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Only Lovers Left Alive (2014)
Only Lovers Left Alive (2014)
2014 | Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Gosh, I love this movie. The soundtrack is great to start out with, I own it, and frequently listen to it when I'm at work. Tom Hiddleston's character, Adam, is so melodramatic and sarcastic and it's oh-so amusing. Anton Yelchin (RIP) is Ian, Adam's music agent, and basically one of two humans Adam has contact with. Tilda Swinton is Eve, Adam's wife, who lives in Tangiers, while Adam lives in Detroit, visits him because he's depressed and suicidal. And, while the word is never said, Adam, Eve, Kit (John Hurt/RIP playing Kit Marlow), and Ava (Mia Wasikowska) are all vampires, who deal with vampire probs. Anyway, it may seem like there's no plot, but there is, it's just slow moving. One particular thing I liked was the filming in Detroit and the beauty in the ruin.

David McK (3207 KP) rated Doctor Strange (2016) in Movies

Apr 27, 2019 (Updated May 15, 2022)  
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
<2022 update>

The timestone? Yep, was essential to resolving Infinity War in Endgame

<original review below>

The film that introduced magic (and the Time Stone, which will probably be essential to resolving Infinity War in Endgame), in which Benedict Cumberbatch plays Benedict Cumberbatch as the future Sorcerer Supreme, with Tilda Swinton as the current holder of that title.

As an aside: that was actually a cause of controversy at the time: why not cast an Asian or Eastern actor in that role instead of whitewashing it? went the argument.

The plot may also seem to be a reprise of Iron Man: rich, arrogant, privileged white man suffers personal catastrophe and heads East, returning a changed man. What sets this apart, however, is the somewhat psychedelic effects that often seem to owe more than a bit to Christopher Nolan's movie Inception!
Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022)
Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022)
2022 | Drama, Fantasy, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Three Thousand Years of Longing is a film that manages to be compelling, magical, and very human all at one. It's a film that deals with a mystical concept but at its core, is about the basic need to feel loved and wanted, and the sacrifices that come with it.
It's also a huge love letter to story telling. A big chunk of the narrative structure is made up of the two leads regailing tales to eachother, and it's relentlessly engaging and wholesome. Tilda Swinton is fantastic, as she tends to be. Idris Elba has always been a bit hit and miss for me, but he also excels here, and the chemistry between the two of them is strong and sweet.
Throw in a heart wrenching score from Junkie XL and the unique visionary work of George Miller, and you're left with a piece that is built to bury itself into your mind and stay there for a while. A truly wonderful experience.
The Personal History of David Copperfield (2019)
The Personal History of David Copperfield (2019)
2019 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
Misses the mark
The trailer made this film out to be a wonderfully eclectic humorous look at the life of David Copperfield, but I'm afraid to say the trailer was very misleading.

I've never read the book and to be honest, I really hope it's different to this mess. Yes this film is definitely rather eclectic and seems to swing from attempts at humour (that really miss the mark) to rather sombre drama and seriousness, and it also just feels a little jumbled. The script too is not what you'd expect from a film that feels so obviously British and there's nothing particularly clever or witty about it.

The cast are great, there really is a stellar line up of British stars in this and Dev Patel is a wonderfully charismatic choice as Copperfield and he's well supported by Tilda Swinton and Hugh Laurie. It's just a shame the rest of the cast are let down by the dodgy script and plot.

I really wanted to like this, but sadly it's missing virtually everything you'd expect and want, especially some decent British humour.

Lee (2222 KP) Jan 30, 2020

Everyone seems to be loving this, I’m so glad I’m not the only one that didn’t 😀

Constantine (2005)
Constantine (2005)
2005 | Action, Horror, Mystery
6.9 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Supernatural horror starring a post-Matrix/pre John Wick Keanu Reeves, which I remember going to see in the cinema.

I also remembered it had Tilda Swinton in it, as the angel Gabriel.

I'd completely forgotten that Rachel Weisz and a pre-Transformers Shia LaBeouf also co-starred.

I also remember all the fuss kicked up at the time over the casting of its main lead: instead of the blond, chain-smoking, sarcastic Brit that Constantine is portrayed as in the source material (which I still haven't read, although I have since seen Matt Ryan's portrayal in the various TV series's in which the character appears - a portrayal that is closer, apparently, to source) we have a dark-haired, chain-smoking douchebag of an American. I suppose one out of four isn't bad ...

The film itself is never really all that scary; nor does it (seemingly) ever really get going before it is over. It's also incredibly clear just who is pulling the strings from pretty early on ...
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Benedict cumberbatch as Doctor strange Tilda swinton as the ancient one Rest of the cast are good The trippy visuals The action sequences are cool (0 more)
Villains are underwhelming Plot can be a bit formulaic (0 more)
"Try me Beyoncé"
The 14th instalment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe marks the arrival of yet another avenger into the already crowded Marvel family while also bringing mystic arts & alternate dimensions into its ever-expanding universe. But even though it offers a kaleidoscopic journey through astral realms, infinite realities & spacetime contortions, it isn't entirely different from the norm.

Doctor Strange tells the story of Stephen Strange, a brilliant but arrogant neurosurgeon who loses the use of his hands after a car accident, spends all his money on experimental surgeries to regain his abilities, and travels east for a last resort treatment where he meets a powerful sorcerer who teaches him ways to harness energy & shape realities through the mystic arts.

Co-written & directed by Scott Derrickson (best known for The Exorcism of Emily Rose & Sinister), Doctor Strange marks his first stint with comic book movies and while he succeeds in delivering a sufficiently entertaining blockbuster, his latest suffers from the same issues that marred his earlier works as Derrickson begins this story on a promising note but once again loses his grip in the middle.

The screenplay features a universe that's full of imaginations & possibilities yet beneath its parallel universes, time manipulation & astral projections lies the same generic storyline following the same predictable route that we all have seen many times before. What's interesting, however, is how the arc of the eponymous character is handled, for Stephen Strange remains an intriguing character at all times.

Production Design team chips in with set pieces that brim with mystical qualities while props such as ancient artefacts & antiquated relics provide added details to the desired spiritual environment. Camerawork is fine, Editing gets carried away by letting numerous CGI-infested moments overstay their welcome due to which it feels longer than it should. And Michael Giacchino contributes with a score that's fitting yet not enthralling.

Coming to the acting department, the film features a talented ensemble in Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Benedict Wong, Mads Mikkelsen & Tilda Swinton. Cumberbatch as Strange is pitch-perfect casting and does total justice to his role by depicting his stubbornness, arrogance & ambition with precision while Swinton steals nearly every scene she's in. But the main highlight of this film is its shape-shifting & eye-popping visual effects.

On an overall scale, Doctor Strange does serve its purpose by delivering an entertaining, amusing & serviceable origin story but it isn't impressive enough to garner a spot amongst Marvel's finest features. Travelling a safe, risk-free route & sugarcoated with trippy, hallucinatory visuals, it is a typical fun-filled extravaganza that we've come to expect from Marvel Studios and is another enjoyable addition to their ever-inflating repertoire. Definitely worth a shot.
Snowpiercer (2013)
Snowpiercer (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
Interesting premise (2 more)
Fantastic visuals
Director Joon-ho Bong brings us his vision of a post-apocalyptic world where most of humanity has been destroyed and the remaining humans are left to circle the globe in a relentless train called the Snowpiercer.

The cast is led by Chris Evans, but also features Kang-ho Song, Ed Harris, John Hurt, Tilda Swinton, Octavia Spencer and Jamie Bell.

Humanity has evolved similar to what I have read about the Titanic, meaning, the lower classes at the back of the train suffering to survive and the upper classes more forward living in luxury.

There is an uprising within the squalor and the inhabitants attempt to ascertain their situation by taking the cars ahead one-by-one. The story is very interesting and the people and situations the rebels meet along their way to the engine keep you surprised.

The engine also contains an interesting character who is eluded to within the beginning of the film.

The ending was somewhat controversial when the movie was first released; however, I find it more than satisfactory to tie up the story.

Check it out for yourself.


Sarah (7798 KP) rated Okja (2017) in Movies

Apr 2, 2018  
Okja (2017)
Okja (2017)
2017 | Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Didn't quite get its message across
I'm a little disappointed with this film. I was hoping it'd be a strong powerful message against the meat industry, but sadly it fell a little short of the mark.

Okja herself is very well done and the effects are quite good, I just wish they'd concentrated more on the animal rather than Mija. Cast wise, most do okay although Tilda Swinton is her usual barmy self and Jake Gyllenhaal is completely over the top and out of place. The plot itself is slightly interesting but it differs from being very predictable, and it also drags at times. The problem with this film is its trying to get across a serious message about the meat industry, but I feel like it doesn't go far enough. It seems to chicken out of portraying the really disturbing aspects when it really shouldn't. If you want to get people to think twice about this subject, then you really need to push it as far as you can, even if it makes for uncomfortable viewing. Instead, they opt for the Hollywood soft version which is such a shame.
Snowpiercer (2013)
Snowpiercer (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
Overall everything (1 more)
Chris Evans, John Hurt, and an ensamble cast from all over the world
Length.... Most films get hurt by length, and this is one of them (0 more)
International Star Fest
Not knowing what to classify this movie as has been difficult. It has many aspects and genres attached to it. From horror to action to drama and nail biting thrills, Snowpiercer is an absolute ride that takes its viewer on a twisted and winded road through ice caps and snow drifts, culminating with a catastrophic turn of events that left me wondering what the fuck could happen next.
I recognized a few of the foreign to me actors. Seeing Tilda Swinton in an almost comedic role was awesome. Chris Evans left no inclination that he had ever played the wholesome Captain America with this part. Admiting to canibalism, while shedding tears of regret and shame, a truly awesome performance.
This film keeps it coming through its length, but there were moments of boredom about half way through, hence the 9 rating.
If you're looking for something thrilling to kill an afternoon with, I highly recommend Snowpiercer.
We Need to Talk About Kevin (2012)
We Need to Talk About Kevin (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Lacks the punch of the book
The book about this is one of the most enthralling and haunting books I’ve ever read, and I was really hoping the film would be just as good, but sadly it falls a little short. And I know I shouldn’t compare film to book, but that’s pretty much impossible.

Don’t get me wrong, the film is quite good. It’s has great performances from Tilda Swinton and Ezra Miller, with an unusually creepy soundtrack and in general it’s a very bleak and dark film. It does well to get across the main parts of the book, but the main problem for me is that it doesn’t include anywhere near enough detail from the book. It covers the bare minimum, but i feel like it misses out a lot of the detail. I know a film can never include everything from a book, but for me this was missing a lot, especially about some of Kevin’s crimes and dark deeds. This is probably a case of reading the book ruining the film, I’ll admit I maybe should have watched the film first!

Kelly (279 KP) Jan 15, 2019

I agree, totally. The book was disturbing and stayed with me for a long time, challenging my perspective on nature vs nurture in the case of Kevin. The film seemed to lack same punch, I think this is because a lot of the book is wrote around Eva’s personal thoughts and feelings, sadly books like this rarely translate onto the big screen.