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Spitfire Girl
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked most about this novel is the characterisation. Each character, whether they be good or horrid, was entertaining and inspiring in their own way. I thorough enjoyed reading the story from Susan's perceptive and reading through her struggles and her triumphs. I liked the characters of Tony and Roz in particular. Tony has that tender loving air about him that readers like me enjoy and I was very happy to learn he survived. I had my doubts throughout; thinking it would end sadly. Roz was an interesting character. She is the polar opposite to Susan. She is passionate and opinionated, and she always knows what and who she wants. Qualities like that should always be admired. I was let down slightly by the lack of flying or any mention of flying until page 300+. And despite her desperate desire to fly, Susan seemed quite adamant to stay on the ground and play servant with everyone she meets. I expected her to put up more of a fight, if I'm honest. Much of the actions happens near the end of the novel. While it was good to read, it felt a bit rushed and there wasn't much detailed description about any of the aircraft Susan flew, which I really would have liked to seen and read. Another thing I disliked about this story was the fact that, despite Susan's good intentions, she always always got punished for it. She safely lands a plane, saving both her life and Elspeth's. She's deemed a security risk and is sacked. She rescues Charlie from being put to sleep. She tries to expose Dudley for the creep that he is. Mrs Kemp kicks her out. She's forced out of Daves home, because some cranky old woman doesn't approve of her or her dog. She loses her jobs and her homes over stupid, little things. That just doesn't happen nowadays. You get warnings. You learn from your mistakes. Employers move on. I understand it is under very different and difficult circumstances, being during WWII, but still. Slightly dramatised I think. Overall, a good read but would have benefited by more mention of spitfires!
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
The cast specifically RDJ as Tony Stark, Karen Gillan as Nebula and Chris Evans as Steve Rogers That Final hour is just incredible Cap and Tony's ending to their arcs The score (0 more)
Wish some characters had more moments to shine (0 more)
"Part of the journey is the end"
A satisfying conclusion to the Infinity Saga, the best way to describe Avengers: Endgame is Fan Wish Fulfillment: The Movie. Seriously, this film lives and breathes fan service from top to bottom, yet it WORKS. Rather than coming off as obnoxiously pandering, the film’s use of fan service is more secondary to everything else, often being used in ways that are creative and even add to the comedy. And speaking of comedy, Avengers: Endgame is unquestionably one of the funniest films in the MCU, yet the comedy never detracts from the heart or the emotional weight of the film itself.

It’s legitimately shocking how much the Russo Bros have improved as filmmakers. Not only do they perfectly nail tonal consistency here, but most, if not all, of the drama scenes are well handled, the direction of actors is great, and even in terms of just visual composition (especially cinematography) and editing, they show major improvement here compared to their previous MCU works. There’s also some neat production design and Alan Silvestri provides a fantastic score.

Co-writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely’s screenplay is easily one of the strongest aspects of Avengers: Endgame. While some characters won’t get as much focus as others, the characters who are primarily focused on (Nebula, Tony, Steve and Hawkeye) each have legitimately really great, character arcs, and the way it ties them into the film’s theme of loss only makes them even better.

But despite the shockingly strong writing and direction, Avengers: Endgame mostly works so well due to its mostly committed ensemble. The acting is mostly pretty solid-strong across the board, with the standouts being Robert Downey Jr, Karen Gillan and Chris Evans who are excellent. That said, Chris Hemsworth, Brie Larson (in very minimal screen time), Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo,Paul Rudd, Bradley Cooper, Josh Brolin and Don Cheadle all have their moments as well.

If Avengers: Endgame really is a farewell to many characters people have grown to love, then it is almost certainly a rewarding and satisfying one, and the third act features one of the best battle sequences in any comic book film. It might not be absolutely perfect, but it’s well performed, strongly written & directed, thoroughly entertaining and incredibly satisfying, and you’ll laugh, cheer and most definitely even cry. Without a doubt one of the absolute best MCU installments to date.
Your Neighbour's Wife
Your Neighbour's Wife
Tony Parsons | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
We all know that seemingly perfect family that appear to have it all but nobody knows what's going on behind closed doors; My Neighbour's Wife is a perfect example of things not being as rosy as we think and all it takes is for one mistake, albeit a massive one, and the walls come tumbling down.

I am a fan of Tony Parsons' work having read most of his series starring DC Max Wolfe and thoroughly enjoying them but this is a break from those stories but is no less enjoyable.

The story is gripping and most definitely a cautionary tale of how one "little" mistake can cause so many ripples and affect so many lives in ways you wouldn't see coming. The characters Mr Parsons creates are an interesting mixed bag of those you will love and those you will love to hate, those you will initially like and grow to dislike and the other way around - I love it when that happens!

The pace is good and there are twists, turns and red herrings that will keep you second guessing yourself and totally engrossed and I have no hesitation in recommending this to anyone who enjoys a great psychological thriller.

Thank you to Random House UK / Cornerstone and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Drama
Highly Entertaining
The Grand Budapest Hotel recounts the story of M. Gustave (Ralph Fiennes) and his adventures during a battle for an enormous family fortune. I have been avoiding this movie like the plague because the trailers didn’t really grab me. As it turns out, not only is the movie phenomenal, but it quickly became one of my favorites.

Acting: 10
Ralph Fiennes really makes this movie pop as Gustave. His wit is a huge part of his charm and impacts the way he acts out each scene. Characters like his are refreshing and hook you into the movie. I enjoyed Tony Revolori’s role as well playing bellhop Zero Moustafa. The two work so well together and enhance the movie as a result.

Beginning: 10
The beginning isn’t perfect, but I gave it a perfect score because it’s extremely intriguing. By the closing of the first ten minutes, I had a strong feeling I was in for a treat the rest of the way through. I was right.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Director Wes Anderson is known for a specific style that’s so different from anything else out there and The Grand Budapest Hotel is no exception. Colors pop and images jump out at you in exactly the way he is trying to convey. His style, hard to explain at times, is hard not to appreciate and enjoy. When you watch a movie like this, you truly feel like you are getting a full-on cinematic experience.

Conflict: 10
There is a scene towards the back half of the movie that I call “The Escape”. It is action-packed yet has some subtle nuances at the same time. Definitely one of my favorite scenes in the movie, but not the only one hinging on conflict. Despite a comedic overtone, the film relies on a number of different points of tension to drive the plot.

Entertainment Value: 9

Memorability: 10
Gustave and Zero are easily one of my favorite duos since Jack and Rose in Titanic. They have a strange relationship, one that contributes to making the movie unforgettable. There are so many moments that stand out (the reading of the will comes to mind) making this a movie hard not to think about. It’s a movie you can watch a number of times and see something new each time.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10
Flawless storytelling. Magical and original. Enough said.

Resolution: 4

Overall: 93
2014 is one of my all-time favorite years for movies and it’s because of movies like The Grand Budapest Hotel. It takes storytelling to new heights with a crisp, original way of looking at filmmaking. This movie definitely made me a believer and a fan of Wes Anderson.
Green Book (2018)
Green Book (2018)
2018 | Drama
It's always nice getting advanced screenings, but two months in advance has to be some sort of record. By the fact that the entire audience went "what?!" when the title card came up it was a very well kept secret screening.

I'm so pleased that this played to a packed screen. We lost maybe a dozen people within the first five minutes, which I think just goes to show how much of an unknown it was because normally people will leave immediately. I had seen it on the app, but not read the synopsis or seen a trailer so it was brilliant to be able to go into the film without any prejudgment.

Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen make a wonderful duo. They bounce of each other really well throughout the whole film.

One of the things I was dying to know was who was playing the piano. I'm reliably informed by IMDb's trivia that Kris Bowers who is the film's composer is Ali's piano double. I have no idea how they do that considering that a fair amount of the shots show Ali playing. It was certainly well done.

The film shows yet another important story in a well thought out and sensitive way. Hidden Figures, Marshall and now Green Book. We're seeing sides of history that we hardly knew of before. The Green Book was a complete shock of a discovery to me and this certainly made me want to research more on the topic.

Ultimately this story is about friendship and acceptance in the face of adversity. It's good to see the circle of change in Tony, and the ending paints the hopeful picture of what would unfold in the future.

I feel a little bit harsh only giving this four and a half stars. While Mortensen and Cardellini were spot on, Ali left me a little disappointed. I have loved him ever since The 4400 and it's been great seeing him in so many shows and films since then. This role obviously has some very powerful moments, and while he delivered them with grace I couldn't help noticing that something was missing. There was one point where he delivers a poignant speech to Tony and I realised that is was lacking the emotional kicker. It felt detached. Whether it was script, acting or just the natural way of the character I'm not sure, it had the potential to bring me to tears and yet... dry eyes.

That is honestly the only glitch in this wonderful film. I got home and I couldn't sleep because I was still buzzing from the screening. (I'm paying for that now.) I read the comments on Twitter and I was really struck by how many people loved it. This deserves to win awards on a lot of counts, I just hope that it gets the recognition it deserves.

When I got my Unlimited card I wasn't convinced that I'd go and see a lot of films (yes I know, what a joke!), and certainly without the card I would never have seen this. At home I never used to pick films that I'd have to "think about". Unlimited has changed the way I watch movies and given me the opportunity to see incredible productions like this. That to me is well worth the money.

What you should do

You should absolutely see this. Not quite a child friendly as Hidden Figures was but it offers another great insight into the past.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Just a fraction of that musical talent would be incredible.
The Fall Of The Essex Boys (2013)
The Fall Of The Essex Boys (2013)
2013 | Drama, Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Violent (1 more)
Acting is OK
Yet another version of this tale (0 more)
British grit
Loosely based on a true story surrounding the brutal shooting of three infamous drug dealers from Essex in December 1995, it’s a surprise that this is the fourth film to tell the tale.

After films such as Essex Boys, Rise of the Footsoldier and most recently Bonded by Blood you’d wonder why director Paul Tanter chose to helm this version, had this not already been done? Then you sit down to watch it and you realise that it’s a film in its own right, with powerful performances from British actors that need to be seen and heard in their delivery.

If you don’t know the story by now, and it’s one of underworld folk law, it follows three of Essex’s toughest and hardest drug-dealing criminals, who came to a gruesome end when they wanted to go one step too far.

Pat Tate, Tony Tucker and Craig Rolfe want to corner the drug trafficking market, they’re in it for the long haul and to make serious cash. The trio is vicious to the point of no return and will stop at nothing to get what they want and no one will stand in their way.

The film is told by Darren Nicholls (Nick Nevern) who himself narrates for a portion of the film, giving us the story as it unfolds before us. He’s up to his neck in it, and he wants a way out, seemingly with nowhere to turn he has to go into the lion’s den while keeping himself close to a friend on the outside that is looking for a similar end game.

It’s violent but then you have to expect that, the acting is genuinely disturbing and Tanter’s sharp direction keeps the viewer on tenterhooks. It’s a film that is not going to be for everyone, but fans of the director as well as the genre will love it.