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please heed trigger warnings!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This box charity anthology comes with a warning of triggers and dark subjects. I strongly suggest you heed them. I have no such triggers, but these books are truly dark and deadly and most I was unable to read. I apologise for that, but they are just the wrong side of dark for me.

I did read and finish 2 of them though, and one I enjoyed immensely and the other was. . different. . .still on the very edge of my limits but I did finish it.

Slay Ride, by Davidson King.

Mason is saved from an attack but his saviours are not all they appear to be. Gabe and his brothers have rather ambiguous morals, but when you find out WHY they have these morals, you get it, totally. And when Gabe and Mason really talk, about their past, and things are revealed, it makes you go. .OH!!

And then. . . we are left hanging! Because this ends on a cliff hanger and I need some closure for these two, for ALL the brothers, so I hope this short story spawns a series.

4 stars for Slay Ride.

The other book I finished, was Little Tree, by Taylor J Gray.

Now, this one pushed my limits, right to the end.

It carries a lot of pain for Mattie but he IS a pleaser and he wants to please Kellan. HOW he does that, really surprised me, and the end surprised me too! I would have loved to hear from Mattie cos only Kellan gets a voice but I might not have liked to hear what he had to say, when he was all trussed up.

This also ends on a bit of a cliff hanger and I really want to, but not sure I can, read more of this couple.

I gave this story 3 stars, because I wanted Mattie.

Overall, because I only finished 2 stories, but started them all, I will give this set 3 stars. It really does push boundaries, and if you can read them, please do. I'm sorry I couldn't.

3 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
All is Not Forgotten
All is Not Forgotten
Wendy Walker | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One evening, teenage Jenny Kramer heads to a party. She's headed to meet a boy, but when she spots him with another girl, she's devastated. Drunk and embarrassed, Jenny heads into the woods to be alone; instead, she is attacked and viciously raped for over a hour. After the horrific incident, Jenny is given "the treatment," which erases the incident from her memory. But Jenny cannot move on from that awful night. Neither can her father, Tom, who is consumed by thoughts of tracking down the attacker. Meanwhile, Jenny's mother, just wants everything to go back to normal. Jenny is taken to a psychiatrist, Dr. Forrester, who has some experience with the treatment, including another client of his--a war veteran named Sean. Can Dr. Forrester help Sean and Jenny retrieve their memories? Will Jenny track down her rapist before she's consumed by that night's events?

This novel gets you immediately from the beginning (definite trigger warning for violence/rape, though). The entire book is told from the perspective of Dr. Forrester, which gives it a totally unique slant. Is he reliable? He's certainly a weird guy, and hearing the story from his side only makes things more intriguing. I thought the story would be more about both sides of forgetting and "the treatment," but it's really, truly the story of Jenny's rape, tracking down her rapist, and the interconnected story of several people in her town.

Overall, this is a great thriller, with a ton of twists and turns. I always enjoy a novel where I don't actually see every plot piece coming, and this one didn't disappoint. The cast of characters in the novel is varied and intricate. Some of the good doctor's machinations are a little preposterous, but it doesn't detract from the your enjoyment of the book. Even better, the ending kept up with the earlier parts of the novel and actually made me go "wow." A very enjoyable, different, twisty thriller - worth picking up.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 7/12/2016.

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Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher | 2009 | Children
8.4 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
The concept (0 more)
The inaccurate portrayal of depression (0 more)
Trigger Warning
This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Recently filmed as a thirteen-part Netflix drama executively produced by Selena Gomez, Thirteen Reasons Why was the first novel by the award-winning author, Jay Asher. It is the type of book readers will either love or hate, but it should definitely come with a warning. This story is NOT an accurate representation of depression and suicide.

Yes, suicide. A teenaged girl has committed suicide, shocking everyone who knew her. No one could understand why, but thirteen people are going to find out. Clay Jensen is the ninth person to receive a box of thirteen audiotapes from Hannah Baker. However, Hannah died two weeks ago. As she premeditated taking her life, Hannah recorded thirteen stories involving people from her school that caused her to snowball into deep depression and despair. Desperate to find out why his name features in Hannah’s story, Clay begins listening to the tapes in order, putting together the events that led to Hannah’s death.

What follows is a heart-breaking story showing the impact individuals have on other people’s lives, often without realising it. In some cases, the characters only played a minor role in Hannah’s life, whereas others caused significant damage. The saddest thing is, Clay could have helped Hannah, but she had pushed him away.

At times, Hannah seemed like the horrible person, calling all these people out on petty little things, but these things, along with the more horrible ones, all built up to create a life that did not feel worth living. It is eye opening how much a small action, comment or rumour can so drastically alter someone’s future.

Bearing in mind that depression affects everyone differently and has numerous causes, some readers may feel disgusted at Hannah’s extreme action, but this is the fault of the author. Jay Asher fails to completely describe the emotional torment that Hannah felt, and only someone who may have been through a similar situation, or worse, will fully be able to understand the impact everything has had on her mental health.

As Hannah beleaguers her listeners, the thirteen people start to feel like the victims rather than the “attackers”, which is most probably not what the author was intending. Now, these people will have to live their lives believing they caused a girl to commit suicide when really they were only 1/13th of the reason. Although, before criticising this novel, keep in mind it is a work of fiction.

What is most painful about Thirteen Reasons Why, is not Hannah’s plight, but the reaction Clay has to hearing Hannah’s story. Unlike the other people Hannah accuses, Clay is not one of her antagonists; all Hannah wants to do is to say sorry.

It is up to the reader to judge whether Thirteen Reasons Why is worthy of praise or not. Those without an understanding of depression may dislike it on account of misunderstanding Hannah’s reasons, whereas others may feel insulted that she killed herself over things that could have been eased had she told someone. Personally, I understand where Hannah is coming from, and although I would not go to the extremes Hannah did, I do not think she was selfish or stupid or any other insult that may befall her.

The reason I give this book a good rating lies in the quality of writing. Asher seamlessly alternates between two narratives – Hannah’s story and Clay’s reaction and reflection. Although the author may not have clearly expressed Hannah’s emotions, he successful emphasises the grief and despair Clay feels listening to the cassettes. My main concern is that Thirteen Reasons Why will only be short lived. Audiotapes were already obsolete when the book was published, but soon will there be any new readers who know what a tape is?

kitty ♡ (68 KP) rated 13 Reasons Why in TV

Jan 9, 2018 (Updated Jan 9, 2018)  
13 Reasons Why
13 Reasons Why
2017 | Drama
there are only 13 episodes (1 more)
we get to see part of the aftermath of the tapes
they changed the way hannah kills herself (3 more)
it felt too mainstream
i didn't feel the same watching it as i did when i read the book
that *particular* scene made me want to vomit
something just didn't click.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I would add the whole "suicide glamorization" factor as a negative, but that's something to be taken up with the author of the novel, Jay Asher, and not the television series. I'll talk about that when I review the book after I finish re-reading it.

TRIGGER WARNING: I will be talking about suicide here, which should be no surprise as this is a show about suicide, but I will be doing so in semi-detail.

The main bone I have to pick with this portrayal of 13 Reasons Why is that they changed the way Hannah kills herself. In the book, Hannah Baker kills herself by swallowing a handful of pills. And as the book is limited to Clay's point of view, Asher doesn't describe it in greater detail. If I can recall, he just leaves it as that (but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!) In the series, however, Hannah kills herself by bleeding out in the bathtub. Instead of showing her swallowing pills, the writers decided that having the girl slit her wrists would be a better option which is WRONG. They really wanted those bonus points for gore, huh? The fact that they made her death more gruesome than it already is, is simply just disgusting, in my opinion.

Actually, the fact that they even showed her death scene at all is just disgusting. Not only is it so, but it may also be triggering for some people. They shouldn't have done it in such detail. What they could've done was they could've shown the blade (if she were still going to bleed out) and a little bit of blood to allude to the fact that she died this way. But no, they just had to show the whole process, which can easily turn into a how-to for viewers in a bad place.

Really, the only good thing I have to add about this is the fact that they show Tony giving Hannah's parents a copy of her tapes, and by the looks of it, the tapes may be handed to the police, which means Bryce's nasty ass can get what he deserves. Hopefully. But we really don't need a part 2. Sorry about it.
Seen (Breaking Free #2)
Seen (Breaking Free #2)
A.M. Arthur | 2017 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a far more emotionally devastaing read, but equally blown away!
I was shared my copy of this book, via Amazon friends and family thingie.

This is book two in the Breaking Free series and I would STRONGLY recommend you read book one, Saved, before this one. More than strongly, I think it's very necessary for you to get a proper picture of this world and the men in it.

And, I was totally blown away by that book. This one? Equally blown away, but this is a far more emotionally devastating and difficult read.

Kell is Braun's older brother, and after three years of horrific abuse, snaps. Already reeling from the loss of his newborn, Kell now faces a murder charge. Ronin knew Kell ten years before, but moved away before their mating bonds could fully develop. Coming to Kell's rescue, via a court room, brings him back into contact with his mate, damaged though he is.

I wasn't able to read this book in one sitting, but I wanted to. It's just far too heavy a book for a one sitting read, but it was so f*cking good!

the full extent of the abuse that Kell suffered at the hands of his husband, and indeed, his father in law, is bad, even for this world, and through a series of witnesses, the story becomes clear. Braun knew about the beatings, but he didn't know how bad it really was. Kell thinks everyone will look bad on him for what was done to him. But Ronin?? He SEES Kell, makes Kell SEE, that there are better ways to live than in fear.

I don't know if the author has experienced of spousal abuse, or if they did a huge amount of research for these book, but either way, the way this is played out, it could be happening in any given court room across the globe right now. Ronin is an outstanding lawyer, and he systematically destroys the prosecution witnesses, one by miserable one.

And he pulls a blinder! Won't say what he does, but oh! I cried! For Kell, and for Ronin at that point.

Actually, there were a lot of tears in this book. Some heart breaking sobs, but also, some tears of joy too.

Attitudes they are a-changing, but these things take time. Fortunately, I have 6 more books to read to see how that all plays out!

Again, trigger warning are rife here, and you should probably not read these books if you have abuse triggers. It's a HUGE part of this story.

I can't really say what I want to say about this book, without spoilers, and I don't do spoilers, so I'll leave you with this:


5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Valley of the Dolls
Valley of the Dolls
Julie Burchill, Jacqueline Susann | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A classic that doesn't stand the test of time
This is the twenty-second book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

This classic novel had been sitting on my shelves for a while, so I decided to tackle it as a part of my challenge. I still have mixed feelings about it, even writing this review a month or so later. Honestly, this book is really depressing. The beginning was interesting, and I thought I would find it very engaging, but eventually the women became reduced to annoying drug addicts whose lives revolved around their looks and men. I wasn't sure what the message was, but it wasn't one I cared for.

VALLEY OF THE DOLLS centers on three women: Anne, a young woman from a tiny town who escapes and comes to New York City; Jennifer, a beautiful woman who parlays that beauty into an acting career; and Neely, a young woman with a lovely voice who dreams of an acting and singing career. Anne finds work at a talent agency, working for Henry Bellamy, which is how she meets Jennifer. Neely is her young neighbor. At first, all three women are poor and dreaming of a better life. Over the course of the book, their fortunes change, but they do not necessarily become happier.

I was sort of horrified if this was what life was like for the rich and famous in the 40s to the 60s. So much drinking, drugs, and partying. There was such intense focus on looks--if this book was supposed to be advanced for the era, it's certainly not now! The men came across terribly, but the women were not much better. Even if they were using their bodies for power, everything just felt icky. Anne is supposed to be the model of an independent woman, as she has her own money, but she's not... I wanted to like her, but it was hard.

Overall, while I certainly found parts of this book fascinating, I cannot say I always enjoyed it. It definitely provides great historical insight into a particular era, though. I'm glad I read it--it's always interesting to see what was a classic and why at certain times. But did I like the characters and plot? Not really. 2 stars for plot, rounded to 3 stars for historical significance. (Oh and major trigger warning for the use of the "f" word in relation to queer people. Part of the times, I realize, but it became very disconcerting after a while for me.)
Eight Perfect Hours
Eight Perfect Hours
Lia Louis | 2021 | Art, Photography & Fashion, Humor & Comedy, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Noelle Butterby has recently broken up with her boyfriend of twelve years, Ed. Ed found Noelle pathetic for staying home to take care of her ill Mum and therefore being unwilling to travel to the States with him for a new job. But for Noelle, it's more than that. Her family obligations are both confining and all she has--leaving her unable to fulfill her own dreams, including opening her own flower shop. On her way to her university reunion--the first time she's been out in ages--Noelle finds herself trapped on a snowy roadway. With traffic stalled for hours, she meets Sam, the man in the car next to hers. They form a small friendship over the eight hours they're stuck, bonding while she charges her phone and they forage for food. In those few hours, Noelle is truly, actually happy. But the roadway is cleared and Sam drives off. Yet, somehow, after their snowy time together, the universe seems to continue to throw Sam and Noelle together. Each is dealing with their own relationship woes, but they feel drawn to one another. Are Sam and Noelle meant to be? And can Noelle find her own way while dealing with the weight of her family responsibility?

"Eight hours. Eight tiny hours is all they were. And already I miss them. Ridiculous. I am ridiculous."

I fell completely for this charming story. It's completely lovely, with such wonderful characters in Noelle and Sam, whom I found myself rooting for from the beginning. There are enough obstacles that I actually found myself wondering if they would wind up together, yet determined that they were meant to be. The book is so sweet yet has its serious moments as well, and it tackles mental health in a honest way, dealing with depression, agoraphobia, and post-partum issues quite well.

"And I feel--something. I don't know what exactly. Alive. Buzzy. Like my blood is rushing with stars, with electricity."

Both Sam and Noelle lost someone early in their lives, and some parts of this book will hit hard if you lost a loved one in your early twenties--their grief feels so real and raw (also a trigger warning for suicide). Their lives have been changed by these deaths, as well as hanging on to relationships that may not be the best for them. Watching them bond is so heartwarming. This is such a romantic read, with excellent pieces of chemistry and sexual tension--it's so well-done and builds quite excellently. This isn't insta-love, but a good slow burn that feels passionate and honest.

Overall, I really loved this one. The romance is excellent, and the message of finding your way together when it was meant to be is beautiful. 4.5 stars.
Eliza and Her Monsters
Eliza and Her Monsters
Francesca Zappia | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
I always read before I go to bed, so last night I decided to pick up Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia. I fell in love and before I knew it, I was 50% done but I thought I could read for another 15 or so minutes – that turned into me finishing the book at midnight. I don’t regret a thing. This is a mental health book that deals with trauma, anxiety, and depression, so I would just like to give all readers a trigger warning. I personally felt that it was beautifully written, but not everyone will feel the same way so I suggest a level of caution if you think you may be triggered by these things. I wouldn’t want anyone to feel harmed by this book or any book.

Just a warning, I do talk about the relationships in this book as well as some plot points. I don’t discuss anything that wasn’t mentioned in the synopsis on the book or Goodreads, but if you haven’t read those then this is your spoiler warning.

Our main character is Eliza, the anonymous creator of the famous webcomic Monsterous Seas. She has always been more comfortable online than dealing with the real world, or real people. All of her friends are online. She has always kept her identity a secret and as the popularity of her work has grown, the fervor to learn her identity has as well.

Eliza has always been content to spend her days in school drawing and talking to no one – that is until there is a new guy in school, Wallace. Against all odds, he is a fan of Monsterous Seas and actually writes fan fiction about it. It doesn’t take long before they become friends and Wallace gets Eliza to come a little more out of her shell. Their friendship was so precious and I loved watching them bond over a story that was so important to each of their lives.

The romance aspect of the book also made me super happy – I legitimately was smiling every time they were super cute together. Even though they each had their issues to deal with, they didn’t push each other past their respective lines of security. They were supportive of one another and I think that Wallace was the perfect foil for Eliza. Yes, they had their troubles but at the end of the day, they were there for one another.

The family dynamic was completely relatable if frustrating at times. Eliza’s parents don’t truly understand what her webcomic is or how famous it is, which causes a lot of friction within the family. Her parents want to understand her more, but Eliza is very closed and protective of herself. While they may not understand the importance of it even if she took the time to explain it and what it means to the world, she doesn’t even give them the chance. Eliza is defensive and her lack of communication is what ultimately leads to the worst crisis she experiences, despite her parent's well-meaning intentions.

The most heart-warming part of the novel was the scene in which one of her brothers stood up for her and supported Eliza. It was such a precious moment and it was nice to see a positive familial connection being formed. Eliza learns throughout the novel that she never gave her family a chance and that maybe she doesn’t really know them. The growth that she experiences over the course of the novel was wonderful to see and gives you hope that (although she’s fictional) perhaps things will change for the better with her family and her life.

As a person who feels infinitely more comfortable talking to someone over the internet than in person, there were many times that I related to Eliza. I completely understand the anxiety of talking to another person, even one-on-one. I cannot imagine the stress and havoc the reveal of your identity to millions of people would have on your psyche and body. My heart broke when we found out her identity was exposed because Francesca wrote a character so real that we could feel her horror and destruction.

There was also some diversity in this book, although it wasn’t as explored as it could have been. Wallace’s family is a unique situation and I would have loved to learn more about them, but understand that it would have slowed down the pacing of the novel. I can’t say more because I don’t want this to have actual spoilers, so just go read the book. While it is not explicitly mentioned in the book, the author wrote in a tweet that she wished her portrayal of ace/demi sexuality was truly addressed. I think that would have brought a wonderful level of diversity that we don’t normally see in books and could use more of.

If it wasn’t clear from my ‘I read it in one sitting into the wee hours of the night’ tale, I absolutely loved this book. It was very relatable and as an introverted fangirl myself, I personally felt represented by this book. Even though I didn’t know about it before it was published, I definitely expect it to make my best of 2017 list. It is a contemporary that, in my opinion, honestly and respectfully tackles mental illness, family relationships and is so wonderfully written that I hope you fall in love with it as well.
He Said/She Said
He Said/She Said
Erin Kelly | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was lucky enough to win an unfinished copy of this book on a Goodreads giveaway.

The year is 1999, Kit and Laura are down in Cornwall at a festival held for eclipse chasers, this will be their first one together and the start of many more to come. Kit has all the future eclipses planned out, he has been doing this his whole life and wants to share it with the woman he loves and future children. With it being cloudy the odds of a total eclipse is minimal, to try and get a better viewing angle the couple move out to the edges of the festival, but what they do witness changes their lives forever. Kit and Laura are embroiled in a rape case, Jamie Balcombe was witnessed attacking Beth Taylor – Will Laura’s testimony be enough for a conviction?

He Said/She Said is told from alternating point of views from Kit and Laura. They are also told from past and present, so will get a chapter from Kit in 2015 and 1999 and the same from Laura. This allows the stories to be interwoven and tells what happened and how it has affected them now. This is another slow paced book that feeds you small amounts of information at a time and when you think you know what has happened it takes an unexpected turn.

Laura in present day is an unreliable narrator, she suffers with anxiety and is extremely paranoid. We don’t find out for a long time how she has become this way all we do know that it’s related to ‘Beth’. In 1999, Laura has her whole life ahead of her, she has just met Kit and has this outgoing nature to her. As the story progresses you begin understand why she is so paranoid and why she is so anxious.

Kit seemed like a super relaxed guy that takes everything in his stride, Laura is his soulmate and have been together for 15 years and will protect her to no end. At points he could be very meticulous and other points very sloppy regarding their change of identity. I must admit that Laura is the stronger character of the two and her POV was much more enjoyable.

I felt this book especially the first half was very slow even when there were parts that really appealed to me. The story line was good not something I have read about before and I didn’t think it was predictable but when the twist happened it wasn’t anything majorly startling for me.My actual reaction was ‘oh’! but the second half was much better than the first and had more action to it.

There is a trigger warning of Rape, so if this is something you are uncomfortable reading about then this might not be the book for you.

I rated this book 3.5 out of 5 stars