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Only Human (Themis Files #3)
Only Human (Themis Files #3)
Sylvain Neuvel | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
WOOF. I was so excited to read this book, after demolishing Waking Gods in one day. I'm glad this book was a little shorter than Waking Gods.
Honestly, not much happens during this novel. It goes back and forth with flashbacks to when the characters were on the other planet, and the modern world. I believe it was supposed to be a current sociopolitical situation; it was obvious and was definitely eye-roll inducing.
The actions of some of the characters made no logical sense. Eva was so annoying and childish, I really couldn't stand her and it damaged the book for me. While the last book ended on the cliffhanger, this book made me wish the trilogy was only a duology.
The A-Team (2010)
The A-Team (2010)
2010 | Action
I have to say I expected the worst from this but was pleasantly surprised and pleased by the time the credits rolled. I saw most of the TV series as a young boy and this film does keep a lot true to the original TV series. Just given a modern update and treated like a modern day action film with big stunts and over the top action plans only the A Team could do. At times it felt like a mix of the Bourne Trilogy crossed with Ocean's 11 elaborate missions! There is plenty of humour and it doesn't take itself seriously, pity the critics who just didn't get it, fool's!! A pure popcorn action blast everyone in the right frame of mind should enjoy.
This is the second book of the Fionavar Trilogy and it just keeps getting better and better.

This book makes me laugh but also makes me cry ... every time! I won't give out any spoilers but all I will say is that I can't read a whole section in one go without wiping the tears from my eyes. Call me a sap but I love it when I get so involved with a book that I can be made to cry, especially if it's not the first time I've read the book.

Two additions to this book might not sit well with some people and that is of the characters of Arthur and Lancelot. Personally I liked their appearance and it didn't come as a surprise.

Raven: Blood Eye (Raven 1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first in a planned trilogy, Raven: Blood Eye is set during the early days of the Viking incursion into what would later become known as England. Pretty much the entire novel centres around one such such fictional raid: before, during and after the said event, with the subseqent sequels planning to 'open out' the Viking world.

If I had to compare it to other similar novels I've read, I would probably have to place it somewhere in the gap between Bernard Cornwell's (an author, incidentally, who Giles Kristian acknowledges as being part of his inspiration) series on Alfred the Great and Tim Severin's Viking books: not quite as polished as the former, nor as scholarly as the latter. Still an enjoyable enough read, though!