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King Series Bundle (King, #1-4)
King Series Bundle (King, #1-4)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read the first one back in December and was drawn into the story especially with how it just ended. Then I saw the four book box set for 99p and bought it straight away.

KING - 4 stars

WTF?! You can't just end it like that!

What a way to end it. Who's the kid? Where's Max?

I really need to read Tyrant now to see how it all plays out. I'm sure everything will work out in the end but something tells me it's going to be a bumpy ride.

TYRANT - 3.5 stars

I finished it a little before midnight and got all the answers I needed but I honestly didn't see a lot of it coming. I liked how the author put some serious thought into who was who and how it was going to link it all together in the end.

I still love Preppy!!

LAWLESS - 3 stars

I liked Bear so I was interested in what girl was going to turn his head and never did I think a little girl who he made a promise to ten years ago would be the one. I loved that scene! BUT what is with this series and ten year age gaps?

I have to also admit that by the end of this that I was beginning to lose interest in this series. It's being dragged out for too long. Just go and kill your arse of a dad already!


I lost interest in this. I got fed up of the same stuff happening. People want him dead. People just seem to want everyone dead in this series and I didn't care anymore, hence me getting to chapter four and not wanting to carry on.

It might have been better if i'd read something in between each book to break them up somewhat.

I stand by what I keep saying about Preppy being my favourite and I might read his story when it's released but for the rest of them. Nope.
The Star (Charleston Condors #1)
The Star (Charleston Condors #1)
Beth Bolden | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved that there is no real drama!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian,I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 1 in the Charleston Condors series, and I will admit that I only read it, because I was offered book 2 via the blog, but said I would read this one too.

I'm glad I did!

I really rather enjoyed this. The thing I loved, and I mean LOVED, the most was: there really isn't much drama in this book!

Oh there is some, don't get me wrong, but it's mostly around Riley's big brother, Aidan, being an overbearing twatwaffle! I get it, to some extent, but Aidan took the "bringing my brother up" thing to the extreme and became . . . difficult. Landry, as Aidan's best friend, was kinda stuck between them, but I loved that Landry stood up for Riley against Aidan, even before Landry was fully aware of his feelings for Riley. But there is no DRAMA, you know? There is not nutty ex, no massive break up/make up, none of that, Just one man falling in love with his best friends little brother, when he thought he was straight, and that little brother acting on his long time crush! And it made for a wonderful read.

My only niggle, and it really is just a very personal, none-US citizen thing. There is a lot of detailed football play. The majority of the terms used, and what they mean, went straight over my head and I mostly glanced over those scenes. I have no clue about what American football entails, or what a play is, or any of those terms, so on that point, I didn't like it.


Now I know what to expect, I can brace myself for the second book, The Game. I am aware of the football scenes coming, and I can make peace with them :-)

4 wonderful Stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Sin and Tonic (Sinners #6)
Sin and Tonic (Sinners #6)
Rhys Ford | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a very fitting end!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

And breathe! Deep breath, it's just a review, Debbie, you can do it!

So! This is book 6 in the Sinners series and I would recommend that you at least read Sinners Gin (book 1) and Absinthe of Malice (book 5) before you read this one. You need to know about Miki and Kane from the beginning since this is the conclusion to their story. Actually, I take that back. Read them ALL, please! Not least because they are 4 and 5 stars reads from me, but because you need these boys in your life, you really do!

Miki is falling apart, and someone is trying to kill him. He finds out his mother's and then his father's name, and all hell breaks loose!

It's been a while (Dec 2016) since I read book 5 and I don't reread, but once I got going, it all comes back to you. Ford spins her tales like no other, and I LOVE her work. It just grabs you, and pulls you kicking and screaming, along for the very bumpy ride that Miki and Kane take you on!

I loved that Miki was finally able to ask for help, because that was a hard fought battle with himself. I loved that he was calling Donal (Kane's father) Dad. oh! I just LOVED IT!!! Loved that I did not see who might be responsible for everything, until it was revealed in the book. Ford has a way of keeping you on your toes!

Very VERY emotional in places, a little bit messy what with dead bodies and things, but so, so bloody awesome!

I can't say much, cos of spoilers and things but read it! Read them ALL!!

It's always sad, coming to the end of a MUCH loved series, but I *think* this actually might be my favourite of the whole series. And of course I want to LISTEN to this, because I really don't hear the voices right, and I NEEEEEEED Tristan James and the Morgan/Finnegan boys and girls in my ear one more time.

So, a very VERY fitting end, and I LOVED the epilogue! And I love love LOVED that Miki was finally able to share Kane a little world the world, more specifically, how much Kane means to him.

A Song For Kane

So throw back the gates of hell,
Pull me down the path I'd walked.
Find me in the darkness,
No matter if I balk.
Sing me a son of redemption,
Sing me a ballad of love and bliss.
Remind of the Heaven,
I found in our first kiss.

Bravo, Ms Ford.

5 full and shiny stars but really, it deserves far more!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
Great Introspection On What it Means to Be Human
Thirty years after the events of the first movie, Blade Runner 2049 follows the story of replicant K (Ryan Gosling) who unearths a secret that could rock the world to its core. I remember watching this for the first time and scoring it high 90’s. While I still think it’s a damn good movie, I feel it falls just out of Masterpiece range.

Acting: 10
Gosling was stellar in his performance as K. Replicants walk the line of being human, but robotic at the same time. In some cases Gosling provides responses that are straight out of the mouth of a program while there are some scenes that require him to capture raw emotion, both unexpected and welcomed by me as a viewer. There were some other memorable performances as well, particularly by Sylvia Hoeks in her role as Luv. I’ll be honest, she frightened the hell out of me, but in a good way. She was calculated and controlled, but you could always sense a rage waiting to surface. I love what she did with this character.

Beginning: 10
The opening scene of this movie sees K tracking down a replicant that’s been trying to fly under the radar. The tension is built slowly before it bubbles over. In the climax of this scene, we get a taste of what is to come for the rest of the movie. That’s what beginnings are all about: Leave us wanting more!

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
While the entire film as a whole may not qualify as a masterpiece, the visuals and cinematography most certainly are. Throughout the movie, you get a chique futuristic feel that’s also dreary and dank at the same time. It’s like you’re watching two worlds collide. I love their play on robotics and weaponry here as well, definitely a step up from the first film.

Conflict: 10
It’s not just about the action here, but also K unravelling a mystery before our eyes. You want him to get to the bottom of everything going on and you’re taken on a wild ride along the way. Between the shootouts with hi-tech guns and the hand-to-hand fights, there is more than enough to keep you entertained.

My favorite scene in particular occurs when K and Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) meet for the first time and square off. They are in some kind of concert hall where holograms are performing. Both are relying on the singing of the holograms to improve their striking position. It really is fun to watch.

Entertainment Value: 9
It doesn’t take you long into this movie to realize you’re watching something special. The time and energy that went into the creation of this movie shows up on screen. Yes, it could have been shortened, but I still had a great experience.

Memorability: 10
There is a scene that sticks out in my head where replicant creator Niander Wallace (Jared Leto) is looking over one of his creations. It’s unsettling to put it lightly and you feel like it’s just an average monologue…until it’s not. There are a number of scenes just like this that press on my brain. I also loved the continued exploration from the last movie of what it means to be human.

Pace: 8
I do appreciate that the story took its time to unfold. However, I do feel like it could have been a smidge faster in spots. There were a few moments where I was thinking, “Man, I got things to do! Let’s go!” Mostly forgivable save for a few instances.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 1
Without giving anything away, I will just say that this is my least favorite part of the movie. To have started so strong only to end like this? Not impressed. I wanted more for K is all I will say.

Overall: 88
There’s nothing like good sci-fi when done well. Blade Runner 2049 will take you on highs and lows while giving you a visual feast in the process. I was not disappointed in the least and you won’t be either.
Wolf Tales (Wolf Tales #1)
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the worst piece of trash I have ever read. I have read better smut on Literotica.

 It was like Douglas tried to take something that was taboo (bestiality) and make it okay. She failed. HARD. Not only did she manage to write about bestiality, but rape, too. Within the first ten page of the book, the lead female wakes up in the dark to have sex with some naked wolfman stranger she can't even see and then goes on to make him let her live with him where they continue to have more sex for about 2 week. Apparently that's enough to fall in love with someone and not care about life anymore. Not only that, but the reason sex is so fantastic with him is because he has the penis of a DOG, knot and all, which she begs him to keep. Meanwhile, our little wolfman is lusting after the sorcerer who exposed him all to this, actually wanting the man to pretty much rape the wolfman (which isn't really rape since he wants it). Upon meeting the sorcerer, the wolfman is then "raped" by the sorcerer while the sorcerer is a wolf.

I stopped reading there.

In all the 76 pages that I read, the bestiality wasn't actually what made me hate this book. There was such an utter lack of plot line that this book couldn't even be considered a guilty pleasure book. I felt as if Douglas was trying to create plot line to explain the random sex that seemed to happen every chapter. Douglas also manipulated the characters responses and inner dialogue to make it seem as if their own feelings and thoughts conflict with what they really desire. The characters know that what they are doing is taboo, yet they still want to be raped by a wolf or have sex with a man with a dog penis.

Unfortunately for Douglas, the fact that she took something so socially taboo and tried to pass it off as an erotic novel without creating a realistic reason why any of it was happening made this book not only painful to read, but also near impossible to finish.

And before you bash me for not even finishing the book, I will tell you that I did read more than just the 76 pages. I know all about the Chanku and how the novel ends. I just couldn't force myself to read this piece of utter garbage in whole.
Scoring Position (Hockey Ever After #2)
Scoring Position (Hockey Ever After #2)
Morgan James, Ashlyn Kane | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved this much more than book 1!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Hockey Ever After series. I don't think its fully necessary to read book one, Winging It, before this but it might give you a better picture of the world these players live in. And I really enjoyed that book. Dante and Gabe do pop up, but knowing their story isn't essential, just helpful, especially with Tom and Kitty (side characters) playing a large part here.

Ryan is traded out and his new team is a mess. Their star player, Nico, even more so. But Ryan can see that Nico is hurting, in more ways than one. Finding his sense of humour was a great start. The Ryan messed it all up. And just what is going on with the coach?

I really enjoyed book one, gave it 4 stars, but I found this a much more engaging read, a deeper emotion read. I loved it.

Neither man is in the closet, so there was none of the coming out issue. What there was, though, was a lot of anger on Nico's part and much was misplaced. Ryan needed him to focus that anger, on the ice, rather than punishing himself. Falling for the other gay teamn member was in neither man's plans but fate has a way, huh?

I loved that it really did creep up on them both. Yes there was attraction from the start but the feelings came later and they both fought it hard. Ryan messing up, though? THAT came out of nowhere and I did NOT see that coming! I was reading, and then I was "OH MY GOD, RYAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!" out loud and my partner was somewhat shocked at me! Oh he does redeem himself, but I loved that Nico makes him work hard for that redemption. There is not a quick fix, either, and it does take time for them to be really together.

I loved that we caught up with Dante and Gabe from book one. And Tom and Kitty. I think this is a couple of years after Winging It, since Tom is captain of Ryan's new team, and has a couple of kids. Kitty surprised me though!

Are there any more planned?? I'm loving this series, but these authors are growing on me, as a duo.

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Wisdom Check (Dungeons and Dating #2)
Wisdom Check (Dungeons and Dating #2)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved that we are past the getting to know you stage!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Dungeons and Dating series, but it can be read as a stand-alone. I would say read book one, Strength Check, as a personal recommendation though! I loved that book!

As I did this one!

We hear about Caleb's divorce in book one, and here, it's all signed on the dotted line, and Sarah has moved out. He has Kaylee, his 2 year old daughter for a week at a time. Julian has crushed on Cal since the very beginning, calling him handsome. But Cal is hurting, and Jules is carrying the weight of his family on his shoulders.

I loved this, I really did.

Jules and Cal have been friends for a year, so there was none of the getting to know you stuff and I really liked that! The story jumps straight in.

Jules has lusted over Cal for all that time, but its really only NOW that Cal is noticing Jules, and I loved that he does wait. Granted. it isn't long after his divorce that he and Jules start something, but he does wait.

Jules carries a lot of weight on his shoulders. You can feel the weight of it pressing him down. It takes a health scare for his youngest brother for Jules to finally break down and get it all out: what he feels for his deceased mother, and his feelings for having to wait to fulfil his own dreams.

I loved that both Jules and Cal thought that this​ could be something big between them, but both of them had been hurt before.

I did NOT like Cal's ex-wife and how nasty she gets! But she really does get it back, once Cal and Jules get their act together!

Loved that Rox and Mel play a part here, and I loved all the supporting cast too.

Mason and Hunter are next and I look forward to reading their story, especially after the clues that are thrown about here!

But does Jasper get a story, Ms McIntyre?? Does he?? Puleeeeeeeeze say he does! Given as he professes to be a serial one-night-stand-er, it would be fun watching him fall, cos that boy will fall hard, I can just see it!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere