Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985)
Movie Watch
Call in the FBI. Alert the President. Advise all ships at sea and break out the Batphone because...

Beetlejuice (1988)
Movie Watch
A recently-deceased couple adjust to their lives as ghosts and hire a sleazy ghoul to rid their home...

Batman (1989)
Movie Watch
After witnessing the brutal murder of his parents as a child, millionaire-philanthropist Bruce Wayne...
batman dc comics

Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Movie Watch
An unfinished artificial man named Edward, who has been living in isolation with scissors for hands,...
Dark fantasy Ice sculptures Topiaries

Batman Returns (1992)
Movie Watch
In the second of the blockbuster Batman films, the legendary hero does battle against the mysterious...
BankofMarquis (1832 KP) Mar 3, 2019
Andy K (10823 KP) Mar 3, 2019