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Pokémon: Detective Pikachu  (2019)
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
Right from the start this movie feels like something made by people who know, and love Pokemon, and their love shines through in the quality of production. The movie is perfectly balanced in terms of exposition for those who have barely heard of Pokemon, and those (probably smaller) people who've dragged them along to watch it.

The start is a little slow and the lead character Tim (Justice Smith) starts the movie very much not wanting to be there, which turns out to be a fantastic complement to Ryan Reynold's Pikachu when he eventually turns up, very much a kid friendly Deadpool pushing his unwilling accomplice into investigating the mysterious circumstances of Tim's dad.

The CGI representations of Pokemon was spot on, they move naturally and look just the right side of realistic.

Also as a side note the movie very nicely ties up all the loose ends in the movie, there was no cliff hanger or set up for a sequel, and no massive gaping plot holes to endlessly niggle at your conscience.

Well worth a watch, especially if you, or your kids, are Pokemon fans.
Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 5: A Lonely Place of Living
Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 5: A Lonely Place of Living
James Tynion IV | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alright, alright, alright! (whoa, who let Matthew McConaughey in here?!?) I am coming to the near ending of James Tynion IV's run on "Rebirth" DETECTIVE COMICS. After this, one more volume to go: VOL. VI: THE FALL OF THE BATMEN. But, now I am getting ahead of myself, eh? Let's refocus back on this volume...

The ride thus far has been quite good! Tynion's treatment of Batman gives us a more faceted aspect of the Dark Knight. Yes, there is still the "Dark" to his "Knight", but there is also a bit of humanity, like the way he is in regard to Tim Drake, as well as Stephanie Brown/Spoiler. It reminds of what I liked most about the character as I was growing up in the 80s and 90s, something that appears to have been forgotten as Tom King continues to present a Batman that really was not needed! I look forward to him taking over from King on the BATMAN main book!

Spoiler, unfortunately, was still kinda mopey and angst-y in this volume as well. I dunno. When she came on board as the fourth Robin and then became the fourth Batgirl, I passed on it. It really did not have any attraction for me. However, in the first three volumes of "Rebirth" DETECTIVE COMICS, before Tim was grabbed by Mr. Oz (or was it Dr. Oz? lol), she was quite likeable, even kinda fun. After the whole "Tim Incident", the suck-itude was strong and hard! Hopefully, she will be more herself in Tynion's final volume of 'TEC!

The story was quite good, as it dealt with Tim Drake, and his role in the DCU since Dr. Manhattan made those missing 10 years go bye-bye. At points, it felt very much like a hackneyed plot element, but it still was not that bad. Not great, mind you, unlike the previous volumes, but not the worse treatment (that goes to King) of the Batman fam!

The other element that left this off my "Favorites" shelf, as well as only as high as 3 Stars, was the art from Eddy Barrows. He had some really great backgrounds and figure shots, but his faces? Um, no. Several times it looked like Tim was grinning when he should not have. Also, there were some other "that's not right" facial moments for much of the other supporting characters. I think he is a good artist, but I think whoever was editing that run should have been more aware of that!

Now, Alvaro Martinez? Perfect! His style was perfectly suited to Gotham City and the world of Batman. I would have loved him for the whole volume instead of the little bit he had. Hmm.. Maybe Tynion IV can bring him along for his upcoming run on BATMAN? #hopeful

So, yeah, I <i>liked</i> "A Lonely Of Living", but I didn't <i>love</i> it, dig? There was some good stuff, but overall, I would likely not want to re-visit it at a later date. Ah well, on to FALL OF THE BATMEN..
The Wrong Missy (2020)
The Wrong Missy (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Romance
5.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Annoyingly awesome
Contains spoilers, click to show
OK so I know it's the whole point of the movie, but the first missy Tim meets is scratch your eyes out annoying and quite frankly I would have climbed through the window to escape her too, as much as she was annoying though I did find her funny. The second missy which he meets at the airport seems perfect for him, neither of them drink, they both have the same bag and read the same book. They exchange numbers and are soon texting each other. To me though it was obvious throughout their texting that he was texting the first missy,especially when she asks for an explicit photo! How did he not realise?? Anyway he invites her along to his work retreat for the weekend, and it's when she turns up on his flight that he then realised he text the wrong missy. Obviously given the title of the movie that's hardly a surprise but he knew he was in for a shocker of a weekend. The movie is full of laughs throughout, and I love that you get to see that even though missy is crazy she is also human. If you love happy madison movies, you won't be disappointed.

Georgina (8 KP) rated It (2017) in Movies

Sep 17, 2017  
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good jump scares. (1 more)
Did sleep with the light on.
A little cartooney. (0 more)
Does it live up to the hype?
After two years eagerly anticipating the release of this film, (I am a clown hater, but love to be scared) I took myself off to the cinema on opening night (of course) I admit, that in the dark theatre, pennywise' cartooney giggle, was scary, so much so, everybody in the cinema watched me instead of the film! I may be very unpopular with the next didn't live up to the original, and certainly not the book. It was too over-hyped, too Hollywood, and too glossy. If this was a free standing, one of a kind film, I'd have enjoyed it for what it was, but it was not good enough to replace the Tim curry clown I saw when I was 12, and still makes me cry at clown masks on Halloween.
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
2007 | Drama, Musical, Thriller
Super talented actors (2 more)
Beautiful songs
good story
Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd: the demon barber of Fleet Street it’s a musical by Tim Burton with Johnny Depp as Sweeney Todd, Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs Lovett and Sasha Baron Cohen as Signor Pirelli and Alan Rickman as Judge Turpin.
The story is about Benjamin Barker ( later known as Sweeney Todd), a barber, that had a wife and child. And he was taken away from them because this Judge fancied Benjamin’s wife. He comes back to London to see his wife again after years until he meets Mrs Lovett who tells him she poisoned herself and that Judge Turpin has his daughter as his ward. So Sweeney Todd plans his revenge with Mrs Lovett.
I’ve watched this film more than 10 times and I love it still.
The film is all in shades or browns, greys and reds and the voice choices are marvellous.

Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 9, 2018

What a fantastic film!


John Hawkes recommended Harold and Maude (1971) in Movies (curated)

Harold and Maude (1971)
Harold and Maude (1971)
1971 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This was a life changing experience for me. I went to one year of college at a small college in Minnesota, and during that year I befriended an older student named Tim Streeter who I hung out with a lot. He played Tom Waits for me and handed me On The Road by Jack Kerouac. Since I’m from this small farming community, I wasn’t exposed to a lot of unusual art. I had seen The Seventh Seal when I was a kid on PBS. One night [Tim Streeter] said “There’s a movie playing at the student union and you should go.” It was Harold and Maude, and I was amazed by it. There’s no dialogue for the beginning of the film, and it begins with Harold killing himself. His mother berates him for it. Bud Cort’s performance is so great, that this is when I began to become a Hal Ashby fan. I could name his films as all of my Five Favorites if I wanted. Being There is certainly near the top. I chose this one because it was so formative for me. Ruth Gordon, when she tells Harold to go out and love and have experience and give him something to talk about in the locker room, it’s such a great thing, such a beautiful moment. When Ruth Gordon throws the ring or piece of jewelry that Harold’s given to her, and she said, “Now I’ll always know where it is,” I think it’s in that scene where the camera catches a concentration camp number on her wrist that’s never mentioned or talked about. It gives me chills because it’s so affecting and subtle."


Rick Astley recommended Crowded House by Crowded House in Music (curated)

Crowded House by Crowded House
Crowded House by Crowded House
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The moment I got into Crowded House, I was on tour – actually I went to see a Stevie Wonder gig in Wembley and I was like 'the guy doing the sound is brilliant.' And I thought it would be incredible if I could get him to do sound for me [which he did]. Anyway, I was at his desk one afternoon and he was playing Crowded House. I think he bought the cd for me and I just played the album and thought 'oh my God.' It was very different but very odd, there are some odd songs on there, especially as they were coming out of Split Enz as well who I knew a little about. So, I just grew to love it. I met my now wife as she used to work for EMI and had been doing promo for Crowded House's gigs in Denmark and what have you and had also been at Montreux – she was a mad fan as well. And 'Don't Dream' Is Our song, [shows me his wedding ring] – we have some of the lyrics inscribed here. I've had the pleasure – or the embarrassment – to tell Neil Finn this once. I saw him in a café in LA. And I thought 'do not, under any circumstances, tell him about ring' and before I knew it, I was going over telling him about the ring. I couldn't stop myself! By this time, I had seen them twenty times. But I was just there, in front of him going 'ummm..ehhh…ah fuck it!' But he was really polite and gentle and spoke about our mutual friend who used to be my musical director but was also producing Neil's album. How did he even know who I was?! I've seen Crowded House in so many different style of venues. I drove to Bristol to see them at the Bierkellar and so there was only three of them - there was no sign of Tim Finn… have you seen them live? No? Ah, fucking hell! They're amazing. I saw them at Hammersmith Odeon at one point and their drummer needed a piss mid-gig. So Neil Finn just started noodling and they ran around and swapped instruments and just started playing this nonsense song they made up on the spot. I just thought 'what is going on'! Every time I've seen them, they just make shit up. And I love that about them. Because they can be also so sincere about a lyric or a song they're gonna play. But where was I? Oh yeah, Bristol. Tim and Neil had just had a big bust-up. Tim had had enough. So that was quite a weird night. One of my favourite bands in terms of the music they make but also, as a live band, they're hard to beat."

Christmas With the Kranks (2004)
Christmas With the Kranks (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Family
7.2 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Funny (0 more)
Over the top (0 more)
Funy Family Christmas Film
If you re looking for a funny Christmas film, then this is it. If you go into this with the expectation of a funny, family Christmas film, where you can all laugh together, even if it is at the ridiculousness, you won't be dissapointed. This is not Shakespeare. Don't expect that.
The acting is good, it's Jamie Lee Curtis and TIm Allen, with Dan Akroyd supporting, so of course it is. They all have a great rapport with each other which makes the film not so ridiculous.
The storyline is typical and stupid, but that's what the best Christmas films have. You know, the ones we watch over and over every Christmas (like National Lampons Christmas Vacation).
If you go in with your eyes open, not expecting Romeo and Juliet to declare their love and kill themselves (you do get some neighbourhood feuding so that won't dissapoint those Shakespeare fans), then you will enjoy a pleasent Christmas evening and feel good at the end of it.
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
1994 | Drama

"That’s another one for me that, basically it’s stunning how — it’s an incredible watch. And I think it’s the performances, again, I find riveting. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are just incredible. It’s just such a beautiful film, I think. The story is incredible, it’s so well made. I think Frank [Darabont] dialed in on the direction — I love all of his movies. They have a style that I really like. Anytime I think of this movie, it’s just a sweeping shot coming over the prison while Morgan Freeman is narrating his — it’s such an incredible sense of memories. I went to see it with my parents; I guess I was thirteen when it came out. I think I was — or fourteen — and I remember just being absolutely blown away by it. I mean I know it’s one that’s on nearly everybody’s list, but for me it was also — it was kind of like the first sort of grown-up movie that I went to see with my parents, and that we could have a proper conversation about."

Dark Shadows (2012)
Dark Shadows (2012)
2012 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Tim Burton has always been one of my all time favorite directors because of his strange-yet-humorous nature and the frequent use of my favorite actor, Johnny Depp. For the last decade or so we have been plagued with remakes of stories that we are all familiar with and the only thing that makes them different is the addition of the iconic Tim Burton style. Once again Tim Burton brings us yet another remake, only this time of the 70’s cult classic soap opera Dark Shadows.

Frequent collaborator, Johnny Depp, stars as Barnabas Collins in a role previously made famous by Jonathan Frid. Barnabas Collins and his parents leave Liverpool in 1760 for New Hampshire, in an attempt to expand their family business. They succeed and become the wealthiest family in the area, resulting in the town getting named after the family. Barnabas was a ladies’ man and scorned the heart of Angelique Bouchard (Eva Green) by falling in love with Josette DuPres (Bella Heathcote). Unbeknownst to him, Angelique is a witch and out of pure jealousy, she kills his one true love and has cursed Barnabas to be a vampire so that his suffering would be endless. Angelique rallies the townspeople to bury Barnabas alive.

After nearly 200 years, Barnabas is accidently unearthed in the year 1972. He heads to the one place that he can call home and encounters the remaining four dysfunctional members of his family and discovers that his family estate is in jeopardy. Barnabas soon learns that the evil person behind all his families turmoil is none other than Angelique herself.

Though this film does have the quirky Burton-esque feel that we are all familiar with, it lacks his signature energy. The plot itself is long and drawn out and makes the first half of the movie extremely slow and boring. Now don’t get me wrong, Depp did manage to slip in more than a few funny lines but even his best work was a strained attempt at humor. I do, on the other hand, appreciate that Burton brought back the original vampire myths, with all the burning in the sunlight and not being able to see a reflection. Though the script and story itself leaves much to be desired, Johnny Depp is as funny as the story and/or script allows him to be and as Barnabas, he carries the movie. Even Michelle Pfeiffer and Helena Bonham Carter couldn’t help save this movie from the pedantic pace of a very uneven but predictable story. Equally disappointing was the waste of the perfect casting of Chloe Moretz as Michelle’s daughter. Even though she looked and sounded a lot like her movie mom, she wasn’t given much to do but sulk and glare.

Even though you will experience an entertaining blast from the past with the characters, soundtrack and fashions, it is best to say that this film should be left as a rental. Being such a huge fan of Burton’s kooky and imaginative world, it sure pains me to say that this movie is a bit of a train wreck and lacks the enchanting storytelling that we’ve come to expect from him.