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A Whole New World
A Whole New World
Liz Braswell | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review by Cari Mayhew. Rating 7/10.

This book is a much darker retelling of Disney’s Aladdin, and is the first in a series of darker Disney retellings! It starts off pretty much the same as the film – Princess Jasmine meets petty thief “Street Rat” Aladdin while sneaking out of the Palace, and later the conniving Jafar tricks Aladdin into obtaining the lamp - but things go a whole lot worse once Jafar gets hold of it!

Jafar wishes himself to be made the Sultan, and the most powerful sorcerer of the world. But that’s not enough – Jafar seeks to break the genie’s rules of magic, in order to bring the dead back to life to raise an army of the undead! Jafar kills the former Sultan and declares he wants to wed Princess Jasmine, who, meanwhile, meets up with the Street Rats to lead a full-on rebellion. They attempt to intercept the delivery of magic book sought by Jafar, but things don’t go according to plan!

Braswell imitates the original Disney tale for the first third of the book and really fleshes it out with scene description and attention to Aladdin’s and Jasmine’s thoughts. Some of these scenes are different, yet the first half remains very true to the original. After this point the action really heats up!

The genie took a less prominent role in the latter part of the book than he did in the film. The inclusion of more minor characters added a depth to the novel that was missing in the film, and allowed the underlying themes to develop. There was a strong theme on the grey area between right and wrong, and how doing a minor wrong can help the greater good.

Fortunately (IMO) the book didn’t include the lyrics to the musical numbers! Unfortunately, however, the book is only available in paperback. Some of the story was predictable, including how it ended, but there was the odd surprise in there - all in all, I feel this book has got the Twisted Tales series off to a great start!

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Jordan Binkerd (567 KP) rated The Kid Who Would Be King (2019) in Movies

Aug 15, 2019 (Updated Aug 15, 2019)  
The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)
The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
The script is excellent and a clever take on the classic mythology, with some good allusions to previous incarnations. (2 more)
The cast is amazing all around
The effects are stellar, with the undead warriors hitting the right balance between too scary and not threatening enough
Merlin's hand magic pulled me right out of the story and made me think "That's the stupidest thing I've seen in quite a while...." (1 more)
Pacing was a bit off; the runtime was a bit long and there was a false climax with about half an hour to go in the film.
Surprisingly good family-friendly fantasy
I'm not sure why this bombed, aside from the fact that I barely remember seeing it advertised. It's a good film, well-executed on nearly every level. It was a bit long, perhaps, dragged a bit in the middle, but otherwise the only thing I have to complain about is the hand-waving tomfoolery they gave Merlin to execute his magic - that crap looked dumb as @#$&. I've seen lots of complaining about young Merlin, but for me it was just that his magic looked dumb - he was weird, but Merlin's supposed to be like that. The acting was top-notch across the board, though Patrick Stewart and Rebecca Ferguson were under-utilized. What set it apart for me, though, was that it refused to dumb itself down for its audience as so many kids' movies do. This film references obscure versions of the legend and makes them integral to the story without feeling they have to over-explain everything. For example, Merlin ages backwards. It's not that he looks like Patrick Stewart and is in disguise as a sixteen-year-old, but that he looks like a sixteen-year-old and occasionally puts on the guise of Patrick Stewart to prove a point or gain credibility. (I think in the original take it's less that he ages backwards and more that he lives backwards, but close enough.) I'd have loved this as a kid, and one day I'm sure my kids will love it as well.
Dead Shack (2017)
Dead Shack (2017)
2017 |
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Storyline... Dialogue... Hilarious (1 more)
The kids killed it... No pun intended
Lmfao.... What a great little flick
So I'm going through TubiTv yesterday and i come across this little dynamo.
Side note. Tubi has over 1000 horror movies on it... So this was after careful deliber... Oh who the fuck am I kidding... I closed my eyes, flicked thee mouse wheel... And this is what I landed on... So much to my surprise... It was actually good for once.
The story starts out with 3 kids and a pair of parents... Even though one parent is a mich younger mail order asian bride... She's still a parent... Sort of... Ish... Anywhore... They are headed out for a week long getaway to a cabin in the woods( yeah... I went there)...
With out spoiling it... The film gets going in the first 15 minutes... Which is what you want in a good horror film.
I have yet to figure put what exactly the antagonist creatures in this film are though... Undead... Sorta dead... Not dead and just crazy... But in all honesty... Who the fuck cares.
The kids talk like kids do... Using swear words out of context... Blaming their folks... Bringing up pop culture references... It was honestly one of the best teenage speak films i have seen in a long time... With the exception of IT Chapter 1... Those kids were on fucking point.
The best part of the movie... And this made me laugh my proverbial ass off... Was the kids are confronting the big bad near the climax of the film... Big bad asks"What are you going to do about it?".
14 year old responds with,"We're gonna tell on you,".
His two friends just stop what they are doing and give him the best WTF look I have seen since my daughter gave me one when she was 5... And I missed a chair when going to sit down... I was sober... *hangs head in shame*
If you want to have a genuine good time... And like a few laughs mixed in with your blood soaked insanity... Then this is a flick for you...
I mean fuck, what do you have to lose?? Besides 1hr and 44 minutes of your life...
Game Of Thrones  - Season 7
Game Of Thrones - Season 7
2017 | Sci-Fi
The start of the mad rush to the finish line
Contains spoilers, click to show
Season 7 of Game of Thrones for me, is where the show went from the most finely and carefully crafted show of all time, to dumb hollywood-esque blockbuster.
The slow burning plot of the earlier seasons have all but gone, after it was announced that season 8 would be the last, causing long gestating plotlines to be rushed towards a conclusion, and causing the show to suffer for it. It's a real shame.

Season 7 is by no means bad though, once I had swallowed my bitterness and accepted that this was how it was going to be, there was still plenty to enjoy.
The intricate character arcs may have taken a huge blow, but when Game of Thrones decides to throw out an epic set piece, it's still the undisputed king.

Danaerys has (finally!) landed in Westeros, and begins her campaign to take the Iron Throne for herself. Characters that have been embroiled in politics for seven seasons are suddenly faced with seeing dragons for the first time, and that's a pretty satisfying moment for anyone who has been watching for years.
Episode 4 in particular serves as a highlight, as Danaerys unleashes the power of her dragons on the Lannister army. It's truly a spectacle.
The same episode however unfortunately confirms that certain characters are covered in plot-armour. Last minute life saving heroics replace the once sudden brutality of beloved characters being offed (obviously referring to Bring saving Jaime here), and for the first time since this show started, everyone just sort of feels safe. It's weird.

Elsewhere, Jon Snow leads a team north of the wall to acquire proof of the White Walkers in an attempt to sway Cersei onto his side of the upcoming war.
This episode was particularly dumb, but again, a huge spectacle. Seeing Viserion plummet to the ground was a pretty epic moment, and the season of course culminates in a moment all of us had been waiting for, as a huge chunk of The Wall falls, and the Night King leads his undead army into Westeros.

It's all very stylish, but unfortunately a lot of the substance gets left by the wayside.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017) in Movies

Jan 6, 2021 (Updated Jan 6, 2021)  
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017)
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017)
2017 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
Well here we have it - a messy and underwhelming finale, to a messy and underwhelming franchise.

Where to begin with this - even though it was silly and impractical, the previous film in the series ends on a cliffhanger (?), setting up a big ass battle between an army of undead, and a line up of heroes mainly made up of characters from the games (stood on top of the white house of course because Paul W.S. Anderson). This film opens in the aftermath, meaning that we don't even see the ensuing battle, but all these characters are un-ceremoniously killed off screen between movies. Alice is alive though....yaaay.

You know what comes next by now, an opening Milla Jovovich speech about who she is, edgy soldier characters saying edgy shit all the damn time (with added Ruby Rose for a little extra edginess), wire frame blue print segments of whatever facility they're in this time. Anderson mercifully cuts out all the gratuitous slow motion for his final bow, but unfortunately replaces it with seizure inducing quick edits. Like, it's fucking ludicrous how many edits there are whenever a fight starts and it just sucks. It's unexciting and difficult to sit through at times.
Then there's the ret-conning. Jesus Christ, Iain Glen is back for no reason other than the fact he became more of a household name thanks to Game of Thrones, plot be damned. Wesker is a villain again and the Red Queen is now a good guy, the origins of the T-Virus is different, and Milla Jovovich is actually an old woman (complete with Jackass quality aesthetics). These movies stopped making sense a while back but they just went full ham on this one. You know when you're on your last day of work before leaving a job and you just don't really give a fuck about your final shift? Yeah it's that, but a multi million dollar film.

I'm extremely happy that Resident Evil is finally being rebooted, into hopefully something that resembles the source material a bit more, and is actually scary. And good. Maybe. This franchise has given me trust issues.
Into The Forest (2016)
Into The Forest (2016)
2016 | Drama, International, Sci-Fi
Characters/Performance – Nell is the elder sister that doesn’t want to stay waiting for everything to blow over but must take responsibility once her father dies, she fills the big sister role needing to keep everything together even when she has a chance to leave. Eva is the younger sister and once promising dancer, she wants to continue her dancing even without the power but must learn to be more responsible. The male characters all offer different visions on the good and bad in life when a power outage would happen.

Performance wise, I feel one of the big problem here is that Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood are nearly ten years older than the characters they are playing, this does make it harder to see the teenage nativity needed in the role but sadly this takes away the strength in the performance needed.

Story – The story does focus on what could happen if the world stopped have power, this could also help show us how the world could fall apart and not cope like it once did. This also doesn’t just give us the undead being a threat which is important as it is mostly about the struggle of what is meant to be two teenage girls through this sudden change. I think the story is refreshing even if it is slightly slow.

Sci-Fi/Thriller – The power is go and now the end of the world that creates us the sci-fi side of the story well, we also deal with wondering just what will be thrown at the girls next for the thrilling side of things.

Settings – The film is set mostly in and around the home in the forest which gives us the isolation needed for a potential end of the world type of problems the girls must work through.

Final Thoughts – This is a good watch even if it is slightly slow in places, we do struggle to get the most out of the deeper side of things but we are kept interested in where things could go next.


Overall: Slow but strong thriller.
Hellions (2015)
Hellions (2015)
2015 | Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters/Performance – Nell is the elder sister that doesn’t want to stay waiting for everything to blow over but must take responsibility once her father dies, she fills the big sister role needing to keep everything together even when she has a chance to leave. Eva is the younger sister and once promising dancer, she wants to continue her dancing even without the power but must learn to be more responsible. The male characters all offer different visions on the good and bad in life when a power outage would happen.

Performance wise, I feel one of the big problem here is that Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood are nearly ten years older than the characters they are playing, this does make it harder to see the teenage nativity needed in the role but sadly this takes away the strength in the performance needed.

Story – The story does focus on what could happen if the world stopped have power, this could also help show us how the world could fall apart and not cope like it once did. This also doesn’t just give us the undead being a threat which is important as it is mostly about the struggle of what is meant to be two teenage girls through this sudden change. I think the story is refreshing even if it is slightly slow.

Sci-Fi/Thriller – The power is go and now the end of the world that creates us the sci-fi side of the story well, we also deal with wondering just what will be thrown at the girls next for the thrilling side of things.

Settings – The film is set mostly in and around the home in the forest which gives us the isolation needed for a potential end of the world type of problems the girls must work through.

Final Thoughts – This is a good watch even if it is slightly slow in places, we do struggle to get the most out of the deeper side of things but we are kept interested in where things could go next.


Overall: Slow but strong thriller.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated The Kid Who Would Be King (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)
The Kid Who Would Be King (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Let's start by saying that this film is a wonderfully entertaining adventure, I don't remember the last time this sort of story graced our screens. I've always been a fan of myths and legends and this didn't disappoint.

I'm not really sure how well myths and legends are known these days, they were one of my favourite things as a child but the topic seems to go in and out of favour. I thought it was a nice start to the whole film to show a summary of the King Arthur legend, and the graphic novel style made a nice link throughout.

There are lots of great things about the film but I think my favourite is how they managed to align the fantasy and reality. The transitions between night and day, the depths of Morgana's prison and her army of the undead are all top notch. There's only one brief moment where I grumbled and that was during Morgana's transformation, she briefly resembles a poor quality Voldemort.

Louis Ashbourne Serkis gives a great performance as Alex our reluctant hero and he's supported by some solid acting, young and old(er). The little comedy duo of Alex and Bedders is so cute comparing themselves to Frodo and Sam *squee*. The adult cast was on form too, although we don't get to see much of Denise Gough, Noma Dumezweni and Mark Bonnar, which made me a little sad. Rebecca Ferguson fairs better with screen time and managed to get the evil thing down, she was particularly menacing as Morgana. Lastly cast-wise is obviously Patrick Stewart, I love him but this film made me a little glum. Firstly because young Merlin got more screen time and secondly because he looks old... that's not supposed to happen!!

At two hours it's quite long for a family film but it actually feels like it should have been longer. The ending of the film just sort of happens, the school montage and fight scenes feel relatively short when considered as part of the whole. I honestly think that the film could have taken an extra twenty minutes or so to properly complete that ending.

What you should do

You should definitely see this film, it's good old fashioned fun for all ages

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I could do with a personal Lady of the Lake who can bring me my things when they go missing.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated World War Z (2013) in Movies

Aug 6, 2019 (Updated Aug 6, 2019)  
World War Z (2013)
World War Z (2013)
2013 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
World War Z - the movie that finally dared to make the zombie genre family friendly.
That premise sounds horrible on paper, but somehow, it's not too bad!
Zombie films as a rule of thumb, tend to have a slow build up, before all hell breaks loose, and were treated to over the top violence and gore.
Not the case here... WWZ takes no time at all to kick off, as Brad Pitt and his family find themselves stuck in traffic when the shit hits that fan. Were less than 5 minutes in at this time.
As mentioned, the gore is kept to a minimum, but that didn't bother me. WWZ is more a disaster film than horror, but instead of a tidal wave or a hurricane, the threat are the undead.
And there a lot of them. The zombies here run fast, and in huge numbers, making for some true spectacles as they climb on top of each other to climb buildings etc.
There are two set pieces that are particularly eye catching. The scene in Jerusalem, and the scene on the plane, are both pretty full on and entertaining.
The last quarter of the film is a bit puzzling.
After the aforementioned set pieces, the film really slows down for the last 25 minutes. It's not necessarily a bad move, but just a bit...odd for a Hollywood blockbuster.
The film ends rather abruptly (after feeling a little overlong) and on a freeze frame no less (shoot me now).

The cast are pretty good for the most part - I'm an absolutely unashamed fan of Brad Pitt. I've never seen him play a bad part, so his involvement was always going to be a winner for me.

I've never read the book of WWZ but from what I've heard, the movie sharply deviates from it, pretty much only sharing the title.
From what I've gathered about the books layout, it seems that the film could have explored so much more - it may even suit a series rather than a movie.

WWZ is not much more than a dumb, Hollywood action film, with a couple of jump scares thrown in, but it's pretty entertaining here and there.
And with David Fincher in the directors chair for a future sequel, I'm up for what comes next.
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Gena Showalter | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everything no seriously it was so bad I couldn't finish it. (0 more)
This was bad. read in 2013
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have to say this is one of the most misleading titles I have ever seen. I was really excited to read this book it sounded interesting and I've been a fan of both Alice in Wonderland and Zombies since I was just a kid so this seemed right up my alley..too bad that's not what I got at all. I read a little less than half the book and I just couldn't make myself finish it it was causing me actual pain.

One of the things that really got to me that actually had nothing to do with the plot was that it was so damn preachy and that was only in the first chapter, I don't mind books that talk about religion or a charter having a set religion but please do not make me feel like I'm being tricked in to going to church with out warning.

The only thing that this book had to do with Alice in Wonderland was a cloud that looked like a white rabbit, the name Alice and a few very small things.

Also, it was like the author looked up every cliche for a YA book and every teenage cliche from books and movies,(the perfect popular girl, the stunningly pretty but I'm so average protagonist, and the dark bad boy and slut shaming.)threw them in a blender and came out this.

Alice or Ali could have been a strong female lead but she came off as a mean, selfish, and a whiny person that I did not connect with at all, actually the only character I kind of like was her little sister Emma..and that didn't last long.

Cole was absolutely horrid, please stop making these alpha male asshole characters in YA books it's not clever or cute or romantic it down right unhealthy.

The writing was about average and since I know nothing about this author it doesn't really make me want to give any of her other works even a chance if this is what I'm in for.

The only thing I liked about this book was the title which wasn't even original and the cover art.

So all in all if you're looking for:
A take on Alice in Wonderland
Zombies and everything that comes with them
A teen girl kicking ass and killing the undead
Actual zombies at all
A good book

Then move along and don't waste your money because you'll get none of that here.