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Blade II (2002)
Blade II (2002)
2002 | Action, Horror
7.5 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
We're still a good 6 years or so before the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) here.

Before Comic book movies became the big thing they are nowadays.

Wesley Snipes returns, here, as the titular half-human/half-vampire ("all of their strengths. None of their weaknesses. Except the thirst") waging his ongoing war on the vampire nation, but now finding himself having to 'team up' with some from that nation - who had been training to hunt him - in order to fight a new breed of vampire, the Reapers (whose mouth looks like something out of Predator), who feed on both Vampires and Humans alike and who are led by that-bloke-from-Bros.

This is both more comic-booky (to coin a phrase) than the original, whilst also a bit more of a horror film - those Reapers are nasty!
New Jack City (1991)
New Jack City (1991)
1991 | Action, Drama
Good Movie
Released in 1991, New Jack City takes place in the late 80's with the perfect vibe to boot. A time during which Kangol hats and "gold ropes" were in and rap needed a hard bass beat to be considered car system-worthy. New Jack is a solid groove of a film that remains timeless even to this day.

While a handful of spots were farfetched, I appreciate the grit and realness of the film as a whole. It's an open awareness into the crack epidemic and how badly it damaged black communities. It's hard watching people destroy the lives of those in their community knowing full well their lives gave them little choice to do much else. In one of my favorite scenes, antagonist Nino Brown (Wesley Snipes) is having a meaningful conversation with an older man. At the heart of the conversation, they talk about how black people haven't gotten far from a societal progression standpoint since Martin Luther King Jr. died. No matter which side of the argument you're on, both had strong points that made you think.

The lead roles were consistently strong throughout. Chris Rock excelled in his role as Pookie, a crackhead trying to get his life together. You come to sympathize with his character hoping for a happy ending, but knowing the fate he is destined for. And you can't mention lead roles without giving Wesley Snipes his proper due as Nino Brown. Nino is smooth, a speaker for the people. His presence oozes with power in the criminal circuit yet the law sees him as just another delinquent. I give Rock the nod, but Snipes is a very close second.

Ice-T plays the role of Appleton, a cop hired to take a bite out of the crack epidemic by taking out one of its largest suppliers: Nino. The film as a whole is not without its faults as it lacks cohesiveness in certain spots. While the main actors are outstanding, the supporting roles are ghastly at best. I could definitely have done without Keisha (Vanessa Williams). If I heard "Rockabye baby" one more time, I'm pretty sure I would have lost it.

Not a classic for me, but still a consistent watch. I give New Jack City a 75.
Dolemite Is My Name (2019)
Dolemite Is My Name (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Eddie Murphy (0 more)
Murphy back to his best
Based on the true story of comedy and rap pioneer rudy ray moore,this is a delightful film that should launch eddie murphy back into the big time.

Murphy plays Moore,an entertainer desperately seeking that one break through moment that will lead to him becoming famous.That break eventually comes to him in the form of his outlandish and adult only records and stand up routine to the making and eventually success of his dolemite movie.

Murphy is at his very best here,delivering the hilarity and warmth of moore but also letting his other co-stars shine around him as well.A special mention has to go to wesley snipes as well who is hilarious as the co star and director of the dolemite movie who is always drunk off his ass and prone to the occasional temper tantrum.
Spawn (1997)
Spawn (1997)
1997 | Action, Animation, Horror
Michael jai white, character/costume design, visual effects (0 more)
Rough dialogue (0 more)
Where you're going, every day is Halloween.
Spawn is a 1997 anti-hero film based on the comic book character of the same name. the film stars Michael Jai White in the title role, and is one of the first films to feature an African American actor portraying a major comic book superhero.

Al Simmons is a mercenary who, after accepting a mission is double-crossed and assassinated on the orders of Jason Wynn. After selling his soul to Malebolgia, Al soon returns to Earth as a demon, a hell spawn with a raging thirst for vengeance.
After being reborn, Spawn has little time to understand his new being and must act fast all whist learning new abilities along the way.

Though not as dark as it's comic book counterpart and a little more humorous, Spawn is a nice addition to a pre MCU world, which would have been amazing to see this version of him team up with the likes of Wesley snipes Blade and future hero's like tobey Maguires Spiderman & Nicholas cages Ghost Rider.

Visually entertaining & always a personal favourite.

Love the CGI Cape.
7 Seconds (2005)
7 Seconds (2005)
2005 | Action, International, Drama
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Story: What is a simple bank heist revenge plot we get some of the worst cops in the history of film, the worst gangsters and worst acting ever. While watching all I could think was a very poor man’s version of ‘Ronin’ and it would be hard to disagree with the idea of the film. (3/10)


Actor Review: Wesley Snipes – Jack Tuliver thief who is also ex-delta force who arranges a heist that he gets double crossed on and left to find out by whom. Snipes’ gets some good one-liners and really is the only good thing about this film. (6/10)


Actor Review: Tamzin Outhwaite – Sgt Kelly Anders a military Police officer who somehow gets caught up in the middle of the event but is the only one with brains. Awful performance she really should have stuck to the soaps. (2/10)


Actor Review: Deobia Oparei – Spanky when things are going his way he is all talk but when it’s not he runs and hides. Funny character, but in the end a waste of use of the actors potential talent. (4/10)


Actor Review: Georgina Rylance – Suza, Jack’s partner in the crime but gets kidnapped leading him to try his best to save her. Simple support role that doesn’t get a chance to do much. (4/10)


Actor Review: Peter Lee-Wilson – Alexsie Kutchinov the gangster who wants the heist prize and will do anything in his power to get it. Good performance as he gets to use the characters disability well. (6/10)


Director Review: Simon Fellows – Can tell a known thinking man’s action thriller well but doesn’t try anything new. (5/10)


Action: The car chases work well, and some fights are good. (7/10)

Crime: Simple crime side to the story. (5/10)

Thriller: Doesn’t really get you routing for anyone or anywhere near the edge of the seat. (5/10)

Believability: No (0/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Settings: Set in Romania we get some good settings and look at the city. (8/10)


Suggestion: This is one that is really just for late night TV viewing any other time would be waste of time and money. (Late Night)


Best Part: Car chase one

Worst Part: The Police

Action Scene Of The Film: Car chase

Kill Of The Film: Some the of henchmen

Oscar Chances: No

Chances of Sequel: No


Overall: Crime Caper With No Brains Required
Coming 2 America (2021)
Coming 2 America (2021)
2021 | Comedy
5.2 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A comedy without comedy. (0 more)
The film is just Eddie Murphy trying to recapture a hit by using 1 of his biggest hits from the 80s to do so. 1 of the so called jokes within the film is some of the characters mentioning about needless sequels to films that no one asked for. The only thing missing was the actor turning to the camera and give a nod and wink to the viewers. If that's the best Eddie and the team can come up with then no wonder he is making flop after flop.
The cardinal sin was casting Leslie f**king Jones like who can honestly think that useless sack of crap can improve a comedy film by just being another loud mouth Melissa McCarthy wannabe. She has zero talent as an actress or comedian. Surely someone involved with the casting had seen the god awful ghostbusters reboot.
Wesley Snipes must be in need of a cash injection to appear in the film. He put in the hammiest role of his career as a general that does a stupid walk in every scene he appears in but I guess this was a bit better than his direct to dvd films.
(spoiler ahead, not that you can really spoil the film)
I'd say the film is just semi rehash of the original about the prince finding his true love. I've kept it basic as that is all the film deserves. Watch the original its better.
Brooklyn's Finest (2010)
Brooklyn's Finest (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The story of three cops Sal, Tango, and Eddie, “Brooklyn’s Finest” depicts a graphic understanding of the challenges faced by hardened policemen. Eddie (Richard Gere) is disgruntled and seven days away from retirement from the police force. Tango (Don Cheadle) is stuck undercover while his real life is breaking apart. Sal (Ethan Hawke) can’t afford to support his growing family. All three of them are about to have a week that will test who they are as cops in the not so clear-cut morals of the Brooklyn police force.

A hard-hitting and graphic film, “Brooklyn’s Finest” shows the complicated life of cops struggling to balance morals and justice. Audiences will find it strongly languaged, visually appalling, and emotionally striking. These cops are not the clean-cut ideals that serve and protect, but rather people who have intensified problems on the mean streets of Brooklyn.

For the three lead actors these roles offer significant stretch, particularly in the case of Gere, who displays a physical and emotional depth in the film that is engrossing. Another worthy performance is that of Wesley Snipes as Caz, a gang leader who has recently returned from prison and is now seeking a path to new better life. With complicated characters like these, the film takes a hold of viewers by examining right and wrong in the world of both cops and criminals.

In short, “Brooklyn’s Finest” is a well-paced gripping story played by strong actors. However, audiences should be warned that the tough subject matter and hardened characters make it a far cry from traditional police dramas. This is a film that is likely to offend those who have strong ties to the ideals of police life or a distinct dislike for violence. For the rest of the movie-going public, “Brooklyn’s Finest” is a well-scripted film that is hard to ignore.
Dolemite Is My Name (2019)
Dolemite Is My Name (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Perfect Score With No Shame
Dolemite is My Name follows the story of Rudy Ray Moore (Eddie Murphy) and his rise to fame with the creation of his legendary character Dolemite.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
The first five minutes involves a hilarious scene of Rudy trying to get his record played by a DJ (played by Snoop Dogg) who only puts on the hits. It’s a great introduction to the character and his plight. Beautiful way to get things kicked off.

Characters: 10
Rudy would be enough to score this category a ten on his own. His charisma oozes onto the screen, only matched by his never-quit attitude. It’s no wonder he quickly became one of my favorite protagonists in film. Dolemite is My Name doesn’t stop there as each character brings a fun, unique flare to the film. You’ll get to see Wesley Snipes playing the role of actor/director D’Urville Martin. With all the craziness going on throughout the movie, D’Urville remains unamused and his lack of enthusiasm adds a hilarious punch to the film. I also thoroughly enjoyed characters Jerry Jones (Keegan Michael-Key) and Lady Reed (Da’Vine Joy Randolph).

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
Rudy is trying to get a movie off the ground with little money and resources. It feels like everywhere he turns, a new problem arises. The ensuing shakeups keeps things interesting and keeps Rudy advancing the story. Everything crazy that can possibly happen throughout the filming of his movie absolutely does and it’s fun to watch how things unfold.

Entertainment Value: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10

Plot: 10
From albums to movies, you get to see every nuance of Rudy’s journey as the story progresses. Varying other side stories keep things interesting while not deviating too much as to slow the overall pace down. Every little piece works perfectly.

Resolution: 10
Great wrap to the movie that makes you appreciate Rudy even more. It’s both a culmination for all Rudy’s hard work and the true definition of who he is as a person. I appreciate its simplicity and finality, not overstaying its welcome.

Overall: 100
Call me crazy, but at the time of this review, Dolemite is my Name holds the ninth spot in my All-Time Top Ten List. It has everything you want in a movie from funny to heart. Hands-down, it is the best biopic I’ve seen.
The Expendables 3 (2014)
The Expendables 3 (2014)
2014 | Action
Many times when a film series reaches it”s third installment, it is out of ideas and running on fumes. The idea that if a film has spawned a successful sequel it must have a trilogy is nothing new in Hollywood, but far too many times the third films loses momentum and goes through the motions for one last payday for the cast and studio.

In “The Expendables 3” Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and company lead the all star cast with a mix of old and new in order to provide a more diverse yet not entirely satisfying third act of the retro action series.

Barney (Sylvester Stallone), leads the remains of his crew on a daring raid as the film opens to free one of his former members played by Wesley Snipes. The action is as intense as ever, but thanks to a PG-13 rating, is much more subdued than we have come to expect from the series.

As Barney and crew contend with age and injuries, it is leaned that a person long thought dead has become one of the biggest arms dealers in the world and has his own private army. What makes matters worse is that said dealer (Mel Gibson), has a very complicated history with Barney and The Expendables and as such this mission is very personal when he is hired to bring him to justice.

With a new crew in place, Barney sets out to settle the score, but soon finds out that complications arise, forcing the old and new crew to unite in a battle against overwhelming odds.

If this seems to be a fairly simplistic overview your right, as this is about as complex as this film gets. There is some effort to show chemistry between the players but backstories and character development are for the most part left out. Gibson on the other hand brings a great new dimension to the film as the backstory to his character as well as his motivations were very interesting and kept my attention in what otherwise could come off as a cartoony villain role.

Harrison Ford replaces Bruce Willis as their C.I.A. contact and brings gruff charm to the role of Drummer and seems to delight in being in on the action as do the new and returning cast.

The biggest issue was that it seemed more retrained than what we expect from the series. Part 2 had the epic airport battle and a great fistacuff finale. Part 3 lacks the intensity and urgency of previous films and the cast appears to be going through the motions, just happy for one more ride.

Stallone reportedly mentioned he had ideas for a 4th film which would be fine with me, but they need to get away from this PG 13 lite version and bring the swaggering, over the top action of the previous films back and fast as with an aging cast, this film seemed very out of date and lacking the retro nostalgia.

That being said, if you want some no-brainer fun, it is worthy of checking out.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Alita: Battle Angel (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
2019 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
I saw Alita twice in two days, once in 3D and once in 2D. As far as I'm concerned it's another Valerian... where there's a lot of detail on the screen the 3D makes it unwatchable. There are also several artsy shots that have characters in the foreground and scenery to look at in the background but finding something to easily rest your eye on is challenging, your focus is drawn backwards and forwards and it became a little frustrating.

There was one major problem for me, it's quite a big problem... Alita. Firstly I really don't like the animation of her, I was hoping it was just the trailer but there wasn't really any change between that and the final version. They've tried to keep the manga characteristics, specifically her large eyes that are popular for the style, but what works for illustration and regular animation doesn't have the same effect in this "realistic" animation.

Secondly, I find her character to be chaotic? I think that's the word I'm looking for. Despite her body knowing she's a warrior it somehow doesn't remember that she's not a petulant teenager? She has also lost any common sense when it comes to boundaries and verges on being a stalker in her relationship with Hugo. He's definitely got an overly attached girlfriend problem.

I was particularly impressed with Mahershala Ali who was clearly channelling some vintage Wesley Snipes from Blade. He plays the bad guy, technically two bad guys, and his last scene of the film was quite an amusing affair... maybe that's just me thinking that though.

The action side of the film is exciting to watch, if it hadn't been then there would have been something seriously wrong. Fight scenes are occasionally interrupted by flashes of Alita's previous life, and yet that doesn't phase her at all. Maybe I'm just assuming that's the way it should be having seen it so often in other films.

Motorball is great fun to watch (although I keep wanting to call it murderball) and I'm glad that they mixed up some of the Alita manga to get this in here. It's lined up to be quite an important plot point so I'm a little nervous about how they might go forward with this if they make a second film.

Those last words are what give me reservations though, "if they make a second film". It leaves a very obvious opportunity at the end for the next instalment and they've spoken about wanting more films to happen. In my opinion it's not a film that can stand on its own, we're either going to be disappointed by no second film or have to wait years for the next one. Had it been condensed down into one film we'd have been presented with a much more satisfying production.

What you should do

It's a good bit of sci-fi action and worth seeing in 2D. I'm not sure how I feel about the 12A rating though, that's potentially something to think about if you're taking your kids to see it.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I'm totally here for some cybernetic enhancements, I can't quite decide which ones but I don't think I need to go full motorball.