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The Departed (2006)
The Departed (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Leonardo Dicaprio (4 more)
Matt Damon
Jack Nicholson
The direction is superb
Dialog is gritty and great.
A great 2 sided coin spinning on the edge of a 3rd story window...
This shouldn't be the first oscar Scorsese wins, but tragedies happen every day I guess... That said this is deserving of the honor, more so than most oscar winners. The Cat and Rat runaround is interesting to watch unfold. plus lines like "I'm the guy who does his job, you must be the other guy." make this a great watch.

A little bit of trivia:Martin Scorsese did not realize this was a remake of a Hong Kong movie until after he had agreed to direct it. It's the only remake of a foreign film to win an Academy Award for Best Picture. Martin Scorsese said that he was surprised the film had won, because the film is such a tough, nasty, and violent film, he never thought about the idea of awards while he was filming it.

Here's some great alternate movie posters to enjoy as well.
Savage Secrets (Titan, #4)
Savage Secrets (Titan, #4)
Cristin Harber | 2017 | Erotica
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Must Read, Wow
This has to be the BEST book in the series so far. Absolutely fantastic military romance. This book is set in London, Virginia, and Spain and as the title suggests Rocco Savage has a secret but then so does Mi6 interrogator Caterina Cruz. The chemistry between the pair of them is super hot and I love the way Cat gets Rocco going by talking Spanish to him and the way she handles a weapon whether it be a gun or a super large knife held between her teeth. If big hot guys with big guns who pull out all the stops to save the girl is your cup of tea then this is defiantly for you.


**WARNING** This story has a violent sexual scene and Cristin Harber has done a great job of portraying the horror of the attack without making it overly graphic and I would also join Cristin in saying that...

"Rape is a crime. Talking about it isn't. There are many resources out there, Including After Silence to help in the healing process"
Revenge isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, that’s what Livark is learning. Blackmailed she turns thief for a wizard and lands herself in a plot that threatens the existence of the known world.

Livark is a gambler basically a grifter. She is the main character and her story is told in 1st person pov. There are other povs involved that are third person? Which include but are not limited to Casuel a wizard that is so easy to hate. That sorry sycophant. And Planir the Black Archmage.
You also meet Shiv another wizard that partners with Livark (blackmails really) he is also the first character that I had ever read that was openly gay. Or how did he put it. “Doesn’t cross the dance floor to find his partner.” Maybe not a direct quote but close. Also, Darni and Rashad warriors as well as a few other characters. If you want excitement danger and magic, this is a book for you. Edited: It is also very violent, blunt, and graphic in its content.
The Viking's Touch appears to be a sequel to an earlier book by the same author, but it can be read as a standalone novel - I know because I hadn't read the previous story!

My usual historical romances tend to tend to be set mainly in the Regency period, so this was a bit of a change for me. It took a little while to get into, but overall I thought it was a good story with strongly drawn characters. A bit more violent and bloodthirsty than your average Regency, I have to admit, but as a change I did enjoy it.

The protagonists, Anwyn and Wulfgar were both sympathetic characters, but carrying a great deal of emotional baggage from their pasts. Ignvar is maybe a character who is a bit too black to be real as he doesn't appear to have a single redeeming feature, but on the bright side you do feel like cheering when he finally gets his comeuppance, and this sort of book is really about making you feel good, so I guess that van't be a bad thing!

Nick Beaty (70 KP) rated The Vanishing (2018) in Movies

Jan 8, 2020 (Updated Jan 8, 2020)  
The Vanishing (2018)
The Vanishing (2018)
2018 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Peter Mullan is brilliant again...
Based on the true story of three lighthouse keepers who mysteriously disappeared in 1900. This is the writers interpretation of the events that occurred, as nobody knows the truth to what actually happened to the three men on the Flannan Isles.

The movie is really slow paced and quiet, so some people may find it a bit boring. For me though the acting is top notch, which is enough to keep you interested in the story.

The ever reliable Peter Mullan is brilliant again and Gerard Butler is actually really good in this one and proves he does have range as an actor.

One negative for me was that some of the more violent scenes in the movie didn't really match the tempo of the film and felt a little bit out of place. I understand that these things had to happen but I just felt they could have been done a little better.

To sum up The Vanishing is a decent enough movie but I can't help but feel it could have been much much more.
The Hunt (2020)
The Hunt (2020)
2020 | Action, Horror, Thriller
Dark humor (3 more)
Outrageous violence
Much better than I anticipated
When I first heard about "The Hunt" I didn't have much interest in it. I like most of the movies that Blumhouse produces, so I intended to go see it, but I didn't expect much.

The concept - liberal elites trying to hunt and kill conservative "deplorables" - seemed ripe for one-sided over-politicization. I expected to see the liberals shown in a better light than the conservatives for sure.

Instead, I was pleasantly surprised to find a no-holds-barred, skewer-every-perspective story that used every stereotype to good effect.

I won't go into spoilers, but I will say this: 20 minutes in, I knew that my expectations had been subverted. People died quickly that I didn't anticipate. The humor, which is pitch black, caught me off guard and I found myself laughing out loud several times. And the plot shifted in ways I never would have predicted.

All in all, it's a quick, fun, funny, violent, profanity-laced ride that I am glad I took.
Going into this book, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to get into it or not. I haven't actually read Ronan Farrow's articles in general, so I didn't know how his writing style was. Journalistic writing is sometimes hit or miss in book form.

Honestly, now I'll read his articles. This book encompassed the Weinstein scandal, and other creeps like him. It was thorough, and engaging throughout. In the author's note, it is stated that the violence these women were subjected to was presented exactly how they told it, with all the details. My stomach hurt after reading the descriptions, and I read very violent Nordic Noir novels. I like being presented with everything, so while it made my stomach hurt, I feel like it was all completely necessary as part of this story.

I also really liked his journey to get this published, and now... honestly, I don't even want to watch NBC News (as I sit here watching Dateline).

This is, by far, one of the best books that I've read this year.