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Hunted (Blood Moon, Texas Shifters #5)
Hunted (Blood Moon, Texas Shifters #5)
Kat Kinney | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HUNTED is the fifth book in the Blood Moon, Texas Shifters series and we have River and Ellie's story. I would recommend you read this in order as it does have an overall story arc that might be confusing if you don't know how it got to this stage.

River and Ellie have a history together, and it's not always a good one! River had to take Ellie's memories, even though she was his mate, leaving her with crippling anxiety. It's for this reason that Hayden refuses to speak to River and threatens him at every opportunity.

River and Ellie have moved past that - although I'm not exactly sure when. Maybe it was in the past books, but it's been a while since I read those, so I'm not sure. Their relationship did throw me a little in the beginning. Especially the 'projection' sex, when it wasn't always clear that's that what it was.

The overall story arc moves along at a fast pace, with new and old characters helping it along the way. It will be interesting to see what happens in August and Rowan's story, which is up next.

A great addition to the series but definitely recommended to read as a series.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 29, 2023
God of War
God of War
2018 | Action/Adventure
Literally everything (0 more)
The wait until the next one! (0 more)
God of War- BOY!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Hello! So, God of War on the PS4. Techically God of War 4. The game started off by throwing you into this emotional journey by burying the wife of Kratos.

The emotional music that was lined up with the journey of gathering something as simple as wood, was by far the best part of the beginning.


Then a stranger comes and you being Kratos, you say to yourself, "Yeah, I can take him, look at this skinny little man thinking he stands a chance against me, the mighty KRATOS-" Then he catches you by surprise, he is so much more powerful than you imagined and now you're in this brilliantl, beautiful fight to the death. It was crazy. The whole game was filled with emotion and raw power. The emotional growth of the bond between Father and Son was a beautiful thing to watch.

This is a super late review, so there isn't much to say about it other than it was an incredible game that added onto an already incredible series. The end of the game left us with wanting more and more. By the end of it I found myself wanting to send an email to Santa Monica Studios, begging for an early copy of the next game or maybe a script just to know what happens. The cliffhanger it left us with was amazing and wonderful.


The combat was smooth and I found myself throwing the axe for no apparent reason but to see how far I could throw it and travel away from it, just to call it back and watch as the axe returns to Kratos' hand in real time. The amount of detail they put into this game is incredible and I'm sure that it will be quite a wait until the next one. In my honest opinion about God of War, I would personally give the game a solid 10/10. Thank you so much for reading!
The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1)
The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1)
Marie Rutkoski | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
You never know what kinds of books you'll find when you take your time at the library.

<i>The Winner's Curse</i>, to say the least, is perhaps one of the best, if not <i>the</i> best, book I've read so far in 2015. The characters, the writing, the world, the plot – I loved it all (or most of it, but technically it's still all of it).

Kestrel may be one of my favorite characters – I just love how she resists (flouting them may be more accurate) her father's and society's rules, values, and expectations throughout the entire book, and even how she resists being bossed around by Cheat near the end.
<blockquote>"If a woman can fight and die for the empire, why can't a woman walk alone?"</blockquote>
Frankly, it's fantastic. It's fantastic how she doesn't really care too much about what society thinks of her relationship with Arin, despite the fact the rumors weren't true at the time. And it's even more fantastic how loyal Jess and Ronan are to Kestrel – they stick around even while Kestrel's reputation is obviously going down the drain with each action she takes that society looks down upon (though Ronan may be questionable).
<blockquote>"It doesn't matter what they think. Dance with me."</blockquote>
Then there's the writing – it's beautiful. The parallel structure the author uses occasionally throughout seems almost poetic, or if not poetic, then there seems to be a rhythm every so often.
<blockquote>She would have stopped him. She would have wished herself deaf, blind, made of unfeeling smoke. She would have stopped his words out of terror, longing.</blockquote>
I'm also not typically a fan of authors revealing what really happens through another character (while another character hears differently), but with <i>The Winner's Curse</i>, I find I rather enjoy Rutkoski revealing what really happens through Arin while Kestrel hears something else. Perhaps it's just the character itself, as Arin <i>is</i> an intriguing character and seems to have an air of mystery about him right when he is first sold to Kestrel – the author reveals that there's something up with him, but is vague enough not to give too much away.

The ending to <i>The Winner's Curse</i> is full of tension – with the second book already released or being released soon, I <i>really</i> want to read the next book, in hopes the sequel is as wonderfully written and unpredictable as the first to the <i>Winner's Trilogy</i> is.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Hers, Unbroken (Hers #2)
Hers, Unbroken (Hers #2)
Anna Adler | 2018 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I need more of this author!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

As head of the pet training centre, Holly knows exactly what that training involves. Chase deliberately gets himself caught to be taken to the training centre, because that is what he really wants! To be a sex slave. Holly though, wants to set him and all the other pets free. But Holly only has Chase for 48 hours before they come for him. Can they work together to get what they BOTH want??

This is book 2 in the Her series but you don't NEED to have read book one, Hers Untamed, for this one to make sense. However, personally, I think you SHOULD read it before this one. It will give you a better picture of the people of Silenia, and just what having a pet means to them. It will also give you a better picture of just how different Holly is from the rest of her people.

Also, I said in my review for that book, I wanted Jax, the 'pet', to have a say, because he didn't. Chase DOES have a say here, and it does creep my star rating up a fraction but I still can't stretch to the full 5 stars.

And I think that's mostly because the rebellion happens almost overnight! One day, they all want to keep their pets under lock and key, and the next, everyone is free!! Felt really kinda rushed to me.

It's still a really great read, and I loved that Chase refuses to perform for anyone but Holly. Loved that she couldn't quite get her head round the fact he wanted to be a sex slave.

And I did read it in one sitting!

Are there more planned?? I hope so. Even with the rushed rebellion, I think these people have more to say.

4.5 stars, rounded up for the blog.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
What if angels really did come from the most unlikely of places? That’s exactly what happens in this heartwarming story, set in a homeless community in Anywhere USA. Sent to Planet Earth by his Maker, disguised as a homeless person, Enoch was on a mission: to rescue a man whose life was slowly but steadily spiraling out of control Inspired by Hebrews 13:2, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it,” this story will stir your soul like never be afore, guaranteed! 2016 IPA (INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHER AWARDS) GOLD MEDAL AWARD WINNER.

My Thoughts: This novel is certainly a winner! It comes just in time for the holiday and Christmas season, reminding us how important hospitality and loving others is. It's not about receiving but in giving from the heart. Patrick Higgins has done an incredible job of showing us through his writing how important it is to give to others. How we need to have the love of God in us in order to feel complete. This novel truly moved me and it will certainly speak to those who are feeling lost, depressed or not knowing their God-given purpose.

This book will make the reader think twice about how society treats the homeless and what would your church do if a homeless person came into the church next Sunday? Patrick Higgins hit a lot of points in this book and I recommend that every Christian give this book a read.

I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
The Thing: Zero Day
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

The Thing: Zero Day </i>is a short science fiction, horror story by Lee McGeorge. Inspired by John Carpenter’s film <i>The Thing</i> and the story <i>Who Goes There? </i>by John W. Campbell, McGeorge has created a creepy, fast paced thriller for readers to enjoy.

It is 1982 and a group of twelve Norwegian climatologists witness the crash landing of an unidentified flying object. Curiosity getting the better of them, they try to salvage what they can of the craft and discover an alien in a block of ice. What at first seems like a magnificent discovery turns frightening after all but three of the climate scientists begin behaving strangely, becoming impassive as if something has a psychological hold over them. The story becomes more horrific as it goes on with gruesome descriptions of the things that happen to the men.

The book is short enough to be read in one sitting, however it ends, annoyingly, without a definite conclusion, leaving the reader to imagine what happens next. <i>The Thing: Zero Day</i> is not a novel but a piece of fan fiction for the film <i>The Thing</i>. Although I have not seen the film I am led to believe that this book is a sort of prologue to the main story line.

Being short, the narrative is gripping from start to finish, jumping straight into the story. Readers are sucked into the tale and will most likely read it from beginning to end without putting it down. <i>The Thing: Zero Day</i> is obviously recommended for lovers of the film, however people who have not had the opportunity to view it, yet enjoy horror and science fiction, will also enjoy this book.
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Mystery
Gives a fresh glimpse into the world the AMAZING JK Rowling created (1 more)
Definitely feel the casting was done well.
Had to google a lot of things to try and understand the plot. (0 more)
Lets start with the fact that this film has Johnny Deep in it, yet it's not another Depp film. He fits in the role well I think, I mean, I know it's Johnny Depp and the man is fantastic but sometimes an actor of his caliber can stick out like a sore thumb but he slots in nicely.
Eddie Redmayne is just one of the best actors England, NO the world has ever seen and he plays Newt FLAWLESSLY.
The story is fascinating, not just this film but the first as well, we all thought we knew so much about the Harry Potter universe but FB lets us explore the world even more which as a huge fan, I craved.
I love how dark the film is yet the lighter parts don't seem out of place. The choices the producers made in the way it is shot is magical in itself (I don't like spoilers so I hope if you have seen it or will be seeing it you will see what I mean).
As it has been confirmed there will be a 3rd installment of the FB franchise, I feel I can say without spoiling it that the ending was great. It had that "What???! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!" feeling.
Another thing I like is that theres not a majorly star studded cast. I feel when films have big names left right and center it can sort of, over shadow the actual brilliance of the writing/ acting/ storyline /production. It just has good actors.
P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I&#039;ve Loved Before, #2)
P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #2)
Jenny Han | 2015 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved the first book in this trilogy so much so going into this one, I had expectations. I was nervous to see what happened between John Ambrose McClaren and Lara Jean, especially because I found myself being Team Peter all the way. I think that this book, actually just the series as a whole is one that is just so sweet and pure and I think it's a new take on a love story. I feel like young adult and fiction is so saturated with love stories that it's hard to find good ones, ones that feel real and make your heart stop, the kind of romance stories that would make a good movie, ya know? I really think this series is out of the box and I like the diversity that it brings not only to YA but to the entire romance genre in general.

It's clear that this book is a stepping stone between the first and the third. It's not as fast-paced as the first book and the details that end up mattering aren't always the biggest ones. It's definitely a bridge that I hope will bring the first and the third together in a way that rounds out the story and I'm excited to see what happens in the conclusion of the series.

I love Lara Jean as a character and her innocence. I know that I'm not that far out from being 16, going on 17, but it's easy to get caught up in the facets of adult life and having to take care of everything all the time and be serious and have a lot of responsibilities. What I like the most about this series is how it transports you and next thing you know, you're 16, going on 17, and you're falling in love with Peter Kavinsky alongside Lara Jean Song Covey.
Cypher (The Dragon&#039;s Bidding #2)
Cypher (The Dragon's Bidding #2)
Christina Westcott | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
read book 1 first!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in The Dragon’s Bidding series, and it cannot be read as a stand-alone. You NEED to read A Hero For an Empire before this one and I would recommend you read them back to back. It’s been 4 years since I read the first one, and I think that’s why I feel as I do about this one. I did not have time to reread book one before reading this one!

I found this a much more difficult read, to follow. It’s heavy on the technical stuff and at times I struggled to keep up.

It moves fast, and even though I had to slow down my reading (which is usually a good thing!) I still struggled a bit.

Fitz and Wolf’s relationship is intense in book one, and that flows over into this one. That fact, and the fact we meet Cypher here, are what made me able to finish this book.

Cypher takes over Wolf’s body, his muscles and his bones but not his mind. He can see what Cypher is doing and is helpless to stop it. He has to trust his love for Fitz, Ari and the others in his life will tide him through and THEY will get to the bottom of it all.

It is HEAVY on the fighting/violence scale. While I enjoyed that in book one, it was a not so much here.

Things are still not where Wolf, Fitz and Ari want them to be, and I expect it may take more than one more book to make it so.

I have Cypher’s book to read next, and given what happens here, I’m looking forward to that.

3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**