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Dunkirk (2017)
Dunkirk (2017)
2017 | Action, History, War
Almost everything (0 more)
Close to nothing (0 more)
Stunning cinea
It' s 1940, 400,000 allied troops are cornered and cut off on the beaches of Dunkirk; with the enemy closing in, and no cover or defence, they await annihilation or a miracle. We experience the moment as the characters do, without unnecessary exposition or dialogue! This proves quite the departure for Nolan; there is a lot here that owes more to silent cinema than anything else, but his images often say all that needs to be said.

An opening frame invites us to join a group of soldiers. Next, the loudest onslaught of gunfire kicks the film into another gear. We are given as much pause for thought as the soldiers we follow. We run with Tommy, played here by a Fionn Whitehead, and like him, we are aware of comrades falling dead next to us, but it is all panic and no time; we will lament their loss later. Set to the ticking of a watch, we feel Tommy's heart pounding with ours, and we know the tone for this audacious movie has been set.

We see the event from different perspectives and from within different time frames. Right now, not many directors can build momentum like Nolan. The jumping to and from different characters' point of view, the corkscrewing impression of the editing, events echoed and mirrored by Hans Zimmer's Shepherd's Tones and persistent, all enveloping score, acting at times more like sound design than music; it all results in a constant rise in tension, to the point of almost being exhaustive.

This said, the editing also serves another purpose. The "Miracle of Dunkirk" is a grand story, with every soldier, every pilot, and every civilian having their own point of view. Nolan wants us to build up an overall picture of the event purely through subjective experience, so of course we spend a tiring week with the terrified boys. Of course we spend a desperate day with a fisherman as he and his familial crew sail their way into action. Lastly, given the fuel constraints of the RAF, whose decisions had to be immediate and impulsive, always a choice between defending the beach or getting home, why would we spend any more that an edge-of-your-seat, quickly-cut hour in the cockpit of a Spitfire, as they do their duty and enter into dogfights to keep the German aircraft at bay? Each timeline is contracted or dilated to give everybody equal measure and importance, whilst staying true to and very much in their situation. Yes, this means we're kept on our toes; we have moments of confusion as timelines cross over and we see the same thing happening from another point of view, but as we head into the finale, as well as the aforementioned tension and release (which is just exciting cinema), we also get to see how, despite very different perspectives, everyone was working together, and how sacrifice and struggle for duty were par for the course for all involved, whether other people knew it or not. It is important that we the audience recognise this bigger picture, and as everything clicks together in an emotive final convergence of efforts, we not only see the justification for the techniques adopted, but struggle to imagine the story told another way. That is, at least, without going down a standard route, with objective storytelling employed.

A proper review not being complete without comment on the elephant in the room, it must be said that Harry Styles does not stand out like the proverbial sore thumb at all. Frankly, he carries his scenes with aplomb, and surely, following the Heath Ledger lesson, and now this, it is time we learned that, maybe, Christopher Nolan just knows what he's doing better that we do? As to the other big names, there are moments from that remain with me so long after having seen it: Kenneth Brannagh and Mark Rylance can say so much with so little, their faces and gestures doing the heavy lifting to deliver a lot of the human emotion, and it would appear Tom Hardy has Oscar-worthy eyes! You need see nothing more through the course of his drama to have a complete sense of the type of man his Farrier is. We talk about great acting and achieving realism through imagination, but with the knowledge that Nolan actually took everyone to Dunkirk, sank real ships, sailed real ships, flew real Spitfires overhead, employed real explosions on the beach, and even rejected green screen and CGI in favour of cardboard cut-outs, it seems imagination wasn't too necessary for these already consummate actors.

Nolan's principle fan base will be well prepared for what they get; but with his insistence on holding back from the audience any perspective not afforded his characters, ala 'Memento', some knowledge of the "Miracle Of Dunkirk" might put the more casual viewer in better stead. Regardless of which camp you fall into, or indeed of whether or not the movie does it for you, certain things are for sure: With no melodrama or cheese, and no superfluous fluff or emotional subterfuge, 'Dunkirk' is a purely experiential movie, a technical marvel of a war film unlike any other I can name. It also stands as a beacon in Nolan's career, characterised by his desire to cultivate an audience willing to keep up with him. And perhaps most importantly, this is a key moment in world history that is often overlooked; a disaster averted which, had it not been, would have seen the history books written very differently. That this event has been marshalled by a confident and sincere director, who has surely by now cemented his name alongside those of his own heroes, is reason enough to see 'Dunkirk'.
The Doors of Eden
The Doors of Eden
Adrian Tchaikovsky | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Doors of Eden is such a complex book to even start to describe, but here goes:
When Lee and Mal fall through a crack between worlds, we begin to see that there isn’t just one Earth, and they’re not all as ‘civilised’ as the one we inhabit. Lee manages to make it back to our Earth, Mal doesn’t.

Kay Amal Khan is attacked, and Julian Sabreur from MI5 is tasked with investigating. He sees some security camera footage that shows Mal - who is still missing, presumed dead - with a frankly enormous man, leaving Khan’s flat, with the men who were going to hurt him and/ or kidnap him (who knows) badly injured or dead.

Were any or all of these people after Khan’s research? Because the research seems to be proving that there are countless parallel Earths, and the walls between them are coming down - with no good end in sight.

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this: creatures from different Earths, all with different values and wished. I mean, who’s to say that this couldn’t really happen (err… lots of scientists?)? It’s all so credibly written. And the interludes between chapters from another book:”Other Edens: Speculative Evolution and Intelligence” by Professor Ruth Emerson explains how these Earths evolved. It gives an explanation of the many characters from the different Earths.

There’s just so much interesting detail in this book. I finished it feeling that I really knew the characters, and that I had an understanding of these other Earths. I had to remind myself that they weren’t real (they’re not real, are they?).

This was an exciting, complex, just really interesting sci-fi adventure, and I took the dog for extra long walks, just so that I could keep listening (well, she was happy!). This isn’t my first Adrian Tchaikovsky book, and I’ll be reading/ listening to more - I haven’t been disappointed yet!
Lydia, Woman of Philippi
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am a picky reader when it comes to Biblical fiction. I've found very few authors who captivate me completely with the Biblical fiction. Diana Wallis Taylor is one of those few authors. When I sit down to Ms. Taylor's work, I know that I can prepare myself for the powerful messages within, I can prepare myself for the feeling as if I am right there in the middle of some of the most incredible happenings in the Bible. That's how good her writing style is. 

With Lydia, I got just that. Taken from the book of Acts and Lydia's story, we learn all about the wonderful woman of the color purple. The things she endured with a father who didn't care for the fact that she chose her mother's religion, and with an arranged just really tugged at my heart and made me fall in love! I loved the way she was chiseled so vividly. The way she overcame her issues, and her determination to stand tall despite it all, and the way her heart opened up after meeting all really just enveloped me and took me on a ride that I won't soon forget! 

This is definitely a 4 star worthy Biblical novel. If you love learning about the Bible in interesting ways, if you want a deeper relationship with reading and with God, then Ms. Taylor's Lydia is one you don't want to miss. You'll be taken to the center of the story, captivated completely, and fall in love with the Biblical accounts in a whole new way. I know I did! I can't wait to read another amazing, moving, and heart twisting story from the talented work of Diana Wallis Taylor. 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

Amy Christmas (170 KP) rated Half the World in Books

Dec 20, 2017 (Updated Dec 22, 2017)  
Half the World
Half the World
Joe Abercrombie | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing character development (2 more)
Fast paced scenes along with slow scenes
Writing style is easy to follow
Starting is slow to get in to (1 more)
Spelling and grammatical mistakes
An unexpectedly good middle book
In the second book following from Half a King we follow two new characters, Thorn and Brand. Thorn is a girl in a man's world fighting in the ring with the desire to become a gettland warrior, while Brand is a man who despite fighting in the ring hesitates and only wants to do 'good'.
In the first few chapters we learn that Thorn is disliked for her desire to fight and Master Hunnan, their trainer, sets 3 men on her at once for her warriors test. Thorn is beaten down by the men until she accidentally kills one of them. Named a murderer and shamed she's taken to the king and sentenced to death.
Meanwhile Brand while disliking Thorn doesn't want her to be punished due to the unfairness of the situation. Then we get our first look at Yarvi as Brand confesses the true situation and asks him to save Thorn.
At first Yarvi comes off as a cold closed and cunning man but we soon learn that he is the same old Yarvi just with a few more tricks.

Following these events Thorn and Brand find themselves on Yarvi's ship as he sails out to find allies against The High King who angers at Gettland not bending their knee to him. Skifr a warrior trains Thorn in battle until Thorn is as deadly as a knives edge.
 We meet king Fynn of Throvenland and sail up the divine and denied and carry a ship over the fall hauls to arrive at the first city. Here we meet the new empress of the South and find that they too have political disturbances leading to death and chaos.

Through this journey we find Brand is a good but uncertain man and Thorn is bold, and deadly yet broken and Yarvi doesn't keep to all of his oaths.

This is a fantastic follow on from the first book as the new characters are well developed as well as the world itself. As the stake rise and allies are found I can't wait to read the third book to finish this story off.
Drawn and Buttered
Drawn and Buttered
Shari Randall | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Allie is Drawn into Another Murder
It’s a couple of days before Halloween, and things have slowed down some at the Lazy Mermaid Lobster Shack. The summer tourist families are long gone, but some tourists are still in the area looking at the fall colors. However, there’s still plenty of excite going on, like the discovery of a giant lobster. Quickly dubbed Lobzilla by the community, he’s almost big enough to beat the world record. However, the morning after he’s found, he’s vanished.

If that were all Allie Larkin had on her mind, it would be one thing, but other odd things are happening in town, including a local witch who is doing everything possible to get Aunt Gully to join her coven. Then, on Halloween night, Lobzilla shows up again, only he’s next to a dead body. Can Allie figure out what is going on?

While the body doesn’t show up right away, we still have plenty of plot happening, including some sub-plots and time spent setting up suspects and motives. Everything continues to be blended together well after the murder takes place. The climax is creative and everything is explained by the time we turn the final page. I thought the sub-plot involving the witch might make the book darker than I would enjoy, but I thought it was handled perfectly. It gave the book a touch more Halloween atmosphere, but the characters treated it much like I would like to think I would. The characters have gotten sharper as the series has progressed, and that was true here again. The suspects are well drawn, Allie is a great lead, but my favorite continues to be Aunt Gully. Everything came together for a book I couldn’t put down and the strongest in the series to date.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
As real as a donut
once upon a timeinhollywood is slow paced, tight methodical, uplifting & intricately woven look into the life of a hollywood star in the late 60s. I have to say im not overly a big Tarantino fan (with Inglorious bastards & the hateful eight being my favourites of his) so I wasnt really that excited about seeing this but once I stopped being on edge waiting for something bad to happen & finally sat back letting the film pull me in I knew this wasnt the usual Tarantino movie & I found that strangely compelling. While slow 90% of the run time the film never drags or ever stops being interesting & fascinating. Characters just drip cool are all likeable well fleshed out & distinguishable with every performance absolutely killing it even people that arnt in it much. It just all feels very human, relatable, down to earth & real. Sets are crafted with such perfection & filled with so much painstaking detail that you would swear the film was actually shot in the 60s creating an atmosphere & believability like no other. Accompany that with a smooth soundtrack you have a movie that just pops with style constantly. While everyone does a fantastic job its brad pitt that owns the film, his character is so deep, inspirational & the true hero of the film. Overall I saw this film as a more chill ed out & about how every day life for us all most of the time is way more exciting, thrilling, full of drama & strange events day to day making our lives just as exciting & as watchable as going to the movies & if we all just stopped worrying/stressing for just a second about technology, love, being successful etc life would fall into place, be stress free, we would be healthier & happier. Masterfully filmed, inteligent, mature & well executed this is not only a true love letter to the art of film making but a tribute to movies & how inspiring they can be in general. So sit back enter the decade & relax it may all seem very anti violence at first but the violence does come with time & when it finally hits its shocking & nasty but it feels earned & perfectly timed.
    Clock Pro HD

    Clock Pro HD

    Utilities and Lifestyle

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    Clock Pro HD combines all clock and timer functions you can imagine in one application. Now you have...

Bunny Finds a Friend
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cara Jong is working as a process server when she delivers a summons to a Santa. Except this Santa is a gorgeous woman, who immediately strikes a chord with Cara. The two share a "moment," which stays with Cara for some time. She eventually tracks down said Santa, who turns out to be Jude Donovan, a well-known children's book author. The two "meet cute," so to speak, at a reading of Jude's and sparks fly. They begin dating, but it seems like things just aren't meant to be. Will Cara's flighty nature and lack of commitment (all well-documented by her older sisters) doom the relationship? What about Jude's ex and her young daughter Zoe, who doesn't seem happy to have her Mom dating again? Can Cara and Jude overcome these obstacles and find happiness?

This was a cute book, with fairly realistic characters leading a fairly realistic life--something that's harder to find than one would think in lesbian literature. Cara's a regular gal, with a typical lack of commitment found in a myriad characters in literature, gay and straight. Perhaps the biggest issue with this book is that it sort of seems like a sketch of what could have been an even more fully-developed and even more enjoyable novel. We don't get to see a lot of Cara and Jude's actual relationship development, for instance. Their courtship and issues are quickly glossed over. I would have liked to have seen more of what led them to fall for each other--and fall apart. After all, those sorts of things (falling in love, struggling to maintain a relationship while juggling exes and children and jobs) are what we all have in common.

Cara's sisters are also supposed to add a bit of comic relief, perhaps, to the novel, but they sometimes come across as harpy and annoying. While several of them are dealing with complex issues, they don't get the full attention they truly deserve.

Still, this was a fun, quick read. It's always refreshing to read lesbian fiction with normal characters navigating life. I liked Cara, sympathized with her on a multitude of levels, and did enjoy reading about her journey. Overall, 3.5 stars.

I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley - thank you!