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The Isle (2018)
The Isle (2018)
2018 | Thriller
The story was ok but it could have been over a lot quicker as their was not much contect to it. (0 more)
It was one of those films that you got half way though and start clock watching hoping it will be over soon. And you could tell the film was rushed out (0 more)
Should have left it on the isle
So i went to see this one at everyman cinema stratford upon avon where they also had a Q+A session with the two directors, alex and the woman who plays the part or the murdered victim was all their.

Now for me and the wife we feel that the film dragged on to long to the point I was falling asleep as it became that boring, i would say that if you liked the VVITCH then you may like this one but if not then its one to avoid as its the same kinda film.

As for fizz and ginger themself well lets just say they had a question possed at them during the Q+A "why did the people leave the island? Was it bacause of the highland clearances, fammine or the weather conditions?" Trying to get themself out of it they said "it was a combination of every thing" well at the end of the Q+A with me and the wife being scottish we had to give them a history lesson, the highland clearances happened in the 1600s after the battle of culloden, now if you know scotland this is the top end of the country and their "island" is not far from glasgow the bottom end of Scotland, added to this the clue highland clearances the island is in the lowlands, and adding even further after the battle of culloden the english pushed north slaughtering anyone wearing a kilt and banded the bagpipes and bonny prince charlie escaped the the closed island before going to france which was the isle of sky where people still live they would have seen that this does not match up.

On top of this the people left the island in the late 1800s, the highland clearances was 1600 so they were 200 years out of date the reason we know this is because the wifes great grand mother lived on the island.

For a film was written over a 2 year period and made on a small budget and film with in 4 weeks with trained actors this film would have been better being dumped in the loch never to be seen by the public but i guess we all need to start some where even if we open our gobs to make ourself look intelligent rather than be honest with the public and say we really dont know why they left

Sarah (7798 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Jurassic World Evolution in Video Games

Jul 8, 2018  
Jurassic World Evolution
Jurassic World Evolution
2018 | Simulation
Highly addictive, but with a few slightly irritating features
Having a decent Jurassic Park builder is something I've been waiting for for a long time, and I'd say it does very well to live up to expectations.

The graphics in this game are very good, right up to zooming in as close as possible to the dinosaurs. They're not 100% perfect, but they're much better than you'd expect for a game like this. The gameplay itself is fairly straightforward and well paced. Unlike the freemium park builder apps, this game doesn't make you wait too long for actions to be completed, and there's lots of things to do in the meantime - so you're always kept busy and not sat twiddling your thumbs for ages. This could also be considered a drawback as it means you can play the game for hours without realising...

The variety of dinosaurs is good too, and they do keep you fairly busy. Each have their own character traits, and it's fun to work out what the best environment is for them and if they like living with other dinos. Hint - raptors are best kept on their own!

There's lots of missions too to keep you occupied, and it's great when you get to the point of unlocking multiple islands as it means you can try out different strategies for your parks on each island. Each of the 6 islands is different too, with varied weather or time of day. Isla Nublar also has the sandbox mode, which basically gives you whatever you want to build the ultimate park.

Sadly though there are some slightly irritating niggles. Firstly, there is no passage of time on the islands. Each might have their own default setting (e.g. night time) but they never cycle through a 24 hour day. Linked in to this, time never seems to pass when you navigate off an island to another one. If I set some actions going on Isla Matanceros and switch to Muerta, when I go back to Matanceros the actions haven't moved on. Whilst I appreciate that time can't progress while you're not playing the game at all, surely it can when you're just playing a different island? The final niggle is the missions and contracts. A lot of these are very basic and repetitive or similar, and it would be good to get a better variety or some that are more difficult.

All in all though, it's a very addictive and entertaining game and definitely worth playing if you like park builders. I'd love to see more like this be released on the ps4. There are a few issues, but nothing a few updates couldn't solve!

Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 8, 2018

Thanks Sarah. Can't wait to try this.

Crimson Peak (2015)
Crimson Peak (2015)
2015 | Horror
For Writer/Director Guillermo del Toro horror and the supernatural go hand in hand with much of his work. From Pan’s Labyrinth” to The Strain, and “Hellboy” his unique mix of visuals and compelling characters have made him a darling of the genre.

In his new film “Crimson Peak”, the setting is the cold locales of Buffalo New York and Rural England during the late 1800s, and one where the weather both cold and wet play important parts in the look and plot of the film.

For Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska), life is exciting as despite the loss of her mother, her wealthy and supportive father has arranged for her to see her potentially see her stories published. As an avid writer, Edith holds that she has seen the ghost of her mother a secret and uses this as central themes of her writing.

Naturally this does not go well with the times, and she is urged to focus on romantic stories instead. Undaunted, Edith soldiers on unaware that her sheltered and privileged world is going to be upended by the arrival of the dashing Thomas (Tom Hiddleston), and his sister Lucille (Jessica Chastain), who have come to America to secure funding for their business ventures.

Tom came from a wealthy background and has fallen on hard times which have forced him to look for backers abroad. Edith’s father takes a disliking to him and even more so when he begins to court his daughter.

When her father pays off Thomas to leave when parts of his past are uncovered, things become complicated when Edith’s father is brutally killed and it is passed off as an accident. Grief stricken Edith marries Thomas and relocates to his home in England with Lucille to await her inheritance.

Of course things are not as they seem, and the home in which she lives is filled with dark secrets and Edith must find a way to survive the nightmare to which she has become a part of.

The film has some great visuals and a strong cast, but does tend to plod along. It is less of a horror story and more of a drama as the Supernatural element is there mainly to support aspects of the story rather than be the driving point.

My biggest issue with the film aside from pacing was that I was able to figure out where the story was going, twists and all within the first 30 minutes so there were no real surprises for me as it unfolded.

That being said, it was a pleasant enough diversion, I just do not think it will deliver the thrills and chills that audiences are expecting as it is more of a turn of the century drama than a horror film.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Storm Watcher in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Storm Watcher
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Is it possible for a book to be both too fast and too slow? This is what the story feels like in Maria V. Snyder’s contemporary children’s book <i>Storm Watcher</i>. It is the summer holidays and twelve year old Luke is working at the <i>Storm Watcher Kennel</i>, helping to take care of and train the many dogs living there. For his thirteenth birthday his father has promised him a bloodhound puppy, but what Luke really wants is a fluffy white Papillon – a dog that his father and brothers believe is useless and girly.

An important aspect of the story is Luke’s debilitating fear of storms. Although he has always been frightened of thunder and lightening, his mother’s recent death during a storm has greatly heightened his fears. Despite this phobia, Luke has enough knowledge and interest to act as an amateur meteorologist.

It takes a long time to get into the storyline. To begin with there is so much going on – dog breeding and training, starting to work with Willajean and her daughter Megan, feelings of guilt about mother’s death, fear of storms – making it difficult to determine which parts are essential to the plot, and more importantly, figure out the plot in the first place. Three months rapidly fly by, which in a short novel does not leave much room for an exciting climax, yet nothing major occurs.

Perhaps only the adult reader will detect the dullness <i>Storm Watcher</i> exudes, whereas when seen through a child’s eyes the story may be more exciting. Snyder has included a few interesting concepts such as over coming fear, dealing with grief and standing up for yourself. All these ideas are important for young people to understand and utilize in their own lives. The topic of meteorology, on the other hand, is not something children<i> need</i> to know, however it may interest them and provide the opportunity to learn something new. The author used to be a meteorologist before she turned to the world of literature, therefore has been able to provide a vast amount of knowledge about storms and weather, including a lengthy list of facts at the back of the book.

Maria V. Snyder’s young adult novels are well known throughout online communities, therefore <i>Storm Watcher</i>, although written for a younger target audience, had a standard to live up to. Unfortunately the result was disappointing, slow and a struggle to read. The book contains interesting ideas; however these could be expanded on to create a more engaging, full-length novel.
Red Eye (2005)
Red Eye (2005)
2005 | Action, Mystery
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
For some people, being on an airplane is one of the most terrifying and traumatic experiences they will have to endure. For Lisa Reisert, (Rachel Mc Adams), her trauma is about to extend far beyond her dislike of flying.

Rachel works at a fancy Miami hotel where here main focus is taking care of all manner of high end clients such as the Secretary of Homeland Security. Lisa is forced to take the Red-Eye flight from Dallas to Miami to return to work on time following the funeral of her Grandmother, and as it tends to go with travels, there are all manner of delays that keep her from departing at the scheduled time.

It is during one such delay that Rachel meets the charismatic Jackson Rippner (Cillian Murphy), and as fate has it, they end up sitting next to one another after spending some time in a restaurant bar waiting for their flight to board.

As their plane ascends into the dark and stormy weather, a change occurs in Jackson, and he reveals that he is on the plane to ensure that Lisa follows his instructions, as failure to do so will result in the death of her beloved father.

Jackson reveals to Lisa that he works for interests who want to send a message so as the person in charge at the hotel, and then she must reassign the visiting Secretary of Homeland Security and his family to a room other than his usual one.

Trapped at 30,000 FT, with a psychotic Killer, Lisa must face her fears and find a way to outwit the killer in order to save her father the Secretary and perhaps herself from a situation borne of insanity and desperation.

Director Wes Craven is best known as the man behind the “Scream” and “Nightmare on Elm Street” series as well as countless other horror and suspense films has crafted a mix bag with “Red-Eye”, as the first half of the film is hampered by the uninspired final segments of the film.

What starts out as an interesting premise with many opportunities for suspense and tension are lost as the film unwinds. Early to middle segments of the film do have moments of suspense and some great exchanges between the two leads which makes the saggy and uninspired finale all the more disappointing.

Mc. Adams and Murphy are very good in their parts as is Jayma Mays in a supporting role as all three are talents to keep an eye on for the future.

That being said, the early moments of the film do deliver the goods and if you can get around the by the numbers finale, then you might find yourself enjoying the film.
Merlin's Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, allow me to commend Megan for making it past what I would call the Snowpocalyspse level, in which case the weather was nastily for a week in early January. I'm sure that says a lot, and that was not sarcasm whatsoever.

     Merlin's Children starts off pretty much exactly where Taliesin Ascendant left off, and we finally get answers from the prologue of Book 1.

     Or maybe I just now realized the answer to the question and it was in my face the entire time. *shrugs* I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter since as long as the question is answered, then it's all good.

     I still have to applaud the author for continuing to be practically flawless in grammar/spelling (I make it a point to mention these things :p).

     But I do find it really weird that the characters seem to draw their eyebrows downward a lot. I'm not sure if it's possible or I'm just those peeps who can only raise my eyebrows, but each time it was mentioned, I was pretty tempted to run into the bathroom, stare at the mirror and see if it was possible.

     My mother would have thought I was insane if she saw me so I didn't do it.

     HEY! HERE'S A POSSIBLE HUGE SPOILER! I sort of wanted what happened to Jamison to be something else. Maybe because I was thinking of what I read about the Nikita finale in TV Guide, in which I sorrily missed. -_- I am glad that some of the characters from the very first book return though. ^_^

     On a final note, Megan has upped her game a bit compared to the last 2 books (yes, I'm staring at the raw ratings for the series). It's more fast paced, has more action and if anything, I sort of have a short attention span. A semi one, since I can tolerate SOME boring books to the end. :D But then the review turns out bad. I think that was irrelevant.

     For some reason, I keep reading Ermengarde's name as "Er Ma Gawd" so I ended up reading "so and so and Ermagawd..." every so often. That might actually be how the name is pronounced, but I'm honestly not sure so I'll just call her OMG. :D

     Another thing irrelevant I suppose.
Original Rating: 4.5
Review copy provided by the author for review
Formatting has been lost due to copy and paste.
This review and more can be found at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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