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Merissa (11953 KP) created a post

Oct 4, 2021  
Widdershins (Widdershins #1) by Helen Steadman - #HistoricalFiction, #Widdershins, #Witches,

Trigger Warnings:
Domestic abuse, rape, torture, execution, child abuse, animal abuse, miscarriage, death in childbirth.
Love Letters to the Dead
Love Letters to the Dead
Ava Dellaira | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great for fans of Perks of Being a Wallflower!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Trigger warning. This book deals with some deep stuff.

This was a super interesting idea. The story was deep, and it was the first book I've ever come across that told its story through letters to dead celebrities. So bonus points there for sure!
The overall story reminded me a lot of Perks of Being a Wallflower, which is one of my all time favorites.

I did not LOVE the POV/writing of the book but that wasn't because the author didn't do well. In fact I'd say that means she did amazing given the book is told from the POV of a teenage girl. She's young, and the writing reflects that. So while it wasn't my personal cup of tea, it made sense for the book. Bear that in mind when going into this one.

We follow Laurel venting to dead celebrities about her life and the loss of her sister. How did she die? Why does Laurel feel guilty? Why isn't her mom around anymore? Through letters to her idols she reminisces and vents, and we get to see her navigate life and relationships without her big sister.

*Potential trigger warnings for domestic abuse, rape, molestation, drug/alcohol use, and suicide.
A Haunting in the Arctic
A Haunting in the Arctic
CJ Cooke | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this dark tale. It’s a tough read at times, and comes with a host of trigger warnings (rape, eating disorders, violence). Its really creepy though, a great companion for a dark evening!

Nicky is on a ship in 1901 with a crew of men who all expect her “services”, even though she isn’t prepared to give them what they want of her own free will.

In the modern day, Dominique, an explorer and instagrammer, decides to travel to Iceland and document the destruction of the beached ship, the Ormen.

The atmosphere was perfect for a ghost story, full of menace and threat, and just when I thought I knew what was going on, something would happen that would make me have to reassess completely! The present day storyline was perfect for this.

This is a story where your heart will be in your mouth from start to finish, and it fed my fascination for the frozen places of the world perfectly (and I have to admit that my fascination is based on what I consider to be a healthy fear!).

ClareR (5681 KP) rated Gold Rush in Books

Oct 8, 2024 - 2:58 PM  
Gold Rush
Gold Rush
Olivia Petter | 2024 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gold Rush explores the cult of celebrity, and how so many seem to believe that being famous means that you can do whatever you like, with no repercussions.
Rose is a character with very little self confidence as it is, and when a world famous pop star, Milo Jax, shows an interest in her, she can’t believe it. Why would he want to see her? Well, it seems that he has a nose for a willing victim. He has recognised an easily coerced, shy young woman and he sexually assaults her.
This is a very introspective novel, and we see a lot of Rose’s inner thoughts where she constantly argues with herself: did something happen, did Jax rape her, or did she allow it? She’s a young woman who is obsessed with the way she looks - as are most of her peers. The scenes at the hen party honestly made my toes curl.
This should probably come with trigger warnings for sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, eating disorders and suicide. There may be more, because everything was thrown at this book.
I did somewhat enjoy Gold Rush, and especially the character of Minnie (Rose’s boss), who took no nonsense from anyone. I read it really quickly, due to the fact that I didn’t want to put it down, in the hope that Rose would tell someone or report Milo Jax as a sexual predator, I think.
This didn’t quite hit the mark for me, and I think it may well be that I’m not the right demographic for it.
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
31 of 235
Assassins Gambit (Hearts and Thrones book 1)
By Amy Raby

Vitala Salonius, champion of the warlike game of Caturanga, is as deadly as she is beautiful. She's a trained assassin for the resistance, and her true play is for ultimate power. Using her charm and wit, she plans to seduce her way into the emperor's bed and deal him one final, fatal blow, sparking a battle of succession that could change the face of the empire.
As the ruler of a country on the brink of war and the son of a deposed emperor, Lucien must constantly be wary of an attempt on his life. But he's drawn to the stunning Caturanga player visiting the palace. Vitala may be able to distract him from his woes for a while - and fulfill other needs, as well.
Lucien's quick mind and considerable skills awaken unexpected desires in Vitala, weakening her resolve to finish her mission. An assassin cannot fall for her prey, but Vitala's gut is telling her to protect this sexy, sensitive man. Now she must decide where her heart and loyalties lie and navigate the dangerous war of politics before her gambit causes her to lose both Lucien and her heart for good....

I enjoyed it for the most part the start was a bit ropey and definitely had trigger warnings for rape and abuse but after the first quarter it became an easy likeable read. Characters were likeable and unlikeable in their own rights and the ending was pretty decent!
I usually try to stay away from books featuring short stories because usually they aren't that great. However, there was something about Snuggle with the Strange: 9 Twisted Tales by Liane Carter that jumped out at me. I felt compelled to read it, and I'm glad I did. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and all the short stories.

I didn't really know what to expect with Snuggle with the Strange except that the stories would be a bit out there. The first two stories gave me Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz vibes but for adults. These stories were more paranormal/supernatural in nature, and I really enjoyed them. The next six stories were more realistic in the fact that they could actually happen to anyone (which is a scary thought!). The last story returned to being supernatural again. I loved each and every story, and I thought the pacing and world building for each was done very well. Each story has an original feel and isn't like any of the other stories in the book. Even though this is a fairly short book, all the suspense makes it seem as if time has stood still. My favorite stories in Snuggle with the Strange were "Life in the Shed" and "He Looked Like My First Mistake." Although all the stories are written very well, I just loved those a little extra. Oh, and something else I loved was that the cover of the book links each of the nine stories. I thought that was very cool!

All of the characters are well fleshed out in each story. There's just enough information on each character so you can love them or love to hate them. At times, I felt like I was the main character in the story!

As this is an adult horror book, there are quite a few trigger warnings for Snuggle with the Strange which include demons, underage drug use (a few mentions of marijuana), implied rape, implied child rape, attempted rape, death, murder, violence, attempted murder, domestic abuse, child abuse, and profanity.

Overall, Snuggle with the Strange is a breath of fresh air for those who love the genre horror. With it's interesting cast of characters and original short stories, this is one book that every horror lover should read. I would definitely recommend Snuggle with the Strange: 9 Twisted Tales by Liane Carter for those aged 16+ who like their horror with a flair of originality instead of rehashed fiction. If that sounds like you, this is your kind of book!
(A special thank you to Liane Carter and Lola's Blog Tours for providing me with a paperback of Snuggle with the Strange: 9 Twisted Tales in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)

BookishWoo (317 KP) rated Zodiac in Books

May 25, 2020 (Updated May 25, 2020)  
Anamaria Lonescu | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zodiac is the 2nd book of the Sergiu Manta Series and the first to be translated into English.
I was captivated by Zodiac right from the first page. Anamarie wrote this extremely well and in a way that you felt you were reading a script for a crime drama, scene by scene. This is slightly different to what I'm used to, but I found as long as I paced myself and didnt speed through it I could keep up with the scene jumps and found that I completely enjoyed her writing style. Although this is a fast paced thriller do not be fooled that being only 218 pages long you can speed through this quickly. This is a book to savour and enjoy.

I can honestly say that I fell in love with the main protagonaist Sergiu, he was an unpredicatable, motorbike riding, charming "Agency" man willing to do whatever it takes no matter what the cost.
His character was in stark contrast to Marius who was a typical police inspector and family man with a moral conscience. This worked well alongside Sergiu's character and didnt give you that typical good cop, bad cop feel. They complimented each other well.

The plot was fantastic, and just when I thought I had it all figured out the twist came along and surprised me completely!

I cant wait to read more of the series and hope that the first book gets translated so I can read this too!

If you are a fan of fast paced thrillers I highly recommend this!

Trigger Warnings: swearing, sexual themes, rape, murder, guns, violence

I received Zodiac by Amamaria Ionescu for free in exchange for an honest review from Love Book Tours and Corylus Books.
The Stars That Guide You Home
The Stars That Guide You Home
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

Now I make no secret of the fact that I am a crier. Christmas TV ads, airport arrivals halls, old men crying, anything has the ability to set me off blubbing! So I am never entirely surprised when I start crying at a book, even my husband doesn’t mock me anymore. But this book? THIS BOOK had me crying the entire way through and just when you thought life for the characters couldn’t get any worse…Jemma Robinson says hold my coat!

Sophia and Tom live in a quaint little farmhouse in the town of Lowshore. Their life is a simple one but their happy marriage practically radiates from the page. However, Sophia never told her husband about her past and that past is about to catch up with her!

Whilst Tom is at work, Sophia is kidnapped from her happy home and forced to live the life that she tried so desperately to escape. Beaten, abused and powerless, Sophia manages to find two people worthy of her trust but will she ever escape? Can she ever regain the life that she used to have with Tom?

The beauty of this book is that it revolves around its characters. There is very little world building here but, honestly, it isn’t needed. Nothing matters to Tom and Sophia except one-another and that is reflected in Jemma Robinson’s writing style.

The characters themselves stay with you long after the final page: Sophia wears her heart on her sleeve, Tom is steadfast and passionately protective, James and Annalise are, in contrast, calm and collected individuals but Edmund is nothing short of a psychopath!

Edmund is no fairytale villain, despite the Lord Farquaad vibes I was getting from him. Robinson’s antagonist wouldn’t be out of place in Game of Thrones: he is truly revolting, controlling and revels in his absolute power over everything and everyone in his kingdom.

The Stars That Guide You Home is marketed as historical romance, not a fairytale, and with its medicine, photographs and labour camps then it does seem too modern to be considered a fairytale. However, I would argue that castles, arranged marriages, medieval torture and absence of any morally grey characters could push this into the category of dark fairytale.

There are a number of trigger warnings within this novel that I want to highlight. This is by no means a YA book – it is definitely Adult Fiction or New Adult at a push. These trigger warnings include rape, physical and mental abuse, animal cruelty, torture (in detail), kidnap, burns, suicide, miscarriage and general violence.

Dark fairytale still doesn’t seem enough… Sinister fairytale might just do it!

The Stars That Guide You Home is simultaneously beautiful, horrifying and inspiring. This book will break your heart over and over again and keep you coming back for more. Thank you to The Book Network for the opportunity to review this amazing novel, and thank you to Jemma, even though you did make me cry for 486 pages!

Ali A (80 KP) rated Sync in Books

May 12, 2024  
Ellen Hopkins | 2024 | Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trigger Warnings: Child abuse, child neglect, homelessness, mention of drug use, rape, suicide, homophobia, prison/juvie

Twins Storm and Lake have always been in sync growing up - until they get separated within the foster care system. Storm’s been through juvie but his current foster dad and his girlfriend are helping him find a normal life again - until an incident makes him lose control again. Lake likes girls, but her bible loving foster parents would immediately kick her out if they find out - so she and her foster sibling, Parker, must keep their relationship secret. Both twins have rough patches ahead and both fight to come out on the other side.

Sooo, I’ve never read an Ellen Hopkins book - at least that I can remember anyway. I did NOT keep track of books I read until I was in my late 20’s… That being said, I feel like I would remember the emotional damage that probably would have been done with her books, especially with how I feel after finishing this one.

Hopkins didn’t shy away from the hard topics. Doing so allowed me to feel every emotion alongside the twins as they were. I’ve recently really gotten into novel-in-verse books and it absolutely makes me understand how poetry can really hit your gut with just so few words; Hopkins didn’t have to go into detail about what things looked like for you to understand what was going on.

The ending was bittersweet because I didn’t want it to be over, but at the same time, Hopkins finished it beautifully without needing the words. God, this book is going to stay with me for quite some time. I’m going to think of Storm and Lake and hope they’re doing okay.

Overall, this book will grab your heart and twist it tight, absolutely leaving an imprint when it finally releases you on the last page. Even though it’s a 400+ page novel, it reads quickly and one could probably finish it in one setting. The only reason I hadn’t was because I started it super late at night and then had plans the following morning.

*Thank you Nancy Paulsen Books and BookishFirst for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

Becs (244 KP) rated Chambers in TV

Jun 6, 2019  
2019 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (14 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Interesting and very intriguing
Trigger Warnings: talk of rape, drug abuse, torture
When I first put this on, I was just putting it on as background noise while I worked on art. But I ended up becoming drawn into the thriller and mysteriousness of the story.

Chambers begins with the MC, Sasha Yazzie telling her father, Frank, that she is going out to study. But in reality, she's going out with her boyfriend TJ Locklear - in the hopes that she will lose her virginity. The couple goes into a mattress shop to do the deed when Sasha's head starts pounding. She ends up passing out and rushed to the hospital.

Months later, we see the scar from a heart transplant. Sasha had a heart attack, which was very random and rare. She is miserable from missing a ton of school, having to be on anti-rejection pills for the rest of her life, and for everyone treating her like a porcelain doll.

One day, she walks into Frank's shop and meets Ben Lefevre who was the father of Becky, the teenage girl who gave Sasha her heart. Sasha is deeply creeped out when Ben asks for Frank and her to come to dinner. But when she goes to refuse, Frank agrees since he empathizes with the family.

When they arrive, Sasha is peppered with questions about her ambitions from Nancy, Becky's mother and snarky comments from Becky's brother, Elliot. The Lefevres tell Sasha that they are taking Becky's college fund and establishing a scholarship that they want her to have. Sasha soon sees a picture of Becky and eventually starts having visions, a major one happens during an Arizona dust storm that forces the Yazzies to stay at the Lefevres' house.

Sasha accepts the scholarship where she attends Becky's old school. This new school is very upper class, I mean it has "nap rooms" and "life coaches" and not all of Becky's old friends are reluctant to be friends. Sasha finds out via a few of Becky's old friends how exactly Becky died, but it doesn't make sense at all. The show continues on with a few twists and turns, a few trigger scenes, and was captivating.

Chambers is an odd yet enthralling show that also gives a foreboding tone. The creator doesn't hide some of the messages you see in the first episode, but it's all things we've seen done before. Like the Lefevres having it all while the Yazzies are a working-class family. The main reason why I kept watching until the very end was the mystery surrounding Becky's death and Rose's performance as Sasha. Throughout the episodes, you can see that Sasha doesn't go around "stopping and smelling the roses" all because she was given another chance to live. She resents the heart and just wants to be a normal teen again. Which is totally understandable. Getting an organ transplant is a hard thing to go through, especially at such a young age like under 17 years old.

If you're into thrilling mysteries that have a bit foreshadowing, I highly recommend Chambers. You can stream it on Netflix!