' moment, leaving me with more questions than answers.

Terrence McNally recommended Act One in Books (curated)

Act One
Act One
Moss Hart | 2014 | Biography, Music & Dance
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"If you are at all interested in what it’s like to work in the theatre, especially Broadway, this is the only book you need to read. It’s more fun (and accurate) than All About Eve and as someone who can recite Joseph Mankiewicz’s screenplay from memory that is high praise indeed."

Thanks for the invite!

I don't go to the theatre much any more, so I am usually behind the times on new movies. I did go to The Last Jedi which I probably liked more than most. I am looking forward to watching the new Thor movie which I haven't seen yet.

Sarah (7798 KP) Apr 14, 2018

You really need to watch Thor when you can, it’s one of the best sequels I’ve seen in quite a while!


Andy K (10821 KP) Apr 14, 2018

I'll watch soon and let you know what I thought. ?

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Beautiful visuals (1 more)
Good story
This is the current movie I've been gushing about to my friends, it had a little bit of everything and did not fail to impress me.
Of course it helped that I was with a great packed-out theatre crowd. I live for moments when the whole theatre is applauding at a scene.
The pacing was great, I didn't feel as if I had been sitting at the theatre for an extended amount of time.
Great action moments, especially at the end, good high stakes drama, and comedy sprinkled throughout.
The visuals were beautiful

Now, all this being said, there were a few moments that kind of threw me. I don't want to explore these too much, as they are spoilers, but there was a time here and there that I felt myself mentally step back and question what was going on or if a scene or an action was really necessary.

All in all, I highly recommend this movie to all, Star Wars fans or not. This was a great bridge between the new trilogy and has me super excited for what's to come.
Rock of Ages (2012)
Rock of Ages (2012)
2012 | Drama, Musical
6.8 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A good singalong movie for those who grew up with that type of music but sorry if you have seen it live on stage, the film will never live up to it, but still a good film. I didn't like Tom Cruise as the rock singer but that was only because I had been spoilt by the theatre show.

Merissa (11731 KP) created a post

May 27, 2022  
"Months after saving their flamboyant theatre friend from disaster, DannelOrtea and OsianGarey are back with a thrilling murder investigation in the third London Podcast Mystery series novel."

Blitz & #Giveaway: Crown Court Killer (London Podcast Mystery #3) by Dahlia Donovan - @Archaeolibrary, @HotTreePromos, @DahliaDonovan, #MM, #CozyMystery, #GLKiller_Tour #HTPubs #MMRomance #LoveIsLove #LGBTQIA,
Game Of Thrones  - Season 1
Game Of Thrones - Season 1
2011 | Sci-Fi
Intrigue, deception, seduction and murder are all accepted and expected ploys in this game and the players are quite expert in their manipulations.The best is yet to come,this first season is one of the best crafted political dramas in quite a long time.
Critic- Home Theatre Info
Original Score: 8 out of 10

Read Review:

TheDefunctDiva (304 KP) created a post

Dec 4, 2018  
Got into the chorus of two local musicals only to discover it's "pay-to-play" theatre. My friend had to pay her membership fee in installments. So that's out. Nice to be selected though.
In other news, my 12-year-old gets her tonsils out on Friday. Does anyone have positive stories about minor surgeries? Anything to assuage the anxiety would be helpful...

Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 4, 2018

My middle daughter, Claire, had her tonsils out when she was 15. Best decision we ever made. She was getting strep throat monthly it seemed, so it was the best solution for us.

She was out for a good week afterwards, but is now as sassy as ever at 19. It will be all right.

Ain't That Good News by Sam Cooke
Ain't That Good News by Sam Cooke
1964 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Sam Cooke’s voice on this song is just absolutely... It guts you, it's so emotional. It was written around the time of the civil rights movement, really addressing the struggle and trying to maintain hope throughout that struggle and to push through and to persevere. “""A Change Is Gonna Come"" is something that I sang years ago in this thing called The Zodiac Show in L.A. It was the first time that I was stepping out of the world of musical theatre, singing how I wanted to sing and dressing how I wanted to dress and expressing myself. “The song took on a slightly new meaning for me because I’d been struggling within the theatre world, believe it or not, for sort of being perceived as 'too gay' for a lot of these roles and the things that I was auditioning for. It became a bit frustrating and I thought “Well, fuck, I thought I was in theatre, all the weirdos are in theatre and we're supposed to support each other.” I didn't feel that sense of community as much as I wanted to. “I also ended up signing it on American Idol and it kind of came back around as a full circle thing. Funnily enough, I sang it in the finale and didn't win. Many would say “Oh, maybe that's because of how they perceived you to be.” It was this repeated concept for me, both times. “My interpretation of the song was my personal change, that things were going to get better and things were going to become different hopefully, and that I was going to not give up, and strive towards that. This song has that personal meaning to me."
