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Edgar Wright recommended Knives Out (2019) in Movies (curated)

Knives Out (2019)
Knives Out (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Drama

"It’s a pleasure to write this particular piece about Rian Johnson as over the last 10 years or so, he’s become one of my best friends in Hollywood; the perfect person to talk to at 8 a.m. over coffee or at 2 a.m. over some other brown liquid. He’s terribly clever (but never annoyingly so), a good listener, and a generous laugher. He’s also always dressed like a cool college professor, which makes him both easy to draw and dress up as for Halloween. In the interest of full disclosure, I did make a cameo in his “Star Wars” episode and my last movie, “Baby Driver,” is alluded to in his new one. So you’d be forgiven for assuming all this chumminess would result in Rian’s movie getting a glowing review from me no matter what. But here’s the thing. Not only do I genuinely LOVE this film, but it’s exactly the type of movie that Hollywood needs and audiences are crying out for. “Knives Out” is superb entertainment that proves you can please a crowd without ever talking down to them. It’s endlessly smart, fiendishly plotted, and populated with a cast clearly loving every acid-soaked line flung their way. So much cinema is divided into just two food categories these days. There’s the empty calories of the bloated green-screen pantomimes that clog up every auditorium at your local multiplex. Then there’s what I call broccoli films; those worthy, good-for-you productions that can be very nourishing, but sometimes (whisper it) a little dull. Rian’s murder mystery straddles the line perfectly; an entertainment for grown-ups that nods to classic studio thrillers but with an invigorating 21st century overhaul. Rian is making the brainy, big screen crowd pleasers we truly deserve. For that alone, give him all the awards."

Souls For Sale (1923)
Souls For Sale (1923)
1923 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The first one would be Souls For Sale, which was actually written and directed by Howard Hughes’ uncle, Rupert Hughes. It was based on a novel that Rupert Hughes wrote. He had been an author and a playwright and he had been brought to Hollywood in 1918 as sort of an effort that Samuel Goldwyn did to bring famous authors into the movies to try increase the qualities of movies. Rupert Hughes had just fallen in love with Hollywood and once it started being attacked after the scandals of the 1920s, he wanted to defend what he felt was an industry that was getting a bad rap. He wrote this novel and they made a movie out of it called Souls For Sale, and it’s about the daughter of a fire-and-brimstone preacher who escapes her brand new husband, who she has a bad feeling about, and ends up in a movie and immediately becomes a huge star. It basically tells the story of this girl encountering the movie industry, and at every moment where something sort of dirty or scandalous could happen, she actually finds that the people in Hollywood are really hard-working and upstanding citizens and are a higher quality of human than – for instance – her treacherous husband. It’s a really interesting movie. It’s definitely an artifact of its time and place – and you could say that more literally about it than many other movies because it has kind of a documentary element about it. The director really goes out of his way to show you what the studio lots looked like in 1923, and he films other directors like Charlie Chaplin working. It’s a movie that I had never heard of before as I was doing research [for the book], and I think it’s probably the earliest sort of Hollywood movie about Hollywood."


Tyondai Braxton recommended Records by Christian Marclay in Music (curated)

Records by Christian Marclay
Records by Christian Marclay
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Records is a big one for me. When I first moved to New York in 2000, I tried to see him play any time he was playing. Some of my favorite shows I've ever seen were a couple of Marclays performances, solo or with DJ Trio. This record embodies the spirit of those live performances He's another absolute hero of mine – if you haven't seen him perform you should. He played on a Late Night show as this kind of novelty. And this was in 1980. As DJing is, it's just re-contextualising sound, music. But he does it with such a keen ear and there's a point to why he mixes certain things. He destroys the records by putting tape over them. As interesting and as funny as that is but musically, the results he gets from this are really, really exciting. His shows were some of the most exciting shows. I saw him play at a club in New York called Tonic, that closed down years ago, where a lot of new music was played. I saw him play in 2002, when it was him in what was known as DJ Trio which is 3 DJs, playing in the collage-y nature of what he was doing. And it was so mind-blowing. So I was obsessed with him. He was a guy that I had no shame fanboying out with. I'd see him out on the street and I'd go "Hi Christian!" He's a major artist – he did this piece called The Clock, which is toured all over the world. What's that big gallery in London right now? White Cube. He now has installations all over the world for his video art."


ClareR (5686 KP) rated Monogamy in Books

Sep 13, 2020  
Sue Miller | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Monogamy is just the kind of book that I’ve come to learn that I really enjoy. It’s a beautifully written novel about marriage, and what happens to people in the marriage as well as those on the periphery. It’s not all action, it’s not hugely exciting, but it IS compelling and full of characters that you want to get to know.

The main characters, Graham and Annie, are written as real people: not everything they do is particularly likeable. Graham owns a bookshop, Annie is a photographer. They have a daughter together, and a son from Graham’s first marriage. His ex-wife is very much present in their lives, which may seem odd at first, but they all seem to get on well, with no-one feeling threatened by the arrangement.

This is a story mainly about grief. Graham dies and Annie is left to grieve his loss. Then at his funeral, Annie makes a discovery which then causes her to grieve more than just the loss of Graham.

I don’t want to give too much away, but I really did love how the feelings expressed in this book all seemed so relatable (even if you haven’t experienced what the main characters have experienced), and that Annie didn’t feel the need to ruin her daughters or stepsons memories of their father. It was nice just to read a reasoned reaction to Annie’s discovery.

I’ve probably said too much, but it’s tricky writing about this book without disclosing too much of the storyline!

Anyway, many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book. It’s not one that I would have known about without their serialisation, and that would have been a great shame. It’s a wonderful novel.
I finished reading NEW X-MEN: CHILDHOOD'S END Vol 2 this afternoon. Wow! No, seriously, WOW! I thought the first volume had some drama going on, but this volume turned that drama up to eleven!

It's a brutal story, as the New X-Men have to struggle with trying to work as team as well as dealing with their teammates getting killed by Reverend Stryker. Humor is nowhere to be found in this story. From the opening pages' funeral for the "M-Day"/"mutant powers no more" students who perished at the end of the first volume, you can tell you're gonna have a storyline big on the feels!

For me, what really stood out for me was the way Laura Kinney's (X-23) was written, as well as the students' reactions to all the ensuing chaos. We can see some of the students starting to think of Laura as one of them, instead of just the token "weird, new kid". I am pleased with Marvel's decision to let Yost and Kyle handle this. Man, I miss GOOD editorial decisions, versus the ham-fisted ones being made of late!

Okay, I am already over-anxious, wanting to go read Vol. 3, as this story arc is like a loose tooth you gotta wiggle. Yes, it's very moody and sombre, but it should be, as this TPB features a hell of lot of death and destruction. Initially, I did not necessarily approve of the basis for the revived X-FORCE, but seeing what these poor kids went through, yeah, the world definitely called for a team that allowed for killing of the Big Bads.

In short, read this, but definitely read Vol. 1 first!

<b>RATING:</b> 5 out of 5 SNIKTS
Have Yourself a Beary Little Murder
Have Yourself a Beary Little Murder
Meg Macy | 2019 | Mystery
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Who Killed Santa Bear?
This December is proving to be especially busy for Sasha Silverman. Not only are there the usual activities in town, but the Silver Bear Shop and Factory has won a prize with their design for a Beary Potter bear, and they are rushing to meet demand in time for Christmas. So, the last thing that Sasha needs is to get involved in a murder, but that’s just what happens. The highlight of the annual Christmas parade is Santa Bear, and once again this year, the town’s mayor, Cal Bloom, is playing the part. However, with the parade start time drawing near, no one can find him. Sasha and her mother start searching only to find him dead on a bench in his costume. It appears his death wasn’t natural, so what happened to him? How did he get to the park bench?

The book wastes little time in killing off Mayor Bloom, and we get some good clues and suspects along the way to the logical climax. Sasha and her immediate family are strong characters, and it was great to spend time with them again. The suspects are also good characters. Unfortunately, the rest of the characters are hard to keep straight, but that doesn’t impact following the plot, so it didn’t bother me too much. Despite the cute and cuddly nature of Teddy Bears, this series has always had a bit more bite to it for a cozy, and this book is no exception. However, the Christmas setting adds a festival feel to the book, and I really enjoyed that addition. Heck, I wanted to join the company employee Christmas party – it sounded delightful. And I was drooling over some of the goodies they were eating. If you are ready to get in the Christmas spirit a little early, this is the book for you.

Micah Ulibarri (79 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of STAR WARS Battlefront II in Video Games

Apr 3, 2018  
STAR WARS Battlefront II
STAR WARS Battlefront II
2017 | Shooter
Battlefront II had a lot to contend with this last year. Besides, Battlefront I being a very critically reviewed release, there was a large discussion created that could almost be referred to as a scandal concerning the loot crate system. I'm not here to talk about that. I want to review this game based on what we got.

First off, it's Star Wars. I'm a huge Star Wars fan and as such, I am always willing to buy in to anything no matter what the surrounding conversation may be. I did not buy the original game however due to it not containing a campaign or story mode. I'm usually not a big third person online shooter player so Battlefront I had nothing for me.

The story mode: I absolutely loved the story mode. The characters were originally introduced in the Battlefront: Inferno Squad novel so I was already invested in them. It involved following the continuing story of Iden Version through the end of Return of the Jedi, the 6th movie in the saga.

The plot was fun and engaging and involved not just the main character, but also scenarios in which you play as Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Kylo Ren. Thise were particularly fun because they change up the possible monotony of playing the same character, and also because they are beloved Star Wars characters.

There are also a number of different scenarios besides the basic run and gun you would expect from a third person shooter game. Sometimes there's a lightsaber involved. Also, and a particular favorite of mine: flight simulator in beloved spacecraft. The Millennium Falcon? Xwing? Bespin Cloud Car? You betcha.

The single player is what I bought the game for and I won't lie, that alone was worth my $60. I enjoyed it, it was properly challenging and it paid off even more when the additional chapters were added in December (free of charge).

The multiplayer wasn't as fun for me. I'm not very good against other players and I learned that quickly. I still jump on from time to time and play starfighters, but otherwise, my time with the game has been spent.

If it was just the single player I'd give it a 9. Total game is dropped due to me not enjoying the multiplayer so much.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated JCVD (Van Dammage) (2008) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 22, 2019)  
JCVD (Van Dammage) (2008)
JCVD (Van Dammage) (2008)
2008 | Action, Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Jean-Claude Van Damme has pretty much always been known as a cliche action movie star. He's known for his skills in various different types of martial arts and if you haven't seen any of his films, you can pretty much figure out what they're heavy on (and more than likely light on) considering his talents. Along comes JCVD, a film that tells the story of what it's like to be a washed up action star. Between his money problems and his ongoing custody battle for his daughter with his ex-wife, Van Damme has a full plate. So he decides to travel to Belgium, his homeland, to reconnect with his parents and hopefully just get away from all the headaches that come with living a Hollywood lifestyle. Then, a simple trip to the post office turns into a nightmare as Van Damme realizes he may not be walking out of there alive.

JCVD shows a side of Van Damme that nobody has really seen before. His acting chops take center stage this time around and it's incredible how much range he actually has. He's able to showcase the fact that he has a lot more talent than fans or the moviegoing audience actually gave him credit for. There's a six minute monologue that might just be the best scene in the film. You can hear the pain in Van Damme's voice as the anguish he's going through bleeds through the words spilling from his mouth. Tears stream down his face as his face wrenches in torment. And then as quickly as the monologue begins, it ends. The scene itself, along with the way it was pulled off, is really the most memorable part of the film for me.

JCVD highlights all of the potential Jean-Claude Van Damme has as an actor. Not as an action movie star, but as a legitimate actor. Don't go into this expecting the usual bone breaking or face bashing someone may find in a film that Van Damme is usually found in. This film has a kick to it and not in the literal sense. It's an unexpected surprise that could put Van Damme back on top of his game, if played right. It could certainly do for him what The Wrestler did for Mickey Rourke. People who aren't fans of Van Damme's work will more than likely still enjoy this if they're willing to give it a chance.