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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
I don't really think that you can go wrong with dinosaurs and action mixed together in a movie. They roar a lot, and if you're lucky they eat people. Spoiler incoming... with this movie, you're very lucky.

One a scale of all the movies this is probably third place for me behind Jurassic Park and Jurassic World. Which is quite fitting as it is basically the two movies squished together. Despite it being in third place I think it had one of the best scenes from the franchise... The end of the island... I can't even... 😢

There were a lot of little nods to things from previous films, and some blanks filled in to make the story. Everything was nice, and familiar, and the baby raptor footage in the training videos... well they're just the cutest!

There are some articles online about the trailers and while personally I didn't find any of them particularly gave away anything important I was struck by one of the points that was brought up. During the film it did actually leave me wondering too. You actually see the end of the film in the trailer. After you see the opening and see our scaly friend escape, you wait for the scene from the trailer to happen. It has a big impact on the screen, the danger, the consequences. So to find out that you don't see that until the very end of the movie... well, it was a bit odd.

I really felt like there were a few issues though in the rest of the movie. So much so that it probably shouldn't have four stars. But I'll watch it again and again despite that. If I'm being picky though... Rafe Spall, that accent was really causing me problems, but it's entirely possible that the billion or so viewings of Hot Fuzz have skewed my perspective on that one. Maisie would be my other major quibble, unless they're working up to something in the next film I'm not really sure why she was there, yes she was there to connect the dots but after that *shrug*. And why did she have such a bizarre obsession with Owen. Don't get me wrong, if I'd been in that film I'd have been hugging him at any random opportunity too, but it still seemed odd. My last and most troubling issue isn't about this current movie technically, it's about the next one. Where on Earth does this leave the future story line? Or maybe that's it. Maybe the next film is set on another planet, when the human race has had to relocate because of the dangerous outbreak of dinosaurs from all corners of the world and some billionaire has an idea to start up a new theme park. Maybe they could call it Jurassic Off World.
Dinosaur Island
Dinosaur Island
2017 | Dice Game, Economic
One of the best parts of the board gaming experience is finding a fun group of people with whom to play! Sometimes, though, coordinating a game night is easier said than done. We all must occasionally forego the group experience and face the world as the Lonely Only. But fear not! The world of solo-play is a vast and exciting realm! What follows is a chronicle of my journey into the solo-playing world – notes on gameplay, mechanics, rules, difficulty, and overall experience with solo variations of commonly multiplayer games! I hope this will provide some insight as you continue to grow your collection, or explore your already owned games!

In Dinosaur Island, you have successfully created a theme park of the Jurassic variety (see what I did there?), and are now tasked with managing and supervising the day-to-day operations. Think “Zoo Tycoon” on steroids. You have to collect new DNA, upgrade your facilities, build new attractions, hire specialists, oversee your workers, and create new dinosaurs to populate your park! Make sure you manage your resources wisely for maximum benefit, and keep a close eye on the security of your park to ensure the safety of your guests! The goal is to create and maintain the most successful dinosaur park!

DISCLAIMER: An expansion exists for Dinosaur Island, and I do own it, but I have yet to incorporate it into my games. Once I get some experience with the expansion, I will either amend this review or address it in a separate post! -L

Let me first begin this review by saying that there is A LOT going on in this game. Seriously, a lot. And it can be pretty overwhelming at first. But one thing I cannot praise enough about Dinosaur Island is its rulebook. It’s kind of hefty, but it is so detailed and clear (with numerous examples) that I understood how to play the game on my first read-through. And sometimes with games that have so many moving elements, total understanding from the get-go can be rare, for me especially. The excellent rulebook makes a seemingly daunting game not so scary. I always keep the rulebook on hand when I play (just to be safe!), but once I got the hang of all of the steps, I don’t really need to refer back to it anymore!

As a solo game, Dinosaur Island plays very similarly as it does in group play with a few minor differences. For one, no regular Objective cards are used – instead you use a set of specified Solo Objective cards. Next, to simulate player interaction during the Research and Market Phases, the solo player draws a card from an AI deck and eliminates the options/discards the resources listed on the card – this mimics group play in the sense that turn order changes every round and you do not always get your first pick during these phases. The remaining 2 Phases (Worker and Park) occur simultaneously and involve no player interaction, so those are played as normal. One final difference between group and solo play is that the solo player can choose to play without Plot Twist cards. A solo game is played over the course of 7 total rounds, and the overall goal of the game remains the same – amass the most Victory Points.

The trickiest part of playing Dinosaur Island solo, for me, has to do with the Solo Objectives. You have 7 Solo Objectives to be completed throughout the game, and they reward Victory Points based on the round in which they were completed – finishing objectives in earlier rounds yields a higher number of points. If you are unable to complete any objective in a given round, you must discard one (of your choice) at the end of that round. The hard thing is that depending on which objectives are currently in play, it can be difficult to complete one each round to earn those points. Some things take time (and a couple of rounds) to be able to complete – like “Reach a threat level of 15.” If you have multiple long-term objectives in play, they can really limit the number of points you can earn from them. A nice mix of objectives (both short-term and long-term) can help balance out the game a little more, but it’s ultimately a luck of the draw.

One positive thing I can say about the objectives, though, is that they really force you to come up with a multi-faceted strategy. Depending on which objectives are in play, you have to decide on a logical strategy and order in which to complete them for maximum points. You can’t just focus on one objective – you also need to be setting yourself up to complete future objectives. I never feel like I’m just going through the motions because I always need to be thinking ahead to my future rounds.

The thing I really like about Dinosaur Island as a solo game is that it is still extremely engaging. I’m not a huge fan of “Beat your own personal best” solo games, but this one keeps me so involved that I don’t mind the fact that there’s no real ‘winner.’ Since a group game doesn’t involve that much player interaction anyway, Dinosaur Island doesn’t really even necessarily feel like a solo game. Every play requires a different strategy, and that makes it feel like a new game every time. If you enjoy Dinosaur Island in a group setting, give it a try as a solo game. There’s really not much of a gameplay difference, and I think you’ll enjoy it just as much!

Alanna (227 KP) rated Kingdom Hearts III in Video Games

Feb 19, 2019 (Updated Feb 19, 2019)  
Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts III
2018 | Action, Role-Playing
Story (1 more)
Worlds feel bigger
Kingdom Hearts 2 was better imo (3 more)
The theme park mechanic is not very interesting
Too many/Too long cutscenes
No Final Fantasy characters
As someone who has played 3 of the previous games I was isanely excited to play this game. Unfortunately, I was quite disappointed. The game does not hold a candle to the second game.

One aspect that made the previous game great is that each enemy had timed reaction attacks that made each and every battle special. For example waiting for one if the organisation's weapon to drop so that you could use it. In this version it felt like a lot more button mashing or using the triangle reactions (which were given out too often) made this an easy game to finish. I only ever found one boss that needed more strategy.

I get that it's a game for all ages, new fans and old but I became annoyed at the cutscenes repeating the information from the last games when there is a theatre in the main menu telling you about the previous games. I found myself becoming impatient during the cutscenes wishing that they would hurry up with the new plot.

I feel like the voicing acting or the pacing of the scenes was slow and unnatural. I really disliked it this time around.

This is more of a personal issue but I was quite upset that they got rid of the final fantasy characters as well. I wouldn't have minded that they were not in any of the cutscenes but at least let them walk around their respective worlds

Otherwise, it is a visually stunning game and I have to applaud Square Enix for their Pirates of the Caribbean world which is my favourite.

If it's your first KH game then I would definitely recommend playing but I believe that KH 2 is better.


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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Jungle Cruise (2021)
2021 | Adventure
Star power from Johnson and Blunt (1 more)
Direction, cinematography, special effects and score all top notch
An Amazon-based blockbuster that delivers!
Dating from 1955, Jungle Cruise was one of the key attractions at Disneyland when it first opened. Full of corny spiel from the lovable boat captains, the experience is nicely evoked in the new Disney movie: a true summer blockbuster that delights.

- Cut the movie open and it reads "summer blockbuster pleaser" through the middle. This is largely down to the charisma of its two stars, Blunt and Johnson, who prove why they are both such bankable commodities. It's clearly based on the "will they/won't they" simmering sexual chemistry between two polar-opposites, as featured in movies such as "Romancing the Stone" and "The African Queen". (Since the theme park ride was heavily influenced by the latter, this is no surprise). But there's also a heavy dose of tongue-in-cheek ridiculousness as featured in other great B-movie homages such as "The Mummy" and (most notably) "Raiders of the Lost Ark". (A few scenes directly mimic the Indiana Jones movies.)
- The supporting cast also have fun with their roles. Jack Whitehouse, doing almost a like-for-like copy of John Hannah's character in "The Mummy", could have been extremely annoying. But although he's the comic relief in the piece, he steers it just the right side of farcical, avoiding Jar-Jar Binks territory. ("When in Rome" he declares, swallowing a flagon of fermented spit. "God - I wish I was in Rome"!) Jesse Plemons, one of my favourite actors, who proved his comic chops in "Game Night", here delivers one of the most over-the-top Nazis since Ronald Lacey's Toht in "Raiders". Rounding things off is Paul Giamatti with a bizarrely comic performance as Nilo, a competing riverboat owner.

- Special effects, cinematography (Flavio MartĂ­nez Labiano, of "The Shallows") and James Newton-Howard's score all add to the lush blockbuster feel of the movie. And director Jaume Collet-Serra (who did the clever shark B-movie "The Shallows") keeps the movie clipping along at a fine rate, with only a few sections of character-building dialogue to get the kids fidgety.

- I mean, it's popcorn nonsense of course. The Amazonian 'McGuffin' is a tree that only comes to life under very specific conditions. And isn't it amazing that watery machinery (developed by who?) still works after at least 400 years, when my dishwasher gives up after ten? (But it's done with verve and style, so who cares?)
- Although the screenplay is actually very slick for a movie of this type, it feels like a script by committee at times. A single writer might have been tempted to duck the Hollywood ending and leave things on a more thoughtful, albeit downbeat, note.

Summary Thoughts on "Jungle Cruise": This was a pleasant surprise for me. A fun and light-hearted movie that ticks all the boxes as a summer blockbuster. It nicely evokes the cheesiness of the theme park ride operator (past alumni have included Robin Williams and Kevin Costner), especially with Johnson's opening scenes. But then rounds it out as a spectacular and appealing tongue-in-cheek adventure.

And, by the way, in case you fancy sitting through the interminable end titles to watch a post-credits scene.... there isn't one.


Parental Guidance: One question might be whether, with a "12A" certificate, this summer blockbuster is one that your kids might enjoy or be freaked out by. A comparison with "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is perhaps useful here. There are quite a number of "jolts" involving snakes and bees but probably not as bad as the ones you get in an uncut version of "Raiders" (think the spiked Satipo; the mummies/snakes when escaping the 'Well of Souls'; and the melting Nazi bad-guys). So if you have kids that lapped up that stuff then I don't think they would have any issues with this one.

(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies on the web, Facebook or Tiktok. Thanks).