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Hmmmm i dont know how i feel about this story yet.

This starts off with a determined Med student Meg who is dealing with the loss of her sister, going to a party for the 1st time after her sisters death.

There is where she happens to walk in on Miles, the lead singer of one of her favorite bands.

Neither of them have the time or patience to deal with relationship so they go for the next best thing-no stings attached sex.

I think this story was longer than it needed to be bu brought in some very hard hitting issues.

I wasnt to in love with the relationship aspect and the main character did frustrate me towards the end on how easily she fell back in the sack with him. But this was very enjoyable for what it was.
Truth and Fear
Truth and Fear
Peter Higgins | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was so excited about this audiobook that I went back and re-listened to the first one in the series so I’d be on top of all the details. It did not disappoint. More mystical creatures than ever, a wholly other side of the same terrifying magic, a fast-paced exciting plot that never stopped, all concluding to me absolutely dying for the next book. I cannot wait to find out what happens to all my favorite characters. I cannot conceptualize how this story will end—and that, for me, is the best thing ever, because so many stories out there are so easy to guess the plot and the conclusion but this… this is something entirely other that I cannot expect. And I’m in love with it.

I whole heartedly recommend reading this series!
A Storm of Swords: Part 1 Steel and Snow (Reissue)
A Storm of Swords: Part 1 Steel and Snow (Reissue)
George R.R. Martin | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
This series just gets better and better with each book. While this is certainly quite a long read, it winds up being very rewarding as the last half of it is filled with enough shocks and twists to leave one's head spinning. I can't really go into very much detail about what happens so as not to inadvertently spoil anything for anyone who has managed to avoid finding out the major details thus far, but suffice it to say, that it is in this book when it becomes apparent that surviving through this epic story is a challenge that an increasingly slim number of characters appear to be up to. I can honestly say that I don't really know where exactly the story is going to go next, but I am very excited to find out!
Super Powereds: Year 2
Super Powereds: Year 2
Drew Hayes | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love Drew Hayes' writing style, and it only gets better in book two. His characters continue to deepen and you begin to see the differences in the thoughts of the Melbrook crew. They develop very naturally in my opinion, and I loved the occasional shots of other people, staff and outsiders alike.

There were a couple of major events that really threw me for a loop, but it made me wonder how the students would overcome them. They aren't fictional anymore... They're real. It's rare that an author can immerse me that deeply. Well done!

I can't wait to see what happens in book 3 (thankfully it's already out, so that's a bonus) and where the crew goes next!

This book also cost me $4 and is about 850 pages long. Well worth the price!
Marella (Wraidd Elfennol 1)
Marella (Wraidd Elfennol 1)
Morgan Sheppard | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
A prequel worth reading.
*I was given a copy of this book for a fair and honest review by the author.*

When I originally started reading it, I wasn't crazy about this book. I set it aside and left it there for other books.

Recently, I went back and got the book in a different format, and I began to enjoy it much more. You get a chance to see how Marella is trying to grow and adapt, how her actual Testing goes, and you get to learn about her family relationships.

Personally, I have not read the "official" first book, but I plan on going to pick it up shortly on Amazon. All in all, I'm pretty eager to see what happens next and I can't wait to see how Marella's world changes. Well done!
The Bad Mother
The Bad Mother
Amanda Brooke | 2017 | Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Bad Mother by Amanda Brooke
It's hard... when you read a book that takes you in so completely. That takes you back to a time in your life you needed therapy to get past. That is so realistic you can remember similar instances happening in your own life as you follow what is happening to the character between the pages.

That book for me was The Bad Mother by Amanda Brooke. It has to be one of the hardest books I've ever read, and yet I'm glad I've done it. I'm also very glad I've finished it, and I'm sorry to say, it's not a book I will ever read again. It hit a bit too close to home for comfort. It has drained me, made me see things again I had wanted to forget.

Luckily for the main character, she has family and friends who are determined she won't go it alone, even when she doesn't believe them. You are with Lucy as she goes through her pregnancy and becomes more isolated. The author does an amazing job of keeping the reader off-balance, unsure of just what is going on or what will happen next. It will keep you on tenterhooks, needing to read more, to find out what happens next.

The Bad Mother is incredibly written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed. Although, to be fair, I was that engrossed by the story, I wasn't actually looking for any either. The scenes flow from one to the next, and each scene will draw you in and keep your attention. For anyone who wants to know about gaslighting, and the effects it can have not only on the victim but on friends and family too, I would highly recommend this book.

Part of me wishes I couldn't give it 5 stars, simply because of what it reminded me of. However, that would be a disservice to the book and the author.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
This Mortal Coil
This Mortal Coil
Emily Suvada | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has held me hostage for 24hrs. That is how long it took me to read it, I could not put it down.
The story telling is on point, it is descriptive and flows really well. You are there with them, you're emotionally invested in these characters and I love the futuristic technology advanced aspect to this book.
Ironically I had just finished Dan Browns origin novel before starting the mortal coil (I don't want to give any spoilers but if anyone has read it you'll know why I mentioned it) but I was already in this mindset of what happens in the future? what will mankind invent next? Will technology become one with humans so we end up not being quite so human due to technology and this was a really awesome place to fast forward to from that thinking I had before I started reading this novel.
I don't want to give any spoilers about this book but it is full of drama, heartache, loneliness, love, acceptance and so much more. It's full of technology that I have absolutely no clue about and wouldn't know where to start but it doesn't alienate the readers who cannot code or have an understanding about coding or dna it is explained well and I just really loved reading this and cannot wait for the next book!!
Gray Areas (Grey Areas #1)
Gray Areas (Grey Areas #1)
Brad Carl | 2015 | Crime, Romance, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Henry Fields arrives in the small town of Gable, Iowa and takes a job in the small grocery store. A friendly but quiet man, he fits into small town life and starts to make friends among the local townsfolk.

But he is clearly hiding a secret in his past. Even a small town in middle America might not be a safe place to stay hidden.

From this simple premise, Carl weaves an interesting tale focusing on Fields and all the characters in interacts with. As the first in the series this doesn't have much direction until the last third, detailing small town life. But the characters are so well described I was happy to follow along just to see what happened. The warmth of living in a small community where everyone knows everyone else is almost palpable.

Once the cosy set up is established, Carl then turns up the pace with events outside of Fields' control forcing him to reveal more about himself than he intended. There are certainly twists and there is action too as things come to a head.

The only downside of Grey Areas is that once it has been finished the reader will immediately want to pick up the next in the series to see what happens next. But that's certainly a downside that's worth having.