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Overlord (2018)
Overlord (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Violence towards Nazis and gore... (0 more)
Gore - what is it good for?
I don't think it's spoilery to say don't come to this film expecting a typical WW2 film. Yes it's set on the eve of D Day but most people know by now this is a bloody horror film not a war film. It's gory - oh so gory! There is one scene in particular that is so good that I was cringing and laughing at the same time - and yes you will end up laughing as this is not a serious film. But it doesn't try to be. It's Nazis getting very violently dispatched and honestly who doesn't enjoy that.

Dean (6921 KP) rated Midway (2019) in Movies

Nov 15, 2019  
Midway (2019)
Midway (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, History
Good SFX on the whole (1 more)
Big action scenes
Feels a bit by the numbers (0 more)
Entertaining WW2 action Film
Well with Roland Emmerich at the helm you should know what to expect from this film. Lots of big budget action scenes and SFX heavy scenes. Going for all guns blazing, quite literally, at the slight expense of any indepth character development. It's good that this also covers the battle from the Japanese perspective. I'm not sure how accurate it is but it is at least based on real people who had key roles in the battle. One definitely to enjoy for the action scenes, especially if seeing in 4DX.
Salt to the Sea
Salt to the Sea
Ruta Sepetys | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
This isn't really something I normally read. I wasn't enthralled and I didn't "get lost" inside the book, but I did feel heartbreak, anger, disbelief, hope. I had never heard of Wilhelm or any of the other tragedies mentioned - when I hear WW2, I think of the Holocaust. It is obvious that war is a time of suffering, when horrendous actions are committed by both sides, but it's hard to remember that when your mind is taught about the opposing sides' atrocities. Reading about the things done by both Russians, their allies, and Germans broke my heart. Even if I didn't love this book, I definitely learned something new and gained more perspective.

David McK (3207 KP) rated Blackout in Books

Nov 3, 2021  
Simon Scarrow | 2021 | Crime
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
To be honest, crime fiction is not my usual genre of choice.

I also tend to find 'book club picks' to be rather off-putting; generally finding those I have previously read to be rather tedious and just not generally all that interesting (while able to admire the literary sophistication of the works).

This is both a crime fiction novel, and a 'Richard and Judy book club pick', so that would - normally - have been 2 marks against picking it up, in my books.

However, I have read - and generally quite enjoyed - most, if not all, of Simon Scarrow's other works - in particular his Cato and Macro series - so, when I saw this on a Kindle deal for something like 99p, I thought to myself 'why not?'.

And, I have to admit, I did actually quite enjoy this.

Set in 1939 Berlin just at the start of WW2, I found this to be unusual in that it told the story from the Point of View of a German criminal inspector - most WW2 novels (that I am aware of) usually feature either American or Brits as their main protagonists - who is not a member of the Nazi party: a fact that, here, is usually held against him but is also the reason he got handed the assignment as he has no links to any factions within the party.

It's both a very different time and 'headspace' than modern sensibilities; interesting to see how the man-on-the-street could have viewed the headline events of the time. As someone from Northern Ireland, there's also aspects of the novel that hit frighteningly close to home for me ...
Lights out Liverpool (Pearl Street #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
22 of 235
Lights out Liverpool (Pearl Street #1)
By Maureen Lee

The folk of one small Liverpool street cope with the first year of World War II. They find the war affects each of them in a different way. One woman worries about her twin sons who are called up, another is liberated from a loveless marriage, whilst Jessica Fleming's life is changed irrevocably.

I love a good saga! This one kind of hit home with the start of WW2 and in comparison to what we are dealing with now and it’s quite frightening to think of what they were facing and the loss that was felt. It was a little heartwarming to read and have a break from my usual reads.
Call of Duty: WWII - The Resistance
The first of four planned DLC packs for Call of Duty: WW2 has arrived for PC and Xbox One owners after being available for PS4 owners for a month.

The Resistance keeps the usual theme of four new maps and a new episode for the Zombie series but this time does it with a bit of a twist.

Usually players see the name of the DLC in the Multiplayer menu and once selected; players can see the various modes available to play the new maps in.

Resistance does away with this and puts the content in the “Featured” area where players have to play either standard or Hardcore Mosh pits and experience the maps in a rotating selection of game modes vs picking a mode.

The three maps available are



Based in Prague; this is a detailed map with a river, central bridge and lots of terrain to cover. Snipers will love the central area but those who want to run and gun can have some luck if they make sure to duck in and out of buildings.


This is a remastered map set in Paris where multiple levels, side streets, shops, and vehicle littered streets allow for some great mid to close range combat. This is a fast-paced map where you can set an ambush, sneak up on enemies, or squad up to take the streets.


If you like a nice run and gun mode based in bunkers; this is the mode for you. Inspired by the Eastern Front headquarters; this is a fast action map ideal for players of all styles.

The fourth map is only available in War mode and is Operation Intercept. Set in France, players need to set up communications, stop a train, and other team based missions.


The new Zombie mode is The Darkest Shore and pits the four heroes on a remote island where the Undead come fast and often. The map mixes bunkers, beaches, and emplacements with the usual weapon, armor, and power up stations and gameplay players got to expect in the original mission.


This time a think and concealing fog will roll in frequently which adds a new danger as you must fight the unending hordes with limited visibility.

Resistance provides more WW2 action for gamers and while it does not radically change the online portion of the game, it does offer some new wrinkles for fans to enjoy and should keep fans happy until the next DLC arrives.
Lucifer’s Game
Lucifer’s Game
Cristina Loggia | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was an enjoyable, well-researched historical fiction novel set during WW2 in Rome.
Cordelia Olivieri’s life in Rome becomes more precarious as the Italian fascists start to identify more Italians with Jewish heritage. Cordelia’s English mother was Jewish. She has a friend in the Vatican who promises to get her on a transport to England, if she will just photograph the German plans for North Africa. This seems a simple task (or not!), as the German officer in charge of the planning for Rommel has taken over Cordelia’s hotel as his centre of operations. But Cordelia complicates things somewhat when she starts to fall in love with him.
The villains in this book are thoroughly despicable, and the ‘goodies’ are in constant danger. It’s all very nail-bitingly exciting and another great read on The Pigeonhole!
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
2008 | Sci-Fi
5.2 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A potentially great story about alien contact was really let down by the plot more than anything. I have seen the original and while that would be regarded as well ahead of it's time made in 1951 this will shortly be forgotten. This has the big budget modern effects otherwise the main difference of this and the original is the reason for the alien contact. The original made after WW2 was all about living in peace or risk destruction for our violent actions. This is all about the environment if we can't change our ways we risk killing the earth and ourselves. Oh and John Cleese is always worthy of more than a few minutes cameo?!
Great start but a missed opportunity. If you want a good action, drama or disaster film on a similar them watch Independence day, War of the Worlds, or The day after tomorrow instead.
The Tattooist of Auschwitz
The Tattooist of Auschwitz
Heather Morris | 2018 | Biography, History & Politics, Religion
8.7 (74 Ratings)
Book Rating
Easy read (0 more)
Lack of vivid images (0 more)
Could be darker
The novel takes us back to the WW2 times, the times when concentration camps were running full capacity. And it lets us to get in a life of one of the prisoners at the biggest camps - the Auschwitz. Starting to read, you know beforehand what lies in path of the main character - Lale. Though the story itself happens in dark times (times I consider to be closest to dystopia humanity ever got to), Lale doesn't lose his optimism and it makes the whole story a bit more lighthearted. We don't really get much insight on some more gruesome things.

Summing up, there were some parts that I liked and there were a few that I didn't. But knowing it is based on a true story makes it a forgivable. I just wish the author put a bit more of work in her prose, to paint the images more vividly

Bubba Gee (147 KP) rated 42 (2013) in Movies

Jun 23, 2019  
42 (2013)
42 (2013)
2013 | Drama
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Casting, history, writing (0 more)
Civil Rights hero
A masterfully done historical drama,
Chadwick Boseman was absolutely the perfect person for the part of Jackie Robinson.
This film has a very real feel of the hatred and anger in the USA POST WW2.
There was a lot of ignorance and discontent at the time.
I think it is important that this is seen not just as a baseball movie but also that it carries with it to my mind an important piece of the post war civil rights movement.
Powerful and thought provoking, the writers did not shy away from the uglier parts of the racist rhetoric and presented it fully and broadly to be challenged head on.
I would reccomend this to anyone who has an interest in either baseball or civil rights or both together as it presents the telling of a story from a true American hero.
Rest in peace number 42