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No Weddings
No Weddings
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first saw this book as a giveaway on Goodreads and entered to win it. Unfortunately I wasn’t a lucky winner and after re-reading the synopsis I decided I wanted to read it anyway, which isn’t always the case with the books I enter to win on Goodreads. So off I went to Amazon to search it out and I was surprised by the price (77p) so I pre-ordered it and two days later it was delivered.

Let me say this now; I'm not a big contemporary romance reader any more. I tend to stick to paranormal/urban fantasy/suspense books with romance in them for an added element.

But I have to say that I really liked this!

It was told from Cade's POV, a proper ladies man, who sets up a party planning company with his three older sisters and decides they won't do any weddings as Cade seems to always end up sleeping with a guest (or two). But then he meets Hannah, an amazing baker/cook who they want to hire to make the cakes for whatever events they're organizing for, and as he gets to know her he begins to really like her.

Let me tell you this book is full of sexual tension; they flirt, they was really kinda cute watching how he softened and changed."; target="_blank

Another thing I liked was the banter between almost everyone. The siblings reminded me a bit of me and my brother; Cade and Hannah; Cade and his room mates.

Let me say that there is no sex in this book—plenty of romance!—and their relationship is going to continue into the next one, One Funeral, which I believe is going to be from Hannah's POV. And let me tell you I will most definitely be continuing this series.

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) rated We Drink and We Know Things in Podcasts

Oct 18, 2020 (Updated Oct 26, 2020)  
We Drink and We Know Things
We Drink and We Know Things
Comedy, News & Politics, Society & Culture
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
The hosts: Andrea and Tom. (6 more)
The variety of topics.
Keeps my interests throughout.
The humor.
The coolness factor.
Not over-produced or over-commercialized.
Homegrown in Kentucky
Tom has a little bit of a potty mouth sometimes so if that offends you, hide your kids and be prepared to clutch your pearls. (0 more)
Doused in alcohol and lit with knowledge.
I am an avid podcast listener. We're talking up to 12 hours a day, sometimes more, so I'm always looking for something good to feed my ears. I heard a We Drink and We Know Things promo on one of the podcasts in my usual rotation and was so taken by the hosts' personalities and rapport that I paused my usual podcast and went to WDAWKT and immediately dove into their latest podcast. It was so much fun, so interesting, and intriguing that I had to hear more! So for the next three days, I binged their podcast.

To say it's delightful may seem weird to some, considering the topics they cover, but nonetheless, it's true. It made me very happy to hear that they are from my home state of Kentucky because we have such interesting stories from here that need to be told, though that is not the focus of the podcast. Married hosts, Andrea and Tom, are charming, funny, authentic, and real, and their thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched. For that, I am grateful as it means they will never run out of material for their podcast and I'll get to listen to them every week.

Some of the topics they've covered are true crime, ghosts, haunted locations, paranormal, aliens, UFOs, cryptids, urban legends, conspiracies, weird science, strange historical events, and more, and regular episodes Florida Man Friday, Let's Not Meet stories, and Creepypastas.

I have several paranormal stories to share with them so maybe one day, you'll hear my story on one of their episodes.

If these kinds of topics interest you, give this podcast a try. I think you'll like it.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Boys in TV

Aug 18, 2019  
The Boys
The Boys
2019 | Action, Crime, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller
A refreshing take on superheroes
I’ve never read the comics, so took a punt on this as it’s been recommended by a few of my friends, and i absolutely loved it.

It’s the perfect antidote to the homely, suitable for kids superhero films like Marvel that bombard our screens every year. Instead The Boys is rude, crude, dark and downright hilarious at times. It’s full of blood and gore too that you’d never find anywhere near any Marvel films. There’s something beyond refreshing watching a show with superheroes behaving badly like villains, and the take on superheroes being owned and represented by a massive corporation is rather brilliant. You can almost imagine that this is how superheroes would turn out if they lived in today’s society.

This has a great cast too, and there are some wonderful performances in this. I adore Karl Urban and he’s good in this, although I feel like he’s let down a little by the fact that they’ve made him a cliched cockney. Antony Starr is seriously creepy and yet charming as Homelander, and he was great to watch. Although my favourite had to be Chace Crawford as The Deep. I feel like he was a little under-utilised in the main plot, but he provided some of the funniest scenes in the entire series and I really wanted to see more of him.

The ending was good and a nice reveal, although I wanted more and felt like it ended maybe a little too abruptly. Aside from Karl Urban’s English accent, the superhero names grate a little after a while because they are super cheesy and cringey (which I’m assuming they’re meant to be). And I felt like the character of Black Noir was a complete mystery and whilst this may be intentional, I do there has been a little bit more of him.

Aside from these little niggles though, this is a refreshingly entertaining series. So much so I’d love to watch a second series, like now.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) Sep 30, 2019

Its a given that the hero's in this show are somewhat spoofs of Marvel/DC characters which I guess Black noir is a jab at Snake eyes from G.I. Joe (very similar) the cockney accent was probably easier to learn and probably sounds more gritty and formal to a U.S audience.

Resting Witch Face (Journals of Forbidden Witchery #1)
Resting Witch Face (Journals of Forbidden Witchery #1)
Maya Daniels | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
RESTING WITCH FACE is the first book in the Journals of Forbidden Witchery series and we start a whole new urban fantasy. Hazel is our main character, a witch with no powers, otherwise known as a dud. This doesn't mean she's weak though. She's trained herself, and the enforcers in her coven, and can fight demons without powers. But when her grandmother (who coincidentally runs the coven) starts hiding her from view, Hazel sniffs out a secret. With her best friend Sissily, she needs to figure out what's going on before she is cast out for good.

This was a fantastic start to the series! Hazel is a smart-alec, with a sassy attitude, a short temper, and is fuelled by coffee. There is lots to like about her, especially her grumpiness which hides a lot of things. Sissily is a good friend, who has been there for her throughout but falters a bit at the end. I wasn't too keen on that so I'm hoping she pulls it together. And what would a Maya Daniels book be without a buff hero to fall back on?! River comes with his own secrets and I look forward to learning more about him.

I thought the pacing was perfect in this book. It was fast and full of action but without being frantic. It gave me time to enjoy the story, to immerse myself in it, enjoy Hazel's past, and wonder about her future. Alex and Amber are fantastic supporting characters, and I can't wait to learn more about Shadowborn as I'm sure he's dodgy. No reason, just because! 😉

With secrets aplenty, this is a brilliant start to a series I can't wait to continue. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 4, 2021
Helsinki Headnod Convention is a Jazz/Spoken Word band. Not too long ago, they released their debut EP, entitled, “Eargasms for Short-Sighted Post-Truth Era People”.

Mellow and subtle. This jazzy tune poses a series of interesting questions.

At the end of the day, it’s you and only you. You keep trying to place the blame on somebody else but it’s you. Also, you and only you are can make you or break you.


This 30 seconds clip tells listeners that their time is now. Also, it’s short, representing that time is short on earth and it shouldn’t be taken for granted.


A mixture of Negro Spiritual mixed with Blues and elements of ‘60s Soul.

The black and white video shows an African-American woman walking in the evening. Also, a vehicle with its headlights on approaches and a Caucasian cop parks it.

The following scene shows the woman running away while the cop, dressed as a terrorist, is chasing her with a lit smoke screen in his hand.

The courageous woman falls to the ground, grabs a handful of snow, and throws it in her attacker’s face. Momentarily, it blinds him and she gets up and runs away.

But she can’t see where she’s going because of the smoke. Then, she’s confronted by another Caucasian man, dressed in riot gear. Also, he’s walking towards her while her other attacker is gaining ground behind her.

In the end, while snow is falling and visibility is blurry, the rioter beats the woman with the stick in his hand.

The suggestive video implies that those who are supposed to protect and serve urban communities contain an uncertain amount of national terrorists within their organizations.

Also, some things from the past have changed, but on the other hand, some things have remained the same.


Mellow and smooth. One minute and 13 seconds of conscious therapy, which begins with a calming voice, “We glorify war when we should glorify peace.”

The title is a unity campaign that binds people together as one. Also, its aim is social change within a racist power structure.


The poem is based on Colin Kaepernick’s epic gesture of bending his knee during the National Anthem to protest social injustices happening in urban communities. Also, it speaks on reasons humanity, equality, civility, decency, justice, and other rights.


An instrument plays in solitude against a vacant backdrop, where paradise is imagined as an ordinary day in hell, where being cautious is the best way to proceed.

Also, a story is told about a woman who is begging on the street, but the man she is seeking help from doesn’t even acknowledge her.

She calls out to a man on the street, “Sir, can you help me. It’s cold and I have nowhere to sleep. Is there somewhere you can tell me?”

He walks on doesn’t look back. He pretends he can’t hear her. Starts to whistle as he crosses the street. Seems embarrassed to be there.

This story paints a perfect picture of people frowning down on the have-nots, who oftentimes get overlooked while seeking monetary help or begging for information in public.


With so many points of views to look from, what’s really the bigger picture?

The artist raps, “Watch me step it up. Cape blowing in the wind standing tough. Can’t give up.”

The song implies what’s necessary to see the bigger picture. One must have the courage to not get blown away by the world-wind and its influences.

Also, it implies taking a step up, by elevating your mind, body, and soul. Only then, will you be able to see the bigger picture, which is quite an exquisite view?


Beings with a jazzy fiesta of affectionate sounds perfumed with love. It depicts the hustle and bustle of an inner-city boulevard. It’s fast-paced and warm like the blood flowing in our veins.


“Eargasms for Short-Sighted Post-Truth Era People” is an undiluted audible ear drop solution, perfumed with nostalgia. It’s revolutionary but its non-violence approach in combating social inequality is highly effective.
Doom (2005)
Doom (2005)
2005 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.2 (22 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In a remote section of Mars, something has gone horribly wrong for the scientists of the Union Aerospace Corporation’s research facility. Scientists run screaming for their lives from a deadly threat. Trapped on a barren world against forces unknown, the call goes out for an elite team of specialists to contain the situation, and neutralize the threat at any cost.

In the new game to film adaptation Doom which is based on the phenomenally popular game series of the same name, International Action Star The Rock stars as Sarge, a by the book, no nonsense leader Of a rapid response team who have been tasked with quelling the situation on Mars. His #2 is John (Reaper) Grimm (Karl Urban), the son of two scientists who were killed years earlier in a move that drove John from the Red Planet and into the corps.

Unsure about where his head is Sarge suggests John take leave and skip the mission less he provide an unstable factor. Driven by his concern for his sister on the planet, and his devotion to duty, John accompanies his team to Mars via a teleportation device know as the Arc.
In no time the team has arrived and begun sweeping the affected areas of the base, and working to ensure that nothing can return to Earth without permission. As the team surveys the dark and isolated lab areas, John is also reunited with his sister Sam (Rosamund Pike), which brings up the memories of their dead parents and repressed hostility over his departure and emotional distance.
Of course this is a movie based on monsters and violence, so in no time, there are some strange things lurking in the darkened corridors of the lab and the team finds themselves locked in a series of deadly confrontations against enemies of unimaginable horror.

In short order the team is picked off by the deadly opposition which causes strain amongst the survivors, as it becomes clear that the work being conducted at the base was far from the simple excavations that they had been claiming for years. The truth is far more dangerous and soon has the very safety of Earth in the balance.

The changing dynamic soon divides Sarge and John and they find themselves at odds with not only the creatures but themselves as they battle for survival and the safety of the Earth.

As a fan of the game series I had followed the long development of the film with interest. As production began there were reports that the film would deviate from the game in not being set on Mars and following Zombies more than demons from hell. While the film is set on Mars there is some deviation that may upset fans of the game. Hell does not serve as the source of the enemies; rather it is something that is not present in any of the games. Another deviation is that the film unlike the game is not nonstop action.

Doom moves at a very deliberate pace and when the action comes, it tends to be against a solitary foe. Only for a brief segment near the conclusion of the film do we get a battle against a large mass, and then it is very short. The novel first person perspective shown late in the film was great fun as the audience howled with delight during this segment.

The Rock shows once again that he is a rising Star as his charisma and commanding presence propels the film even though he is a supporting character. No matter the cheese factor, or stiff lines, The Rock is such a compelling presence, he makes the film viewable. Urban is good in the lead role, though he is overshadowed by The Rock, as his strong soft spoken mannerisms seem out of place in a macho action setting.

All of this said, while it is by no means a landmark piece of cinema, Doom is fun, and is easily the best game adaptation to film yet.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) Feb 24, 2020

The new one is definitely closer to the source material and yet is very similar to to the first one?

Night Rising (Vampire Babylon, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm having a hard time formulating my thoughts on this book. I did like it and will read the next one, but there was just something off about the whole thing. Maybe because there were a bunch of loose ends at the end of the book than was necessary, but who knows. I didn't get the whole promiscuous thing, mostly because it didn't feel like it belonged in the book and really came out of nowhere; it felt like it was added for the whole "sex sells" concept. I mean that thing with "the Voice" was just plain weird and creepy. Quite few times I thought Dawn needed to get over herself and quit whining about her mother. She's twenty-four, she needs to act like it, not like some angsty teenager. I get it - it's hard to grow up with a beautiful mother who died too young and being compared to her when you're only average looking is hard (Although the cover model is above average looking. Marketing? I think so. :P), but deal with it already. I really didn't care about her and thought overall that Kiko was the best character of the bunch. Hopefully in the next book they are all developed better and Dawn grows up.

You can tell the author has taken some things from other medias: The Crow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, especially with Dawn being the "key" and probably from other things I haven't seen or read so can't compare. I think that detracted from the book because I don't want to compare the stories; I'd rather the book stood alone as it is.

Nearer the end it had me wondering about a certain character and if that was a hint to what's to come in future books. That's probably the main reason I'll read on, although there are some interesting concepts in the book too. The most interesting is the the vampire world, in which there are some varying degrees of good and evil - like humans - and they're just trying to survive without being found out - at least that's how I took it. All in all it was a decent read, but just an average urban fantasy book.
2.5 stars
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
The humour Chris Hemsworth as Thor Tom Hiddleston as Loki Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/The Hulk Taika Waititi as Korg Cate Blanchett as Hela Jeff Goldblum's Grandmaster is a God send (1 more)
Tessa Thompson as Valkiyrie The Action was awesome specifically Hulk vs Thor and the final bridge battle The synth score
Humour overshadows emotional beats Not enough Karl urban (0 more)
"Piss off Ghost"
Perhaps, the most entertaining and enjoyable movie in the MCU since Iron Man?

There’s so many reasons why I enjoy Thor: Ragnarok, but it has to start with the direction and vision of Taika Waititi. He’s a genre changer in the comic book man movie universe. From his Kiwi sense of humor, to the choice in mood music, to the simply fun action sequences; Thor: Ragnarok is a two hour smile that would make it appear I had Botox injections, since my facial expression stayed happy.

Thor is one of my favorite characters in the MCU and I like the way the fat has been chewed off in his movies. Less memorable characters are disposed of, and screen time is given to the characters you want to see. Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster is a gift from God. Loki is Loki and who doesn’t love Loki? Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie has a lot of depth. Cate Blanchett’s Hela might be in the top 5 in baddest of bad MCU villains, and puts the D in dysfunctional families. Plus, Idris Elba’s Heimdall deserved his own movie, and perhaps the number one scene stealer, and one of the reasons why this movie is truly special is Taika Waititi’s Korg. Who knew a CGI rock could be so hilarious? His voice is infectious, and I want to see more of Korg.

Hulk and Banner are both used just right. The synth-pop score makes me want to dance a boogie groove. Thor’s flaw is there’s too many interesting storylines, which causes the film to jump some from character to character. Watching Chris Hemsworth ham it up as Thor is what these types of movies should be all about. Putting the F back in fun and having a helluva time in the process doing so.
Every review I've read has been bad. Honestly, this novel was no better or worse than any of Frost's other books, in my opinions. The main complaint I've seen is that the book isn't about Cat and Bones. Well, their story has pretty much been told in the four Night Huntress novels, and now Frost is moving on to other people in that world.

Given, I was never terribly attached to Cat or Bones, and apparently some fans were. I would advise them to write fan fiction or roleplay or do whatever it is that other obsessive fans do when their favorite authors stop writing about their favorite characters rather than writing negative reviews of Frost's newer fiction because they want it to be more like her older books. (<b>Please</b> note that I have absolutely no idea what Frost's position on such things is, and would strongly recommend querying her or her authorized representative on the matter before acting. Some authors are fine with fanfic/RPing, and some are rabidly against both. I can think of examples who go to extremes each way.)

While Denise never made a big impression on me while reading the NH books, it is nice to find out what happened to her after her husband was slaughtered and her life was screwed up so badly. While minor characters are often affected in Very Bad Ways during the course of paranormal romance novels, we seldom see them getting any kind of compensation. And who could possibly compensate anyone for the loss of a loved one, anyway?

That said, this is not a fantasy novel. Sometimes I waver on how a "paranormal romance" novel should be classified, but that isn't the case here. This is a romance with urban fantasy features tossed in. There's a damsel in distress saved by a hero. There's an obstacle to be overcome before they can be together, blah blah blah. The whole formula is there.

It doesn't suck terribly, but I don't recommend it to anyone who doesn't already like the setting to some extent. If you truly hate the romance formula, don't bother with this one.
Dead in the Family (Sookie Stackhouse, #10)
Dead in the Family (Sookie Stackhouse, #10)
Charlaine Harris | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
The title could just as well have been Much Ado About Nothing (I'm sure that nobody will ever confuse Harris' work with that of the Bard).

As the GoodReads synopsis suggests, there are plenty of subplots that should keep a long-time reader busy, but I found most of them boring.

Jason has settled down with a decent-seeming woman - that's good. And he actually seems to be willing to stand by his sister when she needs him, which is even better--without being asked, without so much as a reminder! Will wonders ever cease? (That one example says so much about why I prefer the books to the televised version.)

Otherwise, though, Eric's maker has shown up with a "brother" for Eric - one who is utterly dysfunctional. If this maker were as powerful and decisive as we are told he is, why hasn't he already taken care of business and put the "brother" down? Why bring him to Eric, as if he needs Eric's help to do the deed? That's completely backwards for this (or any other) vampire mythos. If a younger vampire couldn't handle one of his offspring, he might bring that one to his sire for help or judgment. Now, knowing Eric, and how very proud he is - his sire <b>must</b> know him very deeply, and must know that asking Eric for help will lose Eric's respect completely. How could he possibly lower himself to do that?

I'm more willing to believe that Sookie is having problems with her experiences during the Faerie "war" - why doesn't anybody else ever have PTSD in paranormal romance or urban fantasy books? Her "cure" comes WAY too easily, but it is a fantasy.

Some of a faerie relative's "explanation" for his behavior simply doesn't jive with what we've been told in prior books. Maybe the person in charge of continuity lost his or her job. Maybe Harris is tired of the series. Who knows?

Some of the little details left me befuddled. Bill dated who and now reveals he's her what? Why do crosses hurt vampires, but Bibles don't?

Maybe this book should be left for the diehard Sookie fans. I don't think I count as one.