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Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Mystery
Let me start out by saying, if you have never seen the first Fantastic Beasts movie or have little knowledge of the Wizarding World, you will probably not understand this movie.
Personally, I loved it! Yes, there is the whole McGonagall not being born yet situation, but I can look past that to all the depth put into the movie. It provided the audience with an overload of information to prepare the viewer for future movies. Newt has become my favorite character! Also, the baby Nifflers are adorable. Let’s not forget to mention that huge twist in the end! I’m still slightly confused over THAT, but there are lots of theories and ideas going through my brain. So, if you are a Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts fan, go watch it!
Venom (2018)
Venom (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Mixed emotions
I recently got an Amazon firestick and caught this movie that way. The acting, cinematography and effects were good but the story was a little disappointing. It completely altered the origins of Venom. Being a comic fan, that didn't go unnoticed. It would have been fine if the whole movie wasn't based on a character from the comics. If I didn't know who Venom was and the characters involved, I'd give this a better rating. However, this is a popular iconic character from the Spiderman lore and doesn't even mention the webslinger or take place in the same city. If you don't care about all that, but like adventure movies, you'll still enjoy this one. Not the greatest comic book movie adaptation, but still an entertaining movie. Worth a watch.

Dork_knight74 (881 KP) rated The Predator (2018) in Movies

Nov 28, 2018 (Updated Nov 28, 2018)  
The Predator (2018)
The Predator (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror
I like the predator movies. This one was not much different than the rest. Some new characters, plenty of intense(gory)action and cool special effents. Interesting idea about the gene splicing. The story was a little out there, but it's a movie about alien hunters, so don't take it too seriously. The alien dog was a weird part and Olivia Munn's character was not explained very well. How was this biologist so adept with weapons/ fighting? The acting was decent and the cinematography was done really well. Of course they left it open for a sequel(duh). Anyway, it was a fun, entertaining movie and I'd recommended it to antoine who's into action movies. Even if you've never seen a Predator film before. Worth a watch!
Psycho (1960)
Psycho (1960)
1960 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
The tension is 10/10 (3 more)
Anthony Perkins is absolutely creepy as Norman Bates
On a first time viewing this film is guaranteed to subvert your expectations more than once.
The infamous shower scene
The film may come off as dated to younger viewers, but generally it still holds up . (0 more)
This belongs on the top 10 horror films of all time. Psycho is perfection and the best work from one of the best directors in horror history. This film isn't a slasher, but it paved the way for sure. Anthony Perkins gives the performance of a lifetime and the film holds up all these years later. Completely suspenseful film that is intelligent and has one of the greatest shocking reveals in all of film history. This is a MUST WATCH for any film fan, PERIOD.
High Tension (Switchblade Romance) (2005)
High Tension (Switchblade Romance) (2005)
2005 | International, Drama, Horror
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Overall... Everything... (1 more)
Some damn fine use of a concrete saw
One partocular death i could've done without (0 more)
So let me get this straight...
Contains spoilers, click to show
So. Right odf the hop. I must say I appreciate a French movie that splices in some English from it's actors. Good on ya.
This movie kicks off about 15 or so minutes in.... With some desecration of a severed head... And an immediate beheading....
From there on out its brutality and fine special effects that take over. A beautifully placed twist near the end provides an unexpected, at least to me, WHAT THE FUCK moment.
All in all this is a must watch for all foreign horror fans... Its right up there woth fellow French films Martyrs and Inside.... As well as Korea's I Saw The Devil.
Hereditary (2018)
Hereditary (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
I didn't really know what to expect from this movie- and it's a weird one. The acting/cinematography were fine. The story was a little slow moving, but unfolded well enough. Took some strange turns and had plenty of "creep" factor throughout. It doesn't make much sense at first. Wasn't sure if it was going to be a "ghost/haunting" movie or a "demon/possession" movie. Turned out to be kinda both. As it unfolds it all comes together at the end and is explained. Some of the imagery/effects are probably a bit too much for little kids (decapitated bodies, etc) but you adults should enjoy this one if you're into creepy horror movies. While not the greatest movie out there, I'd say this one is definitely worth a watch.
Mandy (2018)
Mandy (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Nothing (0 more)
Everything (0 more)
This movie was hard to get through. It's a revenge movie that takes place in the eighties(ok), was made within the last year(it's 2018!), but everything about it screams 70s. The acting(so bad), cinematography, the storyline. Even the animated sequences. It had some violent scenes that looked straight out of a 70s movie as well. I don't expect perfection, but it's 2018, even a low budget film can be done well. They tried to use lighting effects to make it seem more "visual", but again, felt straight out of a 70s flick. The soundtrack was decent enough... for a 70s horror film. Anyway, I guess I just expect(hope for?) better from a movie these days. Sorry, this inne is not worth a watch.

Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 16, 2018

I think this is my favorite film of 2018!

Supernatural  - Season 2
Supernatural - Season 2
2006 | Drama
Have just (well a few weeks ago) found this on Amazon Prime and remember watching the first series many years ago on TV but not being able to watch any more due to it going onto Sky. Currently working my way through all the episodes and yes it is quite outdated these days but still just as full of supernatural beings and the trouble they cause. It can be a bit gory in places but still worth watching. Not sure how they string it out to several series but we will see when I get further on. My son has never watched it but had heard of the Winchester Brothers (the main characters) as they have a huge fan base amongst teenage girls and his friends don't stop talking about them.

ClareR (5577 KP) rated Aquaman (2018) in Movies

Dec 31, 2018  
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Don’t believe the hype (or lack of it!)
I enjoyed this. I didn’t expect to, because it hasn’t had the best reviews, but I’m always pretty open minded when it comes to comic adaptations. I like the action and the unbelievability (if I want reality, I watch the news!), and I think Jason Mamoa was a pretty ‘believable’ Aquaman. Or at the very least, nice to look at ??‍♀️ (Shallow, I know). Special effects were really good, lots of underwater, floaty stuff, with loads of action and fighting (my boys really loved those bits).
And the environmental message was pretty clear: stop throwing rubbish in the sea, people!
So, we’ve seen the origin of Aquaman, and I feel we’ve been set up nicely for a follow up. I’ll be watching it.
Shaft  (1971)
Shaft (1971)
1971 | Action, Crime, Thriller
I just finished watching this film.
All i can say is WOW and not in a good way.

 This film and character are iconic in pulp fiction. After i watched this film i question why? I was bored with this film. Now it might because movies today have more action, so maybe i was expecting it to be more action pack.

To me this film was good and forgettable. If i seen this in the early 70s and it was not hyped up as much as it is it would just be a footnote on the bottom of a page.

The theme song was great and i would remmber that.

Music was great.
Setting was great
Acting was great

I plan to watch more of the Shaft movies. I know the newer ones are better.