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Sharon Jones recommended The Wiz (1978) in Movies (curated)

The Wiz (1978)
The Wiz (1978)
1978 | Action, Classics, Musical
4.9 (7 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I really loved The Wiz with Diana Ross and Michael Jackson. I remember hearing that Stephanie Mills, who played the part of Dorothy on Broadway, wound up not getting the part. They had to change a lot of the details for the story to make sense for Diana Ross — that’s what got me interested to go see it. And then to see Michael and all the other stars in it. It was also really amazing how they transformed New York City into the fantasy world of an urban Oz."

Dire Straits (Bo Blackman, #1)
Dire Straits (Bo Blackman, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
So this is my first full-length foray into paranormal/urban fantasy for a long time since I lost interest in the genre a year or so ago and I have to admit I got pulled into it.

I'm usually wary of urban fantasy books because I read books for the romance in them, be it a little flirting or a full on sex-fest, and this was more of a subtle he-wants-her-does-she-want-him sort of thing, though I think that Bo is a little oblivious right now--or purposely ignoring it. Maybe a bit of both.

The story pulled me in from the start though I will admit I skipped a few paragraphs here and there where she was doing too much description. It was intriguing, as to who behind it from the start. Who was it aimed at? Were they from a family?

Admittedly I was a little torn over who I thought it was of the three recruits but it did become a bit more obvious the more that was read.

I'm definitely interested in reading more of the series in the future, if only so I can see what happens with Bo and Michael :P
Circus of the Damned (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #3)
Circus of the Damned (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #3)
Laurell K. Hamilton | 1995 | Crime, Mystery, Paranormal
7.5 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I picked up reading the third story sometime this summer, read a decent bit, put it down, and haven't been able to resume reading. I think the main reason is that the writing is poor. Not to mention I enjoy the majority of newer books in this genre better. Even though LKH might have been the first (or at least one of the first) to write an urban fantasy book featuring a kick-ass female protagonist, she is one of the worst writers. I think I'll stop while I'm ahead. I'm kinda sorry I bought so many in this series now.
Grave Witch (Alex Craft, #1)
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, I seem to be on an Urban Fantasy binge read at the minute. I enjoyed this more than I expected I would after reading book 5-13 back to back of Kim Harrison's The Hollows/Rachel Morgan series, and getting totally absorbed in it.

This was different to most other UF books I've read, which is good. I'm not normally a fan of the fae but I actually really enjoyed this--or maybe I mean Falin. I'm really intrigued by him and what could possible happen between him and Alex next

Can't wait to read book 2!
London Falling: The Shadow Police book one
London Falling: The Shadow Police book one
Paul Cornell | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Compelling characters (1 more)
Good storyline
An urban fantasy that is a page turner
I originally picked this book up through recommendation, and have to confess that I was hooked from start to finish (and throughout the two books that followed in the series).

The main characters, 3 police inspectors, and an intelligence analyst who stubble upon a darker magical side of London lead us through finding out the cause of the death of Rob Toshack, a drug lord who died in police custody. The group set up a team to hunt down the killer, quickly finding that they need to develop a whole new set of skills in order to defeat their opposition.

I am a huge fan of Ben Aaronovitch, and found that Cornell’s style of writing is very similar, with a touch more darkness and cynicism. Cornell’s characters are more serious in their absorption into the magical underground, however there are still moments of lightheartedness. However it is worth noting that the general undertone of the novel is much darker than a lot of other urban fantasy novel, which made the novel more successful for me. Cornell is not afraid to touch on more serious issues in his writing, such as depression and police budget cuts.

I found all of the main characters enjoyable, all seemingly having a turbulent past, which links into the story. Cornell enables us to clearly picture the characters as we are reading and selves into their complex histories. The ‘villain’ in this story is more sinister than I was expecting when I initially started reading, with an interesting twist by connecting the plot line and murderous motive to West Ham football team.

For me this was a page turner, and will certainly be re-read many times. Although I have previously read some urban fantasy novels, it has been Cornell’s series starting with London Falling, which has truest got me hooked.

Cori June (3033 KP) rated Strange Brew in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Strange Brew
Strange Brew
Karen Chance, P.N. Elrod | 2009 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anthology (0 more)
I love anthologies. They let you sample different genres or writting styles. This anthology ia all about the urban fantasy with the hottest authors. From the three authors I've read the series of they are one shots
 Faith Hunter's Signatures of the Dead comes before the series starts. It gives fairly good background info as well as, clarify some referances made in the books. Patricia Briggs's "Seeing Eye" also hapends to characters that are in a book of the Alpha & Omega series but doesn't hold spoilers just gives the universe it ia set in more depth. Jim Butcher... Well nothing goes easy for Dreaden not even getting a beer.
Yeah... I wasnt impressed with this at all but i persevered and finished it.

The family unit was just...strange--at least Alex's parent's were anyway. Do people really react like that? Her sisters were okay but also a little wooden. The secondary characters also didn't really sit well with me.

It could all do with the fact that I'm really into reading my urban fantasy/paranormal romance books right now and deviated off track since I'm starting to run low, but i just don't think I was in the right headspace for contemporary romances.

It didn't draw me in and i was continually bored throughout.
The Hunt is On (The Patroness, #2)
The Hunt is On (The Patroness, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Patroness' story continues in this one and we see the return of Kylian. The heat is still there between them and we have a few hot scenes. I'm loving the build up between them and cant wait for book three because I've heard some good things from the author in relation to these two.

The plotline was just as engaging in this as the first and we see more characters join and some of our favourites return as we go on another exciting journey through the streets of Paris.

This is a must if you want to find a new name in urban fantasy.
Dark Dates (Cassandra Bick Chronicles #1)
Dark Dates (Cassandra Bick Chronicles #1)
Tracey Sinclair | 2012 | Romance
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I struggled with this from the beginning. I'd finish one of the short chapters and put it down for days, not at all interested in picking it back up again. Then do the same again a few days later. Until last night when I just decided to give up. It wasn't working for me. Over two weeks I've been reading this and I wasn't getting anywhere.

It may be that my taste has changed from my recent obsession with Paranormal/Urban Fantasy and back into Contemporary Romances as I've just read entire backlog of books pretty much back to back.

I may attempt to read this again at a later date when my taste changes back to paranormal
Shadow Game (GhostWalkers, #1)
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's taken me forever to read this. I struggled with it from the start. I've drifted from my love of Paranormal Romances into Contemporary Romance and Urban Fantasy Romances so this just seemed too focused on the romance side of things. Sounds strange, I know, considering that's all I read but...I just couldn't get into it.

The writing seemed so old fashioned in the chemistry/romance parts. It was written back in 2003, when I was 12 and I would probably have loved it back then, but I'm now 28 and I prefer a more modern wording to my romances.

I have a few more paperbacks from this series but I'm not in any hurry to read them.