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Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher | 2009 | Children
8.4 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
It hurts. I hurt - my heart, most of all. Thirteen Reasons Why spoke to me on a deep and personal level, one I try to ignore more often than not. Listening to Hannah Baker explain, in great detail, the stories, events, and people, that lead to her decision to commit suicide, was jarring. The way she chose to reveal her past, to expose the cause, was more effective than if she had just walked through the story in real time. Reading the discoveries through Clay's point of view made things more interesting. From Hanna's first official kiss, to the rumors that spread afterward (and who can honestly say they've never had a single rumor said about them?), to out of control parties and signs of depression ignored, we're lead through a sort of "treasure hunt". Each moment builds and builds as her tolerance withers away, crumbling under thoughts of not being wanted or cared about. This book, Hannah's story, is something that should open every eye to who we are as people, how we act, what we believe without verification, and how we treat others. Some events in Thirteen Reasons Why are textbook examples of bullying, while others are moments where, if they had happened separately from all the other moments, probably wouldn't have amounted to much. It should make you realize how every little thing can effect someone. Your words have an effect; your actions have an effect; your behavior has an effect. If you don't stop to think to how you've treated people throughout your life, or even wondered if something you have said or done has ever meant more to another person than they did to you, then perhaps you need to reevaluate your life. Thirteen Reasons Why is a breath of truth, if not a breath of fresh air. Nothing has slapped me in the face as serious or as hard as this book. Please, if you feel like you didn't feel the same reaction, reread this book and try to look at it through a different mindset. Because each word is important and the moral of this particular story is life changing.
The Twyford Code
The Twyford Code
Janice Hallett | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Twyford Code is written in the form of a transcribed voice recording from a mobile phone. It was a bit of a ‘Marmite’ book on The Pigeonhole (where I read it), and I came firmly down in the ‘love’ camp. It was such an original idea.

Steve a former criminal, has recorded messages to the adult son he has only met a couple of times. His son has decided that he doesn’t want to see him, but Steve has something important that he wants to share with him. He repeatedly says that he hopes his son will get to listen to what he has to say. But as the book goes on, it looks increasingly less likely. Danger is around him at every turn.

Steve has joined the hunt for hidden treasure, and he believes the clues are hidden in a series of children’s books by Edith Twyford.

Ok, so apparently the clues can be found in this book, but I’m afraid my brain just doesn’t seem to work like that. So, I’m here to say that I read this, enjoyed it immensely, and was just happy to sit back, read the book, and let the story unfold. If you like puzzle solving, you might enjoy that aspect to it. But it’s not imperative!

I thought it was fascinating. The writing style took a couple of pages to get used to, and often the words were written phonetically. Steve’s Remedial English teachers name was written as ‘missiles’ instead of Miss Isles, for example. There are lots of spellings that follow this pattern, because the recordings have apparently gone through a computer programme that changes the spoken word into text. I did wonder if Steve’s own writing would have been much different, as we learn that he only really learnt to read and write whilst in prison.

I don’t want to say too much and spoil the book, but I will say that this had me hooked. I enjoyed each and every stave on The Pigeonhole. This book deserves the hype!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and to Janice Hallett and her publisher.
The Inheritance Games
The Inheritance Games
Jennifer Lynn Barnes | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have read and enjoyed countless YA books, and The Inheritance Games was no exception. It’s touted as a rags-to-riches, Cinderella type story, and there is most certainly a fairytale feel to this. I like fairytales. They’re a gateway drug in to fantasy as a child, I think. Or at least they were for me.

Avery Grambs wants more from her life than living hand to mouth, as she seems to be doing with her sister. Her mother has died, she has no contact with her father. She decides that the best way to change her life is to get a good education at a very good college, with the help of a scholarship. Indeed, she does seem to be very clever.

And then a young man comes to her school, and tells her that she has inherited some of the fortune of Tobias Hawthorne - a man she has never met and knows nothing about. In order to keep her inheritance and deprive the rest of the Hawthornes from getting their hands on the money, Avery has to live for a year in the Hawthorne mansion. Sounds easy, but it’s not. It’s a sprawling, maze-like place, with secret corridors and countless rooms. And the Hawthorne grandsons, on the whole, don’t seem to be hugely keen on her living with them, and neither does their mother.

No-one, including Avery, can understand why she should inherit the Hawthorne fortune. Tobias Hawthorne has one last Rick up his sleeve - a treasure hunt of sorts, that he set before his death for his grandsons and Avery. Just the thing to bring them together - or is it?

I thoroughly enjoyed this. Yes, it’s a bit far-fetched, but who hasn’t wanted to become the equivalent of a billionaire? To never need to worry about money? To have the house version of the Tardis?! This last bit, actually, would totally do it for me - as long as I could cleaners!

I think this will be the first in a trilogy, and I have a sneaking suspicion that I’ll be reading the next one. YA isn’t just for the kids, you know!

Many thanks to the Pigeonhole for making sure I read another one of my NetGalley books, and the publisher for an ebook copy.
    Hocus Pocus Alfie Atkins

    Hocus Pocus Alfie Atkins

    Games and Entertainment

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    "An incredibly well thought-out open-ended adventure game for kids ages 3-9!" ...

Indiana jones and the dial of destiny (2023)
Indiana jones and the dial of destiny (2023)
2023 | Action, Adventure
7.8 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Needed A Spark
Have you ever gone to a live stage play/musical on a Friday or Saturday evening and you can just feel the crackle of excitement and energy in the air and the performers on stage seem to catch that surge of energy and their performances are turned up a notch because of it?

And then, you return to that same theater - for the same show - for a Wednesday matinee and things are just flat. Same show, same performers, same entertainment, but that “spark” just isn’t there?

Such is the case of INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY - the Wednesday Matinee performance of an Indiana Jones adventures.

This James Mangold (FORD v FERRARI) Directed Indiana Jones adventure hits all the right notes - chase scenes, fights on a moving train, treasure hunt/quest for an ancient artifact, Indy getting into (and out of) trouble, etc…but Dial of Destiny never quite elevated itself above the norm.

80 year old Harrison Ford (and some stunt doubles and a boatload of de-aging software) is back, of course, as Indiana Jones and it is like pulling on an old, tattered sweatshirt - very comfortable and comforting. He is aided (in a cameo) by John Rhys-Davies’ Sallah (good to see him in an Indy movie again) and by rock solid additions of Antonio Banderas (ZORRO) and good ol’ Toby Jones (INFAMOUS) as colleagues and fellow adventurers as well as an above-average turn by Phoebe Waller-Bridge (TV’s FLEABAG).

These folks fight Nazis (naturally) and a bad guy played by Mads Mikkelsen (ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY) in an adventure that was “just fine” but “nothing special”, all set to a score by 90 year old John Williams(!). Oh, and don’t forget the welcome appearance of Karen Allen as Marion Ravenswood in what was one of the highlight scenes of the film.

Unfortunately, Mangold never elevates these characters, the chases, the escapes, the call backs to earlier Indiana Jones films above a pleasant warmth of memory, recalling all the good times/grand adventures that Indy has taken the audience on throughout the years. This film needed someone/some THING to help elevate it above the norm.

It needed Steven Spielberg to Direct.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Paddington 2 (2017)
Paddington 2 (2017)
2017 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Verdict: Charming and Entertaining

Story: Paddington 2 starts as Paddington is a welcome member of the Brown family, the neighbours are always willing to accept his help and now Paddington sees a gift for his Aunt Lucy in Mr Gruber (Broadbent) antique shop and decides to get a job to pay for it.
Just about to buy the present, Paddington catches a thief breaking into the store and goes in chase, only to find himself captured and thrown in prison. Paddington soon makes friends with the prisoners including the feared Knuckles (Gleeson), while the Brown family Henry (Bonneville) and Mary (Hawkins) try to free Paddington, learning that the once famous actor Phoenix Buchanan (Grant) is behind the crime.

Thoughts on Paddington 2

Characters – Paddington is the kind-hearted marmalade loving bear living in London, he has made countless friends both human and animal, he wants to get a present for his Aunt which sees him trying to get a job. He does try to do the right thing by helping with a robbery only to be found guilty. Paddington always the people bear makes friends, while believing that everybody has good about them. Henry, Mary Brown and Mrs Bird treat Paddington like their third child and will do everything to help get him out of prison. Phoenix Buchanan is the once famous actor that has moved in next door to the Browns, he is very eccentric and trying to rebuild his fortune which sees him stealing the book and learning about the clues in the book, always trying to stay ahead of the people trying to capture him, using his different costumes from his career. Knuckles McGinty is the prison chef, he is feared by the other inmates, but Paddington breaks down those barriers showing him to be a good man inside, one that could bring the prisoners together.
Performances – When we go into the performances, the original cast are all wonderfully, but it is the addition members of the cast that truly shine, Hugh Grant practically steals every scene, while Brendan Gleeson proves that he can be the funniest man on camera, these two are outstanding in every single scene they are in.
Story – The story here follows Paddington’s next adventure as he tries to give his Aunt a present of seeing London only for him to get framed and thrown in prison, while the Brown family try to figure out who really committed the crime. This is a coming together story, it shows how somebody’s good nature can change everything in life and without them around you will notice the change in life. The idea that Paddington is facing off against an evil washed up actor is entertaining too, though it would have been nice to see more of the treasure hunt side of the story. While most of the story is largely predictable it does have a huge heart behind it and shows that good people will rub off on others to show kindness can be a change to life for the better.
Adventure/Comedy – The adventure side of the film seems to be focused more on the villains adventure, more than seeing what Paddington must get up to, the comedy comes from seeing just what Paddington gets himself into and the trouble he causes with his innocent nature.
Settings – We keep London as the main backdrop for the film, while we do have Paddington in a prison and the major landmarks being used as clues to a treasure, most places are locations we are expecting to see in any London based movie.
Special Effects – The effects are brilliant putting Paddington in every scene like he is really there, it never looks out of place which shows just how far this technology has come.

Scene of the Movie – Lets make marmalade.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Surely, Mr Gruber would be the one who decides whether to press charges against Paddington?
Final Thoughts – This is a entertaining, big hearted movie that could be enjoyed by the whole family and would leave a smile on everybody’s face.

Overall: Big Heart Movie.
The Lost City (2022)
The Lost City (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
7.6 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Charming...with Charismatic Leads
Like most folks, I barely gave THE LOST CITY any notice when it came and went in movie theaters earlier in 2022. This Sandra Bullock/Channing Tatum vehicle looked derivative from earlier films (most notably 1984’s ROMANCING THE STONE with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner) and it blew in and out of theaters with hardly a notice. But…sitting on an airplane…I ran across this flick and thought I’d give it a go.

And…I’m glad I did! For THE LOST CITY is a fun, charming film with 2 charismatic lead actors that you will want to go on this adventure with.
Written by Oren Uziel, Dana Fox and Adam Nee and Directed by Adam and Aaron Nee, THE LOST CITY tells the tale of Romance Novel Writer Loretta Sage (Bullock) who gets caught up in a treasure hunt when a crazed Mega-Millionaire (played with a spry twinkle in his eye by Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe) kidnaps Loretta for she had written something in her latest novel that he thinks is a clue to find the titular LOST CITY. Coming to her rescue? Her clue-less Fabio-like Cover Model (played with charming density by Channing Tatum). What could possibly go wrong?

With that sort of premise, the rest of the story is fairly predictable and pedestrian, so the weight of the entertainment value of this film falls squarely on the shoulders of the charm, charisma and chemistry of the 2 leads - and the Direction of the Nee’s.

And…I’m surprised (and happy) to state that these all come through with flying colors making THE LOST CITY a pretty enjoyable romp.
Let’s start with Bullock and Tatum. They are really looking like they are enjoying themselves - and each other. Bullock is no stranger to playing emotionally repressed intellectuals and Tatum is no stranger to playing dumb lugs…and they both embrace these stereotypes and had fun brining these two to life. Add to this the aforementioned performance of Radcliffe as the comedic villain and an extended cameo from a very recognizable “A-List” performer - and the charm and charisma meter in this film is off the hook.

The Nees, then, play to the strengths of these performers and move the film quickly from set piece to set piece, wisely only slowing down the action to let these performers play. The Directors show a light touch to this piece - and the audience is rewarded by this.

Not the type of movie that will cause focus groups to sit around and discuss it after, but if you are looking for a fun romp, summer action/comedy flick to sit on the couch some summer afternoon/evening with a bowl of popcorn and your favorite beverage, look no further than THE LOST CITY.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Eon: Dragoneye Reborn (Eon, #1)
Eon: Dragoneye Reborn (Eon, #1)
Alison Goodman | 2008 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I was young and impressionable (well, not really impressionable, I’ve actually always been the stubborn and fiery redhead I am now, just a little more shy) I read a book about a sixteen year old girl, in a man’s world, pretending to be a twelve year old boy. In this same book there were also dragons, no not the ones you hunt to steal their treasure, but the kind that you bond with and can gain amazing powers from.

Of course it has dragons; how could I resist? Ever since reading Eargon I’ve had a thing for books with dragons in them, though it is rather hard to find some where it isn’t all about dragon hunting. Anyone have any suggestions?

Anyway, so this book was one of my favorites as a teenager because of the world building as well as the secrets and powers that the characters have. And I really do like it, though I’m probably going to say more bad things than I will good for a reason I will explain later.

So, the good things:

Main character, Eona. I guess I feel like she is similar to me in a way. She can be stubborn but also knows when to hold herself back when she needs to. She can be rather forceful and hostile while also having a nicer, sweeter side. She struggles with much through the book and it gives the book a more realistic feeling.

The world of the Dragoneyes. It’s ancient Chinese mythology, and mythology is something I like to read and learn about. It is very interesting to read about, and the author did her research on the subject.

And the bad things:

The book moved rather slowly. Yes, there was a lot that happened, but there was also a large amount of the politics of the world that got involved to. Politics isn’t something I like, it’s actually something I am starting to hate in recent years. So this doesn’t appeal to me. When I got closer to the end I skimmed, half because I knew what was happening for the most part, half because I was getting so bored with the back and forth of the characters.

The characters. Most of the characters had a fake feeling to them. They seemed one sided and all kind of reacted in similar ways when faced with these situations. They were almost flat and didn’t seem real.

Eona. Yes I know she is in the good things too, but I really dislike her fatal flaw. It took her most of the book to figure out (even though she wasn’t even the one who figured it out in the end) what the secret was to her power. It was rather annoying and I wish the author would have allowed Eona to figure it out a bit soon and have some more of the awesome power in there.

The good aspects of this book do outweigh the bad ones, but it still caused me to think hard about the rating I would give it.