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Manchester Vice
Manchester Vice
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
^^ Imagine you’re able to make contact with a serial killer, and before he dies he passes on his diary, which reveals the secret location of his murderous lair; all set up and ready to go. Then imagine, before you know what to do with this information, you discover your wife is having an affair with your annoying brother of whom you’ve never been close to. Of course, your wife’s not to blame, as lately you’ve not been a very attentive husband, but that could change with your brother out of the way, right? In fact, it’s the perfect solution. What could possibly go wrong with such a rock solid plan?

^^ This is what happens to the main character, Brad Sharpe, in Jack Strange’s Manchester Vice. Brad is often portrayed as a guy who contemplates what’s going on in his life, and seems to discover the answers to his own problems as he is telling us the story, yet, he fails to understand the blantly obvious staring at him in the face. As an example, in one scene he thinks there is a strong possibility his wife is having an affair with someone who lives in the same block of flats as his brother…. (At this point I’m throwing my hands up in the air and going, “Well, doh?”). Yep, see what I mean? So, when he finally cottons on (hallelujah) he’s on to his next get even scheme. I guess, Sharpe’s not as sharp as he likes to think!

^^ And what of the diary? This is a great addition to the story as it acts like a step-by-step manual to extract (or should I say extinguish?) anything he doesn’t like from his life. Yet there’s an even bigger twist in this story of revenge, and that’s how he keeps in close proximity with the police as a journalist reporting on the crime of this elusive serial killer. Himself.

^^ The ending did not disappoint, in fact, I kind of regretted that it ended at all and throughly enjoyed reading about Brad’s escapades, especially his reign of power and journalistic fame.

Overall: Manchester Vice is a story of betrayal, comeuppance, and rash decisions made from a rookie murderer bungling his way through one mistake after another. Jack Strange’s character Brad Sharpe has a fresh voice and his antics are both gruesome and downright comedic. I love the way he maintains a sense of right and wrong throughout, even though his morals are very different to most of ours. A fun, dark and fabulously disturbing, “Brit Grit” read.
Zed (Rough Ink, #1)
Zed (Rough Ink, #1)
M.V. Ellis | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
really rather good!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When Xavier comes into his tattoo shop, demanding Zed stamp his father on his ass, Zed knew this was NOT going to be a good day. When said teenager then throws up all over him, Zed loses his temper and calls the last nmber in the teenager's phone to come get him. When Octavia turns up for Xavier, Zed knows his life will never be the same again. But Zed has demons, ones he cannot ever forgive himself for. Why should he be happy, after what he has done?

I liked this, I liked the A LOT! Not quite enough to stretch to 5 stars, but still, a rather excellent read.

It's not immediately clear what Zed did, to hate himself so much, and when all is revealed, you see WHY does. It also takes time for the FULL story to come out. Makes you understand why he does what he does when he comes face to face with his brother after all this time.

Octavia is feisty, I liked her! She knows what she wants, even if she isn't getting it yet. She knows Zed has demons, and the lawyer in her grills him, but he's not giving up. She uses her own resources to find that out. Not really fair to Zed though, I thought!

The chemistry between them burns hot from the very beginning but it takes time for them to get to the main event. The fact that Zed ruins it, is besides the point! He knows Octavia is for him, but he can't be happy, not at all, it's not fair that he be happy.

Xavier, the spoilt, entitled teenager? He's the one who brings them together. His letter to Zed towrds the end made me cry! And then I find out what Octavia's letter says! More tears, for a one liner!

Book one in the series, and the first of Ellis' books I've read. More, I really need more! I'm assuming the guys and gals who work in the ink shop will get a story, since it's billed as the Rough Ink series. I hope that's so, cos some interesting characters here! Maybe, just maybe, even Xavier will get his happy ever after, cos Lord knows the boy really does need it!

A thoroughly enjoyable way to spend the afternoon.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Relic (2020)
Relic (2020)
2020 | Drama, Horror
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The synopsis for Relic was intriguing and I was confident that I could cope with this sort of horror film... let's see how that went.

When Edna is reported missing her daughter, Kay, and grandaughter, Sam, drive to town to try and find out what has happened to her. Edna's mind is failing, but there's no sign of her until she reappears suddenly with no clue where she's been. Things are almost normal, but Edna's disposition changes, as does the house around her, until they're trapped inside and escaping seems like a distant hope.

The opening of Relic was very atmospheric and it quickly sets the scene for the film, the family dynamic is clear, and the way the house is captured makes a great start at illustrating the toxicity. I had thought that knowing so much about what the film intended on doing was going to take me out of it, but it actually means you can focus on what is happening rather than trying to figure it all out as you go.

The house becomes a bit of an enigma as it evolves, and it's a clever use of the subject matter. I'm hoping that this gets a blu-ray release and we get a "making of" featurette because it feels like the process of crafting the house, and the vision of it, would be an interesting watch in itself.

Each of the three leading ladies has a very individual personality, and the generational divide is well defined. Robyn Nevin jumps backwards and forwards from normal granny to possessed being with amazing skill, and both Emily Mortimer and Bella Heathcote manage to combine the familial care and worry with the horror of the reality in their situation. It's a great team of actresses and the constantly changing dynamics between them are handled so well.

It's an intriguing take on a subject matter that we're all familiar with seeing in a dramatic setting, and it's perfectly suited to this genre. The story in Relic is a perfect way to describe the disease and the way it affects its sufferers and those around them.

My only quibble about the film is the ending. I understood what it all stood for (I think I did at least) but the way it portrayed didn't fit with everything else. That single scene really knocked me out of it, which was a little disappointing, but thankfully it didn't take too much away from what I'd already seen.

Originally posted on:
Century Golem: Eastern Mountains
Century Golem: Eastern Mountains
2019 | Fantasy
Before I buy any new games, I like to do my research. I watch play-through videos, read reviews, check out ratings, etc. Hopefully I’ll even get a chance to play the game before I decide whether or not I want it in my collection. But when Century: Golem Edition – Eastern Mountains came out, I did none of that. I just immediately pre-ordered it blindly, no research done at all. I love Century: Golem Edition, and had faith in the quality of the Eastern Mountains version. Was my faith misplaced? Or does this second game in the Century: Golem trilogy live up to its predecessor and keep me hooked?

The second game in the Century: Golem Edition trilogy is Century: Golem Edition – Eastern Mountains (referred to as just Eastern Mountains for the rest of this review). Players return to their roles as crystal traders, mining and trading crystals. You’ve achieved success in your home village, but now have decided to venture out into the mountains of Carvania, in hopes of creating a vast network of trade throughout the land.

Disclaimer: Eastern Mountains is a standalone game, but also comes with a ruleset for The Call For Adventure – with which you can integrate both Century: Golem Edition AND Eastern Mountains into one big game. This review is of Eastern Mountains only and does not delve into the gameplay for The Call For Adventure. When we add that additional content to Eastern Mountains, we will either amend this review or write a new post altogether! -L

Eastern Mountains is a game of point-to-point movement with a modular board in which players are mining/trading crystals to fulfill Village requirements and receive end-game VPs. Set up the game tiles as described in the rules, and each player receives a player board, wagon, and outposts in their chosen color. From the starting crystal options, players select and add their starting crystals to their player boards, place their wagon on any mountain tile, and the game is ready to begin!

Played over a series of rounds, players take turns moving their wagon and performing one action. To begin a turn, you may move your wagon to an adjacent tile for free. You can always choose not to move on your turn if you wish! If you want to move more than 1 mountain tile, you may do so, but you must place a single crystal from your player board onto each tile you leave. As long as you have crystals to pay, you can continue movement. If you end your movement on a tile with another wagon, you must pay each other wagon owner 1 crystal from your board. After you are done moving your wagon (or not moving), you may perform one of the following actions: Trade, Village, or Mine.

To perform the Trade action, you must first have an outpost on that tile. The cost to build an outpost varies by player count and number of outposts already on that tile. Outposts are paid for with crystals from your board. You then take the leftmost outpost from your board in the row that matches the trade symbol on the mountain tile, and place it on that tile. When building an outpost, if you empty a vertical column on your board, you may immediately choose a bonus tile to use for the remainder of the game. Once you have an outpost on a mountain tile, you may perform the Trade action. To Trade, exchange the crystal(s) listed above the arrow for those listed below the arrow. You may perform the Trade action as many times as long as you have the appropriate crystals to exchange.

Village tiles, placed on the four corners of the ‘board,’ each have 1 face-up VP tile atop them. If you move your wagon to a Village tile, and you have the appropriate crystals shown on that VP tile, you may perform the Village action by returning those crystals to the supply and claiming that VP tile. Draw a new VP tile to place on the village, and your turn is over. To perform the Mine action, you simply take 2 yellow crystals from the supply. This action can be performed from any tile. The end of the game is triggered once a player has claimed their 4th VP tile. The round ends as normal, and then VPs are tallied. You earn VPs from VP tiles, some bonus tiles, and for uncovered outpost spaces on your player board. The player with the most VP is the winner!
So, for pre-ordering Eastern Mountains blindly, with no intel about it at all, I am happy to report that it did not disappoint! Eastern Mountains takes everything I love about Century: Golem Edition and takes it to the next level. Let’s dive into strategy first. Eastern Mountains takes the strategic element of trading/upgrading crystals to the next level by adding a modular board. Instead of drafting cards to your hand, you have to physically move your wagon across the tiles to perform those chosen trades. And since you can only move 1 tile for free, you really have to strategize how to manipulate your crystals in the fastest ways possible to fulfill the Village tile VPs. Can you find a combination of tiles that can churn crystals out for you? Or are they scattered across the board, thus forcing you to adjust strategy to gain new crystals? With the modular board and random tile setup, every game is going to be different, and will require a different strategy for success.

The other strategic element that I love in Eastern Mountains is that all information is known by all players. You know what crystals (and how many) your opponents have, you know the trade powers in play, you can see where your opponent has built outposts, and you can see the VP requirements on the Village tiles. Obviously, you can’t read your opponents’ minds, but all of this public information could give you a glimpse into their strategy. And that could affect your strategy as well! You’re always thinking in this game, and I love that.

Moving on to components – high quality stuff! All of the mountain tiles are thick and sturdy cardboard, the wagon and outpost meeples are chunky and easy to handle, and of course the crystals are beautiful and fun to play with! One thing that really drew me to Century: Golem Edition was the colorful and awesome artwork. In Eastern Mountains, that artwork really doesn’t shine through as much. The theme is still there, but not as evident as in the first game. Overall, though, still a colorful and pretty game!
Plan B Games absolutely hit the mark with Eastern Mountains. It is extremely strategic, engaging, and entertaining. A highlight is the fact that it has a modular board. The setup possibilities are endless, and replayability is no concern for this game. Eastern Mountains is a wonderful sequel to Century: Golem Edition, and it was definitely a great investment for me. If you enjoy Century: Golem Edition, I highly recommend that you give Eastern Mountains a try. It might surprise you! Purple Phoenix Games gives Century: Golem Edition – Eastern Mountains an 11 / 12.
E.K. Johnston | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been wanting to read this novel for a long time, as Ahsoka Tano is my favorite character from the Clone Wars cartoon, and second-favorite in the entire Star Wars series. (Because General Leia exists.) I picked the book up at a used book store in Oregon when we went home from the holidays, but I've just had so many other things to read. I finally read it for May 4th, Star Wars Day.

I didn't like it as much as I wanted to. I've read another book by Johnston, That Inevitable Victorian Thing, which I enjoyed but thought was too fluffy. And comparing this to the last Star Wars book I read - Phasma - this tilts that way too. It's not as fluffy as TIVT - people die, and the Empire is the ever-looming possible doom that it always is - but it just didn't feel as gritty as Phasma did. Perhaps it shouldn't; Phasma is a villain, and her backstory is suitably dark. And Ahsoka, here, is floundering a little in the wake of Order 66, and being alive when none of her compatriots, to her knowledge, are.

I did enjoy learning how she got her lightsabers back, and the story should lead well into the Rebels cartoon, which I have yet to watch.

So I don't know. It was an entertaining book, and it was effective at furthering Ahsoka's story, it just...wasn't quite what I wanted.

You can find all my reviews at
Escaping Camp Roosevelt
Escaping Camp Roosevelt
Bryan T. Clark | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
good but not for me.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm going to struggle with this review, I know I am, so please bear with me, okay?

I don't usually like books with college age young adults as the main characters, but something about the blurb must have grabbed me for me to say yes to reading it, even though the blurb says how old Tucker and Dancer are. I can't tell you what though. And Tucker is a little naive at the beginning of this book. Dancer is far more world wise than a 21 year old should be, but he's been on the streets a long time.

There are some difficult topics dealt with here. Tucker's mum is a drug user. Dancer is selling himself (although nothing is described in any great detail). Some abuse. Homelessness, how families cope with that. All topics are, I thought, dealt with well.

Both Tucker and Dancer have their say, in the third person. Both voices are distinctive and clear, and they tell their story well.

I just *insert sigh* don't know that I LIKED it. I certainly did not love it, but I'm not left with any negative feelings about it, either. It just does not push my buttons, I'm afraid.

But I DID finish it, and it held my attention the whole way through. So for that reason . .

3 stars.

I'm sorry, I really I am! Someone will love the pants off this book, but it's not me.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Love's Mountain Quest (Hearts of Montana, #2)
Love's Mountain Quest (Hearts of Montana, #2)
Misty M. Beller | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love’s Mountain Quest by Misty M. Beller is the second book in her Hearts of Montana series. It can be read as a stand-alone (I have not read the first book yet) and not be left feeling like you are missing something.

Joanna, I thought was an interesting character. She is straight forward, she knows what she wants, and is a strong woman both physically and mentally. I thought Misty M. Beller did a great job of using these strengths while balancing out her softer feminine side. Isaac was more layered than Joanna as the story unfolds. He has a sense of mystery about him right until the very end. I thought both characters balanced each other out.

The storyline follows Joanna and Isaac on their quest to rescue Joanna’s son bouncing back and forth between them and the bandit’s party and their captives. I thought it flowed very well and kept the story progressing at a very good rate.

I give this story 4 out of 5 stars for the interesting characters, the theatrical elements to the story, and for the good flowing storyline. While this story was good, it did not live up to Misty M. Beller’s usual storytelling craftsmanship. I think because there was not as much detail and meaningful interaction between characters. But it was still a good story that I recommend reading.

*I volunteered to read this story in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2177 KP) rated Word to the Wise in Books

Mar 26, 2021 (Updated Mar 26, 2021)  
Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stalking Lindsey
It all starts innocently enough. Lindsey Norris is more than happy to help out Aaron Grady when he walks into the library asking for help with his roses. But when he begins to show up with roses to offer to her as a thank you, she begins to grow concerned. Despite repeated confrontations, Aaron doesn’t take no for an answer and shows up in places he doesn’t belong. Until he turns up dead behind the library. Lindsey’s fiancé, Sully, quickly becomes the prime suspect. Lindsey knows that Sully wouldn’t have killed Aaron despite the growing evidence. So, what is really going on?

This book is definitely a cozy with a thriller edge to it. It worked for this fan, and kept me glued to the book until I reached the very end. I did have a problem with how a couple of minor characters reacted to Lindsey’s situation, mainly because I found it unbelievable given their position. Then again, maybe it’s just wishful thinking that they’d react like I would in that situation. I did feel things were slowing down a tad at one point, but then the plot kicked into high gear and didn’t slow down again. All the series characters are here and are just as charming as usual. The new characters fit in well. We have the usual assortment of extras at the end of the book. This may be a more serious book, but we get some humor, and the two were balanced perfectly. Once again, this is a book that fans will enjoy.
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Sarah J. Maas | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (107 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brilliant world building (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I love Sarah j Maas and this book did not disappoint.

Feyre is a young girl hunting for food to feed her family. She takes the life of a deer and a wolf one day to keep her family from starving. Little did she know it would be a fairie that she killed and not a wolf.

In a time where the peace between humans and fairies is very fragile this is not the best thing she could have done. She thinks she's safe till one night a high lord fey comes to claim the debt.

Tamlin takes feyre over the wall to live her life in the spring court where all is not as rosy as it seems!

She falls in love just as he sends her home to keep her safe from the threats he's faving. Only for her to fight her way back to him to tell him she is in love with him.

What she finds is him taken and the truth behind a curse raging through the land. Amarantha the queen under the mountains has Tamlin wanting him to become hers. Feyre is not about to lose him. She is subjected to 3 tasks to save her love.

I loved every second of this book It had a very beauty and the beast feel to it but a bit more kick from our female lead!!

Sarah j Maas creates a fascinating world with all types of fairy, and takes you on a whole new journey into their world!

