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10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I was given an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I am definitely in love with this book. Case closed. There's time travel, vampires, merpeople, shifters, and a mystery to solve before something huge goes down. And did I mention the love triangle? I have yet to decide who I want to win Sage's heart, because I like them both!! This story has action, suspense, drama, romance, humor, and it's just such an amazing book, I couldn't put it down! (Seriously, I read it in one afternoon, I couldn't tear myself away!!) I'm looking forward to the day when a sequel is released, because I just can't deal with that ending, I need closure!

*Sorry for all the exclamation points, but I just loved it so much! =)*

5 stars through the roof

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Priest (2011) in Movies

Oct 8, 2018  
Priest  (2011)
Priest (2011)
2011 | Action, Fantasy, Horror
7.1 (34 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Stylish but badly executed
This film was such a disappointment. On paper the premise of priests versus vampires sounds like it could be fairly promising, but sadly in reality they just don’t manage to pull it off. Some of the set and costume design is quite good and the cgi is a lot better than I ever would’ve thought on something like this. However the plot is horrendous. It doesn’t make a massive amount of sense and has a very short run time to fit in any explanation. The ending too is also over far too quickly. It touches on how a alternate dystopian future would look if governed by the Church, and this for me was the most interesting part of this entire film. The problem is that they barely touch on this side which is such a shame.
Interview with the Vampire (The Vampire Chronicles, #1)
Interview with the Vampire (The Vampire Chronicles, #1)
Anne Rice | 1976 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.4 (51 Ratings)
Book Rating
History (0 more)
A vampire story you can sink your teeth into
I credit Anne Rice with my love of vampire novels and series. It has become a lifelong reading habit.

If you love a good vampire book, you need to read the one written by the Queen Mother of all vampire series. It takes you through the centuries of Louis the vampires life, how he came to be, who his friends are, who he meets and what happens. It's a long, winding tale of intrigue, betrayal and love.

I love the rich history and the detailed characters, background and psychology. Rice is a great writer, creates a detailed world within out world, that you find yourself falling into and falling in love with.

Pick this up, you will be hooked and there's more books, so you won't be dissapointed.
Show all 3 comments.

Rachel Maria Berney (114 KP) Dec 4, 2018

That's not the best book on the series in all honesty. This first one is good and is what introduces you to Lestat and the second book is all about him. Without that love/hate relationship with the character LeStat, I think the third book would be a big struggle. It's well worth starting from beginning and powering through, there are amazing books after the queen one, with great characters and the over all vampire story arc gets tied up really well.


Rebecca Starkey (19 KP) Dec 4, 2018

If I come across it I'll give it a go. :)

From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
1996 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
A underrated action horror film
From dusk till dawn- was directed by robert roderguiz and had a great cast.

The plot: the run from a bank robbery that left several police officers dead, Seth Gecko (George Clooney) and his paranoid, loose-cannon brother, Richard (Quentin Tarantino), hightail it to the Mexican border. Kidnapping preacher Jacob Fuller (Harvey Keitel) and his kids, the criminals sneak across the border in the family's RV and hole up in a topless bar. Unfortunately, the bar also happens to be home base for a gang of vampires, and the brothers and their hostages have to fight their way out.

A tv series was made back in 2014 and had 3 seasons.

From dusk till dawn- has horror, action and fantasy all mixed into one film. Overall its very underrated and more people should watch it.
Near Dark (1987)
Near Dark (1987)
1987 | Horror, Mystery, Western
A relatively simple tale of a recently turned vampire and his initiation into a sadistic group of other vampires (we assume that’s what they are as the V word isn’t said once in the film) is an atmospheric and compelling watch that stylistically is more like a western than anything else. Kathryn Bigelow’s use of a fair chunk of future husband James Cameron’s ‘Aliens’ cast is largely successful (apart from some quite hammy overacting from Bill Paxton) and they make for thoroughly nasty adversaries (that bar scene being particularly brutal). I also liked the haunting Tangerine Dream score which adds nicely to the atmosphere but didn’t really buy the fact that vampirism could seemingly be so easily cured by a simple blood transfusion. That was a minor quibble though and overall I thought the film worked well.
The Last Man on Earth (1964)
The Last Man on Earth (1964)
1964 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
7.1 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vincent Price (0 more)
What It Takes To Survive
The Last Man on Earth- is a excellent, fantasic, phenomenal movie. Thats all about surviving and survival. Being the only human alive. The Last man alive. And Vincent Price is that man and he is perfect and excellent. He usually plays a villian, now you see him as a anti hero, someone good, but bad.

The plot: The survivor (Vincent Price) of a global epidemic battles a race of zombie vampires in an adaptation of Richard Matheson's "I Am Legend."

This film is based on the 1954 novel I Am Legend by Richard Matheson. Which would be later a film that would star Will Smith in 2007. A underrared film.

This film is excellent and fantasic. Plus you have Vincent Pricr which is a huge plus in my books.