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1313: Giant Killer Bees (2010)
1313: Giant Killer Bees (2010)
2010 | Horror, Sci-Fi
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It's fun to laugh at part (0 more)
Horrible acting (2 more)
Weird props (I'll get into it)
Looooooong scenes and establishing shots
So bad it's good?
This is a horrible movie but it's 1 of those movies that are so bad it's actually good? Good is a strong word though, it's funny to pick out scenes to laugh at.

It starts with a scene where a guy gets dropped off by a car and then walks for 15 minutes to a house which goes on and on (could have easily been dropped off at the house) I can tell this movie is going to be exhausting.

The director, David decoteau returns to the same house he uses in every one of his movies. Same furniture, same props. It's almost a running gag now.

The props they use are weird. There is a beehive someone is attending to is just a bunch of office boxes while the guy is wearing what looks like one of those white outfits that painters and forensic scientists wear.

The CGI on the bees is horrible and the acting is terrible. It's easy to laugh at but you find yourself feeling exhausted when they spend 20 minutes showing a guy rubbing his body on a bed (it's like 5 minutes with the same moves repeating) and a 10-15 minute shower scene.

You cringe and you can't wait for it to end but grab some popcorn, get some friends over and just laugh at this because I did have fun watching despite how boring it is. It was mostly all out if confusion tbh lol

I'd still recommend giving it a try just for a laugh. I still don't know the exact plot, I don't know any of the characters names, I don't know what's happening half the time but as long as you laugh, it's worth it.
Three on A Meathook (1972)
Three on A Meathook (1972)
1972 | Horror
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Porno 70's Soundtrack (1 more)
The Dad character
About a million gratuitous boob shots (1 more)
The plot is somewhat absent...ish
Huh.... Kinda cool...ish
Contains spoilers, click to show
When you review cheesy horror films for fun while your fiancee is alseep.... And you have to keep the volune down so you can barely hear the drivel that most scripted movies spew out... Captions are always an option.
When they work...
This movie is sorta bad to begin with. The camera work is sub par. Tue acting is all around shite. And lets be honest here.... The only good part about this film was the creativity of the kills for the time it was made.
The movie breaks down at the halfway point when it turns into Billy goes to tue city lookin for love and all he finds is a brunette skank who wants to come to his farm after knowing him for 15 seconds in a bar.... But its true love
Lobg story short... Billy's Daddy is a psychopath... Blood is spilt... Carnage insues... And boobs are flashed a plenty....
But not even glorious tan lined hooters can save this thing.... Only reason i rated it what i did... Is because i could see how modern day horror film writers and directors would use this as source material for writing their own slasher style scripts. Its groundbreaking... I admit that... It's just not... Well... It's not Black Christmas enough to be considered the first slasher style film of the 70's... Watch it if you want to.... I recommend it to those who want to go into horror directing or writing as both things to do and not to do.
On to the next....
Rocco and the Price of Lies
Rocco and the Price of Lies
Adrian Magson | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, this book follows Inspector Rocco in solving three murders of famous and powerful people, where forged paintings, theft and deceit are involved. I really liked multiple perspectives used in this novel, I like the ability to read the thoughts of not only the positive but negative characters as well. I liked Lucas Rocco as a lead character, I think he is an intelligent and good detective.

This book is set in France, and I really enjoyed reading about the French way of police work, it was quite new and refreshing for me. The beginning was a little slow for me, but later it picked up the pace, and all the turns and twists made this book more entertaining. Even though it is part of the series, I think this book can easily be read as a stand-alone, as a first-time reader, I was able to understand what was going on. I think the research for this novel was very well done, and I was able to learn a few new things as well.

I liked the writing style of this book, it was simple and easily understandable, but at the same time, I could feel the French atmosphere in every chapter. The chapters were pretty short, and this book didn’t leave me bored, the pages just flew by. I liked the ending of this book, I think it rounded the story well and left me satisfied with the outcome.

So, to conclude, it was a pleasant mystery book, filled with unique and amusing characters as well as a well-delivered plot. If you like French mystery books, I think you would enjoy this novel as well, if you are looking for something new (like I was), do give this book a go, and I hope you will like it as much as I did.
The Municipalists
The Municipalists
Seth Fried | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Watch the Friendship Bloom :)
I didn’t imagine I would like this novel much but in fact, I did. It’s a rather quick read but the adventure is quite the ride!

Henry starts off as an average, run of the mill model employee. He pretty much blends in the background and plays by the rules. Sounds uninteresting doesn’t it? He’s got a thing for trains and his past isn’t shining bright considering what happened to his parents. He’s a wallflower with a sad past and he just immerses himself into his work.

Then comes OWEN.

He changes Henry - a lot. Their friendship is laughable at first and off to a rocky start. (like most when you have an odd couple/opposites in a team) OWEN has wit and a rather unconventional way of solving things whereas Henry likes to stick with the rules. Yet it’s because of OWEN that Henry’s character develops and changes. They end up being a likable pair and they start growing on you despite the rather awkward start. OWEN does provide the comic relief in the story though, he’s a supercomputer you would not mind hanging out with.

The plot is straight to the point and there’s not much in the way of twists and turns. There are a few revelations here and there but it’s mainly about Henry and his view on the world and how it changes. That’s really the main point of the novel. There’s some action scenes and some intrigue but nothing over the top. There are going to be parts that pack a punch but it’s effective as you really do connect with both Henry and OWEN.

 It’s a quick read and an enjoyable one, I say read it for character development and watching the friendship between Henry and OWEN- and enjoy it.
Litte Fires Everywhere
Litte Fires Everywhere
2020 | Drama
Very strong cast (2 more)
Story progression
The soundtrack
Fantastic, but not an easy watch
Not knowing anything about this show except that it kept pestering me to watch it on Prime, I thought I'd give it a go, for some reason not expecting it to be as heavy as it was.

It started quite slowly, and I almost gave up on it after the first episode, which, as with all of the episodes felt a lot longer than it was.

However, I persevered, and am glad I did.

The story progressed at quite a slow speed but it was a pace that suited it, the ups and downs of all of the characters and the changes to their lives are handled in a way to draw you into their lives without feeling rushed...

The two leading ladies Kerry Washington and Reese Witherspoon are fantastic, playing the two mothers in such a way that you never know which person is in the right or wrong, and who to side with, both win you over at different points of the story and their backstory flashbacks are equally well handled by the actresses who played their younger versions and give you a real sense of how they became what they are now.

The supporting cast are equally strong from Joshua Jackson as Witherspoon's husband, to the five children of the main characters there isn't a weak performance.

A powerful and moving story examining relationships, lies, sexuality, and loyalties there is a lot to take in, it's not an easy series to binge watch quickly, I had to do it only a couple of episodes at a time, but I highly recommend watching it, just don't expect laughs and an easy time...

It also has a great soundtrack which is also a bonus...
Baby Teeth
Baby Teeth
Zoje Stage | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
Hanna is seven years old and the apple of her father's eye. In his mind, she is his perfect little girl, his "lilla gumman". Suzette is Hanna's mother and she does all she can for Hanna, by home schooling her. But Hanna refuses to speak and has gotten kicked out of a few schools for her bad behavior. Is she not speaking because something is wrong or because she chooses not to? After countless doctor's visits, Suzette and Alex are at their wits end to find out what is wrong with their daughter. Hanna does not like her mother and will stop at nothing until it's just her and Daddy.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

First, I want to say that I enjoyed this book and the story was very interesting. So, I don't know if it was me in a slump or the layout of the ARC, but I didn't find myself wanting to grab this book as soon as I could. Instead I found myself crushing candies and binge watching The Big Bang Theory.

What would you do if you had a non-verbal child who hated you? Her not speaking can not be explained by doctors, therapists or teachers. You know she has sound cause he makes weird noises and hums. But Hanna is determined to get her point across one way or another and that point is, Mommy must go. Her father is blinded by all her bad behavior since Hanna turns into an angel when he is around. When a series of events seriously harms Suzette, Alex can no longer be blinded by his daughter's niceness. Will they be able to get Hanna the help she needs or will Suzette live in fear of her own daughter for the rest of her life?

I really enjoyed this book. I don't think I have read anything quite like this about kids and their relationship with their parents. I'm thankful I don't have a child with behavioral problems, cause this book would have me watching my back all of the time. I think everyone who reads this will be able to sympathize with Suzette. Most mothers always try to do their best for their kids and at times it's seems it's never enough. But trying to survive your kid is a whole other story. I hope you will pick up this book and enjoy it like I did.
Mad Punx and English Dogs by English Dogs
Mad Punx and English Dogs by English Dogs
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This was an EP. They're also from Grantham. Actually the the singer Wakey, he came to the Coventry gig on the tour last year. It was fucking incredible, and he was fucking pissed as well. Him and his wife were pissed out their heads. They live on a narrowboat and apparently that night they went home and both of them fell in the river. I want to get him on a record. I meant to but I'm quite selfish and I forget. But I thought he was a great singer. He did this EP and an album, called Attack Of The Porky Men. I bought that on CD and it cost me £30, an import from America, because it's not on CD really, I think someone just burned it. I didn't start listening to English Dogs until about 2006. I liked trawling through old punk stuff on YouTube. Discharge, GBH, Exploited: stuff I wouldn't have listened to as a kid even though I was never an English Dogs fan. And then I came across that EP and I thought it was brilliant. You can tell it's a Grantham accent. That was brilliant, mind blowing almost. And also the lyrics were just crap, ""Psychokiller rah rah rah..."" It's just rubbish. He's got this diluted Lydon-esque approach, but that's what I love about it. A lot of that new wave punk, around the 80s, it's all crap isn't it. It kind of reminds me of Roachee, it's all crap. People like them are similar in my eyes. So it was a really big honour when he came backstage. He was off his nut. He had a can of cider in his pocket and he came in and was talking to me and looking at all the beer on the side. I said he should just take it. He was like, ""You're joking, can I?"" And was putting all this beer in his pockets, him and his missus, ""Right, mate, mate, I'm going alright."" And the thing is, he knows. He knows. He said, ""When you went out there and you just looked at the crowd and went 'FUCK OFF' this is what I'm going doing, you know, don't you, you know."" Even though, on the hierarchy of punk he's like, down here, he believes in it and he can identify that kind of spirit. And I thought that was really quite touching. I've got his number, I should text him."


Beckie Shelton (40 KP) rated Close To Me in Books

Oct 6, 2017 (Updated Oct 31, 2017)  
Close To Me
Close To Me
Amanda Reynolds | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Really enjoyed Close To Me by Amanda Reynolds, wasn't sure what to expect this being a debut author but I certainly wasn't disappointed.

Close To Me tells the story of Jo Harding after she falls down stairs hitting her head and losing her memory of the past year.

On coming home things feel different and disjointed, Jo feels there is an undercurrent of deceit, secrets being kept from her by her husband and children and as she unravels the mysteries of the past year things escalate to a shocking conclusion.

So this was a great psychological read, it kept my interest and pulled me in, the writing was superb, and the storyline very easy to follow.

Close to me is told in two parts, real-time and snippets of the past year, though it has a slow build this is not a bad thing as you get to understand Jo's life and how she is the person she is.

The characters here felt real and human, some you could sympathise with others not so much.

If I had to pick my least favourite person in this, it would have to be the daughter I found her very self-centred and immature, but she's a product of her overindulged upbringing.

I myself have grown up children there is no way on this planet I would be paying for their accommodation.
what a right spoilt brat Sash is.

Close to me delves into the dynamics of family and the resulting aftermath when things ultimately implode.
I did kind of guess where this was going but it didn't detract from my overall enjoyment reading this.

Would I recommend this? Hell Yeah!!!
It was an engaging read.

Thank you to NetGalley, publisher and the author for providing me with an arc of Close to me

This is my own honest unbiased opinion.

Arc Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
You Will Know Me
You Will Know Me
Megan Abbott | 2016 | Crime, Thriller
6.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suspenseful (1 more)
Katie Knox's life basically revolves around her teenage daughter, Devon, an extremely talented gymnast who is on a path to the Olympics. Katie and her husband, Eric, have given up their lives, their time, and their money for Devon's dream. But when a sudden death hits their close gymnastic community a few weeks before an important competition, this dream suddenly seems in jeopardy. Devon's fellow gymnasts and their families are awash in gossip as their beloved coach and his family deal with an unexpected loss. Katie wants only to focus on healing and moving on, but she finds her family drawn into the swirl, as each day reveals more surprises about her daughter and husband.

This novel was a very realistic look at the gymnastics world. You could easily picture Devon's gym and the cutthroat parents who populated it, forcing the weight of the world on Devon's shoulders, as they believed the gym's success rides on her shoulders. She captured their gossip and competition quite well. It also did an excellent job of portraying the lengths parents will go to support and protect their children. I guessed the outcome of this one fairly early on, but still found it fairly tense and suspenseful. In fact, this novel is almost too tense at times to be enjoyable, even though it's rather well-written and quite compelling. It's a trainwreck; you can't walk away, even though you know how it will end.

The book is intriguing in that it's written from Katie's perspective, despite the fact that it's basically all about Devon. This adds to the suspense -- how reliable is Katie, and how much does she truly know about Devon, her husband, and her younger son? There are times when you'd really love to key in on what Devon is thinking (and what she knows), which just adds to the tantalizingly frustrating element of this novel.

Overall, I enjoyed this one, though it wasn't one of my all-time favorite thrillers. Still, it's a quick, compelling read. 3.5 stars.
Loved It.
I checked this audiobook out from Scottsboro's digital library on a whim. I'm not ashamed to admit that I am signed up for a reading challenge with the Scottsboro library, and part of that challenge requires you to read so many books in a year; however, the only books that count towards the challenge are books and audiobooks that you physically check out from the library OR that you check out from the library's digital library. So... it's pretty much February, and I'm already having a hard time coming up with new books to check out from the library that I either HAVEN'T ALREADY READ or just have NO interest in reading. I saw this one pop up under new releases, however, so I thought, "Eh. What the hey. Might as well give it a try."

I say all that to express my surprise at how much I truly enjoyed listening to this book. When I checked it out, I did not have high hopes for it -- I had really NO hopes for it to be honest. I was very pleasantly surprised. The story of Tommy Wiseau is at times hilarious, at times uplifting, and at times, horribly, horribly lonely and sad. I was somehow in equal measure shocked, appalled, entertained, and overcome with laughter at different points in the book, and to me, all those emotions rolled into one is what really makes a book worth reading.

I have never watched Wiseau's (dare I say it?) "masterpiece" THE ROOM before now, but my plan is to go home and watch it over the weekend now that I have finished the book because I simply HAVE to watch it. It sounds horrible and hilarious all in one, and I am actually quite excited to sit down and give it a watch.

I plan on watching "The Disaster Artist" as well. I can't wait to see how the Franco brothers' portrayal measures up to this pretty wonderful book that I just finished.