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Frog Music
Frog Music
Emma Donoghue | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
**Received as a First Read for an honest review**
I was really excited to read this book. I have had [b:Room|7937843|Room|Emma Donoghue||9585076] on my TBR list for a very long time, just haven't gotten my hands on it yet.

Blanche Beunon is a french burlesque dancer living in San Francisco in 1876. It's the end of the gold rush and smallpox is everywhere. Blanche is returning home one afternoon, when she literally runs into Jenny Bonnet and her riding machine. They quickly form a "friendship" and Blanche's life gets turned upside down.

During the week that Blanche has left her job and is trolling around town with Jenny, Jenny is murdered. Blanche is sure it's her "maques" Arthur and Ernest who have done it, since they have been so upset with her since becoming friends with Jenny.

This book just didn't do it for me. It was a very slow start and really didn't get interesting until the last 60 pages.
The Breakdown
The Breakdown
B.A. Paris | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ok, so I never saw the twist coming.

This story is crafted so well, and kept me so engaged, that it was hard to put the book down. The entire time, I felt so bad for Cass - what must it be like to forget things like how to use the washing machine or the microwave? Terrifying, I imagine. To feel like you're losing your mind, and then to find out you were being gas-lighted all along by the two people you love most in the world?

I felt vindicated right along with her when the truth came out and she got some measure of revenge on her husband and best friend - both of whom are just terrible, terrible people and deserve every ounce of it. In truth, the actual "murder mystery" part of the story was entirely secondary for me, as I was completely wrapped up in what was happening to Cass.

Thank you to SheSpeaks and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book!
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
2003 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
So as we left our heroes, the last human city, Zion, is coming under imminent threat from the army of robot "squiddies" hurling toward them at lightning speed and Neo has discovered he has superhuman powers and can do lots of cool stuff.

After Agent Smith visits the Oracle at the beginning of the film, he really disappears along with Neo while the large dogfight between the humans who are using these Avatar/Aliens type robot machine things to defend Zion.

Most of the battle scenes are mediocre at best. The whole time I was thinking I had seen all of this done better in other movies.

The scenes between Neo and Trinity at the end tie the story of the three films together somewhat, but the ultimate climax is not very interesting and somewhat of a letdown.

Ultimately, Warner Brothers wanted to make The Matrix a film trilogy, and although the original will always maintain its status as truly revolutionary, the sequels will always be remembered as disappointments.

Show all 4 comments.

Ellis (87 KP) Jun 2, 2019

Really good review here, you made some really true and valid points especially about the battle scenes


Andy K (10821 KP) Jun 2, 2019

Wow thanks a lot!

Seasons in the Sun: The Battle for Britain, 1974-1979
Seasons in the Sun: The Battle for Britain, 1974-1979
Dominic Sandbrook | 2013 | History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Extensive research (1 more)
Detailed storytelling
Informative journey back to when taste was yet to be invented
As a lover of British life on the 70s but to young to have lived it, this book was as good as a time machine and gave a normal and somtimes bizzare look at how Britain felt and how life was being lived. The birth of Punk and the turbulent political system were linked due to the effect on youth and this disaffection became a catalyst that is still felt today. The strikes that shaped the view still held to this day of a broken Britain with dead no longer being buried, piles of rubbish in Trafalgar Square and the miners who play a part in the next book in the series. This book is for those that have a live of detail and the writing style allows this book to be read with speed and ease.

Overall this book and the rest of the series give the reader the chance to relive or live a fresh version on the 1950, 1960s and the glorious 70s.
Traveller-Inceptio ( Traveller Book 1)
Traveller-Inceptio ( Traveller Book 1)
Rob Shackleford | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was the one member of the original team who was largely responsible for the creation of the transporter never claimed it. (0 more)
There was a lot of technical speak, along with war and battle pans that were confusing and boring. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Traveller Inceptio: Traveller Book 1 by Rob Shackleford is a hard book to put into just one genre. It is both an adventure and a romance while also being science fiction and historical fiction. Overall an odd combination.

 A group of friends working towards advanced college degrees decide to work on some research together. They are even able o secure funding from a major security company, Helguard. Their goal is to create new scanning equipment to be used by security in places such as airports. The team works extremely well together and soon they have a working prototype. However, something goes wrong with the machine and a mass of wires fuse together, causing a completely different result. When they turn the machine on and tell it to scan something, the item disappears instead.

 After some research, it is discovered that the machine is sending items to the exact same location, just 1,000 years into the past. This discovery naturally gets the attention of governments around the world and the military who try to take over the project. Military men are trained in the ways of the Saxons and are sent back in time to become part of their society and provide reports and pictures of a time period that was originally poorly documented. There are many dangers that the travelers face for this project, but the main one is that the Saxons are currently at war with the Vikings.

 What I liked best was the one member of the original team who was largely responsible for the creation of the transporter never claimed it. I am unsure if this is because he remains unaware of what he did, or out of fear because he was messing where he did not belong, either way, this is what stuck with me the most. There was a lot of technical speak, along with war and battle pans that were confusing and boring. The war or battle aspect of the book was very drawn out, though I have never been one to enjoy play-by-play fight scenes.

 This is more of an adult book. The length and technical stuff would probably be a bit daunting for younger readers. It is also rather detailed in the more graphic fight scenes (gore) and rape, which might make some readers uncomfortable. I rate this book 2 out of 4. The more interesting parts of this book, such as when Michael is becoming part of the Saxon culture moves quickly and is enjoyable. The duller areas such as the fights and technical speak are dry and really bring this otherwise interesting book down.

Moby recommended Paid in Full by Eric B & Rakim in Music (curated)

Paid in Full by Eric B & Rakim
Paid in Full by Eric B & Rakim
1987 | Hip-hop, Rhythm And Blues
7.5 (6 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"So I'm mentioning New York nightlife. I'd been born in New York, but I'd been brought up in the suburbs, and I loved New York, I was obsessed with everything pertaining to the New York art scene, the New York music scene, and I would hide in the bathroom in the train that went in and out of New York from my town, so I wouldn't have to buy a ticket. I would go into New York and walk around and look at record stores, clothing stores and nightclubs, so I was exposed to a lot of music that I wouldn't otherwise have been exposed to, like early hip hop. Hip hop, up until Eric B & Rakim, had been very drum machine based, drum machines with synth basslines. Then they rolled up with this song called 'Eric B Is President' which was sample-based. The first time I remember thinking, 'wow this sounds so different from all those other hip hop songs'. Rakim I think is still the most powerful MC of all time. Paid In Full I think is still really the first cohesive hip hop album. It helps that it has four or five huge New York hit singles on it. Paid In Full came out, and Public Enemy's Nation Of Millions came out, and suddenly people realised that hip hop could be a genre that worked on albums and not just tracks. At the time, it was impossible to go out in New York and not hear this record. Every car that drove by, ever nightclub, restaurant, shop, something off Paid In Full was playing at every second of every hour of every day. That and Public Enemy, you just couldn't get away from these records, and it helped that they were amazing records, not ubiquitous and terrible."

Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)
Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Fantasy
Stupid Sometimes is Different From Dumb
There is a "danger" to a 50-something year old actor playing a role that they originated as a young adult actor. Especially when the role is the one that a whole generation associates with that actor even when there are at least three other characters one could recognize as the actor's. But the analysis of Keanu Reeves's career, especially the more experimental aspects, is worthy of a blog post or podcast episode.
Bill and Ted Face the Music is the third entry in the series released 29 years after the second one. Bill and Ted are now middle-aged parents still trying to write the song that will unite the world and bring about a utopian society. But once again, that future is threatened unless Bill and Ted can fulfill their destiny. Reality is starting to unravel as George Washington is transported to another time, Babe Ruth takes his place, and Kid Cudi comes to San Dimas. Bill and Ted hijack a time machine and consult with future selves to take the song to their time.
First, I was happy to see the original actors for Missy and Col. Logan also return. Second, the actresses playing the two teenage daughters really captured the essence of Bill and Ted. Third, the couples therapy was a brilliant idea although I am not sure that medieval princesses would really consider this modern-day novelty. Lastly, it was a great idea to have different versions of Bill and Ted to cover the fact that Keanu and Alex are too old to play overgrown versions of the teenage Bill and Ted.
My only complaint was the undercooked screenplay. It had ideas but abruptly ended the threads.
Second Nature (2016)
Second Nature (2016)
2016 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
So this movie couldn’t have found its place in the world at a more opportune time (What with Trump vs Hillary and all). A balls out funny as hell comedy about a woman who against all the Nay-Sayers is going to run for Mayor against a womanizing, no morals and for lack of a better word Ass-hole who thinks the job is already sewn up. Seems standard right?? Well no not really throw in a Magic Mirror and some Freaky Friday gender swapping and you have Second Nature.

Without jumping into Spoilers though, the Kicker is this… Its not our main characters who have swapped roles like in most of these movies. It is the world around them!!!

Set in the small town of Louisburg, a shall we say “Freak Accident” befalls the Mayor. Upon his death it becomes a race to the position between Amanda (Collette Wolf. Hot Tub Time Machine, Interstellar). Amanda has all the best intentions for the town. She wants to protect the citizens including her Grandmother. However she must first overcome her opponent Bret (Sam Huntington. Sully, Superman Returns and Fanboys) Bret thinks he has the whole thing sewn up, loved by all at the city council and a real ladies man. They get into a heated argument one night while Amanda is holding her Grandmas “Magic Mirror” and the roles of Men and Women are swapped leading for some pretty hilarious results. Which actually turns this into a somewhat Social statement at points.

First time Writer/Director Micheal Cross has brought an extremely well thought out and accomplished fresh take on the whole Gender/Body swap genre of movie in a way that I guess I was surprised by if I am honest. The movie has a great cast of characters that all have there moments to shine. A special mention to Carollani Sandberg who plays Amanda’s best friend Nat, she is hilarious in this movie . Wolfe and Huntington have a great chemistry and the laughs in this movie just keep on coming and at a cool 80 minutes it never has time to outstay its welcome. We at 365Flicks highly recommend this Movie, its a good time to be had.

Produced by Nicholas Gyeney under his Seattle-based production banner Mirror Images LTD (Beta Test, Matt’s Chance, The Penitent Man).
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
2009 | Action, Role-Playing
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Visuals (3 more)
Subbed not Dubbed
Choices for creating/obtaining new equipment
Repetitive Gameplay (1 more)
The maps may confuse some
Muramasa: The Demon Blade was my favorite game released for the Wii, and remains one of my favorite video games of all time. The hand-painted background illustrations and characters fly by as you explore the world, either as Momohime or Kisuke, and fight your way through each screen and each boss.

Part of the reason I love this game as much as I do is that it's an odd duck. There's too much role-play to be a full on action game, but too many elements of an action game to be a full on role-player; but still somehow manages to to feel quite like an action role-player. Muramasa occupies a weird middle ground that I haven't encountered in any other action/role-play title, and it's a middle ground that I keep going back to.

Lately my Wii has been just a Homebrew-channel-running emulator machine, but rediscovering Muramasa has turned it back into an actual Wii. I almost even want to buy a PS Vita, just to pick up a copy of Muramasa Rebirth!

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated Red Dwarf in TV

Jun 22, 2019  
Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf
1988 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
8.4 (79 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Great sci-fi comedy (0 more)
Off air for 10 years (still, u gotta laugh haven't ya) (0 more)
The boy's from the dwarf
Red Dwarf is a British science fiction comedy franchise which primarily consists of a television sitcom that aired on BBC Two between 1988 and 1999, and on Dave since 2009, gaining a cult following.

 The show follows Dave Lister, a chicken-soup-machine repairman, who is the only human survivor of a radiation leak on his mining space ship and possibly the last living human. Having come out of time stasis 3,000,000 years into the future, Lister has very little company, one in the form of a hologram of his dead shipmate, Rimmer, self obsessed Cat, who has evolved from the descendants of Lister's pregnant cat, senile ship computer Holly and Kryten an Android whose sole purpose is to serve and clean.

This masterpiece was created by Rob grant & doug naylor (GrantNaylor) and has spawned 12 series (Back to Earth counted as the unofficial 9th and a 13th series heavily rumoured) multiple books, audio books, collectibles, magazines and a mobile game.

I'm still hoping for a mainstream console game, but until then, enjoy SmegHeads!