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Amish Christmas at North Star
Amish Christmas at North Star
Amanda Flower, Cindy Woodsmall | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
You get to hear about all four babies that were born near Christmas. Rebecca is an Amish midwife. In Guiding Star it about a 25-year old disappearing from an Amish baby. Will there be love for Elle McAllister? We get a quite a nice way to see what her life is like after being born on that snowy night with three other babies.
Morning Star is about a girl named Eden Hochstetler. She wants to investigate her friends Isaac death. It has got her thinking about who could have done it and hurt Isaac. She meets his great nephew Jesse. Who is guilty? Does she start to fall for Jesse? Who in their community is the one to hurt Isaac and want him killed.
What happens in the Stars”, is about a family that wants to stay together. Will Kole, and Savilla be able to do that and still find love for themselves, What can make to lives back together with other than a trouble of children? One that is expecting to get another member adopted and brought home. Kole and Savilla you can find out more about them.

Andy is schemed to bring back home. His little brother tries to fetch him home and this is a story of Grace. I really do enjoy the family and time together. Will Andy find love while he comes home and is forgiven?
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Method Man recommended Frailty (2002) in Movies (curated)

Frailty (2002)
Frailty (2002)
2002 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller

"I love that movie. I love the premise behind it. I love how we all thought that the father was insane, and then it pays off in the end. I don’t want to put spoilers in there for people who haven’t seen the movie. Great freakin’ movie.The bottom line is, any time you put Powers Boothe in a movie… This f—in’ guy, man. I just love Powers Boothe. I don’t care what you put him in. When he was on Deadwood, he killed it; Sin City, whatever. He was the best part of Sin City 2, if you ask me.Just the premise of God instructing this man, and do we really believe that this guy is talking to God? Is it true? Is this some form of abuse with these kids? They even did something from the Bible: “He gave his life so that his son could live,” type of thing. There’s so many levels to that freakin’ movie, man. And [Bill] Paxton did an excellent job. First time directing a movie. Oh, and the “God’s Hand” killer. I love that name, too."

Scythe (Arc of a Scythe #1)
Scythe (Arc of a Scythe #1)
Neal Shusterman | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unfortunately, it looks like I have an unpopular opinion once more and I'm so sad about it. The hype for the book is big and the concept of it made me really want to read it and I was sure I'll like it. But alas...

Things I like:

    -The main idea of the book sounded very unique and interesting. A future society where humanity had overcome death and all diseases and the only way to keep the population to a normal number is having a group of people how must obey to a certain set of rule, randomly killing other members of the society. Such a nice concept and so many topics that you could dive in.
    -There were a couple of nice twists.
    -Scyth Curie was an interesting character with a nice backstory.
    -Volta. He is a side character and yet, he was one of the most interesting ones.

Things I didn't like

    -Everything came down to execution. As I mentioned the concept was unique but yet we get very little world-building and very little description in general. And this is coming for someone that despises lengthy descriptions. By the end of the book the only thing that I knew is that people don't die, they have a way to become young again but there is nothing left for them to do and they are bored. That's a missed opportunity to elaborate and dive into what would actually people do in these circumstances.
   -Because we don't get enough information and rules in this world I was left with questions and also instances that looked like plot holes.
    -The main characters. Throughout the book, we are constantly being told what characters are feeling, never shown through their actions, which made it very difficult for me to connect with them and believe what I was told they felt. An example was during Rowan training where he had to perform some actions and the only thing we got was "I don't like this" but this was never followed with actions to show us that he didn't like what he needed to do.
    -It's hinted in the book that Rowan slowly turns into a bad person that is enjoying killing, but again this is never back with his action and I never felt that this was what was happening to him.
    -The love story. So I've seen many people saying that there was instant love and unfortunately I agree. The two main characters fall in love within 3 months which I would argue that that makes it not instant love but, because once again we brush over everything we go to "I don't like you" to "I'm in love with you" without been shown how this happened. Yes, they are supposed to spend 3 months training together but if you don't show me how they slowly bonded and fall in love I'll never believe it. And this what happened to me.
    -The climax. The book build-up to the final moment where one of the main characters will have to kill the other. This moment is in the last 5 pages off the book and once again just gets brush over the events and makes it looks too easy.

To sum up this could have been an amazing story but unfortunately, I felt like it was rushed and not well executed.
Woman of Courage: Collector's Edition
Woman of Courage: Collector's Edition
Wanda E. Brunstetter | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Religion, Romance
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not know that Wanda wrote historical fiction as well as Amish fiction. I do enjoy the story. I got the book woman of courage Collection edition. We get the full story of Woman of Courage along with Woman of Hope which is Little Fawn story.

We meet up with Amanda Person and we go along for her journey. That I really what this book is mostly about. We get a little bit more of Little Fawn's story in the story of Woman of Hope. Wanda does a wonderful job with her writing that she does take you back in time.

Go along with Amanda as she travels you go along as she goes though some of trails and learns about where she is going. Will she find love? Will she be able to spread God word to the Indians? To find out and to read Little Fawns story you should pick up this book.
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