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ArecRain (8 KP) rated Moon Called in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Moon Called
Moon Called
Patricia Briggs | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you, Patricia Briggs for proving to me that there is still some amazing urban fantasy/paranormal fiction out there. I am so used to reading paranormal romance that I was actually pleasantly surprised that I became so completely wrapped up in the plotline that I didn’t even notice the lack of sex scenes and romance.

There are so many things to love about this novel. From the fantastic world the Briggs creates to the even more interesting characters that fill the pages. Briggs took the time to explain the world just enough for us to understand the races and world without making us bored from over description. There were some things that I felt Briggs could have left out bit what’s a little background info?

I also enjoyed that Briggs’ female protagonist, Mercy, was not the stereotypical lead. She was smart enough to take care of herself and keep herself out of trouble, or call people who could. In no way was she kind of woman who, while enjoying her independence, thought she was a superwoman who could take on anything and everything by herself and come out on top. I loved her sarcasm without the bitchiness and her wit without the “know it all” attitude.

It wasn’t just Mercy that made the storyline interesting, it was all the characters. I found myself interested in all the characters from different races that befriended or aided her, not to mention the entire werewolf pack.

I do have one complaint about this the novel, but it has more to do with Briggs than the story. While the storyline was intriguing and kept me turning the pages, Briggs writing style irked me. At times, it felt dry and I was just reading words. Briggs also liked to throw in random words that I had never heard of in my life. I am a fairly intelligent girl and I know me some vocabulary, but I had no idea where Briggs pulled these words from. At least they were easy to figure out from context clues.
No Weddings
No Weddings
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first saw this book as a giveaway on Goodreads and entered to win it. Unfortunately I wasn’t a lucky winner and after re-reading the synopsis I decided I wanted to read it anyway, which isn’t always the case with the books I enter to win on Goodreads. So off I went to Amazon to search it out and I was surprised by the price (77p) so I pre-ordered it and two days later it was delivered.

Let me say this now; I'm not a big contemporary romance reader any more. I tend to stick to paranormal/urban fantasy/suspense books with romance in them for an added element.

But I have to say that I really liked this!

It was told from Cade's POV, a proper ladies man, who sets up a party planning company with his three older sisters and decides they won't do any weddings as Cade seems to always end up sleeping with a guest (or two). But then he meets Hannah, an amazing baker/cook who they want to hire to make the cakes for whatever events they're organizing for, and as he gets to know her he begins to really like her.

Let me tell you this book is full of sexual tension; they flirt, they was really kinda cute watching how he softened and changed."; target="_blank

Another thing I liked was the banter between almost everyone. The siblings reminded me a bit of me and my brother; Cade and Hannah; Cade and his room mates.

Let me say that there is no sex in this book—plenty of romance!—and their relationship is going to continue into the next one, One Funeral, which I believe is going to be from Hannah's POV. And let me tell you I will most definitely be continuing this series.
Resting Witch Face (Journals of Forbidden Witchery #1)
Resting Witch Face (Journals of Forbidden Witchery #1)
Maya Daniels | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
RESTING WITCH FACE is the first book in the Journals of Forbidden Witchery series and we start a whole new urban fantasy. Hazel is our main character, a witch with no powers, otherwise known as a dud. This doesn't mean she's weak though. She's trained herself, and the enforcers in her coven, and can fight demons without powers. But when her grandmother (who coincidentally runs the coven) starts hiding her from view, Hazel sniffs out a secret. With her best friend Sissily, she needs to figure out what's going on before she is cast out for good.

This was a fantastic start to the series! Hazel is a smart-alec, with a sassy attitude, a short temper, and is fuelled by coffee. There is lots to like about her, especially her grumpiness which hides a lot of things. Sissily is a good friend, who has been there for her throughout but falters a bit at the end. I wasn't too keen on that so I'm hoping she pulls it together. And what would a Maya Daniels book be without a buff hero to fall back on?! River comes with his own secrets and I look forward to learning more about him.

I thought the pacing was perfect in this book. It was fast and full of action but without being frantic. It gave me time to enjoy the story, to immerse myself in it, enjoy Hazel's past, and wonder about her future. Alex and Amber are fantastic supporting characters, and I can't wait to learn more about Shadowborn as I'm sure he's dodgy. No reason, just because! 😉

With secrets aplenty, this is a brilliant start to a series I can't wait to continue. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 4, 2021
Night Rising (Vampire Babylon, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm having a hard time formulating my thoughts on this book. I did like it and will read the next one, but there was just something off about the whole thing. Maybe because there were a bunch of loose ends at the end of the book than was necessary, but who knows. I didn't get the whole promiscuous thing, mostly because it didn't feel like it belonged in the book and really came out of nowhere; it felt like it was added for the whole "sex sells" concept. I mean that thing with "the Voice" was just plain weird and creepy. Quite few times I thought Dawn needed to get over herself and quit whining about her mother. She's twenty-four, she needs to act like it, not like some angsty teenager. I get it - it's hard to grow up with a beautiful mother who died too young and being compared to her when you're only average looking is hard (Although the cover model is above average looking. Marketing? I think so. :P), but deal with it already. I really didn't care about her and thought overall that Kiko was the best character of the bunch. Hopefully in the next book they are all developed better and Dawn grows up.

You can tell the author has taken some things from other medias: The Crow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, especially with Dawn being the "key" and probably from other things I haven't seen or read so can't compare. I think that detracted from the book because I don't want to compare the stories; I'd rather the book stood alone as it is.

Nearer the end it had me wondering about a certain character and if that was a hint to what's to come in future books. That's probably the main reason I'll read on, although there are some interesting concepts in the book too. The most interesting is the the vampire world, in which there are some varying degrees of good and evil - like humans - and they're just trying to survive without being found out - at least that's how I took it. All in all it was a decent read, but just an average urban fantasy book.
2.5 stars
Unholy Ghosts (Downside Ghosts, #1)
Unholy Ghosts (Downside Ghosts, #1)
Stacia Kane | 2010 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great reading for the first one
Contains spoilers, click to show
***Possible spoilers you’ve been warned***

I really enjoyed the world building in this book and wished there was a little more explanation about it. You do get snippets here and there on what happened with the world and why the Church came on top and in charge of the city. The setting is wonderful though. It’s dark, it’s gritty, it’s survival. It’s what you might see from a cyberpunk novel without the futuristic theme.

The plot itself is interesting thanks to the setting. It’s a nice blend of old and new. I say old because of the way the characters talk. It’s meant to be a form of street slang, but it also sounds a mixture of old english and modern. It’s interesting and fun to read (if you have a crush on Lex you’d like it). There is an element of mystery and I like the magic used. It’s a nice blend of using tattoos and actual spell components.

Chess is likable as a character. She’s hard working and is good at what she does, despite her faults and vices. The vices do play a big part on her behavior and takes a hold of her life. She still manages to soldier through her tasks and proves to be a fighter.

There is an aspect of a love triangle in the book although I’m not sure if it could be called that. I don’t see Terrible as a love interest at all, I see him more as a loyal friend and the muscle of the duo. Lex on the other hand - so swoon worthy if you’re into the bad boys. He’s self serving and most likely not a good thing for Chess but they both got this spark. Maybe it’s because of their backgrounds and they’re similar but they get along so well and Lex has this subtle charm about him (let’s not even compare him to Doyle)

This is a must read for urban fantasy fans. It’s got a bit of everything and Chess is such a great character to follow through the journey. Will definitely go onto the second book of the series.
Deadly Curiosities
Deadly Curiosities
Gail Z. Martin | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF at 60%.
The cover grabbed me and the synopsis made me think this could be quite a fun read.It turned out it took a lot of reading. That’s not to say it was bad or anything, for me it was just okay; nothing special. I just prefer shorter books. And ones with less description. (I’m probably the only one who feels like that!)

And for them to have at least a bit of romance in them. By the half way point I’d given up on anything romantic happening. There wasn’t the slightest whiff of it at all. I like a bit of action in stories but I love it when it ends in some sexual tension between characters and there was nil. I’m a romance reader and I, wrongly, assumed that this would be like every other UF book I’ve read where there would be some romance mixed in the storyline.

Getting past the lack of romance, I liked the abilities of Cassidy and Teag. It was a refreshing change to read about something different. Not that I don’t love my shifters and vampires but every so often it’s nice to get a different take on things and seeing the history of items when you touch them and being able to piece together information on the internet and through books as a Weaver were definitely new to me.

I must confess that the lack of romance in the book put me off and I struggled to become interested in the storyline. I’m not the biggest fan of ghost stories and I’m no history buff so having to read all the back story of the Charleston really put me off.

Being honest, I have to say that this wasn’t my sort of book at all but if you like urban fantasy books with lots of description/back story with the occasional flashbacks and no romance, then this is likely perfect for you.
The Jaguar King (The Wild Rites Saga #1)
The Jaguar King (The Wild Rites Saga #1)
Anne McIlwraith | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
50 of 250
The Jaguar King ( The Wild Rites saga book 1)
By Anne Mcilwraith
Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments
Magic is real? Big deal. Bills still gotta be paid.
Especially when you’re heading into vet med. Emma Chase is nothing special – if anything, with a roomie who turns into a jaguar on a regular basis, she’s the sidekick, not the heroine. Her superpowers have more to do with acing her finals and overworking herself. Knowing her best friend’s secret makes it easier to justify her own inclination to keep people at a distance, but it doesn’t change her life.
Until others like him show up on her doorstep, convinced she’s the fated savior of their race, telling her she’s destined to command the magic of – well, Emma doesn’t quite catch that part, she’s too busy getting her ass the hell out of there.
What she does know? The Jaguar King is after her, his rivals want her dead, and she doesn’t have to believe in prophecy to believe they’ll stop at nothing to catch her.
Violence. Magic. Inappropriate humor. Step into a world of wonder and savagery in a gritty urban fantasy with an unlikely heroine, sizzling heroes, and complicated villains. The Jaguar King is a full-length read and the first in a series, and all the books have satisfying resolutions as well as a series-spanning story arc. Definitely no cliff-hangers – just bad-ass shifters with one goal: claim the prize. Claim the Caller of the Blood.
I so wanted to give this more than 2 stars! The main character is good she can kick ass and has sass but it’s all a bit over complicated. I found it rushed in places and hard to read in others. It’s not all bad though I’ve been dying for a spider shifter for so long and in this area I was not disappointed and I love the link that Emma has with Fern!
The fighting scenes were a bit all over the place too nothing seemed clear.
For me overall it showed promise just didn't deliver.