Globalization and Welfare Restructuring in China: The Authoritarianism That Listens
In the past few decades, the change in China's welfare system has been characterised by a balanced...

Climate Change and Food Security: Africa and the Caribbean
Global climatic change has resulted in new and unpredictable patterns of precipitation and...

Competition in the Promised Land: Black Migrants in Northern Cities and Labor Markets
From 1940 to 1970, nearly four million black migrants left the American rural South to settle in the...
Island on the Edge: A Life on Soay
Anne Cholawo was a typical 80s career girl working in a busy London advertising agency, when in...

Cities Are Good for You: The Genius of the Metropolis
The 21st century will be the age of the city. Already over 50% of the world population live in urban...

Digital Materialities: Design and Anthropology
As the distinction between the digital and the material world becomes increasingly blurred, the ways...

Public Space and Relational Perspectives: New Challenges for Architecture and Planning
Chiara Tornaghi and Sabine Knierbein
Traditional approaches to understand space tend to view public space mainly as a shell or container,...

Scootermania: A Celebration of Style and Speed
From its origins the Italian battlefields of the Second World War, to movie roles as Audrey...
Chimeras and Consciousness: Evolution of the Sensory Self
Lynn Margulis, Celeste A. Asikainen and Wolfgang E. Krumbein
Chimeras and Consciousness begins the inquiry into the evolution of the collective sensitivities of...
Entanglements: Conversations on the Human Traces of Science, Technology, and Sound
Simone Tosoni and Trevor Pinch
Science and technology studies (STS) is a relatively young but influential field. Scholars from...