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Revelations (The Nephilim Series #1)
Revelations (The Nephilim Series #1)
A.P. Foote | 2020 | Horror, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
190 of 200
Revelations ( The Nephilim series book 1)
By A.P. Foote

Imagine a world where everyone lives in peace. Supernaturals aren’t real and the only thing you have to fear are humans. Got that? Okay. Now, forget all of it, because that’s not my world.
Moving from Plant City, Florida to Seattle, Washington was supposed to be my do-over. No reminders of the pain and no supernaturals. But I was very, very wrong. The angels disappeared long ago--so we thought--but vampires, demons, warlocks, shifters…you name it, they’re all over the place. They control this town and everything in it. Four of them even claim I am their destined mate. The worst part? The demon, Azazel, wants me. And not in the best way.
I’ve just discovered I’m Lucifer’s daughter as well as the most powerful Nephilim on the planet. But that doesn’t stop Azazel. He wants my soul and will do anything to have it.
With the help of my mates and a few unexpected friends I’ve picked up along the way, we will eliminate the threat while making a statement to anyone else who tries to disrupt order on this plane or any other. Easy, right?

This was exactly what I wanted I love anything written around the angels and demons scene also throw the geek or Roman gods in too! This was fast paced and kept you engrossed! A new author for me and I really enjoyed this book!
Blood Red Sky (2021)
Blood Red Sky (2021)
2021 | Action, Horror, Thriller
6.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Blood Red Sky is a movie that has some decent ideas, and some great performances, but is sadly bogged down by a whole lot of waff.
Honestly, it's a shame that the marketing for this gave away the whole vampire aspect. Had it been advertised as a airborne hijack thriller with hints of a supernatural element, then the twist could have hit the same way that it did back in the 90s, when I was but a young boy innocently watching From Dusk Till Dawn, blissfully unaware of what was about to happen.
The pacing is so so. The narrative premise is a good and straightforward one, but it's dragged down by constant flashbacks that feel unnecessary and like padding. Whenever things get interesting, another flashback is thrown in. It's frustrating, mainly because everything surrounding these negatives are solid! The vampires themselves are brutal, and reminiscent of the creatures seen in 30 Days of Night. Lead actor Peri Baumeister puts in a fantastic performance, as does her onscreen son, Carl Anton Koch. The two of them make proceedings relatively impactful, especially during the closing moments. The whole climactic scene is pretty entertaining to be fair, and goes some way to making up for all of the faffing about.

Blood Red Sky isn't half bad overall, but it's could have done with dropping all of the unnecessary exposition and ultimately achieving a shorter runtime.
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
1994 | Fantasy, Horror
How can a movie that does practically everything wrong still be so thoroughly enchanting? A fundamentally baffling, scalding hot trainwreck of epic proportions that hasn't held up to the passage of time really at all - a miscalculated weirdo relic of pop culture history. I think a lot of this film's appeal has to do with the fact that it's complete lightning in a bottle - for better or for worse we will never see another movie like this again: mopey, homoerotic rococo vampires stumble around through a flounderingly-paced pre-𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 template for lectures on moral dilemmas and a gallery of some of the most lush period visuals of the 90s (from the sweltering plantations of the 1700s south to the decadence of gothic European high-life, it's all orgasmically displayed). Also this is maybe the best use of "Sympathy For The Devil" in a film, even if it is an inferior cover. The fact that Brad Pitt wanted to die the entire time while filming for this woefully underconstructed character actually makes it the only thing that works with it, considering his only defining feature is... that he wants to die. A totally birdbrained brothel of jagged writing and wicked scenery-chewing from a glorious cast (you know you're in for a treat when Christian Slater gives the most restrained performance lol), actually pretty great even though it disembowels a lot of the original text's depth. Full-tilt camp.