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Fables & Fairy Tales to Cross Stitch
Fables & Fairy Tales to Cross Stitch
Véronique Enginger | 2018 | Reference
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Huge variety of patterns and ideas- (0 more)
Cross Stitch/ point de croix~with a retro feel!
There are so many patterns to choose from in this book by, Véronique Enginger. This is a newer release book and originally available in French with a different cover and at a much higher price. I adore Véronique's patterns and am a big fan of her work! This book is full of fairy tale characters, characters from fables and French nursery rhymes. My favorite is Little Red Riding Hood but Beauty & The Beast and The Little Mermaid were also in the run for my favorite. I would complete all of the patterns, I love this book, that much! I like that Véronique creates patterns that can tell a story or you can choose to stitch a smaller scene or character. Véronique's patterns of faces are incredible and look like true works of art. It is very difficult finding cross stitch patterns with such natural looking faces. I have made several of her patterns and they are easy to follow and look just like the finished samples on the pages of her books. This book has given me so much inspiration and joy and I can't wait to work on more of the patterns. The book is hardcover and has nice big pages to make it easy to work from. The patterns have a retro feel that you might find on a 1940's-50's apron, blanket or tablecloth. I highly recommend this book for cross stitch enthusiasts, like myself. This isn't a beginner's book, however and should know how to read a cross stitch graph. It's also helpful to know how to stitch on linen to give these a more professional feel and more realistic look.
I find I don't even really want to critique this book, so much as praise everything about it. The trauma that Alex endured in his accident was unbelievable, yet God decided he should live as a testament to God's miraculous power - and that is exactly what this book serves as. Furthermore, I also drew wisdom from the attitude of Alex's grandpa - that someone else is always in worse circumstances than I am, as well as the many excerpts from Kevin's pastor Robin Ricks, who provided a unique perspective filled with Biblical references.
The pictures in the middle of the book helped to give me a visual reference for what the Malarkey family endured, and the many quotes from others that were present as each event described in the book also helped to give a well-rounded view of all that was occurring.
What I loved most of all was how concerned Alex was that everyone realized that this was not about him, but about God. I find that I completely agree with one of the women in the book when she explained that she just could not feel sorry for this blessed boy. I also found it interesting that at one point Alex explained that he saw Don Piper in heaven, too, who wrote the book 90 Minutes in Heaven. Kevin showed the man's photo to Alex, to which Alex responded that he only saw him there for hour and half - so I will be reading that book next!
This book really was amazing to read. From everything I have learned about heaven from the Bible, I can't help but believe that the story this boy and his father tells is true. Reading about how each detail of their lives is watched over and taken care of with miraculous results can only give me hope in my own life and circumstances.
The Golden Tresses of the Dead
The Golden Tresses of the Dead
Alan Bradley | 2019 | Mystery
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Curious Case of the Clue in the Cake
The day has finally arrived – Flavia’s oldest sister is getting married. Considering how rocky her romantic life has been over the years, this is a bit surprising. The wedding is beautiful, but when the newlyweds go to cut the cake, they find a finger in the cake. How did it get there? Who did it belong to? Before Flavia can really dig into this case, she and Dogger get their first client for their new Arthur W. Dogger and Associates Discreet Investigations. A local woman has come in asking them to find some missing letters that would be damaging to her father if they got out. Only Dogger isn’t so certain that their client’s story is true. What is really going on?

As a longtime fan, it was great to be back in Bishop’s Lacey with Flavia and the rest of the cast. In fact, I hadn’t realized just how much I’ve come to love these characters until I noticed how much I was smiling through the book. The exception is Flavia’s cousin Undine. I get what she represents, Flavia’s Flavia, but I find her super annoying, although there is hope for her character to grow here. The plot was a bit out there, but I still bought it. The pacing is uneven, especially for the wedding at the beginning, but it isn’t anything we haven’t seen in other books. Flavia is still Flavia, after all, so we get her thoughts on chemistry, poison, and life in general. I listen to their series on audio, and Jayne Entwistle’s narration continues to be outstanding. If you haven’t given them a listen, I highly recommend you try the series this way. But no matter how you read this one, fans will be sure to enjoy this latest visit.
The Golden Tresses of the Dead
The Golden Tresses of the Dead
Alan Bradley | 2019 | Mystery
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Curious Case of the Clue in the Cake
The day has finally arrived – Flavia’s oldest sister is getting married. Considering how rocky her romantic life has been over the years, this is a bit surprising. The wedding is beautiful, but when the newlyweds go to cut the cake, they find a finger in the cake. How did it get there? Who did it belong to? Before Flavia can really dig into this case, she and Dogger get their first client for their new Arthur W. Dogger and Associates Discreet Investigations. A local woman has come in asking them to find some missing letters that would be damaging to her father if they got out. Only Dogger isn’t so certain that their client’s story is true. What is really going on?

As a longtime fan, it was great to be back in Bishop’s Lacey with Flavia and the rest of the cast. In fact, I hadn’t realized just how much I’ve come to love these characters until I noticed how much I was smiling through the book. The exception is Flavia’s cousin Undine. I get what she represents, Flavia’s Flavia, but I find her super annoying, although there is hope for her character to grow here. The plot was a bit out there, but I still bought it. The pacing is uneven, especially for the wedding at the beginning, but it isn’t anything we haven’t seen in other books. Flavia is still Flavia, after all, so we get her thoughts on chemistry, poison, and life in general. I listen to their series on audio, and Jayne Entwistle’s narration continues to be outstanding. If you haven’t given them a listen, I highly recommend you try the series this way. But no matter how you read this one, fans will be sure to enjoy this latest visit.
The Sound of Music (1965)
The Sound of Music (1965)
1965 | Classics, Drama, Family
The hills are alive...
Contains spoilers, click to show
The film opens with a long travelogue styled flight through the Alps, with little music and just the wind and the clear air for company, until we end up on that now famous hill top, where the sound of music soars high and loud. This was shot in one of the many rival formats of the day, in this case, TODD-AO, a dynamic 70mm frame, and projected onto a massive screen, to great effect.

It is on that hilltop that we meet Maria, Julie Andrews, as she sings her way around the hills and Austria, unable to contain her musical aspiration or free spirit. We soon learn that she is finding it difficult to find her way as a nun, and is sent to work as a governess for Christopher Plummer's, Capatin von Trapp's, seven children.

Once there, she manages to endear herself to the family and well, the rest is history. The film is based on a true story but there a are several differences, mainly surrounding the political situation to added effect and the names and ages of the children to name but a few.

In the end the film looks great, with the von Trapp's villa set in a glorious location in Austria, relaxing a peaceful. There is a great sense of the family's interaction and growing bonds, both with the children and the Captain, whilst there is a gentle threat and tension from the baroness, the third party in the love triangle within the film, but there is little nastiness within the film, with the exception of the Nazi element, obviously.

With memorable songs, beautiful surroundings and great direction from Robert Wise, this has more than earned its place within the annuls of Hollywood greatness and will no doubt continue to flourish for generations to come, as timeless is not the word.
The Searchers (1956)
The Searchers (1956)
1956 | Drama, Western
Sprawling, wondrous, beautiful country
It's funny how movies make you interested in rewatching other movies sometimes.

In this case, I recently watched the Back to the Future trilogy again (seen way too many times). After watching Back to the Future 3, I listened to some of the audio commentary and the filmmakers mention many times how much fun they had making a western this time around and how much they were in awe of the countryside locations where they had filmed mentioning also this is where John Ford had filmed classic scenes from a lot of his more famous western epic films, like The Searchers. That was enough for me to give it another go.

The story is a relatively simple one of a man and his companion going on an epic journey to try and find and save his niece who had been abducted by the Comanche Indians in the Old West. Several of his relatives had also been killed and he was searching for the chief called "Scar" whom he had learned was leading this band of outlaws. His journey for vengeance would take 5+ years and would take him across the sprawling western countryside during both summer and winter.

The main character in the film is the magnificent landscapes and sprawling sunrises and sunsets featured throughout the film. The cinematography is breathtaking and the use of color is just majestic considering this movie is from the mid 50s.

I have to admit to not watching a lot of John Wayne movies (yet), but he gives a memorable performance not quite as heroey as in some of his other classics. Jeffrey Hunter (Captain Christopher Pike) is also very good in the film.

A true masterpiece.

The Illumination Of Ursula Flight
The Illumination Of Ursula Flight
Anna-Marie Crowhurst | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The strong female characters (0 more)
Even though this book has a nice looking cover I can’t say that it is a book I would have picked up myself
The Goodreads blurb reads

“Born on the night of an ill-auguring comet just before Charles II's Restoration, Ursula Flight has a difficult future written in the stars.

Against the custom of the age she begins an education with her father, who fosters in her a love of reading, writing and astrology.

Following a surprise meeting with an actress, Ursula yearns for the theatre and thus begins her quest to become a playwright despite scoundrels, bounders, bad luck and heartbreak.”

On the face of it it sounds like a ‘coming of age’ historical drama, which it essentially was, and not in an era I really have much an interest in. So it was nice to read something a little out of my comfort zone.

As the blurb says, Ursula is a young girl with aspirations of the stage. Unfortunately for Ursula her parents have a life planned for her and being a lowly actress is not one of them. The story follows Ursula's struggles to follow her parents wishes whilst trying to stay true to herself.

I loved the way this was written, its told from Ursula's point of view and interspersed with little snippets of play writing by Ursula. Ursula is a very strong character that is way ahead of the era she lives in. What I loved most about this book was near the end, i won't spoil it, but suffice to say I think the author was very clever with the ending she chose.

To summarise, it’s a well written well reserached coming of aged historical drama with a strong female lead and an admirable feminist message.
The Shape of Water  (2017)
The Shape of Water (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy
Cinematography was excellent. (1 more)
Character development was perfect, not a lot of detail but enough to fall into their lives.
Tried a little too hard to be unique. (0 more)
The Shape of Water - Visually Stunning
The Shape of Water, as discussed in other reviews, follows Eliza Esposito through a snapshot of her life. She has a clear love of water from the beginning, bordering on a fetish, and she connects with few people due to her mutism. The people around her are flawed. Her neighbor is fighting through a new advertising world that no longer values true artwork, her coworker Zelda has a painful home life with a husband that won't participate. Even the characters that are not part of Eliza's life have their struggles depicted within this movie. We see snapshots, just enough to understand these people are flawed, their lives are flawed, their relationships are flawed. Everyone in this movie is struggling towards a goal, though Eliza is the clear focus.

The cinematography reflects the 60's, from the lighting, to the sets and even how the cameras move with the characters. It's a world that engulfs the viewer, suspension of disbelief is a guarantee. The majority of the film is shot in drab, dark colors to reflect the loneliness of the characters, and the fear of the era. It's extremely effective at creating the unspoken sense of unease the country would have felt during the height of the communist scare.

As the movie moves towards the conclusion it becomes more fairy tale than reality. It was still beautiful, and the story still riveting, however, the transition to the more fantastic style was abrupt and could have been handled with more grace. I did appreciate the open ended conclusion, it's rare in American cinema to see, as most American film-goers prefer the ending tied up in a pretty bow.
Playlist for a Broken Heart
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I really liked about this novel was the realism and wit of the characters. It presents the real danger of living and working in a recession, and how one mistake can change your whole life. It was also nice to read a story set in England - too many are set in America nowadays! The mystery of which boy made the Cd was well thought out and had me guessing right to the end. By the end, I was happy that it was who it was. The other candidates were appalling or strange in comparison. What fascinated me most about Paige Lord was how much she'd changed. In the beginning, I thought she was snotty and high maintenance. It was both satisfying and sad to see her brought down a few levels, but the end effect was a positive one and she's definitely a better character for it. I like the portrayal of Paiges relationships with cousin Tasmin and Allegra. Knowing how difficult it is to talk to cousins - or extended family in general - I knew things would be difficult between Paige and Tasmin. It made me smile how they came together and had fun. Clover was a nice and refreshing character to read Too. What really got me about Allegra and Paige was their endurance. Despite the distance, they were determined to Skype, visit and talk as much as they Could. I know some friendships don't survive long distance, so it was nice to read different. As you can probably tell, I really liked this novel. It ran true on so many levels - socially and emotionally - and it was different to other teen novels I have read. I would definitely recommend it.
I enjoyed both stories in this book. They are quite sweet and it will put you in the holiday spirit. Can Susannah forgive her former love Toby Unger? Toby has two little children who are new students for Susannah. Susannah will need to help her new to students that needs some help with them being a little trouble but will it work? Will they find the love before Christmas? Toby two little children are having a little trouble adjusting to their new surrounding. The handsome Amish man needs desperately needs some help with his two children. Susannah had gotten a broken heart ten years ago when Toby left. Can Susannah find the forgiven him? Will they find they are a true match for each other before Christmas? You can find out by reading the book called "Heart of Christmas" by Marta Perry.

Sally Yoder left her community during her teen years. Her heart is back at home and she believes that her young man named Ben Lapp will not love a bold woman like her. There are some surprises in the book. Sally and her charges are to spend time with their grandmother. The children and Sally are going to experience what an Amish Christmas is. Sally and Ben and the children are going on a sleigh ride to pick out a tree and visit the children Great Grandmother. They get stranded in a snowstorm. Will Sally and Ben find Love? Will the children learn that they can have fun with a plain holiday with no modern electronics? You can read about this story in the book called "A Plain Holiday" by Patricia Davids. You could read both these stories in the book called "An Amish Family Christmas" by Martha Perry and Patricia Davids.