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Awix (3310 KP) rated Fathom (1967) in Movies

Apr 13, 2019 (Updated Apr 13, 2019)  
Fathom (1967)
Fathom (1967)
1967 | Thriller
4.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Light-as-a-soufflé-but-not-as-nourishing swinging 60s spy thriller. Big-haired competitive sky-diver Raquel Welch gets recruited to help recover a priceless Chinese treasure while visiting Spain. Naturally, this involves her wearing a lot of short skirts and bikinis. It soon turns out nearly everyone she meets is lying to her, so who can she trust? (The hunky guy with his name above hers on the poster might be a safe bet.)

Riffs somewhat on the style of Charade, but without the charm or acting ability of the stars in that film. Mostly feels a bit exhausting by modern standards: there's no denying Raquel Welch was a very beautiful woman, but did she really inspire such extremes of instant condescending lechery in every man she ever met? Even Richard Briers can barely keep his tongue in his mouth. Thorough-going chauvinism extends behind the camera, too, as noted - despite being in every scene, and playing the lead role, Welch doesn't even warrant top billing. It kind of passes the time in a very superficial way but it's extremely dated.
The Resident (2012)
The Resident (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
5.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Icky, undistinguished psycho-thriller finds Hammer in House of Mystery and Suspense mode. Except there's not much of either, given that no-one ever moves into a lovely new apartment and finds it's just as good as it seemed on the viewing. The usual fem jeop ensues as Hilary Swank's doctor has to fend off not just her landlord (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) but his elderly dad (his eminence Christopher Lee, in a regrettably small part).

Really has very little to differentiate or commend it beyond Lee's creepy cameo and some fun and games with the chronology at one point; you find yourself wondering just why you're watching a film with such an unpleasant vibe to it - it's kind of playing the game where it seems to be perfectly okay to dwell at great length on the most repellent behaviour, as long as there's a bit of carthartic vengeance in the end. I am seldom convinced by this, especially not when the rest of the film put together in such an average manner.
Inquest of Pilot Pirx (Test Pilota Pirxa) (1979)
Inquest of Pilot Pirx (Test Pilota Pirxa) (1979)
1979 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Soviet sci-fi movie explores much of the same territory as western films from around the same time like Alien and Blade Runner: androids who are virtually indistinguishable from human beings are on the verge of mass production, but can they be relied upon? It's hardly a spoiler to say the answer is 'not entirely'.

The first half of the film is a rather drab earthbound thriller as various corporate interests try to dissuade the title character from taking command of the crucial mission that will assess whether the androids have a future in space exploration; the second half is proper sci-fi. Some interesting, if slightly underpowered discussion of what the difference really is between organic and synthetic people, but the story is slow and talky and never manages to bring its ideas to life. The special effects and sets are a bit reminiscent of Blake's 7, which wasn't a problem for me but may well be for other people. Watchable if you're interested in the development of sci-fi.

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) rated Upgrade (2018) in Movies

May 5, 2019 (Updated May 5, 2019)  
Upgrade (2018)
Upgrade (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Gore and storyline (0 more)
Some of the script (0 more)
What if Robocop wasnt a cop??
Stumbled across this beaut of a film. Premise is man and wife get into a car accident and then robbed. Wife is killed and man is left paralysed below the neck. Mans friend (who is a computer designer type person) offers him the chance at a normal life with a new chip that can operate limbs for you. Man takes off and starts to investigate his wife's murder and mystery and who done it starts. This film is at its heart a thriller but is based in a sci fi futuristic world. It is also has some excellent body horror and gore in it including a 'mouth cut' which was bloody awesome! Some of the dialogue is a bit silly with the main character giving crappy 1 liners whilst fighting the people who he suspects of killing his wife but it's not that off putting and I was able to laugh these off. All in all a really good film and well worth a watch.
Show all 3 comments.

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) May 6, 2019

It was really good. Wasnt expecting much - love it when I stumble onto a gem.


Andy K (10821 KP) May 6, 2019

Yeah me too.


Billie Wichkan (118 KP) rated Sleep in Books

May 22, 2019  
C.L. Taylor | 2019 | Thriller
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anna suffers from crushing insomnia following an accident that she feels responsible for. Unable to forgive herself she moves to Rum to try and escape.

At first it would appear that the location and the job are just what the Dr ordered until the new intake of guests arrive and with them more disaster for Anna. The story is made even more interesting with what is going on at home. At first you cannot see any link, but as the story builds to its thrilling climax you realize the connection and there is even an unexpected twist at the end.

Once again C.L. Taylor has delivered a perfect thriller. I raced through this book as once I started I just couldn't stop. I kept thinking I had it all figured out.... BIG MISTAKE!!!! The ending is just WOW!
The setting is just wonderful for this story and just takes it to that next level.
Creepy, chilling, exciting and intriguing. A true reminder to never take things on face value!

Many thanks to Net Galley and Avon Books for the chance to read, review!
The Evidence Against You
The Evidence Against You
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's the day Izzy's father will be released from jail.
She has every reason to feel conflicted - he's the man who gave her a childhood filled with happy memories.
But he has also just served seventeen years for the murder of her mother.
Now, Izzy's father sends her a letter. He wants to talk, to defend himself against each piece of evidence from his trial.
But should she give him the benefit of the doubt?
Or is her father guilty as charged, and luring her into a trap?

This is an utterly amazing thriller,
The story is told in a very good way in that the past and present are told in alternating way and we get to find out facts about the case in drips.
Lots of twists and turns and keeps you wanting to know what’s going to happen next and leaves the best to the very end.
A must read for 2019!
Highly Recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin UK Michael Joseph and the author for the chance to review.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated The Homecoming in Books

May 30, 2019  
The Homecoming
The Homecoming
Andrew Pyper | 2019 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark family thriller - not for the faint hearted
There’s not a lot I want to say about this book plot wise, going into it blind is a real thrill, but the opening hook is:

Following the death of their father siblings Aaron, Franny and Bridge, along with their mother are brought to the Belfountain estate for the reading of his will. It turns out he had a lot more money than they thought but also an odd sense of humour. To get there share of the inheritance they have to stay at Belfountain with no contact with the outside world for 30 days. Sounds crazy but who wouldn’t when there are millions up for grab?

What follows is the ever increasing occurrence of creepy stuff and the realisation that none of them know who their father really was. It’s a very dark suspense tale once it gets going, with some strong horror elements.

By the end I felt I’d just read a great Black Mirror episode, so recommended for fans of that.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Blindsighted (Grant County, #1) in Books

Jun 8, 2019 (Updated Jun 8, 2019)  
Blindsighted (Grant County, #1)
Blindsighted (Grant County, #1)
Karin Slaughter | 2001 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
7.7 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
Small town Georgia, big time gruesome crime thriller!!!
Hard to believe this was Karin Slaughters first novel, it’s very well rounded for a debut.

When a young college professor is brutally murdered (and I mean BRUTALLY - i.e. not for the squeamish) it falls to Sara Linton as the town coroner to perform the disturbing autopsy. Having found the victim in the local diner, it soon becomes obvious to Sara that there is a seriously sick individual on the loose.

It’s Sara’s ex-husband, police chief Jeffrey Tolliver, who must head up the investigation along with the only female detective Lena Adams, who is also the victims sister (love small town America everyone is all up in each others stuff - did I mention as well as been the towns coroner Sara is also the local paediatrician….) When another victim is found crucified the tension to find the killer builds, as does the tension between characters.

This book was very graphic, but boy was it entertaining in a disturbing way. Fast paced with plenty of suspense, a great beginning to a series.
Never Coming Back
Never Coming Back
Tim Weaver | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Hero, (3 more)
The Storyline
Well Written, The Story Flows
The Last Line! Epic!!
Had me Hooked
This was the first of Tim Weavers books that I read, although it is actually the 4th Book in the series, and I loved it so much, I went and bought the rest. The Hero is the kind of guy you want in your corner. He doesn't let anything, or anyone, get in the way of doing his best for the people who need him. No matter how much danger he finds himself in, he will always complete what has been asked of him, even if the result isn't what was hoped for. Tim writes in such a way that you can see the story through the hero's eyes, you want him to find out the truth, and feel good when he does. I wholeheartedly recommend Tim Weaver books to anyone who likes a good crime/thriller, he will not let you down, as he draws the picture in his words, and lets you see the tale unfold.
Ghost in the Shell (2017)
Ghost in the Shell (2017)
2017 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
I’ve never seen the original anime, so I went into this with a fairly open mind but sadly the film just didn’t deliver.

The trailer made it look like a very slick futuristic thriller almost, and although the sfx are fantastic and really well done, the rest of the film is a letdown. The initial idea of her being a human brain inside a cyborg is a good one, but it’s sadly ruined by the unoriginal and predictable discovering her origins story. And I’m sorry, but I really don’t rate Scarlett Johansson. She isn’t bad, but she isn’t particularly great either and lately she always seems to be playing a similar sort of character. Pilou Asbæk is the only one who really excels in this and he’s the only truly likeable character. However I did spend the entire film trying to figure out where I knew him and his name from, and it’s only now I’ve realised he’s Euron Greyjoy, gah. To be honest I was pretty bored watching this and great sfx can’t make up for a very dull plot.