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Sky Sharks (2020)
Sky Sharks (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fright Fest kicked off with a film that I absolutely had to see... Nazi zombies and flying sharks? No brainer.

A team of arctic explorers uncover an old Nazi lab that was developing ways to help them conquer the world. The team unwittingly let loose their two most powerful experiments that unleashes a swarm of flying sharks flown by unstoppable pilots.

Despite this having the word "sharks" in the title (and my love of shark films) I do have to be a buzzkill and say that this is not a shark film. I'd happily categorise it in zombie film territory, but the quality is way too good for this to be classified as a shark film. I don't want to take away from these fantastic flying finned devils though, they're brilliant and super happy looking.

It has the ridiculous ideas that make for an entertaining watch. but I can't help but think that a good budget actually had a negative effect. Once you get to a certain level of production value it goes against the nature of the story and "traditions".

With sky based villains you would obviously get something involving airplanes, but from the early action sequence I got heavy Sharknado 2 vibes. I don't want to ruin this bit for you so I'll just say that it's got the requisite amount of scientific impossibilities and graphic violence.

The CGI is a little hit and miss, the sharks are pretty good and I'm convinced have sneaky smiles on their faces, but the zombie aspects are a little ropey whenever they pop up.

When it comes to acting the cast deliver exactly what you'd expect from this sort of film, over the top when needed, dramatic in both serious and ridiculous ways, and I really hope that some of the female cast were appropriately compensated from some of their truly over the top scenes. You expect nudity because that's what these things do, but my goodness did they go to town with it.

Nazi scientists with extraordinary plans is a great storyline, you can take it in so many directions. I can't help but feel that Sky Sharks suffers from over complications. Discovery, accidental release followed by solution... that simple formula is cluttered with a lot of back story that could easily be cut back and made easier to follow, a fair amount seemed to have no purpose.

Even with all of this it's still something daft to enjoy, probably when drunk. I'm not sure if it's for zombie fans or shark fans, it doesn't quite fit in either classification properly but for those who want to free their brains from thinking then it's probably going to work for that.

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Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)
Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)
2021 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Suffers from Sequel-itis
If you ever heard of the term “Sequel-itis” and wondered what a good example of film suffering from this malady would be, look no further than VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGE.

The sequel to the surprisingly well made - and well acted - 2018 VENOM that introduced audiences to the (sometimes) villain, (sometimes) anti-hero, VENOM and the human/symbiot that he has bonded to (it makes sense in the first film) - this sequel looks and feels like a quick “money-grab” that is keeping this character “warm” for bigger things (I hope) down the road.

Directed by famed motion capture expert, Andy Serkis, VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGE feels like a movie that was directed by a Special FX veteran for this film is long on special effects and short on what makes a film work - plot and character.

And that’s too bad for the 2018 VENOM film was a surprise in that while it had it’s CGI moments (and plenty of them), it also had interesting plot and characters and took full advantage of two of the better actors working today - Tom Hardy and Michelle Williams.

The sequel looked promising enough as both Hardy and Williams were back and Woody Harrelson was cast as the main villain (with Naomi Harris along as the villain’s sidekick) so some of the ingredients were there for a quality sequel.

Unfortunately, this sequel leaned heavily into the CGI-ness of the first film and made the CGI Alien Venom the focal point of the story, relegating the humans to the back. No actor was pushed further to the back than Williams who was stuck with a weak “damsel in distress” arc while Harrelson and Harris take turns over-acting the other making their pair of villains some of the weakest in recent comic-book movies memory.

And then there is the performance of Hardy as Eddie Brock. He is sleepwalking his way through this film, looking like he has very little interest in what is going on and just wants to grab his paycheck and get home.

Some of these sins could be forgiven if the CGI elements - and the battles between Venom and Carnage - are interesting. Unfortunately, they just are not - they are “fine”, but nothing interesting or original, so this film is destined to get washed off the shore (and memory) as quickly as a sandcastle is washed away on a beach.

If you are going to check out this flick, make sure you stay for the “end credits” scene (which is only, thankfully, about 2 minutes into the credits), it is the best part of this film.

Letter Grade: C+

5 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Uptown Oracle (24 KP) rated Moroda in Books

Jun 30, 2017  
L.L. McNeil | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Great Debut Fantasy Novel!
As we traipse the countries and cities of Linaria following a band of unlikely comrades, we're introduced to magic, dragons, and a foe leading a trail of destruction in his wake. Moroda and her allies must find a way to save Linaria before the war destroys them and everything around them.

One of my favourite parts of the book is that there's multiple wonderful characters. We have our main character, Moroda and her sister Eryn, two former Goldstones trying to survive after their fathers death. There's Morgen an Imperial Guard from Corhaven, who's unsure as to whether life in the Guard is for him. Amarah, a brusk sky pirate who cares more for money and treasure. Palom and Anahrik, two Ittallan traders who want to get back to their homeland before war hits. Sapora, a Varkain who also wants to return to his homeland, away from the prejudice against his kind. And Kohl, an exiled Arillian who can control wind and lightening. Groups are often used within the fantasy genre but Moroda doesn't confuse you with multitudes of characters.

The world of Linaria has different prejudices and stereotypes against races and the inclusion of these races allows to get a much better, unbiased opinion. Each of our characters has their own thoughts, motivations, backgrounds and histories. Despite preconceived views of each other, the characters are all individual. There's also strong character growth, especially for Moroda throughout the book. There was definitely the risk of falling into common female fantasy tropes with Moroda, but McNeil manages to miss each of these skillfully.

The only criticism is the antagonist, Aciel. Being told by other characters what Aciel was doing and how, is very different to be able to see it. There was a lost connection that I personally like having with the villains. We meet him and he does speak a little bit, but there's definitely that lack of attachment. This criticism is also very personal, as I know a lot of people wouldn't mind this at all.

As with any fantasy novel, you need a wonderful fantasy land. There's exploration of multiple cities, and also some comparisons by the characters themselves. Each place has it's own background and vivid descriptions. I'm really looking forward to more exploration of Sereth, the Varkain capital. There's also undertones of myth, lore and legend within Linaria. Which although not explored completely within this book will be fantastic to build upon in later books.

Moroda is romance free which I loved. I've read so many books recently where the romantic subplot overshadows the real plot, and this was so refreshing. The focus was on the friendships being made over the journey, and the sisterly bond between Moroda and Eryn.

Overall I loved Moroda. Perfect to go into reading more over summer as I've finally finished exams!
Marvel's Daredevil  - Season 2
Marvel's Daredevil - Season 2
2016 | Action
Brilliant writing (1 more)
Fantastic performances
Down and Dirty Crimefighting
These shows are fantastic. The Netflix/Marvel TV universe that has been built off of the back of these shows is awesome. If you are a fan of the Marvel Max comic books, then these shows have been made for you. Marvel reintroduces Daredevil (and Punisher in Daredevil Season 2,) in epic fashion. This is a world where the events of the Avengers movies have taken place, but these are gritty, street level stories that tell tales of a more personal, visceral kind of battle. If you like your Marvel superheroes, but find the Avengers too tame, then wade right in. These heroes are foul mouthed, real people who happen to have some amazing abilities. Charlie Cox is a fantastic Matt Murdock and Krysten Ritter is a brilliant Jessica Jones, the supporting characters are also well implemented, such as Elektra, Stick, Foggy Nelson, Karen Paige, Night Nurse, Nuke, Luke Cage and Trish. The villains in each show are also some of the best the Marvel have had so far, Vincent D’Onofrio plays a tragic, but still scheming and suitably evil version of Kingpin, which gives the character a depth that hasn’t yet been explored. I really hope that they use the character in the solo Spiderman movie. David Tennant plays Killgrave or The Purple Man in Jessica Jones and he also kills it, you can tell he really had fun with the role too, which makes him even more entertaining whenever he is onscreen. Season 2 of Daredevil just recently finished up and during it we were introduced to the new Punisher, played by Jon Bernthal, who again gives us the chance to explore the character and his psyche to a level that we haven’t seen before. He is still the hardcore badass that you would expect, but his mentality in this universe goes deeper than that and that is something that is very cool to see. Overall I have loved every episode of these shows to date and as long as they carry on the tone and the overall production standard that they have set themselves so far, I can’t wait to see what else this universe has to offer. There is also exciting rumours stating that they could appear in the Avengers Infinity War films. I can’t wait to see all of this and I really feel that all of these characters show great potential. Keep doing what you are doing Marvel, because it is truly awesome. Doing these character’s origin stories in an R rated TV show setting was a great idea and the writing and performances on Netflix stand up to any show on HBO or AMC. If you haven’t seen the entirety of these shows yet, stop what you are doing and go marathon them right now, you will not regret it.
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
2016 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Benedict cumberbatch as Doctor strange Tilda swinton as the ancient one Rest of the cast are good The trippy visuals The action sequences are cool (0 more)
Villains are underwhelming Plot can be a bit formulaic (0 more)
"Try me Beyoncé"
The 14th instalment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe marks the arrival of yet another avenger into the already crowded Marvel family while also bringing mystic arts & alternate dimensions into its ever-expanding universe. But even though it offers a kaleidoscopic journey through astral realms, infinite realities & spacetime contortions, it isn't entirely different from the norm.

Doctor Strange tells the story of Stephen Strange, a brilliant but arrogant neurosurgeon who loses the use of his hands after a car accident, spends all his money on experimental surgeries to regain his abilities, and travels east for a last resort treatment where he meets a powerful sorcerer who teaches him ways to harness energy & shape realities through the mystic arts.

Co-written & directed by Scott Derrickson (best known for The Exorcism of Emily Rose & Sinister), Doctor Strange marks his first stint with comic book movies and while he succeeds in delivering a sufficiently entertaining blockbuster, his latest suffers from the same issues that marred his earlier works as Derrickson begins this story on a promising note but once again loses his grip in the middle.

The screenplay features a universe that's full of imaginations & possibilities yet beneath its parallel universes, time manipulation & astral projections lies the same generic storyline following the same predictable route that we all have seen many times before. What's interesting, however, is how the arc of the eponymous character is handled, for Stephen Strange remains an intriguing character at all times.

Production Design team chips in with set pieces that brim with mystical qualities while props such as ancient artefacts & antiquated relics provide added details to the desired spiritual environment. Camerawork is fine, Editing gets carried away by letting numerous CGI-infested moments overstay their welcome due to which it feels longer than it should. And Michael Giacchino contributes with a score that's fitting yet not enthralling.

Coming to the acting department, the film features a talented ensemble in Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Benedict Wong, Mads Mikkelsen & Tilda Swinton. Cumberbatch as Strange is pitch-perfect casting and does total justice to his role by depicting his stubbornness, arrogance & ambition with precision while Swinton steals nearly every scene she's in. But the main highlight of this film is its shape-shifting & eye-popping visual effects.

On an overall scale, Doctor Strange does serve its purpose by delivering an entertaining, amusing & serviceable origin story but it isn't impressive enough to garner a spot amongst Marvel's finest features. Travelling a safe, risk-free route & sugarcoated with trippy, hallucinatory visuals, it is a typical fun-filled extravaganza that we've come to expect from Marvel Studios and is another enjoyable addition to their ever-inflating repertoire. Definitely worth a shot.
Providence: A Novel
Providence: A Novel
Caroline Kepnes | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for allowing me to read an advance copy of "Providence"in exchange for an honest review ❤️??
Let me start off by saying that I was a bit of a "Nervous Nellie" going into this book because "You" by Caroline Kepnes makes my top ten favorite books of all times, and is by far my favorite thriller to date. I am always looking for a thriller novel to compare and while some have come dangerously close, no cigar.
Having said that...I have seen many mixed reviews regarding the topic of this book versus Kepnes's other novels. The subject varies drastically from her other fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat, pulse pounding reads! This is a book about so many things, including : love, turning a curse from something bad into good, how fate intervenes no matter what we would choose for ourselves, and how all of our lives can change in a split second.
When beginning this book I immediately started thinking ----this is definitely NOT the type of book I would ever pick up--I typically do not enjoy any type of science fiction and all things having to do with superpowers just are NOT my thing! I like villains like Harley Quinn and Joker. But...because it was written by one of my favorite authors ---I stuck around and I'm so happy that I did!
I flew through this book! The entire time I found myself rooting for this stolen boy, this monster, the underdog! I have taken away So many quotes ( you can find a few on my goodreads page) such as ..." Being alive is nothing without being able to live." My Dad faces this every single time he heads to the hospital to get his weekly chemo treatment. I can sympathize with Eggs and his illness and Lo reminding to eat, to check this, check that--- I can also see how a relationship based solely on messaging can supersede any other form of love if it's the right person.

Highly highly recommend this book, I don't want to spoil too much-- thank you for opening up my eyes to another genre. It's action meets romance meets science fiction meets superhuman?

To Caroline Kepnes: thank you for calling those delectable things you put on ice cream jimmies and NOT sprinkles, thank you for opening my eyes to the world of H.P. Lovecraft, for using my favorite quote ever by E.E. Cummings in this novel & and for leaving me with an undeniable urge to hit the store for strawberries, fluff, and a cookie scented candle.

Kepnes has a way of reaching out to you as if you are her only reader no matter what the topic may be--- please give this book a shot, she has proved she isn't a one hit wonder and can write about anything she puts her mind to!

I am Providence.
The Spy Who Dumped Me (2018)
The Spy Who Dumped Me (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon make a good team (0 more)
Not enough comedy (1 more)
Drags on way too long
More action spy movie than comedy
In recent years, whenever I go to watch a comedy at the cinema, I come away totally disappointed, and end up going off on a rant about the state of movie comedies these days when I review them afterwards. Mostly, these movies have a very simple plot premise, which they then just try and plaster over with a tonne of gross out scenes or poorly written 'comedy' set-pieces. Other times they feature a bit more story and plot, with the humour being more of an add-on. The Spy Who Dumped Me veers more towards the latter, ending up as more of an above average action spy movie than a comedy.

Mila Kunis is Audrey, celebrating her birthday in a bar. Only her celebrations have been ruined somewhat by the fact that her boyfriend Drew (Justin Theroux) recently dumped her. By text! She's with best friend Morgan (Kate McKinnon), and as they complain about Drew, we see that he's in a spot of bother of his own over in Europe - taking out bad guys in a market shootout, getting chased through somebody's apartment while the owners watch TV, jumping out of a window onto a truck, and casually strolling out of a building as it explodes behind him. But when Audrey sends him yet another text, this time threatening to burn all of his stuff, Drew quickly gets in touch with her. Turns out that a small trophy in among his little box of dirty undies and other possessions is the key to saving a lot of people, and the bad guys want to get their hands on it at all costs. So, Audrey and Morgan unwittingly become involved in the world of spies and villains, traveling around Europe and bumbling their way through all manner of problems to ensure that the trophy finds its way into the right hands.

As mentioned earlier, every effort has been made to make sure that this is a high action spy movie along the lines of the Bourne and Mission Impossible movies. The aforementioned escape from the bad guys, a huge restaurant shootout, a deadly villain, a high speed street chase involving cars, motorbikes and guns, not to mention almost as much double crossing/who can you trust shenanigans than MI: Fallout recently, are all present and presented really well. All the while, Audrey and Morgan bring lighthearted relief and humour to it all. Kunis and McKinnon doing exactly what we're used to from their separate movie comedies but coming together here as a really likeable team and with a good supporting cast too.

Overall, The Spy Who Dumped Me isn't too bad, but it isn't too great either. It also seemed to drag on way too much for my liking and I would have preferred a much tighter movie, with a few more laughs. Still fairly enjoyable though.