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Where U From - Single by Mia Ferrari
Where U From - Single by Mia Ferrari
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Mia Ferrari is a London-based singer-songwriter and Instagram star from Portugal. Not too long ago, she released a lovely electro-pop tune, entitled, “Where U From”.

“Baby tell me where ya from. Can’t tell from ya accent. Bite my lips, tasting ya tongue. Still, don’t know what ya meant. Tryna translate when you text. Hope I don’t regret it. Got so much I wanna say. Not sure if you’ll get it.” – lyrics

Every time Mia meets someone, it doesn’t take too long for that someone to ask her, “Where you from? Because I can’t tell from your accent.”

Her “Where U From” single tells an interesting tale of a young woman who shares a special relationship with a foreign guy whose whispers melts her heart.

Apparently, even though his spelling is okay, he communicates better with his tongue, and his hands talk dirty.

In need of a trip, she finds out where he’s from on the map because she plans on vacationing there soon. Later that night, the guy takes her one thousand miles away, around the world, and now she sees where he comes from.

‘Where U From’ contains a dreamy storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and dance-friendly instrumentation flavored with an electro-pop aroma.

“Regardless of language, feelings emerge and we can only try our best to show them. ‘Where U From’ reflects thoughts and feelings during that time. Also, the choice of transitioning from talking within a language to talking with the body, hoping not to get lost in translation.” – Mia Ferrari
In My Shoes - Single by Keyra
In My Shoes - Single by Keyra
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Mia Ferrari is a London-based singer-songwriter and Instagram star from Portugal. Not too long ago, she released a lovely electro-pop tune, entitled, “Where U From”.

“Baby tell me where ya from. Can’t tell from ya accent. Bite my lips, tasting ya tongue. Still, don’t know what ya meant. Tryna translate when you text. Hope I don’t regret it. Got so much I wanna say. Not sure if you’ll get it.” – lyrics

Every time Mia meets someone, it doesn’t take too long for that someone to ask her, “Where you from? Because I can’t tell from your accent.”

Her “Where U From” single tells an interesting tale of a young woman who shares a special relationship with a foreign guy whose whispers melts her heart.

Apparently, even though his spelling is okay, he communicates better with his tongue, and his hands talk dirty.

In need of a trip, she finds out where he’s from on the map because she plans on vacationing there soon. Later that night, the guy takes her one thousand miles away, around the world, and now she sees where he comes from.

‘Where U From’ contains a dreamy storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and dance-friendly instrumentation flavored with an electro-pop aroma.

“Regardless of language, feelings emerge and we can only try our best to show them. ‘Where U From’ reflects thoughts and feelings during that time. Also, the choice of transitioning from talking within a language to talking with the body, hoping not to get lost in translation.” – Mia Ferrari
All The Time - Single by Zara Larsson
All The Time - Single by Zara Larsson
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Mia Ferrari is a London-based singer-songwriter and Instagram star from Portugal. Not too long ago, she released a lovely electro-pop tune, entitled, “Where U From”.

“Baby tell me where ya from. Can’t tell from ya accent. Bite my lips, tasting ya tongue. Still, don’t know what ya meant. Tryna translate when you text. Hope I don’t regret it. Got so much I wanna say. Not sure if you’ll get it.” – lyrics

Every time Mia meets someone, it doesn’t take too long for that someone to ask her, “Where you from? Because I can’t tell from your accent.”

Her “Where U From” single tells an interesting tale of a young woman who shares a special relationship with a foreign guy whose whispers melts her heart.

Apparently, even though his spelling is okay, he communicates better with his tongue, and his hands talk dirty.

In need of a trip, she finds out where he’s from on the map because she plans on vacationing there soon. Later that night, the guy takes her one thousand miles away, around the world, and now she sees where he comes from.

‘Where U From’ contains a dreamy storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and dance-friendly instrumentation flavored with an electro-pop aroma.

“Regardless of language, feelings emerge and we can only try our best to show them. ‘Where U From’ reflects thoughts and feelings during that time. Also, the choice of transitioning from talking within a language to talking with the body, hoping not to get lost in translation.” – Mia Ferrari
Agents of Mayhem Day One Edition
Agents of Mayhem Day One Edition
2017 | Action/Adventure
Characters are amazing! (0 more)
Sandbox is crap (0 more)
A fun short trip through crazy Seoul!
I saw this game advertised and was immediately in love with the concept. I loved the G.I. Joe aspect of the 12 characters and how each one felt different to control. The over the top antics and crazy fighting was fun, but got repetitive towards the end, I did appreciate the boss battles at least having some variety. The game is pretty short, and I felt like the sandbox of Seoul wasn't as big on exploration as I felt it should have been, also after taking 20 mins to win over an enemy base, they'd quickly take it back over, and it felt like there wasn't really a point. I feel like it is a solid concept and I hope if they expand on the franchise that we not only get more amazing characters, but maybe a longer story mode or side missions where you actually accomplish something on the map.

I feel all games should have a realistic price point, I paid $60 and feel like the game was really more of a $35 venture. Totally worth having around if you just want to get lost in some mindless fun for awhile.

Also while I am not the biggest proponent for all games having online features (as I'm old and from the NES era of gaming where it was a solo experience) I feel this game would have benefitted from having more online co-op features, but again, this would rely heavily on Seoul actively reflecting the time you've put into carving out a piece of the map.
Mr Doubler Begins Again
Mr Doubler Begins Again
Seni Glaister | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Humorous And Endearing
This is the first book by Seni Glaister that I have read. Why did I choose this book? Well, I was lured by the vague synopsis which piqued my curiosity and I am also a sucker for an attractive front cover, so it ticked some of the boxes for me!

Mr Doubler, a potato farmer, lives alone at Mirth Farm, on top of a hill. He doesn’t need anyone else for company as he is content with just his potato plants and Mrs Millwood, his housekeeper. However, she is taken ill and Mr Doubler starts to feel lonely and his life is no longer as complete as he thought. Before he lost his wife, her friends were always around. Can the kindness of the village strangers bring a lonely man out of his melancholy?

Although ageing, illness, death and the difficulties arising from family relationships are pivotal throughout this book, it is also a story very much about hope.

For me, this is a charming and endearing book and I love the way that Seni Glaister has written about rural life. There are some wonderful descriptions that make me want to make a trip to Mr Doubler's farm and she has created a fantastic set of characters. Whilst they are not all likeable, there are some lovely interactions between some of them as Mr Doubler's life alters course.

I like that Seni Glaister has included plenty of humour in her writing and the story is, for me, very poignant and thought-provoking.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Mr Doubler Begins Again and I would definitely recommend that you add it your reading list.

[Thank you to NetGalley, HQ and the author, Seni Glaister, for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.]
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
First female lead for Marvel (2 more)
Unexpected twists
Kept with MCU continuity
Kree make up lacked a little (2 more)
Good Marvel knowledge required to make full sense of movie
Possibly released too close to Endgame to get the recognition it deserves
Brie Larson rocks Captain Marvel with almost perfect performance
Brie Larson kicks butt in this action packed adventure that takes Carol Danvers on a trip down (a very long) memory lane.

The overall plot of the movie works brilliantly and does well to give fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe a glimpse of the raw power that Captain Marvel posseses. The story (with good reason obviously) focused a lot on Captain Marvels journey to learn who she is and where she comes from. In doing that however I feel like Marvel left us with little back story behind the Kree-Skrull war. This could be paid off in later films but I do feel as though this was the perfect opportunity.

The 90's feel was executed to perfection, from the costumes to the sets, the soundtrack to the technology, there was a perfect amount of nostalgia without it getting close to cheesy. This allowed the film to focus on it's 'Top Gun' style and makes it stand out and stand strong amongst any other Marvel film to date.

Whilst I feel there was a small amount of detail missing, overall I thought the film was an action packed rollercoaster of fun which made great use of the opportunity to set up everything that was to come in the MCU timeline.

Brie Larson and Samuel L Jackson were terrific and I hope they can collaborate further in any planned sequel.

On a final note, now that Captain Marvel is out there for the world to see, bring on Avengers: Endgame!

Higher Futher Faster.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2084 KP) rated Dyeing Season in Books

Apr 12, 2019 (Updated Apr 12, 2019)  
Dyeing Season
Dyeing Season
Karen MacInerney | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spring Tornado Leaves Behind a Murder Victim
A sudden spring tornado finds Lucy scrambling to protect her property. When she goes to her elderly neighbor’s place, she finds Dottie alone with no idea where her home health aid is. This isn’t like Eva, so the women are worried. It’s only after the storm has passed that they get an answer when Lucy finds Eva’s body. Even with the tornado having just passed, it is very clear that Eva was murdered. The tornado left behind destruction to Lucy’s crops, so she needs to replant, but she can’t help begin to investigate what happened to Eva. Will she uncover the truth?

Being a wind hating California native, this book hooked me from the opening tornado. That didn’t diminish a bit when the storm ended and Lucy found the body. The plot is strong and, while not a typical cozy formula, held my attention the entire time as I waited to see how Lucy could prove what she was pretty sure was happening and who the killer would turn out to be. It’s wonderful to spend time with these characters again, and I enjoyed getting to know some new ones, too. I suspect we’ll see more of some of them in future books; at least I hope so. I did catch a few annoying editing issues, but they can be easily fixed and don’t impact the story at all; in fact, they vanish as we get further into the book. There are seven recipes at the end, including natural dyes for eggs, perfect for Easter. This is a fast, fun read that will leave cozy fans anxious for their next trip to visit Lucy.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Colette (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Colette (2018)
Colette (2018)
2018 | Drama, History
Colette has left me bemused. The performances are amazing, the costumes and sets are beautiful, the story is interesting and well told, and yet at 1 hour 51 minutes in length if felt too long. I wasn't bored at any point, I was just really surprised that I was still sitting there watching.

There was an amazing cast. Up until this point I've never particularly enjoyed Keira Knightley roles, after The Nutcracker And The Four Realms I was very close to giving up hope. As Colette she shone. It's absolutely the best piece of acting I've seen from her. Dominic West playing Willy her fame seeking husband was a great bit of casting too. The pair had such chemistry in everything from love to rage. It was also lovely to see Fiona Shaw pop up as Sido, a small role but by no means forgettable.

It's certainly an interesting story of gender norms in history and the literary world of Paris. But beyond the acting, costumes and sets it's not... Exciting? Moving? It's a very good film but just lacks that little something extra to push it to the top. It's difficult to say much more about the film really, I hardly took any notes during the screening. In fact, the only note I made that wasn't related to things I've already mentioned was this: "Four films this year, 50% lesbians."

What you should do

It's a well made film and certainly enjoyable to watch. If you fancy watching a period drama then it's well worth a trip to the cinema for.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

A beautiful second home in the country would be lovely.

Ross (3282 KP) rated Tell Me Lies in Books

Jan 28, 2020  
Tell Me Lies
Tell Me Lies
Ed James | 2020 | Crime
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A change in style for James
I received a free advance copy of this book from the publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Ed James' new series takes place in Seattle rather than the UK-based series he has penned to date. There is also a change in subject, focusing on child abductions rather than the standard "murrdurr" fayre.
Special Agent Max Carter is tasked with tracking down a senator's abducted children. With the clock ticking, we see the action from the abductor's PoV as well as Carter's and the father's. The senator finds himself trying to help the abductor of his children to uncover a government conspiracy in which he may have been involved. The mix of different perspectives allows the story to flow with a good pace, with different angles of the emerging story adding up for the reader in way they wouldn't yet do for the characters. In the middle of the book the investigation did start to feel a little samey (both the FBI agents and the abductor/senator teams going through the same leads one after the other), but this didn't last long.
The change in location sadly comes with a change in writing style and this was a downside for me. I like James' flowing narrative and the American tone and style were quite jarring. I would say more American than genuine American authors. However once I accepted this it did not spoil my enjoyment of the book as a whole.
The ending of the story was mostly satisfying but with some loose ends that I hope to see addressed in subsequent books.
A departure for James' readers but worth the trip, and a good book for fans of Harlan Coben and David Baldacci.
The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
1973 | Rock
9.6 (22 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I'm reminded how great it is all the time. It's a weird record, it has passages that are just fucking weird bleeps out of a synthesiser. People dismiss it because it's so popular, and I would tell them if they heard pieces of it they would think it's some freaked out indie group with these great old synthesisers. It's just so well done. There are these strange, jazz elements to Pink Floyd that I think musicians notice. I don't think the audience cares - these neat little things they do that make it their own trip. These combinations of chords and notes that just aren't typical. I suppose to me, it's universal music. I think they do this reptilian brain version of universal, emotional music and they use these very simple build-ups and harmonies, and they nail it on that record 20 different times. And to know that they end on one of the great crescendos that they've ever done, that bit in 'Eclipse' where they sing "all that you touch, all that you feel"… the way that builds up, no-one is ever going to do it that perfectly again. Those simple words, those simple themes, building, building. And you've got to remember it's Roger Waters singing. He's not a great singer, but it highlights this thing - it's a motherfucker, you can't write a song that great. You just have to hope that something happens. For them to end on that [sings a spot on Waters impression] "the sun is eclipsed by the moon." Blammo! Then that heartbeat, it's fucking phenomenal. It's easy to dismiss it because it's so popular, but I would say to anyone they should secretly listen to it and then discover that 'oh my God, it's awesome'."
