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“Henry, this . . . fortune, this sudden wealth . . . I fear it will change our lives. And I don’t want my life to change.” After three years on a whaling voyage, Henry Macy returns to Nantucket to news that his grandmother has passed, bequeathing her vast fortune to him and his sister, Hitty. And it was truly vast. But Lillian Coffin was no fool. The inheritance comes with a steep cost, including when each should marry and whom—a Quaker in good standing, of course. But if they relinquish the inheritance, it all goes to Tristram Macy, their father’s thieving business partner. As Hitty and Henry seek a way to satisfy the will’s conditions, they’ll be faced with obstacles on every side—and it may be that Lillian Coffin will have the last word after all.

My Thoughts: This is the third book in the series and it doesn't disappoint! Suzanne Woods Fisher has done another incredible job with this series. In this book, it focuses on the twins Hitty and Henry and the inheritance left to them by their grandmother.

Historians will enjoy the fact that the novel is based on true events that occurred during 1837-1846. The author has done extensive history on Nantucket and the sea captains. This novel does deal with the controversy of integration ( the segregated schools).

I've enjoyed this series, especially reading Great Mary's journal and I believe readers will enjoy this book as well. The reader doesn't need to read the first two books to enjoy this novel, but it would help with some of the histories of the family.
Into Coraira (Legend of Rhyme, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Into Coraira</i> is Jaime Lee Mann’s second book in the <i>Legend of Rhyme</i> series for older children. Previously twins, Ariana and Asher, have been reunited after being separated for most of their childhood. They have also helped to defeat an evil witch, but their troubles are only just beginning.

When the witch, Elora, was sent to the dark realm, the most powerful and evilest sorcerer escaped. If he gets access to the magical realm of Coraira, all hell will break loose. Ariana and Asher are only just learning about their own magical powers; ones they never knew they had. Eager to show off this newfound magic, they inadvertently aid the villain in his quest to regain his wicked rule over the world.

In a world where it is not clear who to trust, <i>Into Coraira</i> is full of twists and turns as the characters begin to learn the truth about their friends and family. With an exciting central plot, children will be fully engaged with the magical story enfolding on the pages in front of them. Alongside the fantastic creatures featured in the first book are unicorns, mermaids and dragons. Such beasts will amaze and inspire young minds and imaginations.

Although only a hundred pages, there is so much adventure crammed into this book. Two books into the series and enough surprises have happened fill a lifetime. Once again readers are faced with a cliffhanger, urging them to purchase the next installment. Whatever will happen to Ariana and Asher next?
Selina Penaluna
Jan Page | 2009
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found myself to be quite disappointed with this book. It is a tale set in Cornwall during the Second World War where twins, Jack and Ellen, are evacuated. There is a local girl, Selina, that Jack is drawn to but Ellen doesn't like.

The whole story is written by one of these viewpoints but some of the time I wasn't entirely sure who's viewpoint I was reading until I'd read a couple of pages. Then I would go back to make sure that I hadn't missed anything relevant to that character.

I found it hard to connect with any of these characters. Jack came across as a spoilt boy, Selina was probably the best character as I wasn't sure whether or not to like her or not. Whether she was an innocent or a schemer. Ellen came across as someone desperate for approval and like so many in that position, will never get it. The parts that are written as Ellen as an old lady have a faintly bitter and self-pitying flavour to them which I didn't like. Perhaps it is a generational thing but if you are not happy with your life, then change it.

There is a bit in the middle that I didn't understand at all. Paul Blanchard. Did he actually ever meet Selina or not? I didn't find this clear at all although I did understand how him and Jack connected later on in the story.

I'm glad I stuck with this book and finished it as I hate leaving books halfway through but I'm afraid that's about as good as it gets for me.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Summerland in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
Elin Hilderbrand | 2012 | Romance
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's high school graduation on Nantucket. But this usual time of celebration turns to tragedy when--on graduation night--a terrible car crashes kills one local student, Penny Alistair, and leaves her twin brother, Hobson, in a coma. Penny's boyfriend, Jake, and her friend, Demeter, are not hurt, at least physically. But the crash shakes the island and leaves everyone wondering exactly what happened. Why was Penny driving Jake's Jeep that night? What caused her to drive so quickly and recklessly?

I enjoy every Elin Hilderbrand book I read, and I liked this one, though it wasn't one of my all-time favorites. I didn't find myself greatly attached to any one character, or really pulled deeply into the plot. Honestly, while many of Hilderbrand's books have a dark or sad side, this one was really depressing at times, even though there was a layer of hope as well. It hit very close to home, as I am a mother of twins, so maybe that was part of it. I was a little heartbroken, and my heart went out to Zoe, the mother of Penny and Alistair.

As with all Hilderbrand books, the story is interesting, and she weaves a detailed and intricate tale of island life. There's more than just an accident, with intersecting webs of characters. I liked the parallels and ties between the high school children and their parents. It was an engaging story, with a lot of serious subjects.

I'm glad I read this one, but if you're just starting out with Hilderbrand, there are other books I'd recommend first. 3+ stars.
Bewitched (Breakers Hockey #5)
Bewitched (Breakers Hockey #5)
Elise Faber | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everyone has a mask. Some are just more difficult to see.
BEWITCHED is the fifth book in the Breakers Hockey series and we reunited with Raph and Beth. He is still backing away from relationships and Beth is busy being surrogate for Pru and Marcel. How will these two ever get together?

By Beth feeling the effects of being pregnant, and with twins too! Raph is an alpha male who does run roughshod over Beth at times. She needs someone to stand up to her and show her that he cares, but I did find it slightly annoying in places. Another thing that grated was Beth's constant musings about castles, dungeons, and demons. I got it. I didn't need bashing over the head with it repeatedly.

If you ignore those two things, then I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Raph and Beth have rocky ground to cover but they manage it. They have help from their friends, which also allows you to play catch up with the other couples too.

Elise Faber isn't afraid of delving deep into hurtful and abusive backgrounds and always does it with respect and tact.

It is Cas' story next and, yet again, the taster at the end has left me wanting it immediately. Still no idea if Brandon gets a story, but I'm nothing if not hopeful!

A great addition to the series and definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Alpha&#039;s Fingerling Surprize (The Weird &amp; Wacky World of Shifters #2)
Alpha's Fingerling Surprize (The Weird & Wacky World of Shifters #2)
JP Sayle | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The potatoes are back, and this time, they're sprouting!
If you enjoyed the first book in this series, then you surely will also enjoy ALPHA'S FINGERLING SUPRIZE. It is time for Russ and Olowin to work out all their misunderstandings and hurt. We also get to catch up with Tala and Frenchie, plus their twins.

I know it's not to everyone's taste, but I do love these potato shifters! And it just goes to show how information can be withheld that really needs to be shared! Maybe if all the potatoes knew about the sprouts... well, it would be a whole different story, is all I'm saying.

Russ and Olowin are solid, once they get over their mutual hurts, and I was so happy to see that. The rest of the pack, however, has some issues. And it's not all cleared up here either. I am fully invested in this pack and the wolves (and potatoes) that live there. I can't wait for more stories, especially if they are as hot as this one.

Speaking of which, Olowin and Russ have a very healthy attraction to each other, but it isn't always referred to in detail. Sometimes, it is enough to know what's going on. Besides, Tala was traumatised enough for everyone!

A brilliant addition to the series that leaves me wanting more. Thoroughly enjoyed every word and looking forward to the next. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Marked (House Of Night #1)
Marked (House Of Night #1)
P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (47 Ratings)
Book Rating
NOTE: I read this way back in 2008 and I have a feeling I wouldn't like it so much now, if at all. Take my review with a grain of salt.

Admittedly deeper than my last read (Glass Houses by Rachel Caine), it's still in the same basic genre that I felt like reading at this time. Even though Zoey is a bit of a Mary-Sue character (practically perfect in every way), I still liked her, and it probably helped it was written in first person so that I could read her insecurities and such. I loved the basic plot and the side characters, Damien and Stevie Rae (oh, and Nala!) were great. On the other hand, I could probably do without the 'Twins,' but beggars can't be choosers. :P If I had read this as a teenager, I know I would have loved it even more than I do. The book reminded me of Laurie Faria Stolarz's books; it had the same basic feel to it as those do, even if it's totally different in concept.

The book could have done another editing sweep. I had to reread many sentences so they would make sense to me. Now, I don't know if it's because I'm not that up on teenage slang. Now, I'm not that old, but old enough to not know every slang word or phrase. For example, there is a sentence that reads: "Just please with the taking so long." Now what is that supposed to mean? To me it sounds like it's two unfinished sentences stuck together. Hopefully, there won't be too much pop culture thrown into the series, because more often than not, it dates the book and doesn't really add anything. Nitpicking aside, I honestly can't wait to explore more of this world.
Movie Star by Lizzie Pepper
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lizzie Pepper became a famous actress as a teen -- growing up before America's eyes on her TV show. Eventually Lizzie meets America's most famous movie star, Rob Mars -- and quickly their courtship and marriage becomes tabloid fodder and her life changes forever. At first, Lizzie is head over heels in love with Rob and all that he brings: romance, lavish trips, and instant stardom. But soon, her life is taken over by Rob's wealth and fame -- his constant absences, a complete lack of privacy, and a world overshadowed by Rob's total commitment to One Cell Studio, a form of study and practice that nears cult status. Once they have children, Lizzie begins to doubt everything about their relationship -- and what her husband stands for.

This was a fun book. Written by Hilary Liftin, a celebrity ghostwriter, Lizzie is a really enjoyable and insightful character. The book is clearly supposed to be based on Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. I kept imagining Rob Mars as a creepy twist between Tom Cruise and Rob Lowe, which was a little frightening. The One Cell piece is oddly disconcerting, as it's supposed to be, and made me want to delve more into the weirdness that is Scientology. Lizzie's evolution was fun to read about (I enjoyed, on a personal level, that she had twins) and she remained a realistic and relatable character, despite being elevated to movie star status. It truly makes you think about some of the insanity that movie stars have to go through, especially those that have children. It also gets you thinking about various religious cults and the power they have over people. In the end, probably a 3.5 star book, as it's a quick, fun read, but with a surprising depth behind it in places. After all, in the end, a marriage crumbling is a marriage crumbling, even in Hollywood.
Basket Case (1982)
Basket Case (1982)
1982 | Comedy, Horror
7.5 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Basket full o' fun!
What would your life be like if you were a former conjoined twin, couldn't tell anyone about it, and then also carried around your now separated deformed, menacing killer twin in a wicker basket?

Thus the premise of this entertaining, yet goofy 80s horror comedy.

Awkward, nerdy Duane Bradley comes to stay at a low rate hotel with a scummy array inhabitants in search of a normal life. He is always carrying this large basket which he holds dearly, but won't let anyone look inside. The basket occasionally makes unusual sounds and shimmies every once in a while, but its contents remain a mystery.

He goes to a doctor's office only to unleash the basket contents on the unsuspecting physician. Turns out his now unattached deformed brother survived their separation operation and is now a menacing, killer globule out for revenge. The killing spree continues for the other doctors and random hotel inhabitants, but then Barry meets a girl he likes. She likes him back. Barry struggles to keep his new love away from his brother who can also read his thoughts.

Will love survive?

Along with films like Braindead, Society or even Re-Animator, Basket Case makes its case as a cult 80s classic. Yeah fine, the dialogue and acting are cheesy and sometimes over the top, but the gore and interesting practical effect kills are there for fun. The creation of the basket creature was interesting and not something I had seen before. Once the revenge plot element was revealed, you are sort of rooting on the separated twins to continue and complete their quest of carnage just so you can see more clever murder sequences.

If you don't take it seriously it's pretty fun.


Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Meg and Jo in Books

Mar 19, 2020  
Meg and Jo
Meg and Jo
Virginia Kantra | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A modern retelling of Little Women, MEG AND JO looks at the four March sisters in present day. We have Meg, a mom of twins, married to a man who works at a car dealership. Jo, an aspiring writer, who works in New York City at a restaurant and writes a food blog. Their sisters, Beth and Amy, flit in the background--Beth is pursuing her musical dreams and Amy is chasing fashion in Paris. But when the girls' stalwart mom gets sick, they must come home for the holidays to help at the family farm. There they will learn lessons about family, sisterhood, and following their dreams.

This one grew on me. It's not as jarring as I expected to see the girls in real time--I actually enjoyed that aspect. What's odd is that while the modern setting exists, there are a lot of outdated gender norms. Meg has to be the perfect mom who refuses help from everyone; the girls' father is basically worthless, etc. It's hard to overcome at first.

But I eventually took to Meg and Jo. I liked Jo's feisty nature, even if some of the problem/distance with her chef/boyfriend seemed a bit contrived. And I could identify with Meg, who felt like the weight of the world was on her shoulders (twin moms unite).

Overall, this is a sweet and funny story. It's silly at times, but also heartwarming. I enjoyed seeing where Kantra tweaked the plot (there's a piece with the March patriarch that I particularly enjoyed). It's no Eligible--perhaps my favorite modern retelling of all--but it's a fun read. I've heard there may be a second book featuring Beth and Amy, and I would certainly read it. 3.5 stars.