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A Baker Street Wedding
A Baker Street Wedding
Michael Robertson | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Laura and Reggie Honeymoon with Danger
Barrister Reggie Heath and actress Laura Rankin have finally tied the knot. When the paparazzi crash their wedding, they make a hasty exit and change their honeymoon destination. Laura find them the one rental in a quiet village on a remote part of the British coast. Only after they land does Reggie find out about Laura’s past in the village, but he doesn’t realize she has another reason for visiting now. Something is going on in what appears to be a quiet village. Will they figure things out before it is too late?

Those familiar with this series know about the fun premise, the letters that people send to Sherlock Holmes get Reggie involved in mysteries. That’s true here again, although how that comes together I will leave for you to discover. I did feel the beginning was a little slow. Yes, it was set up, but it still could have moved faster. I was certainly enjoying it, but about half way through it kicked into high gear and then I was really hooked. Only a few characters return from earlier books in the series, one of whom I wasn’t excited to see again, but the new characters definitely help pick up the slack and made me care about the outcome. Fans of the series will be happy with this latest entry.
How to Murder Your Life
How to Murder Your Life
Cat Marnell | 2017 | Biography
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trivialises addiction, rather cringeworthy
It has been said that people who begin abusing drugs and alcohol at an early age, tend to stay stuck in that mindset - so it's hardly surprising that the shallow Cat Marnell writes like a teenager.

Marnell describes one ridiculous drug-fuelled event after another, and even talks about the $28,000 rehab facility her father pays for. She adds how she squandered one opportunity after another due to being completely unable to stay clean. And while you should feel sympathy for her, it's quite hard to do so.

So I can say without a doubt that I found this book rather irritating and narcisstic. After all, if Marnell wasn't a privileged white woman, she would have been in prison about 15 years ago. Her trivializing of her own addiction and frankly, bragging about her encounters, just represents how little understanding she has for the majority of other users. And though she does mention her privilege at times, it's almost an afterthought. The fact that the media have glorified her behaviour is equally despicable.

As someone who is aware of addiction, and knows those on the streets - about 90% of this book is cringeworthy. The last part is on her self realisation and it's the only honest part of the book and should have been placed as the prologue.
Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park, #1)
Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park, #1)
Michael Crichton | 1990 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (34 Ratings)
Book Rating
As most people are aware, the movie Jurassic Park is one of those movies I can watch over and over again without getting tired of. The book that inspired the movie made me feel the same, although there were some parts that were a bit too technical for my liking, but it added a new layer to some understanding of things that occur later that will have you constantly having lightbulb moments of realization. The book and the movie are the same in the fact they are about dinosaurs, but a lot of other details were changed. Now, this is definitely not unheard of when movie adaptations are made due to creative changes, but some things were definitely super different. Without going into spoilers, let's just say some characters died in this book that lived through the movie and vice versa. There were also things left out of the movie that were in the book that definitely could have, in my opinion, made the film better overall. As a book itself, it is a great, fun read. As I said, there are a few technical parts that I wasn't too keen on that the book could have done without, but overall an excellent story. I definitely can't wait to read Lost World and see how that compares to the first book.
War and Peach (Georgia Peach Mystery, #3)
War and Peach (Georgia Peach Mystery, #3)
Susan Furlong | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The local election for mayor is all anyone is talking about in Cays Mill, Georgia, and Nola Mae Harper has become caught in the middle. Just an hour before the last debate is to take place, a fire breaks out in Clem Rogers’s barn, and his body is found in the ruins. Since he had some dirt on his opponent in the race he was going to share at the debate, the people in town are certain his opponent did it. The sheriff has another theory, Nola Mae’s father, who has admitted to visiting the victim just before the fire broke out. Nola Mae doesn’t think either of those suspects could have done it. But can she find out the truth?

If you are tired of politics, don’t let the election angle worry you. That is only one aspect of this fun mystery. In fact, we get some delightful red herrings before Nola Mae zeroes in on the truth in the suspenseful climax. The characters are charming as always, and we get to see more growth in Nola Mae. Plus there is lots of talk about peaches. How can you go wrong with that?

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Hurricane Heist (2018)
The Hurricane Heist (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Imagine, if you will, a film released in theaters, with Syfy Channel level special effects, acting, and writing. Imagine, if you will, a hurricane that has skulls not so well hidden in the storm clouds in nearly every shot. Imagine, if you will, the hackneyed plot of people trying to steal old money from the Treasury before it gets shredded. You will have imagined Hurricane Heist.

Now, this film is bad, but it's not garden variety bad. It's bad enough that it wrapped itself all the way back around to entertaining. Hurricane Heist is blatantly dumb yet the actors, as much as they can, play it straight. For an hour and a half, you will ask yourself, "Can this movie get any dumber?" The answer is, "Yes. Yes, it can."

Was I entertained? Greatly. Is there any way that I can recommend spending any money on seeing a movie that has nothing going for it besides your incredulity at the fact that it not only got made, but got a theatrical release? No. But, for dang sure, if it shows up on Netflix or on something that you already pay for, check it out, if only for a few minutes. You won't gain anything from those few minutes, but there's a fairly high chance that you will laugh.

Ross (3284 KP) rated Perfect Silence in Books

Oct 9, 2018 (Updated Oct 9, 2018)  
Perfect Silence
Perfect Silence
Helen Fields | 2018 | Crime
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gripping and thrilling detective story
*** Disclosure - I received a free copy of this book from the publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***

This, the fourth DI Luc Callanach book, follows a familiar pattern - two crimes committed early on and parallel investigations into those cause conflict and tension, one being a more typical serial killer hunt, the other a more politically charged investigation.
Over the previous books it feels like Fields has grown bored of her French detective and has put a lot more focus into DCI Ava Turner. This is in no way a bad thing as she feels more real and likeable (less clichéd), but an odd progression for "The DI Callanach" series to have.
The action and cases in this book are quite compelling - young women being kidnapped and their mutilated bodies dumped a week later and a gruesome memento left in the locale of the next victim, with religious overtones; and a spate of drugged homeless people being branded in public places. As usual the killer leaves virtually no trace behind and it is quite some time before the detectives have any idea of who they are looking for.
I still have a few issues with the dialogue in these books, but the plot was solid here, with twists and turns along the way, with a very gripping, proper unputdownable final few chapters.
Dazed and Confused (1993)
Dazed and Confused (1993)
1993 | Comedy
Soundtrack (0 more)
I will never not watch this movie
Dazed and Confused is a great movie with an even better soundtrack. I dont know if it accurately represented the times because I wasnt born in that era, but the movie sure made it look good. Plus it introduced us to people who are now movie stars, so there's that.
The movie is primarily a Seinfeld, which means it's much afoot about nothing, except for one character going through some growing pains and sticking it to "the Man", i.e. his football coach. But really it's a bunch of high school seniors living much cooler lives than I did at that age. And one lucky freshman who mostly avoids getting hazed.
Then there's Matthew McConaughey, being borderline creepy and offering up the most quotable lines from the movie. Who doesn't recognize "Alright alright alright"? Or "I keep getting older, but they stay the same age"? (That's the creepy part). Somehow, Matthew made it seem funny instead of gross, which I guess is why he has an Oscar now.
I feel like this is one of those movies that is a rite of passage. You know, when someone admits to not having seen this movie I look at them like they shouldn't be trusted or like they just landed on Earth. It should definitely be seen by every teenager on the planet.
The Lottery and Other Stories
The Lottery and Other Stories
Shirley Jackson | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been wanting to read this collection of stories ever since I finished Jackson's @We Have Always Lived in the Castle . The Lottery was a shocking story (apparently) at the time of it's publishing.

The first section was, by far, my favorite, because I could relate to it the most. It consisted of stories of people in plain site that were often ignored, or felt like they didn't belong anywhere. Because I found I could relate to the stories so well, I was completely unnerved that someone could put those feelings into words.

The other sections of stories were mostly domestic/family oriented, which I have no interest in. Nothing bores me more than a stories about children. So, yawn, and that's why I haven't rated this higher.

Finally, The Lottery; now, I can understand why it may have been shocking at the time... Now, not so much. Obviously, with the release of such books that take inspiration from it, i.e., The Hunger Games, it didn't seem new or disturbing. Even South Park had an episode taking inspiration from it; the Britney Spears ep that came out in 2007.

So, loved the first section, and the other sections were just ok. It was kind of cool to see the genesis of future literature that was inspired by "The Lottery".
A Game of Thrones
A Game of Thrones
George R.R. Martin | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (87 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Game of Thrones is one of the biggest success stories in my homeland of Northern Ireland, with many of our locations used in the HBO drama series.

Despite that, and despite knowing various people who are either directly involved (as extras) or peripherally involved (costumers) in the filming of the series, I've never actually seen a single episode of it.

Similarly, I (thought) I hadn't read any of the books in the series until I finally got round to reading this one, and realised not that far into it that, actually, yes, I had read it before - it just didn't really *stick* all that much with me (never a good sign).

Nevertheless, I still made it the entire way through the novel, which is told from a different character's perspective chapter about. As a result (I felt) the book feels somewhat fractured: just as
you're getting used to a particular narrator and their perspective, it's over to someone else ...

If I'm honest, there were also times when I felt like skipping chapters and sections of the book (those dealing with Sansa in particular), with not all the plot threads as gripping as each other.

The acid test of the novel? Would it make me more likely to hunt out and watch the TV series? Sadly, the answer is 'No, not really'.

James Koppert (2698 KP) rated The Other Half of Augusta Hope in Books

Oct 25, 2019 (Updated Oct 25, 2019)  
The Other Half of Augusta Hope
The Other Half of Augusta Hope
Joanna Glen | 2019 | Contemporary
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The binding is quite beautiful (0 more)
Deserves more recognition (0 more)
The Other Half of Augusta Hope
I read this book completely unbiased, I realised I didn't even read the blerb on the back, I just adored the shiny dragonflies on the cover and dived in. Some books are thrill rides, adventures, chilling or mysterious while some others give you characters who you adore and open your hearts to and never want to let go. This is the latter. I fell in love with Augusta Hope and felt her love and her pain. I am sad, now finished, I have left her behind. This is about a child turning to an adult, but it's not s coming of age, it has death without being mournful and love without ever being a romance. I think this is a book about the beauty of life and learning life and learning the lives of others. I know this review doesn't do much to explain the book to you so let me maybe just say this. This is one of those books that is a beautiful rare gem, that deserves to be read and kept and cherished and thought about for years after you have finished. I fell in love with Augusta Hope and the people in her life. I know you will too.