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Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Home Alone (1990) in Movies

Dec 19, 2019 (Updated Dec 19, 2019)  
Home Alone (1990)
Home Alone (1990)
1990 | Comedy, Family
Trapped With Jigsaw, I Mean Kidsaw.
Home Alone- is a classic movie, but has alot of problems that people realise overtime. Like how did Kevin not wake up to the sound of the whole family, yes he was in the attic, but still he would of woke up. Like how Kevin's plane ticket mistakenly being thrown away, someone would of notice. Like how in the confusion and rush to get to the airport, coupled with no assigned ticket, Kevin is accidentally left behind, again some one would have notice. Like how Kate realizes mid-flight that Kevin was left behind, again thier would of notice. Like how Kevin rigs the house with booby traps, like he's 8 and he knows how to booby trap his whole house. So basically he is the kid version of Jigsaw.

Also how do the "Wet Bandits" , not get more injured, broken bones of even killed by some of Kevin's trap, i mean some of Kevin's traps are burtal and deadly. I mean it is a family film, but still.

Lets talk about the plot: When bratty 8-year-old Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) acts out the night before a family trip to Paris, his mother (Catherine O'Hara) makes him sleep in the attic. After the McCallisters mistakenly leave for the airport without Kevin, he awakens to an empty house and assumes his wish to have no family has come true. But his excitement sours when he realizes that two con men (Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern) plan to rob the McCallister residence, and that he alone must protect the family home.

A classic christmas movie, for the whole family to watch.
Coraline (2009)
Coraline (2009)
2009 | Animation, Fantasy, Horror
Coraline is a fantasy thriller made in 2009 by Henry Selick
It’s a story about this blue haired girl that just moved to a new house called The Pink Palace. She finds a secret door that takes her to a pararelle universe where she has her Othet Mother and Other Father and everything is better. Her Other Mother promises her everything she wants but in return she has to stitch buttons in her eyes. Coraline refuses and the Other Mother traps her a steals her from her parents.
Coraline needs to be brave and find a way to go back to the real world and save her family.

The director thought about every single detail of the film. The film took 4 years to be made. And it became a classic and one of the best films I ever watched
Stranger Things - Season 3
Stranger Things - Season 3
2019 | Horror, Thriller
I'm starting to tire of the concept I think
Series three follows the established formula, of happiness, weird things happen, everyone gets involved, Steve gets a kicking while the kids hide, Hopper and Joyce save the day.
While the series continues to be atmospheric and full of nice 80s references, I really think I am starting to tire of the show. The fact that it is supposed to be centred around the kids is strong, and yet they get involved in so little of the action that it is a let-down. Imagine if in the Goonies the gang got to One-eyed Willie's booby traps only for Chunk's uncle to appear to get them through it, while they complain about snogging in braces.
Hopefully series 4 will be more interesting and mix things up a little.
I Kill Giants (2017)
I Kill Giants (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Thriller
I KILL GIANTS is a movie I'd never heard of before until I stumbled across it on Netflix. Based on a graphic novel, I Kill Giants tells the story of Barbara, a young teen who lives with her older sister and brother. Barbara doesn't really have any friends, is bullied at school, is thought of as weird by everyone and is currently seeing the school psychologist (when she can be bothered). She also sets traps and bait in order to catch and kill giants, researching the different types of giants and preparing herself for when the time comes that she must protect the town from a really big one. If you've seen A MONSTER CALLS then this movie treads very similar ground to that and is also similar in style. I wasn't quite as emotional at the end of this movie as I was at the end of that one, but I did find it just as enjoyable
Well, now, that was ... unusual.

Unusual in that I don't think I've ever come across history told in such a manner before.

And, I have to say: I think it worked.

This tells the life story of Manfred von Richtohofen, otherwise (and perhaps more famously) known as The Red Baron - a German ace during the infancy of flight, and of warfare in the air (during The Great War, or World War One as it would later become known).

While it does, perhaps, gloss over the more horrific aspects of the war in the air (no parachutes,with the planes being death-traps, and with Richtohofens policy of aiming for the pilot rather than the plane) I have to say that I did learn more from this than I was already aware of - and no, unlike some of my American counterparts, my knowledge of him did NOT come from the Peanuts (right? isn't that the one with Snoopy?) cartoon!
Cube Zero (2004)
Cube Zero (2004)
2004 | Horror, Sci-Fi
6.4 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
An interesting prequel
After the very lacklustre and ridiculous sequel Cube 2: Hypercube, Cube Zero is a breath of fresh air. I’m usually very much against prequels as they tend to over explain and try too hard, erasing any mystery. Fortunately I found that for the most part Cube Zero doesn’t go down the route that most prequels do. Yes it explains a few things and elaborates more on the reasons and origins behind the cube, but not to the point that it erases all intrigue. The ending too and how it relates back to the original i found rather satisfying.

I’m grateful that they’ve gone back to basics with this too. Gone is the over the top CGI and instead the wonderfully gory traps and physical effects are back, and some of the gore in this is rather impressive. Whilst I don’t think it’s as good as the original, it’s definitely very close.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Konga (1961) in Movies

Sep 7, 2019 (Updated Sep 7, 2019)  
Konga (1961)
Konga (1961)
1961 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Staggeringly camp entry to the annals of man-in-a-gorilla-suit fantasy deserves about a 2 as a serious drama, but earns a much higher mark for sheer entertainment value. Michael Gough chews the scenery energetically as a mad scientist whose stated plans to discover the secrets of life by breeding giant rubber Venus fly traps actually seem to revolve around him leching all over his attractive female students and sending his pet ape Konga to strangle people. It all ends badly, as you might expect.

You have admire a film where people are given lines like 'There's a monster gorilla that's constantly growing to outlandish proportions loose in the streets!' and manage to deliver them with a relatively straight face - or perhaps that's just me. Much here to appreciate if you enjoy overacting, dodgy special effects, absurd melodrama, and terrible dialogue. The climax feels a bit bolted on considering what has come before, and it's disappointingly limp and static, but a hugely enjoyable Bad Movie in all other respects.
The Night Eats The World (2018)
The Night Eats The World (2018)
2018 | Horror
7.2 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This film is what I call a marmite movie, you will either love it or hate it. I happen to love it.
Based on the novel by Pit Agarmen our focus of the story is Sam (a superb Anders Danielsen Lie) who arrives at a party hosted by his ex girlfriend at the flat they used to share. Sam falls asleep in his old room and when he awakens the next morning the flat is trashed and there are zombies everywhere.
This film is no gore fest but kudos to make up department because these zombies look fabolous, this film is more of a study or how one man could surivie in solitiude and loneliness for a long time.
Trapped in an aprtment block Sam is able to stock pile supplies but while he wont starve to death will his own mind be able to cope with the horror around him?
Notable mention for Denis Lavant who plays the zombie Sam traps in the lift who he keeps talking too.
A French film but filmed in English with a strong main character.
Saw: The Final Chapter (2010)
Saw: The Final Chapter (2010)
2010 | Horror
6.1 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is it, the Final Saw film (it's not), It even says it in the title, Saw: The Final Chapter (but it's really not.)
After escaping the reverse bear trap placed on him by Jill in the previous film, Detective Hoffman is out for revenge, whilst also running another game or two (Where does he find the time?)
I think this may be the most outrageous Saw film yet, Jill is having nightmares about being ripped apart, there is a Jigsaw survivor group and Hoffman goes over the top with the traps and then decides it's easier to just go on a killing spree. Honestly if he'd decided to do that two films ago we could have saved ourselves a lot of time.
As usual, the traps are interesting and gory with three 'games' played this time (maybe four or even five, depending on what you class as a game) although I'm not sure about the machine gun.
There isn't the backstory in the same way as the other films, not until the end of the film anyway as 'The final chapter' concentrates on the new player of the game and Hoffman's hunt for Jill and yet 'Saw: The final Chapter' still manages to bring the story full circle, with the help of another of John's recruits.
If it's possible I think that this is the most violent of the Saw films (up to now) as we not only have three main games but Hoffman's killing spree and the machine gun and the return of the original bear trap.
For a film that calls itself 'The Final Chapter' it leaves itself quite open, there seems to be an increase in the 'pig' population as well as the return of an old character as a new (old) disciple.
I do like the fact that Jigsaw (John) died in the third film and was never brought back (or faked his death) and the ways that the new disciples are weaved (retconned) into the back story, I think bringing John back would have been a mistake.
Anyway now I've finished the Saw films it's time for, Oh Jigsaw because films don't know the meaning of the word final (especially as there is ninth film out this year (2021)) oh well, on with the gore.
Saw IV (2007)
Saw IV (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
6.8 (18 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Continuing on from the events of the previous film a new game is started as the last of the police officers from the other films are tested by jigsaw.
Like the previous films we have more traps and more people being tested and, of course things are not always what they seem.
With 'Saw 4' we get more of a feel of where the series is going, we see more of how Jigsaw recruits his assistants and how he intends to continue his work even when he no longer can.
We also get more on Jigsaws past, although, at times it does seem like it's contradicting what we already know everything comers together by the end of the film.
Saw 4 does a better job with the remaining characters from the previous films, keeping then through the film instead of killing them off in the first few minuets like they did in saw 3 and this film really does do a good job of tying up the loose ends from saw 3 and setting up things to come which is something which could have gone really wrong after the events of saw 3, other franchises have had problems bringing back their main killers and most of the way they used would not work with Saw as the franchise is more grounded in reality than a lot of other slasher type films.
I'm not sure how much of the story is planned ahead and how much is the writers checking the previous films for plot holes and then filling them in but Saw 4 does answer some questions, like how was Amanda able to lift some of her victims. The film also show us things like why Amanda uses a Pig mask.
The Gore level isn't as much as in Saw 3 and a lot of the 'game' is more psychological than the previous films but this fits the overall tone of the series and allows the film to give us more information via flashbacks, which are also used to throw the viewer off what is happening.

Saw 4 is more of the same, traps, games, blood and tests whilst also building on the law and setting up for more movies and ends leaving the viewer wanting more.