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Descend (Awakened Fate #2)
Descend (Awakened Fate #2)
Skye Malone | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
So if <i><a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">Awaken</a> </i>reminded me of <i>The Little Mermaid </i>minus Sebastian, I’m not sure what to compare <i>Descend </i>to, honestly. (And it’s probably a good thing that I have nothing to compare it to.)

<i>Descend </i>is the second book in Skye Malone’s <i>Awakened Fate</i> series, continuing from where <i>Awaken </i>left off at after Chloe’s near-death encounter with the Sylphaen, a cult supposedly dead for a century that wants to get rid of the world of people like Chloe. Descend takes us into the world of Nyciena, a world below the ocean that is the only place safe enough for her to seek refuge from the Sylphaen. But Nyciena isn’t the place Chloe wants to remain in for long - she wants to get back to the surface, where her friends and family have no clue where she has gone.

As much as I really enjoyed the <i>Awakened Fate</i> series in general, I feel like something is missing from <i>Descend </i>that didn’t hit the mark with me (really, I need to get better at figuring out why certain books don't work for me). For the duration of the book, Chloe is basically running from the Sylphaen and trying to figure out what she really is. Noah is hoping but not hoping that Chloe will come back to shore. Meanwhile, he’s trying to protect Chloe in his own way, who will no doubt get hunted down by his cousins should they ever find her. Zeke is trying to get his father and older brother to understand that the Sylphaen has returned - they’re not as dead as hoped.

The world and culture of Nyciena are little to none in <i>Descend</i>, aside from the few moments Ina, Zeke’s sister, tries to show Chloe around the kingdom. But the few that I did get to read about Nyciena intrigue me enough to hopefully learn more about the kingdom. (They’re also party people, so I hope that’s not what they’re really all about?)

The same goes for the greliarans, which are a group of people who hunt down the dehaians, the group of mermaid people Chloe seeks refuge from the Sylphaens. From Noah’s perspective, we learn a few facts about how they operate, but it’s even less than the world and culture of Nyciena. They’re extremely strong and are humans who can turn into Hulk-like creatures with a desire to kill.

<i>Descend </i>is very plot driven - and the same can be said for the series thus far. It’s the book to go to for those who want a book that is somewhat slow in character and world development, but also those who don’t mind the slow progression throughout the series.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Blood King (Heart Stones #1)
Blood King (Heart Stones #1)
JP Sayle | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Left with so many questions but so bloody good!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm not gonna write a bit about this book. I'm not gonna rehash any sort of plot line, but what I am gonna say is this:


Sayle has a particular way of messing with my head, she leaves me with question after question. Mostly, questions I cannot voice, but my head knows it has questions and Sayle drives me freaking nuts about it!

So, once I got over my spit-your-dummy-out, throw-your-toys-out-the-pram and I'll-scream-and-scream-and-scream-until-I'm-sick kind of tantrum, here's what I thought about this book.

So good, this first book in a new series, a very different book than of late for Sayle and I read this and flung my kindle at the wall and my partner looked at me like I grew a third head!

Why, you ask? Because questions, people, I have a lot, A LOT of freaking questions about this book and it's taken me 3 days to manage to write something about this book that actually makes sense!

I am, however, fairly certain that I will not be the only one why has questions, hell, I'm not even sure if Sayle has all the questions, let alone the answers to everything that was NOT said here.

Because while you get everything you need about Aion and Shiesha NOW, there is much, so (I really wanna use the Fword here but some sites don't like that, but I need to stress the point!) freaking MUCH, that is not said. About who Aion and Shiesha are running from, about what happened to Aion's family, about who Shiesha really is, about WHAT he is! And those bloody monks? Cryptic or what! But those monks, I understood. They are bound by a higher power and sworn to secrecy. Aion and Shiesha have all the answers, they just need to listen to their hearts to find them.

And then we get to the ending! A cliff hanger, people, of massive proportions! I knew this was coming, the blurb says so, but still. I had 10 minutes left in the book and then it was finished and sheesh, I was not happy! There is a teeny tiny bit that happens next, a bit of an epilogue slash sneak peak but I would rather have not had that, to be honest! I think it would have had a bigger reaction from people to not have that sneak peak, and I am left a little . . .annoyed . . .maybe. . . by it! I don't know WHY, but book feelings, people, I'm sharing my book feelings!


Because I have questions;
because I read it in one sitting;
because I threw my kindle at the wall (and it's been a long ass time since I did that!)
because of that freaking cliff hanger;
because, even, of that sneak peek;
because it's my review and I can. . .

5 freaking amazing stars!

But write quicker, Ms Sayle.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Call (The Call #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Be prepared for a dark ride that will hit you with every emotion. The book starts off a little slow as it lays the groundwork for a riveting and horrifying novel. Once you are introduced to the various characters and the world they find themselves in, the book becomes a really quick read. This book takes place in Ireland, but the island is separated from the rest of the world. Thousands of years ago, the Irish people banished the Sidhe (fairies) to another world and now they're back for their revenge. The people are trapped and their teens are being taken. The Call lasts for 3 minutes and 4 seconds in our world, but they have to survive a day in Sidhe. Most don't. Those that do usually aren't the same, either physically, mentally, or both. When they reappear after those 3 minutes, they're likely dead and quite horribly mutilated. The Sidhe enjoy twisting and bending their prey into new shapes as a form of amusement. Dark.

Sidhe is beautifully, yet horrifically depicted in the book as a place of nightmarish terrors, distorted humanity and deadly Sidhe (fairies). Humans are twisted and shaped into grotesque beings just as depraved as their creators. The landscape is no more forgiving with acid pits and razor folliage. While well represented, I wouldn't recommend this novel to younger teen readers because its pretty dark. Despite that, you're drawn into the book and just <i>need</i> to know what's going to happen.

One comment I have is that the main characters, Anto, Connor, Nessa, Megan, etc don't read like they're 14 years old and that's how old they're supposed to be. Perhaps it's living in this strange new word where you know you can be called at any moment and likely lose your life which might age you prematurely, but I kept being surprised when I was reminded of their ages. They definitely act older than they are, perhaps 16-18 years of age.

I really enjoyed this book because it wasn't like anything I've read before. Highly recommended for (older) young adult/teen readers who like fantasy, great world-building and don't expect everyone to have a happy ending.
The Other Twin
The Other Twin
L.V. Hay | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More reviews at

I had a chance to read many great reviews about this book, so I was very excited to receive it from publisher. After reading it, I noticed, that even though this book is not very long, it carries a very important message, and I am very glad the author shared it with the world.

The main character in this book was Poppy, a sister of a girl who killed herself by jumping from the bridge. She has to come back to Brighton, and is trying to figure out ,why India jumped from that bridge. I really enjoyed, that this story was sister’s investigation and no detectives were participating. I found this novel really realistic and believable, just a sister trying to find out the truth. Nevertheless, all characters in this book where very realistic, just like ordinary people you would meet in the street, with their flaws and strengths. I found the characters really well thought through and interesting. They had really mysterious personalities, and I loved the way Poppy was trying to figure everything out.

The narrative of this book was very smartly created, jumping between two different stories, the one of Poppy’s investigation and the other one, mysterious one, which kept me guessing and very intrigued, and I will admit, that outcome really surprised me. I really enjoyed the way L.V. Hay described Brighton in this book, I loved the details and the described spirit of this great place. Even though it is a crime novel, I admired the way L.V. Hay incorporated her message, by showing what struggles some LGBT communities people are facing. I would love to talk more about it, but it would spoil the reading experience.

The writing style of this book is easy to read and those lovely short chapters makes this book a quick and pleasant read for those naughty rainy summer days. Every chapter opened up a new clue and made this book really fast paced read. There were plenty of turns and twists and very unexpected climax. So, to conclude, I would strongly recommend this intense crime thriller, full of difficult family relations, unforgotten love and surprising outcome.
Was given this book by publisher for honest review.
The Stolen Child (Hanlon Series #1)
The Stolen Child (Hanlon Series #1)
Alex Coombs | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, crikey, that was a tough but exciting read that I wasn't able to put down despite the content.

I haven't read anything by this author before and missed this first time round when it was published under a different name but I'm so glad I didn't let it pass me by this time because what a treat it is, although it should come with a warning as there are some very unsavoury sections regarding child abuse that will upset people so be warned.

What we have here is a hard-hitting, gritty and dark story that starts at a fairly gentle pace whilst introducing the main characters but then, wow, it ramps up and doesn't stop until the end. The characters are exceptional and so well described that I could clearly see them in my mind.

The main character, DI Hanlon, is driven by her own form of justice and won't shy away from any situation even if it goes against the letter of the law - she will do what it takes to bring those responsible for despicable crimes to justice and she doesn't hold back. She is one tough cookie and I doubt any miscreant out there would want to be on her bad side!

The sense of tension Mr Coombs developed was palpable and the emotions this book evoked were so strong that I actually felt my heart-rate climbing and experiencing real anger and hatred towards some of the characters - not many books do that which, to me, shows the ability of the author to really draw you in and develop people and situations that get under your skin.

Due to the subject matter and the level of violence contained, this won't appeal to everyone however I would certainly recommend it to those who enjoy a less than flowery police procedural that is likely to be more realistic than most other books in the genre.

Many thanks to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review and for introducing me to yet another excellent British author.

I'm off to read the second in the series now - The Innocent Girl.
    Racing Horizon

    Racing Horizon

    Games and Sports

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    This game could be addictive to those who like racing games. Ready to make those crazy fast and...